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####What is an exit and entry criteria in a Test Plan ?

generally, test plan document is prepared byTL&QM.

Entry &Exit criteria is part of test plan document

Entry criteria is

1.testing environment established

2.test cases prepared received from development team

Exit criteria is

1.All modules are covered or not

2.all test cases are completely executed or not

3.all bugs resolved or not

this is part of HOW TO TEST criteria test plan document

According to me entry crieria is that when it comes to testing deparment for
testing with unit
test checklist and exit crieria is when all planned test cases gets executed and no
remains in thesystem on the basis of these test cases.
What is configuration Management?
Configuration management (CM) is the processes of controlling, coordinate, and
tracking the
Standards and procedures for managing changes in an evolving software product.
Configuration Testing is the process of checking the operation of
thesoftware being tested on

various types of hardware.

Who writes the Business requirements? What you do when you have the BRD?

Business Analyst writes the Business Requirements. In a large commercial

development environment main actors within the life cycle of a software project
are as
follows: Project Stakeholder(Sponsor)Project Manager (manages the entire
Manager Business, Analyst Software, Architect Business Analyst after finalizing
the scope of
the project with the Project Stakeholders(sponsors) writes all the business
for the software application and then send it to softwarearchitect(SA) for
validation. SA after
understanding the BR make use cases and UML diagrams and forward them to QA
QA manager based on scope, BR, use case & UML diagram writes the overall
testing strategy
& high level test cases and forward them to testers. Project manager monitors the
project. QA manager, Business Analyst & Software architect reports project
manager whereas
project manager reports to project stakeholder.
What we normally check for in the Database Testing?
In DB Testing, basically all the events like Add, Delete, Update, Modify etc
What is walkthrough and inspection?

Walkthrough is there for both Testing and Coding.

Walkthrough for testing means brief review of documents, Test cases, Test script


Walkthrough for Coding means review the coding for whether the Developer

follows the
Coding standards or not.
Inspection is job of Quality Control (QC). He can conduct Inspections and Audits
on the

project at any time to check whether the process is going on correctly or not.

I will tell y one example for Test Engineer, QA, QC

Take an Examination Center: In that

---> Test Engineer is Examiner

----> QA is sitting squad
---> QC is a flying squad
Walkthrough: Explain the work product in a step by step manner. Inspection: Also
called as"Formal Review". There is a formal process that states how this should be
conducted. Thereis a sharp focus finding defects
Testing: What are the key elements for creating test plan
The key elements for a test plan are:
1.Entrance Criteria: The requirement documents based on which the plan is
developed. The
2.Test environment
3.Test data
How do you ensure the quality of the product?
The quality of the product can be ensured by look into the minimum bugs in a
product as perthe standard maintained by the organization for the clients. That
means if a company is thesix sigma oriented company then there should be at
least 3-4 bugs per millions
What is the job of Quality assurance engineer? Difference between the testing &
Quality Assurance job.
A Quality Assurance Engineer is one who understands the SDLC Process. He\she
has a 'test to
break attitude', an ability to take the point of view of the customer, a strong desire
for qly
and an attention to detail. Communication skills and the ability to understand
various sides of

issues are important.

Difference between Testing and Quality Assurance

The aim of testing is to find the Errors.

The goal of QA is to prevent the errors in the application.

Qly Assurance is a preventive action.


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