GE Identity Program: These Guidelines Apply To All Users of 'S Primary Trademarks and Service Marks

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GE Identity Program

Service Marks
These guidelines apply to all users of GE’s primary
trademarks and service marks.

It is essential to safeguard all GE marks. Unlike

patents, which are protected by government action,
trademarks and service marks are protected only by
continued and proper use—not official registration.
Registration of a mark in the U.S. Patent & Trade-
mark Office merely establishes certain procedural
rights in the mark and, in the case of a dispute,
makes it easier to defend exclusive rights.

Therefore, it is imperative that we use the marks

correctly ourselves and make sure that the resellers
Trademarks &
and licensees authorized to use them also under-
stand and practice proper use.

Primary Trademarks & Service Marks 121.01

Definitions Using Primary Marks 121.02

trademark or service mark Corporate Marks 121.03
a word, symbol, or any combination of these
Marks Used by Affiliates 121.05
used to identify and distinguish the products or
services of one company from those of another Corporate Marks & Trade Names
outside the U.S.A. 121.06
Trademarks and service marks, which are often
Used by Outsiders 121.09
referred to as marks, may be
• word marks, consisting of letters, words, or phrases “General Electric” in a Graphic Signature 121.12
• design marks, consisting of symbols, logotypes, or
other distinctive visual devices

“GE” in block letters is a word mark, and the Mono-

gram and the RCA logotype are design marks.

Marks may also function as either

• primary marks identifying a broad range of the
Company's products or services
• secondary marks identifying a single product or
service or a narrow range of products or services

Thus, the word mark “GE” in block letters and

the design mark of the Monogram are primary
corporate marks because they identify many
unrelated products and services that have the
same corporate origin. The word marks “Space-
maker” and “Carry Cool” are secondary marks that
are specific to only certain product lines, not to
the products or services of the Company generally.

trade name
a word or phrase used in the trade to designate a
business or firm rather than individual products
or services

Note: The Company’s legal name, “General

Electric Company,” serves as a trade name. Also,
the words “General Electric” and “GE” serve as
trade names when they refer to the Company
but serve as word marks when they refer to the
Company’s products and services.

GE Identity Program 121, Primary Trademarks & Service Marks GE Identity Website:
GE Identity Hotline: 800 654-2696 or 518 869-2824 (DC: 232-2696)
Using Primary Marks 121.02

In all applications, use design marks according In copy, use word • Distinguish primary word marks. Word marks
to these guidelines: marks according to should be visually differentiated from other
these guidelines: words in printed material every time they appear.
• Use design marks prominently. Take advantage
Although there are a number of ways to accom-
of their selling power by • Typeset the word
plish this, the recommended method is to
- reproducing them in strong contrast to the mark in the same
- capitalize only the first letter of each word in the mark
background style, weight, and size
and use lowercase letters for the balance of the word mark
- placing them away from all other words and as surrounding copy.
(unless the word mark is composed of initials,
Note: Company such as “GE” or “RCA”)
• Use marks on even and unpatterned or subdued design marks may - use all lowercase letters for the generic name that
backgrounds. Do not display marks on patterned not be used in any follows the word mark
or distracting backgrounds because such use phrase or sentence,
For example,
diminishes their strength and legibility. and neither a word
mark nor a design Use:
(Note: The Dynamic Monogram, as discussed on
mark may be used as GE® refrigerators Hotpoint® refrigerators
page 03, functions as graphic support to a full
a novelty punctua-
Monogram used in a graphic signature. As such, Do not use:
tion device in head-
it is reproduced in a subtle color of low contrast to GE® Refrigerators HOTPOINT® refrigerators
lines or text.
the background, and typography may overprint it.)
• Do not use a word mark as a noun. Instead, use
• Keep design marks free from other design a generic name for the product or service imme-
elements. The Company’s design marks are diately following the word mark. For example,
designs in themselves. Encircling them with
words, graphic designs, shading, or outlines
“GE refrigerators are good investments.”
alters the design and consequently jeopardizes
the impact as well as the exclusive rights gained Do not use:
from years of consistent display. “The GE is a good investment.”
• Do not use any mark to form a border, back- Follow this guideline at least the first time the
ground pattern, or object. name is used to refer to Company products or
services and as often thereafter as is practical.
• Always use authorized reproduction proofs
of Company design marks, available from the • Do not make a word mark plural or possessive.
GE Identity Website or Hotline. Special materials (Note: When a name is used to refer to the Com-
for reproducing the Monogram in computer, pany rather than its products or services, it is a
video, and large-scale applications are also trade name and may be used in the possessive form.
available from the Website or Hotline. For example, “GE’s strategy” is an acceptable use
of the trade name “GE” in the possessive form.)

