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I was putting on my new purple dress the other day, (which I got for £4 in a sale!

) and was thinking about how important it is that we wear clothes. We

need clothes for many reasons. Not just to look good, but to stay warm, to protect ourselves from the wind and rain, and to keep our decency. In a
similar way, there are many reasons we need God, not just because of a warm fuzzy feeling inside your belly when we think about how much he loves us.
Here are just 10 of the reasons why you most definitely need God in your life.

1. Designed for God

God created you with his own hands, so that you would worship him, and only him. Imagine this? You are wonderfully and fearfully made by God. He
spent time, creating you in love, every aspect of your body, he created. Isn't it amazing that you have breath, you have life and he gave you that life?

2. Eternally with God

If you don't know God, you are going to miss out on an eternity of fun! Honestly, think about it.  See Psalm 16:11 which says: " In Your presence is
fullness of joy; At your right hand are pleasures forevermore."

3. Be fulfilled

God is joy and happiness, without him, it's hard to really have either of these things - joy or happiness. Things go wrong all the time, but in him, you can
have the peace that surpasses all understanding and when we get to know God, then we really know what true joy and happiness is.

4. Moral stance

Without God, there is no need or point to trying to live a morally ‘good' life, because God sets the ultimate right and wrong. God has given us clear
guidelines so that we can live a life causing the least amount of pain to ourselves and others.

5. He doesn't change

Society changes, people change, even the weather changes. But God never changes.

6. Love

We can only know true love through the act Jesus did on the cross (1 John 3:16), through this only then can we truly love another.

7. Adventure

If you want to have a crazy, fun, memorable life, then following Jesus and living in the Holy Spirit is the way forward (Well, if you choose to let Jesus be
at the centre of your life.)

8. Wisdom

God holds all the wisdom in the world - it's kind of cool that we can ask any question, and he will know the answer. Even the cleverest of people have
limited knowledge (1 Corinthians 1:25) but God knows everything.

9. Purpose to life

If you ever wanted to know what you want to do with your life, just look in God's word. Reading the Bible will help you to find direction and purpose.

10. Confidence in identity

Everyone needs to know how much they are worth, and needs to have some self-worth. God tells us over and over again how much he loves us, and
cares for our every need. We do not need to be afraid of what anyone else says about us, because God has made us perfect in his image. We can be
confident through him, because our identity and self worth is founded on him.

These are just 10, of many many reasons why God is a necessity in your life - not just an add on. But once you have thought about each of these
reasons, why not try and think of more? This is a really good way to make sure you are thinking about God all the time, after all he is always thinking
about you so maybe you could return the favour?

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