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Next Board Meeting:

November 16, 2010
Please Re-Cycle!
M–W—F 7: 00 to Noon
Display Parking Permit T—Th 7:00 to 3:00
Vicki Neale, CAM
Know your neighbors
Office: (954) 318-7621
Join us at Facebook! Fax: (954) 318 –7621
Cell: (954) 296-3418
Proposed Amendment Passes!
• Windows and doors, if Thanks to all the residents
Just a few tips:
covered, must be cur- THANKS TO ALL THE OWNERS who attended the October 19,
WHO RETURNED THEIR BAL- 2010 Board Meeting. We had  Keep car doors locked
tained or draped with a good turnout to hear Officer
LOTS LAST MONTH. OUR  Lock home doors and
standard neutral type CONDO DOCS ARE NOW Tiffany Richards of the Davie
Police Department give us windows
―RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL!‖ safety tips. Email the office if  Don’t leave personal
• Units must be kept in a you are interested in partici- items like bicycles, stroll-
pating in a Crime Watch Pro- ers, toys and other be-
good state of preserva- gram. Officer Richards indi- longings outside or in
tion and cleanliness cated that she would join the places like porches and
Crime Watch meetings and patio areas
• No immoral, improper, give us updates on any crimi-
 If somebody knocks on
offensive or unlawful nal activity in our area. your door, check who it
use shall be made of the Emergency - Use 911 is before opening it
condominium property Non-emergency — Use (954)
 Don’t keep large sum of
cash with you
• No unit owner, or les- REPORT ALL INCIDENTS
see, shall make or per-
mit any noise that will CHECK OUT OUR LIBRARY
disturb or annoy the
occupants of other units Do like any of these authors: library fees and we won’t
Danielle Steel, Stephen King, mind if you don’t return the
• No towels, bathing ap-
John Grisham, Tom Clancy, books. We also accept
parel, linens or other Nora Roberts or Clive Cussler? donations. Just stop by the
objects are to be dried Are you a self-help guru? Are Clubhouse during office
or hung on balconies, you a fan of Reader’s Digest hours. Or, come early or
catwalk railings, fences Condensed Books? Well, stay late when we have a
or screening check out The Harvest Library Board Meeting. .
in the Clubhouse. Hey! No

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