• Do not use a word mark as an adjective to modify

any word other than a generic name for one of
the Company’s products or services.

• Do not use the Company’s primary word marks

immediately preceding the Company’s secondary
word marks because such use would suggest that
another company has a product or service with
the same secondary word mark. For example,

Spacemaker® microwave oven

Do not use:
GE Spacemaker® microwave oven

GE Identity Program 121, Primary Trademarks & Service Marks GE Identity Website:
GE Identity Hotline: 800 654-2696 or 518 869-2824 (DC: 232-2696)
Corporate Marks 121.03

GE has three corporate marks, with authorized Monogram

forms and formats for each. The availability of

multiple versions provides flexibility to ensure
prominent display of the corporate marks.

The corporate marks are the

• Monogram GE Plastics
• block letter initials “GE”
• General Electric Signature

Each of the corporate marks is covered by trade- When the Monogram When the Monogram
mark and service mark registrations in the is used as an element is used as optional
United States and most other countries. of a graphic signature graphic support,
(the fundamental visual a portion of the Mono-
Use of these marks is generally limited to
device used to identify gram is used, usually
• GE components
the Company and its large and bled off the
• affiliated companies licensed to use the marks
components, subcompo- format. When used
• resellers of GE products
nents, and licensed affil- in this capacity, it is
GE components have full use of the initials iates and the GE brand referred to as the
“GE” and the Monogram, subject to the controls of products and services “Dynamic Monogram”
and standards contained in this document and in all media), it is and is subject to the
documents referred to as the controls and standards
• 131, Graphic Signatures “signature Monogram” detailed in document
• 132, Color and is subject to the 134, Dynamic Monogram.
• 134, Dynamic Monogram controls and standards
Note: A graphic signa-
detailed in documents
Resellers have limited use of the corporate ture containing the full
• 131, Graphic Signatures
marks, as authorized in writing, since unqualified Monogram must always
• 132, Color
use could easily cause confusion over responsibil- be used with the
ity for products and services. Guidelines for Dynamic Monogram.
resellers begin on page 09.

Guidelines for affiliates appear on page 05.

Block Letter Initials The initials “GE” are a
registered word mark.
When combined with
a generic name for a
GE product or service and
used in a graphic signa-
ture, the initials are
typeset in Univers 68,
according to the guide-
lines in document 131,
Graphic Signatures.

Note: “GE” may not be

used with a secondary
word mark.


GE Identity Program 121, Primary Trademarks & Service Marks GE Identity Website:
GE Identity Hotline: 800 654-2696 or 518 869-2824 (DC: 232-2696)
Corporate Marks, continued 121.04

General Electric Signature GENERAL g E LE CT R I C g

Although not widely used in media, the General
Electric Signature (the name “General Electric”
typeset in all capital sans serif letters with the
Monogram positioned between or centered In the horizontal arrange- In the vertical arrange-
above the words) is used in certain applications ment, the letters ment, the Monogram
in accordance with prevailing Company policy. “GENERAL ELECTRIC” is separated from the
are reproduced in a word “GENERAL,” and
Note: Before using the General Electric
straight line, with all the word “GENERAL”
Signature in any application, contact:
elements of the signa- is separated from the
Manager – Corporate Advertising & Identity
ture shown in their word “ELECTRIC,” by
GE Corporate Marketing Communications
proper relationship to a space equal to 1⁄ 2 the
Fairfield, Connecticut
each other. A line capital height of the
The two authorized arrangements of the General drawn tangent to the letters. The letters of
Electric Signature are shown at the right. bottom of the initials of the word “ELECTRIC”
the Monogram is paral- are spaced to equal the
lel to a line through the length of the word
center of the words. “GENERAL.”

