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Note Taking

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

5:07 PM

What high GPA students do!

1. Read cases
2. Highlight and margin notes
3. Brief cases
4. Review probs
5. Review notes and cases from previous class

How to take notes.

1. Establish objectives (vigilance, retention, ?)
2. Include only
a. Hypos- do they mess with facts, policy?
b. Magic words
c. Review by prof
d. Everything written on board
e. Articulation of rules, tests, standards
f. Definitions
g. Exceptions (2 IRACs)
h. Analytical tips provided by prof
i. Flow chart or diagram on board
j. Student comments if praised by prof...include student name
k. Follow up question to student comment
l. Policy? Social, economic, environment, administrative
m. Moral, ethical concerns
n. Constitutional aspects
o. Distinctions, differences, similarities to other cases, laws, statutes
3. Transform your notes.
a. Work w/ study partner to clarify
b. Work with info immediately
c. Highlight key words
d. Summarize by topic only, or very short statement, in left column
e. Elements of sweat page
i. 3 categories of questions
1) What remains unclear?
2) How does this info relate to…
a) Earlier topic in course
b) Personal experience
c) Other course info
3) How might this appear on the test?
a) In multiple choice find the exact answer, current law
b) In essay, find all the grayest area, fact intensive, just results
don't always lead to a pragmatic result
ii. What about those questions?
1) Answer the questions, in writing, on the sweat page before the
next class or mark them, and make sure to ask prof.

Note Taking Page 1

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