House Styles

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House styles

NME- the theme of the magazine is

carried on throughout. The colour
scheme of white black yellow and red is
used throughout. The fonts are very
plain but make the pages look very
organised. The overall feel is hard rock
and rebellious due to the colour scheme
and pictures although the magazine is
neat and clearly laid out
PME- This magazine is very
colourful and chaotic. The
colour scheme of pink, red,
green, blue, white and black
have been used throughout
and also the colours of the
pictures match the overall
colour scheme. The text is
very well laid out and in boxes
which makes is look very neat.
The same fonts are also used
throughout. Pictures of the
same person are used
throughout, giving it a very
constant theme.
Kerrang- this is a very chaotic magazine
with lots of different conventions. There
is a lot going on with many different
pictures of different people/bands. The
colour scheme of black, yellow and white
has been used throughout. The font,
colours and pictures give it a rock theme.
Real R‘n’B- This
magazine uses a
constant black, grey,
yellow and white colour
scheme throughout.
This makes the
magazine very effective.
There is a chaotic but
organised feel to the
magazine. The images
used match the colour
Rolling Stones- This magazine has a
very classical style. Its is very neat
and organised with not as many
pictures as other magazines. There
are very plain colours which make
the magazine look very simple. The
front cover is easy to read as there is
not too much going on. The fonts are
also very simple.
Siren- this magazine sticks to a white, black, pink,
blue, yellow and purple colour theme
throughout. The fonts are simple but interesting
and are continually used. Its has a simple but
organised and interesting theme and the use of
colours and images imply that the magazine is
aimed at a female audience.

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