Well Control Constants

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Here's how it is derived:

(pi constant/4) x 12 in x (1 cu. ft./1728 cu. in) x (7.48 gal/cu. ft.( x (1 bbl/42 gal)

then invert the answer and you'll get 1029.4

If the length / height of a 1" diameter cylinder / hole is 1 foot (12 inches) then the volume, pi x radius
squared x height, is:

[3.1416 x (1/2)squared x 12] cubic inches = 9.4248 cubic inches where pi is Archimedes's constant,


[3.1416 x 1/4 x 12] divided by [12 x 12 x12] cubic feet = 0.005454166667 cubic feet

Now as 5.6146 cubic feet = 1 barrel then a cylinder / gauge hole of 1" diameter & 1 foot in height has
a volume:

0.005454166667 / 5.6146 = 0.0009714256878 bbls

If the 1" diameter hole is of any length then the volume in barrels is the length measured in feet x
0.0009714256878 bbls per foot


the length divided by the reciprocal 1029.41482 feet per bbl.

Consequently for any diameter measured in inches the volume is usually given as diameter squared /
1029.4 since 1029.4 is easier to remember than 0.0009714256878....

Example 20" diameter hole has a capacity of

[3.1416 x (20/2)squared x 12/12 x 12 x 12] divided by 5.6146 = 0.388570275 bbls per foot


(20)2 / 1029.41482 = 0.388570275 bbls per foot.

Pore pressure gradient is a dimensional petrophysical term used by drilling engineers during
the design of drilling programs for drilling (constructing) oil and gas wells into the earth. It is the
pressure gradient inside the pore space of the rock column from the surface of the ground down
to total depth (TD), as compared to the pressure gradient of seawater in deep water.

Whereas in "pure math," the gradient of a scalar function expressed by the math notation grad(f)
may not have physical units associated with it; in drilling engineering the pore pressure gradient
is usually expressed in API-type International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC)
physical units of measurement, namely "psi per foot."

In the well-known formula

P = 0.052 * mud weight * total vertical depth

taught in almost all petroleum engineering courses worldwide, the mud weight (MW) is
expressed in pounds per U.S. gallon, and the total vertical depth (TVD) is expressed in feet, and
0.052 is a conversion constant that can be derived by dimensional analysis later. This is pretty
lazy considering:

It would be more accurate to divide by 19.25.[clarification needed]

Therefore, for a column of fresh water of 8.33 pounds per gallon (lb/U.S. gal) standing still
hydrostatically in a 41,000 foot vertical cased wellbore from top to bottom (vertical hole), the
pressure gradient would be

grad(P) = pressure gradient = 0.052 * 8.33 = 0.433 psi/ft

and the hydrostatic bottom hole pressure (BHP) is then

BHP = grad(P) * TVD = 0.43316 * 41,000 = 17,759 psi

However, the pore pressure is usually much greater than a column of fresh water, and can be as
much as 19 lb/U.S. gal (e.g., in Iran). For an onshore vertical wellbore with an exposed open
hole interval at 41,000 feet with a pore pressure gradient of 19 lb/U.S. gal, the BHP would be

BHP = pore pres grad * TVD = 0.052 * 19 * 44,000 = 43,500 psi

These are the most important and basic math calculations in almost all well control courses
taught worldwide, for the prevention of oil and gas well blowouts.

 Formula for Buoyant Mass m(b)

m(b) = m(object) x (1- (p(fluid)/ p(object)))

m(object)= true mass of the object

p(object)= average density of the object
p(fluid)= average density of the surrounding fluid

If the fluid density is greater than the average density of the object, the object floats. If
less, the object sinks.

 2

Formula for Buoyant Force:

F(buoyant) = -pVg
p = density of the fluid
V = volume of the object being submerged
g = standard gravity on Earth (~ 9.81 N/kg)

 3

Archimedes Principle: "When a solid body is partially or completely immersed in water,

the apparent loss in weight will be equal to the weight of the displaced liquid."

