Indie Proj#1

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Telstar Middle Sc*rool

VisualArt DePartment

Art Class Day - Circle one: White Blue

Art Class Period - Circle one: AEE E

ln this project, you will be choosing a topic to learn more about, you will research that
topiC, and'at the end, you will present what you have learned.

This project needs to involve visual art in the researcfi topic, in the final presentation, or
in both.

PART 1: Brainstorming -

First, you will need to figure out what you would like to learn more about, Use the space
UelOw to brainstorm your ideas. What are you interested in? tlVhat are you passionate
about? What would you like to get better at?

After you are done brainstorming - narrow your ideas down into one specific topics - list
them below:

How might these topics be presented at the end of this proiect (what form do you think
the presentation will be in)?

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