There are two authorized reproduction forms for

the General Electric Signature:

• In the positive form, the Monogram letters/curlicues

appear in a light value against a dark field, and the
words “GENERAL ELECTRIC” appear in the same
dark value as the field.

• In the reverse form, the Monogram letters/curlicues

are reproduced in a light value against a dark field
(as in the positive form), but the dark value used in
the field is also used in the background surround-
ing the entire signature, and the words “GENERAL
ELECTRIC” are reversed from the background in a
light value.

GE Identity Program 121, Primary Trademarks & Service Marks GE Identity Website:
GE Identity Hotline: 800 654-2696 or 518 869-2824 (DC: 232-2696)
Marks Used by Affiliates 121.05

These guidelines GE Trade Name & Trademarks GE Secondary Marks

apply to affiliates,
An affiliate may be licensed to use either the Affiliates must obtain the right to use any GE
both inside and out-
words “General Electric” or the initials “GE” in its secondary mark from the U.S. business responsible
side the U.S.A., that
name or to use a corporate mark alone. A joint for the mark.
are licensed to use
venture may be licensed to use the Monogram
GE marks. Use these Use of a secondary mark with a corporate mark
with the joint venture partner’s mark as joint
guidelines in addition outside the U.S.A. follows the same guidelines
marks. All affiliates may use the phrase “Affiliated
to those for selecting, that apply inside the U.S.A.
with General Electric Company, U.S.A.”
using, and protecting
See also document 122, Secondary Trademarks
marks in documents Business, legal, and environmental factors deter-
& Service Marks.
• 121, Primary Trade- mine whether an affiliate may be licensed to use
marks & Service Marks any of the preceding categories of trademarks
Affiliate Company Marks
• 122, Secondary Trade- and service marks.
marks & Service Marks Affiliate companies may adopt their own primary
The Company component responsible for the
and secondary marks and, consequently, are
affiliate requesting a license should consult these
responsible for their use and protection. Use and
documents for information on eligibility require-
protection rules should be detailed in writing
ments, risk analysis, and approval authority:
and communicated to the Corporate Trademark
• 123, Trade Names, Trademarks, & the GE Identity
• 341, Name & Trademark Practices for Affiliates Affiliate companies should follow the principles
covering the adoption and use of secondary
Stationery & Business Forms marks, including adopting only a secondary word
mark with definite marketing value and keeping
Affiliates may use the mark licensed to them pro-
the mark subordinate to the corporate mark.
vided that the name of the affiliate is also shown.
Joint marks used by joint ventures must always be See also documents
separate from the address and other information. • 122, Secondary Trademarks & Service Marks
• 123, Trade Names, Trademarks, & the GE Identity

The Corporate Trademark Counsel keeps central
records of all worldwide registrations of the
Company’s and its affiliates’ marks. To maintain
this register, affiliates should inform the
Corporate Trademark Counsel of all newly
adopted or discontinued marks.

GE Identity Program 121, Primary Trademarks & Service Marks GE Identity Website:
GE Identity Hotline: 800 654-2696 or 518 869-2824 (DC: 232-2696)
Corporate Marks & Trade Names 121.06
outside the U.S.A.

GE products, both those manufactured in the Standard Trademark • Form 1

U.S.A. and those manufactured outside the U.S.A. Protection Notice Follow a corporate mark with an asterisk
by licensed affiliates, are sold in markets through- referring to one of these statements in the
A number of coun-
out the world under primary and secondary official language of the country:
tries require a notice
marks registered worldwide in the name of *Registered Trademark of General Electric Company, U.S.A.
of trademark
General Electric Company.
registration, and an *Trademark Proprietor General Electric Company, U.S.A.
The Company trademarks may be used in all indication that the *Trademark of General Electric Company, U.S.A.
countries outside the U.S.A., subject to local marks are owned by
restrictions, by General Electric Licensees may use this statement:
• GE components Company is required *GE trademarks licensed from General Electric Company,
• GE affiliates licensed to use the marks in all license agree- U.S.A.