Formula for Density of immersed object relative to the density of the fluid object is
immersed in:

Relative Density = Weight / (Weight - Apparent Immersed Weight)

How to Calculate Buoyant Force

By Anthony Smith, eHow Contributor

I want to do this!

Calculate Buoyant Force

Buoyancy, or buoyant force, is based on Archimedes' Principle. This principle states, "Any object,
wholly or partly immersed in a fluid, is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced
by the object." Archimides' Principle is important in hydro-engineering applications, such as
shipbuilding. The steps below detail how to calculate buoyant force.

Difficulty: Moderate
Things You'll Need:

• Calculator

The Steps

1. 1

Obtain the volume of the object on which you wish to calculate the bouyant force.
We will call this value for the volume "V."

2. 2

Determine what percentage (based on volume) of the object will be submerged in

the water.

3. 3

Convert this percentage to a decimal number. We will call this value "v." For
example; if 100 percent of the object is to be submerged, v= 1.0 . If 50 percent of the
object is to be submersed, v= 0.50 .

4. 4

Substitute this value into the equation for buoyant force:

FB = (V)(v) x (SPH2O)
Where FB = buoyant force and SPH2O = Specific gravity of water (considered
constant at 62.4 lb per cubic foot).

5. 5

Multiply V by v, and then multiply by 62.4 in order to get the value for the buoyant
force, expressed in pounds. Consider the following example of a 2-foot by 2-foot by
2 foot cube to be submersed 25 percent of the way in water.
V = 2*2*2 = 8 cubic feet
v = 25% = 0.25
SPH2O = 62.4 pounds per cubic foot
FB = 8 *0.25 * 62.4 = 124.8 pounds

That's how you calculate buoyant force, and it helps illustrate how those large ships
made of steel can float. That's quite a bit of force needed to push that 2 foot cube
just one fourth of the way in the water!
Read more: How to Calculate Buoyant Force | eHow.com

How to Calculate Gas Mixture Density

By Timothy Banas, eHow Contributor

updated: May 7, 2010

I want to do this!

The density of gas mixtures is somewhat dependent on the volume of their containers.

When you create a mixture of gases, it can be useful to calculate the density of that mixture. To
accurately calculate the density of a gas mixture, you simply need to know the densities of the
individual gases and the volumes of each gas that you put into the mixture. It should be noted that
gas densities are best looked up in references, because weighing gases on a standard scale does
not work due to the buoyant force that air exerts on a gas, skewing the measurements. Just think
about trying to use a scale to measure the mass of the gas in helium balloon.

Difficulty: Moderately Easy

Things You'll Need:

• Calculator

1. 1

Determine the densities of the gases that you will be using to create the gas mixture.
You can find a table that contains the densities of many gases through the link in the
References section below. As an example, imagine that you are making a mixture of
benzene at 3.486 kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m^3) and butylene at 2.5 kg/m^3.

2. 2

Consider the volume of each gas that you added to the mixture. Imagine that you
created the mixture by adding 0.25 m^3 of each gas to a 0.5 m^3 container.

3. 3

Calculate the mass of each gas that you added by multiplying the volumes by their

Mass of benzene = density of benzene x volume of benzene = 3.486 x 00.25 = 0.87


Mass of butylene = density of butylene x volume of butylene = 2.5 x 0.25 = 0.625 kg

4. 4

Add the masses of the two gases together to determine the combined mass of the

Mixture mass = mass of benzene + mass of butylene = 0.87 + 0.625 = 1.495 kg

5. 5

Divide the combined mass of the gas mixture by the volume of the container that it is
in to determine the density of the mixture in the container.

Density of gas mixture = 1.495 kg / 0.5 m^3 = 2.99 kg/m^3.

The density of an equal mixture of benzene and butylene gases would be 2.99
kilograms per cubic meter.

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