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Haxorcitos Console Tool v0.

Programmed by
Homepage: Copyright © 2003

Usage: Hct.exe -s[lvdsSp]p[kwl[v]]ri [arguments]

-sl * List all services.

-sv <ServiceName> * View service configuration details.
-sd <ServiceName> * Delete a service.
-ss <ServiceName> * Stops a service.
-sS <ServiceName> * Start a service.
-sp <ServiceName> * Pause a service.
-si <ServiceName> <DisplayName> <Path> * Install a new service.
-sm <ServiceName> * modify service configuration.
-pl [PID|process] * List [All] Running proccesses.
-plv [PID|process] * List verbose information about [All] Running processes.
-pk <PID|process> * Kill a process.
-pw * Shows Process owner (whoami).
-r <IP> <PORT> * Spawns a shell in the remote Host(nc listening in the other side)
Jan 15 2004, 04:18 PM
Looks interesting enough. I might try it just for fun.

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