(Use by affiliates is generally the same as use by ments. It is therefore

GE components, except as detailed on page 05.) best to make it stan- • Form 2
dard practice to use Use this statement without an asterisk:
Only in exceptional situations should the corpo-
one of the following
rate marks be translated into other languages. Registered Trademark of
forms of notice in all General Electric Company, U.S.A.
Similarly, in text the trade names “GE,” “General
countries, particularly
Electric,” and “General Electric Company”
in printed matter.
should remain in English whenever possible. • Form 3
Use one of the “Registered Trademark” phrases:
Since trademark laws vary from country to country,
follow the special requirements for the use of - In English-speaking countries, display the words
marks outside the U.S.A., as listed at the right. “Reg. Trademark” in English below the
Monogram (when used alone or in a graphic
signature) or below the word “Electric” in the
General Electric Signature.

- When material is printed in any of the following

languages, use the appropriate phrase below the
Monogram (when used alone or in a graphic
signature) or below the word “Electric” in the
General Electric Signature:

Spanish Marca Registrada or M.R.

Italian Marchio Registrato
Dutch Wettig Gedepondeerd
Norwegian Registret Varemerke
Portuguese Marca Registrada
French Marque Deposée

- For translations not listed here, consult your counsel.

• Form 4
When there is inadequate space to follow the
mark with an asterisk and an official statement
in Germany, Denmark, and Sweden, use the
® symbol just above and to the right of the
Monogram (when used alone or in a graphic
signature) or just above and to the right of the
General Electric Signature.

GE Identity Program 121, Primary Trademarks & Service Marks GE Identity Website:
GE Identity Hotline: 800 654-2696 or 518 869-2824 (DC: 232-2696)
Corporate Marks & Trade Names 121.09
Used by Outsiders

Independent Resellers Reseller Trademark Use

GE’s franchised distributors, dealers, and other • Resellers may use the corporate trademarks only
resellers are an extremely important part of the in direct association with names or illustrations of
Company’s marketing effort. They advertise the GE products handled, the services rendered,
and show GE products, explain GE services, take or the products themselves.
orders, make deliveries, and receive payments.
• The Company’s primary and secondary trade-
Even though they play an essential role in sales
marks and the names “GE” and “General Electric”
through secondary channels, they are not part
may not be incorporated into a reseller’s name.
of the Company.
• The trademarks may not be used in any way that
Resellers must be authorized to use the corpo-
might mislead or confuse the public as to the
rate trademarks to promote sales of GE products.
independent relationship of the reseller to GE.
The selling power of GE marks contributes to
To help clarify this relationship, the legend
their business success and consequently to the
“Authorized Dealer” or “Distributor” must be
displayed with the trademark and applicable
To realize these benefits and to protect proprietary product names.
rights, resellers must understand what constitutes
• All GE identification must be less prominent
proper use. It is the responsibility of each
than the name of the reseller.
Company component to educate its resellers on
correct trademark use and monitor and control
Reseller Stationery
resellers. Do not grant privileges of trademark
use casually. Privileges customarily are granted in Resellers may use GE identification on their
writing, usually as a provision of a dealer or sales stationery and business forms. The written agree-
contract that has had legal review. ment or sales contract should outline specific use.

On letterheads, envelopes, and invoices,

resellers may
Additional guidelines for the • display the Monogram, alone or combined with
use of the corporate marks a secondary word mark in a graphic signature,
and trade names by resellers
along with the names of the products handled
and examples of correct use
appear in document 360, • display the Monogram with the full “Authorized
Sales & Service Businesses Dealer” (or “Distributor” or “Service”) legend,
Trademark & Graphic System which includes the names of the products sold
Practices. or services rendered
• use the dealer sign format to include the Monogram,
the name of the product handled, and the legend

Regardless of the form used, the GE trademark

must always be less prominent than the reseller
or agent identification.


