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Subject: Java Lab Sub Code: MCA407

Class: IV M.C.A Faculty Name: AmbilLP.S

1. What is the purpose of a cookie?

2. What is an applet?
3. What is Bytecode? What is the advantage of Bytecode?
4. What is data abstraction?
5. What is polymorphism? Give an example.
6. Define data encapsulation.
7. What are the rules to be followed in declaring an identifier?
8. What are the simple data types available in Java?
9. "Java - a strongly typed language". Give reasons for the statement.
10. Write a simple program to demonstrate the Boolean type.
11. What is dynamic initialization?
12. What is type conversion and casting?
13. What is automatic conversion? When it occurs?
14. What are the type promotion rules?
15. What are the shift operators? Give examples.
16. Write a program to interchange two values using bitwise operators.
17. Give a note on short circuit logical operators.
18. What is ternary operator? Give the syntax?
19. What are the important features of switch statement?
20. What is the use of break statement in switch?
21. Write a simple program to demonstrate continue statement.
22. How an object of a class is declared?
23. Write a note on new operator?
24. What are the characteristics of a constructor?
25. What is meant by instance variable hiding? Give eg.
26. What is the use of this keyword?
27. How does Java handle de allocation of objects?
28. What is the general form of finalize () method? What for it is used?
29. What is overloading methods? Give example.
30. How objects are passed to functions?
31. Give a short note on the access specifiers.
32. Mention the restrictions of static methods.
33. Why main function is declared public and static?
34. How will you define and use an inner class.
35. Write any four methods of String class and their features.
36. What is the use of Command-Line arguments?
37. What are the two forms of super?
38. When a class hierarchy is created, in what order the constructors called?
3.9. What is method overriding?
40. What is dynamic method dispatch?
41. How final is used to prevent overriding.
42. What are packages? . . . -'

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