Chapter 3 Introduction

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Chapter 3 Introduction

Part 2 Chapter 3
Introduction—Of Redemption
The following sections contain a vindication of some arguments taken from passages of Scripture in favor of
particular redemption, which Dr. Whitby calls objections to the universal scheme, and which he attempts to answer in
the first, second, and fifth chapters of his discourse, concerning the extent of Christ’s redemption; to which he
premises the state of the question, by showing what limitations and restrictions of our Lord’s general redemption he
cannot admit of, and in what sense they who maintain that doctrine assert it. The distinctions of Christ’s dying
sufficiently for all, but intentionally only for the elect, and for all if they will believe and repent, but moreover for the
elect, to procure faith and repentance for them, he rejects; and which, for my own part, I can no more admit of than
himself. He adds positively, that Christ died equally for all, for Judas as for Peter, though not absolutely, but
conditionally, or so as that they should be made partakers of the blessings of his salutary passion, upon condition of
their faith, repentance, and sincere obedience to the laws of the new covenant; but did not purchase actual pardon or
reconciliation for all men, only put all men, by his death, in a capacity of being justified and pardoned upon their
conversion and faith. On the other hand, I firmly believe that Christ died for all the elect of God, and them only; that,
by his death, he has cured for them actual pardon, reconciliation and salvation; and, that in consequence of the
absolute and unconditional covenant of grace being ratified and confirmed by his b1ood, faith and repentance are
bestowed upon and wrought in these persons, not as conditions but blessings of that covenant; in which way they are
brought to the full enjoyment of that salvation Christ has obtained for them. Which is what I undertake to vindicate.[11/2/2010 10:12:17 AM]

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