GE Identity Program 121, Primary Trademarks & Service Marks GE Identity Website:
GE Identity Hotline: 800 654-2696 or 518 869-2824 (DC: 232-2696)
Corporate Marks & Trade Names 121.10
Used by Outsiders, continued

Customers Plates, Tags, & Labels

Prepared & Supplied by GE to OEMs
Industrial and commercial customers frequently
When GE components supply plates, tags, or labels
ask to use the corporate trademarks on products
to a customer OEM, these Company-prepared
and in their advertising and sales promotion
attachments should follow these guidelines:
materials. Although the success of a customer’s
business is of interest to GE, unqualified use of • The only trademark that may be used is the
the trademarks could easily cause confusion over Monogram alone.
responsibility for products and services and
• Make sure that the “equipped with” statement
threaten exclusive ownership rights.
and the Monogram are less prominent than the
Therefore, as a general rule, customers should OEM name or trademark on the complete product.
not be granted use of the corporate trademarks.
• The Monogram must be subordinate to the
However, in the interest of maintaining satisfac-
“equipped with” statement.
tory customer relations and promoting GE
products, authorization is granted for these • Supply the OEM with the same number of attach-
limited uses: ments as products. When the GE product is a
material sold in bulk, establish suitable standards
Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) for determining the number of attachments to
Customers & Their Dealers be supplied.

On request, a manufacturer whose products use • Tags and labels must be removable and obviously
GE components, products, materials, or sub- impermanent.
assemblies may be authorized to attach a perma-
• OEM customers may not use the corporate trade-
nent information plate to the products naming
marks on product packaging. On customers’
the GE products or materials included. When the
packages, reference to the products supplied by
plate clarifies information such as warranty
GE should be a factual statement, such as
coverage or service channels, it can benefit GE.
“Equipped with GE Motor.”
When the OEM prepares the plate, the plate
The Company organization supplying plates,
should include only the Company name, not the
tags, or labels must detail limitations in writing
trademarks. All plates prepared by OEMs must be
to avoid any confusion. The agreement must
approved by the responsible Company component.
state that the OEM or its distributors or dealers
OEM customers may not be authorized to use will not use GE trademarks in advertising or
GE trademarks on product packaging or in their promotion.
advertising and promotion. On customers’ pack-
The Company organization selling the compo-
ages, references to the products supplied by GE
nent product is responsible for taking action if
should be confined to nonprominent use of the
its customers or customers’ resellers abuse privi-
name “GE” in a factual statement, such as
leges of use or if misrepresentation occurs.
“Equipped with GE motor.”

GE Identity Program 121, Primary Trademarks & Service Marks GE Identity Website:
GE Identity Hotline: 800 654-2696 or 518 869-2824 (DC: 232-2696)
Corporate Marks & Trade Names 121.11
Used by Outsiders, continued

Suppliers Builders, Developers, & General Contractors

Suppliers of materials, equipment, and services Builders who sell homes and buildings equipped
often ask to use the corporate marks to advertise with GE products may be authorized to display
and promote the sale of their products or services. the Monogram, with names or illustrations of the
GE products installed, on site signs and in their
Suppliers may not be granted permission to use
advertising. GE components should define trade-
the corporate marks in any application.
mark use according to the following guidelines
When reference to the Company is appropriate, in the sales or supplemental agreement:
suppliers may be authorized to include the
• The Monogram may be used only in direct
Company trade name, “GE” (or “General Electric”),
association with the names or illustrations of the
without emphasis in a properly worded state-
GE products installed.
ment or listing. For authorization to use such a
reference, contact: • The GE trademark and generic name of the
Manager – Corporate Advertising & Identity product must be separate from and subordinate
GE Corporate Marketing Communications to the name of the building project and developer.
Fairfield, Connecticut
• The Monogram may be used with inclusive
generic names such as “Kitchen” or “All-Electric
Home” only if all installed appliances are made
by GE.

To ensure correct use and high-quality display

of the Monogram, Company components should
supply builder customers with official reproduc-
tion materials (for computer artwork, GE Logo
Font; for mechanical artwork, reproduction
proofs) available from the GE Identity Website or

Commercial Institutions

Restaurants, hotels, and stores often use

GE products and would like to advertise the
convenience, comfort, or value GE products
add to the services they offer.

To avoid confusing the public regarding owner-

ship of the store or responsibility for the services,
commercial users may not use corporate marks
in their advertising or sales promotions. Instead,
commercial users should be encouraged to
include “GE” in a factual statement referring to
the GE product or service used.

