West Harbour Weekly: Prayer & Praise Prayer & Praise Prayer & Praise Prayer & Praise

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Prayer & Praise West Harbour Alliance Church

• If you have any requests for the WHAC
Prayer Chain, please contact Pastor Matt
145 Moire Road, West Harbour,
Waitakere 0618
(09) 416-8991
at home, or at the church Pastoral team
Pastor Matthew Mordaunt and Sharilyn 832 3922
• Pray that the Lord would sustain Jim Phyllis Charlton 833 3455
Baker as he undergoes a new round of Albin Bae—Ministry Intern 021 225 2466

chemotherapy. Pray that the Lord would Elders
restore him to complete health. John Skellon - Jacob Lauaki - Joh Remiens - Barry Thomas
• Pray that the Lord would use our newly Tom McKean [Treasurer], Naren Nanjan, Pauline Thomas,
elected leadership to bring us into increas- Matthew Mordaunt, and a representative from the Elders. 17th October 2010
ingly effective ministry in our community. Church Office 416 8991
• Pray for the upcoming Seeker Series: That Pastor Matt ‘s office hours are 9am - 11.30am
Sunday to Thursday. If you would like to drop by outside
the Lord would draw people from our
these hours, please ring the church before you come.
friends and community closer to Him.
• Pray for Chloe Wharton as she works in ROSTERS for October/November
Nepal building houses with Habitat for date preacher worship pianist media m/tea lawns
Humanity. leader

• In Burkina Faso, Ori and his pastor were

attacked by a gang of people while shar- 24 Kim Kho Matt NWB Moya Keren Barry
ing their faith, and Ori was hospitalized.
Pray for Ori’s restoration both physically
and emotionally, and that the Lord would 31 Matt NWB NWB Dianne Barry
strengthen his resolve as a believer.
07 Matt Tom Aaron Natalie Sarah Barry
Are you new to this facility?
We know that it can take a lot of energy to
attend a new church, so please note that: 14 Matt Bethany Sharilyn Pauline Sally Ross

• The toilets are located down the passage

to the right as you exit the sanctuary. Helping people move from
Communion: Nov 7th Albin Bae
Nov 21st Matt Mordaunt
brokenness to wholeness
• The crèche can be found by following the
passage way to the toilets. in Christ
If you would like to include any bits and pieces
for the weekly Newsletter, please email Pastor “The LORD is close to the brokenhearted;
• Normally, we share a cuppa together after
Matt at: mordaunts@orcon.net.nz, or phone the He rescues those whose spirits are crushed”
the service. Today, why not ask someone
out to lunch? church office. Psalm 34:18
A thought for today

10.30 am - Morning Worship Popularity is fickle. Just ask a politician. Many of them
Missions Weekend at WHAC watch their ratings to see how their constituents view
Led by - BBCC & KAC Next Sunday, we are fortunate to welcome Kim
Kho to speak at our morning service. their policies. They may start with a high rating, but
Speaker - Kim Kho then it steadily declines during their term.
Stars Party Jesus also experienced a sharp decline in popularity.
Series: C&MA Celebration! For over 5 years now, the Massey area churches
have come together to put on a Stars Party for His popularity reached its peak after He fed the 5,000.

Please join us for a cup of tea or

our community on October 31st. This year’s It plummeted when He told His listeners that He had
coffee following the service event will be held at Northwest Baptist church “come down from heaven”. Their response to His stu-
from 5:00-7:00, and volunteers are needed to
paint faces, help children with crafts, cook sau- pendous claim was, essentially, Who does this guy
Ministries for Children
at the CMA Celebration sages, set up, tear down, etc… To volunteer, think He is?!
Ages 1 - 3 The crèche opens at 10:00, please see Phyllis Charlton. The crowds followed Jesus conditionally. They were
and is located in the foyer directly happy only as long as Jesus supplied their needs and
Questions From the Curious
behind the auditorium. Feel free
The greatest brokenness that we can help peo- met their wants. They balked when He asked for com-
to drop your kids off, or keep them
ple move from is their bondage to sin. The mitment.
with you.
greatest wholeness we offer is a relationship
Ages 4 - 12 Kids club meets at the start Jesus’ question to His disciples was “Do you also want
with Christ. Our Seeker Series begins Novem-
of the service, and is located in the
ber 1st. Please email your friends’ questions to to go away?” (v.67). Peter answered, “Lord, to whom
back hall.
pastor Matt at mordaunts@orcon.net.nz. shall we go? You have the words of eternal
Prayer at WHAC Guy Fox at WHAC life” (v.68). Will you, like Peter, choose to ignore the
On November 6th from 6:00, you’re all invited to world’s rating of Jesus and follow Him daily?
Prayer Night: Meets twice a month in the Tom and Esther McKean’s home (7 McKean rd)
church from 7:30. Join us Oct 28th and for some Guy Fox fun! Bring dinner for your Those searching to know life’s true meaning
Nov 11th as we pray for our church Can find it in only one way:
family, lawn chairs, blankets, and some fireworks By serving the Lord with commitment,
family, our community, and our world! (of course!) to fill the night sky! And living for Him day by day. —Branon

Meetings Coming Up…. Birthdays coming up...

Miller’s: Meets Oct 26th & Nov 10th. Elders Board—November 3rd Samantha Skellon - Oct 20
John Skellon - Oct 26
Mordaunt’s: Meets Oct 21st & Nov 4th. Executive Committee— Luke Skellon - Oct 28
October 20th Daniella Yip - Oct 28
Thomas’: Meets Oct 21st & Nov 4th.

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