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Case Study

Q1 what specific polices might a company follow to avoid
interviews like this?
1. Systematic hiring process
2. Proper scheduling & appointment
3. Mutual honor should not hamper on organizational process
4. Interviewer and interviewee should be prepared to face each
other in terms of time and space coordination.
Q2 Explain why Suresh not Anil should make the selection
1. Supervisor being technical job, should be taken care by
production manager
2. Suresh being his prospective immediate boss should take the
final decision
3. Anil has already done initial screening so that Suresh is not
overloaded with applications
Q3 Is it a good policy to pick up candidates through employee
referral method??
Referral system is good because it is
1. Simple and easy
2. Cost effective
3. Time efficient
But there are some conditions
4. There should be limit
5. A proper formal referral system should be in place.
6. Proper incentives should be there to motivate but to a certain

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