GE Identity Program 121, Primary Trademarks & Service Marks GE Identity Website:
GE Identity Hotline: 800 654-2696 or 518 869-2824 (DC: 232-2696)
“General Electric” 121.12
in a Graphic Signature

The name “General Electric” may be displayed in
a graphic signature where there is a compelling
reason to use the name “General Electric” rather
than “GE.” Such use should be adopted only after
obtaining authorization, as noted here.
General Electric
As a general rule, use of “General Electric” in a
graphic signature is strongly discouraged because
it contradicts fundamental goals of the GE Identity
Program. One program objective is to build aware-
ness of the Company and its diversity in all markets
where its products or services are sold by using its
well-known communicative name, “GE,” combined

with a generic description of those products or ser-
vices. As noted in document 301, Component Names,
the name “General Electric” is misleading; the word
General Electric “General” does not convey the focused strategy of
the Company, nor does the word “Electric” convey
the growing nonelectrical businesses within the
Company. As well as being a familiar name, “GE”
is more encompassing and thus more accurate.

Therefore, even in markets where the long trade

name is better known today, “GE” is preferred
so that in the future, this short and accurate name
will be the single name by which the Company
is best known around the world.

Note: Before first use, obtain authorization to use

“General Electric” in a graphic signature from:
Manager – Corporate Advertising & Identity
GE Corporate Marketing Communications
Fairfield, Connecticut
General Electric
For signature construction drawings and general
guidelines, see document 131, Graphic Signatures.
For guidelines on the use of graphic signatures in
specific media, see document 200, Application Standards.

GE Identity Program 121, Primary Trademarks & Service Marks GE Identity Website:
GE Identity Hotline: 800 654-2696 or 518 869-2824 (DC: 232-2696)
Glossary 110.10

affiliate communicative name

an independent legal entity that is separate and the informal name of the Company or one of its
distinct from the Company, in which the Com- organizational elements, used in conversation,
pany or one of its components or affiliates holds a copy, and graphic signatures. It does not contain
direct or indirect ownership interest legal terms such as “Company,” “Inc.,” or “Ltd.”
(For example, the communicative name of the
affiliate naming process
General Electric Company is “GE.”)
the method by which names are developed for
acquired affiliates, using the five-level naming component
scheme and the naming decision tree a wholly owned organizational element of the
(See document 341, Name & Trademark Practices Company that operates without a separate board
for Affiliates, pages 21 to 27.) of directors

application having the characteristic of type compressed
an item of promotional or permanent media in width (For example, this sentence is typeset in
a condensed typeface.)
the area surrounding an image; specifically, corporate color
the area surrounding the Monogram Platinum Grey or Laser Red
(See document 132, Color, page 02.)
the alignment point of letterforms along their corporate mark
bottom edges a word mark or design mark used to designate
the GE brand of products or services, including
• the Monogram
to reproduce so the image continues off the format
• the block letter initials “GE”
brand or brand mark • the General Electric Signature
synonym for word mark or design mark (See document 121, Primary Trademarks & Service
Marks, pages 03 to 11.)
capital height
the vertical dimension of an uppercase letter design mark
measured from its top to its base perpendicular a symbol, logotype, or other visual device
to the baseline adopted and used by the Company to designate
its products or services and differentiate them
capital letter
from any others. A design mark is usually
a large or uppercase letter as distinct from
protected by registration in the U.S. Patent &
a lowercase letter in the alphabet
Trademark Office (for example, the Monogram,
the NBC Peacock, the RCA logotype).
(See document 121, Primary Trademarks & Service
Marks, page 01.)

Dynamic Monogram
one of the authorized drawings of only a portion
of the Monogram, used as graphic support in
program applications
(See document 134, Dynamic Monogram.)


GE Identity Program 110, Program Overview GE Identity Website:

GE Identity Hotline: 800 654-2696 or 518 869-2824 (DC: 232-2696)
Glossary, continued 110.11

field generic name

the area within the Monogram, excluding a name consisting of common words not
the letters/curlicues and including the outline circle protected by trademark registration
of the positive Monogram
graphic signature
(See document 131, Graphic Signatures, page 30.)
the fundamental visual expression of identity,
five-level naming scheme usually consisting of three elements,
a tool used in the affiliate naming process that • the signature Monogram
includes five types of names, each communicating • signature typography
a specific degree of association between the • the Laser Line
Company and an affiliate configured in one of the acceptable arrangements
(See document 341, Name & Trademark Practices (See document 131, Graphic Signatures.)
for Affiliates, pages 22 and 23.)
graphic support
a visual element used in a layout to enhance
flush left the verbal message conveyed in a graphic signature
aligned at a common left margin or other typography such as a title or headline
(See visually flush left.) (for example, a photograph, an illustration,
a thematic graphic, the Dynamic Monogram)
an area in which elements of identification, grid
such as graphic signatures and other graphic and an underlying structure used to organize
typographic elements, are placed elements in a layout

four-color process italic

a method of reproducing full color by separating having the characteristic of type with main
the desired colors into screen values of the strokes slanting to the right (For example,
primary ink colors—magenta, cyan, and yellow— this sentence is typeset in an italic typeface.)
and black, and printing them in combination
joint marks
GE color palette the Monogram combined with an affiliate mark,
one of the three groups of colors used in used to identify a joint venture
program applications (See document 341, Name & Trademark Practices
(See document 132, Color, pages 03 to 05.) for Affiliates, pages 32 to 35.)

General Electric Signature

the name “General Electric” typeset in all capital joint project
sans serif letters with the Monogram placed between an ad hoc relationship between GE and another
or centered above the words in the name company to handle a project, bid a job, market
(See document 121, Primary Trademarks & Service a product, and so on
Marks, page 04.) (See document 344, Name & Trademark Practices
for Joint Projects.)

joint venture
an independent business entity jointly owned
by GE and one or more partners who cooperate
in managing it
(See document 341, Name & Trademark Practices
for Affiliates, pages 30 to 39.)


GE Identity Program 110, Program Overview GE Identity Website:

GE Identity Hotline: 800 654-2696 or 518 869-2824 (DC: 232-2696)
Glossary, continued 110.12

Laser Line margin

the fine horizontal line used as an element of the area in a format usually kept clear of running text
graphic signatures
(See document 131, Graphic Signatures, page 36.)
synonym for word mark or design mark
Laser Red (See document 121, Primary Trademarks & Service
the corporate color often used in the Laser Line, Marks, page 01.)
the standard for which is shown and specified
match color
in document 560, Color Samples
a color reproduced using a specially mixed ink
(See document 132, Color, page 02.)
instead of four-color process
the arrangement of graphic and typographic
forms of communication
elements within a format
legal name
the authorized drawing of the trademark design,
the formal name under which the Company
containing the initials “GE” in script lettering
or one of its organizational elements operates
enclosed in curlicues forming a circle, that
as a lawfully registered business, generally used
appears in GE Identity Program documents
in media only when required by law, such as in
(See document 131, Graphic Signatures, page 30.)
the address block on letterheads and in contracts,
proposals, and agreements. A legal name often naming decision tree
contains legal terms such as “Company,” “Inc.,” a tool used in the affiliate naming process
or “Ltd.” A legal name is not used in a graphic consisting of a succession of questions, the
signature. (For example, the legal name of GE answers to which assist in selecting from the
is “General Electric Company.”) five-level naming scheme
(See document 341, Name & Trademark Practices
for Affiliates, pages 24 and 25.)
the script lettering of “GE” plus the scrolls
that form a circle around the lettering in the
Monogram (used as an abbreviated reference) outline circle
(See document 131, Graphic Signatures, page 30.) the outside line surrounding the letters/curlicues
in the positive form of the Monogram
(See document 131, Graphic Signatures, page 30.)
the space between letters in a word
line spacing
the space between lines of typography

linear Dynamic Monogram

one of the authorized drawings of the Dynamic
Monogram in which the field is composed of fine
horizontal lines
(See document 134, Dynamic Monogram, pages
06 and 07.)

lowercase letter
a small letter as distinct from a capital letter
in the alphabet

GE Identity Program 110, Program Overview GE Identity Website:

GE Identity Hotline: 800 654-2696 or 518 869-2824 (DC: 232-2696)
Glossary, continued 110.13

permanent media ® symbol (registered trademark symbol)

forms of communication that do not convey the letter R within a circle (®) used to indicate
changing promotional messages and are there- that a trademark or service mark is registered in the
fore designed once and reproduced without U.S. Patent & Trademark Office
significant change (for example, stationery, (See document 120, Trademark Practices &
business forms, signs, vehicles, product identifi- Protections.)
cation, shipping cartons)
ragged right
pica typeset so two or more lines of typography are
the basic typographic unit of measure used not aligned at the right margin
in GE Identity Program documents, equal to
l reverse
⁄ 6 inch
being light in value against a dark background
Platinum Grey
the corporate color often used in the
having the characteristic of type with main
Monogram and signature typography, the standard
strokes perpendicular to the baseline
for which is shown and specified in document
(For example, both this word and this word are
560, Color Samples
typeset in a roman typeface.)
(See document 132, Color, page 02.)
sans serif
having no serifs (For example, this sentence is
the smallest typographic unit of measure used
typeset in a sans serif typeface.)
in GE Identity Program documents, equal to
⁄ 12 pica screen
a device used in printing to decrease color
intensity by reproducing fine dots of the color,
being dark in value against a light background
specified as a percentage of the selected color
primary mark (For example, a 30 percent screen of black
a design mark or word mark used to designate simulates a medium grey.)
a broad range of the Company’s products or
secondary word mark
a word mark used to designate single (or a narrow
(See document 121, Primary Trademarks &
range of) products or services (for example,
Service Marks.)
Carry Cool®, Spacemaker®) that is normally displayed
program application with a primary design mark such as the Monogram
an item of promotional or permanent media (See document 122, Secondary Trademarks &
prepared according to the GE Identity Program Service Marks.)
standards and guidelines
program typography having a fine line finishing off the main strokes
the typeface series Univers and ITC New of a letter (For example, this sentence is typeset
Baskerville (including their standard specifica- in a serif typeface.)(See sans serif.)
tion as defined in document 133, Typography)
service mark
used in all program applications
a word mark or design mark used to designate a service
promotional media (See document 121, Primary Trademarks & Service
forms of communication that are frequently Marks, page 01.)
redesigned to convey changing messages
(for example, advertising, print, sales promo-
tion, packaging)

GE Identity Program 110, Program Overview GE Identity Website:

GE Identity Hotline: 800 654-2696 or 518 869-2824 (DC: 232-2696)
Glossary, continued 110.14

signature content uppercase letter

the message contained in the typography in a large or capital letter as distinct from a lowercase
a graphic signature letter in the alphabet
(See document 131, Graphic Signatures, pages
value (of a color)
06 to 09.)
the relative darkness or lightness of a color
signature Monogram
visually flush left
the Monogram used in a graphic signature
aligned at a common left margin so that forms
(See document 131, Graphic Signatures, page 30.)
that do not have straight, vertical left sides are
signature typography placed slightly into the margin to give the
the typesetting used in a graphic signature appearance of alignment at the correct point
(See document 131, Graphic Signatures, pages (See flush left.)
31 to 35.)
stroke the boldness of a typographic element such as
an element of a typographic form, usually drawn a letter or a line, measured according to the
in one movement (For example, the letter “M” thickness of its main strokes
consists of four strokes.)
word mark
™ symbol (trademark symbol) a word or phrase adopted and used by the
the capital letters (™) used to indicate that Company to designate its products or services
a name or design is claimed as a trademark and to differentiate them from any others.
(See document 120, Trademark Practices & A word mark is usually protected by registration
Protections.) in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office
(for example, GE®, Hotpoint®, RCA®, Signa®,
thematic graphic
an image suggesting an idea about the Company
(See document 121, Primary Trademarks & Service
or its organizational parts, used in promotional media
Marks, page 01.)
(See document 243, Promotional Brochures, page 11.)
word spacing
the space between words
a word mark or design mark used to designate
a product or a line of products
(See document 121, Primary Trademarks & Service
Marks, page 01.)

trade name
a word or phrase used in a trade to designate
a business or firm rather than individual products
or services
(See document 121, Primary Trademarks & Service
Marks, page 01.)

GE Identity Program 110, Program Overview GE Identity Website:

GE Identity Hotline: 800 654-2696 or 518 869-2824 (DC: 232-2696)

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