CKV Theo Interview

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Page one: Front

Page two: Index and introduction
Page three: Information and Form
Page four: Contents, Function and my Opinion
Page five: The choir is possible because and How do we
practice for the concert?
Page six: Source
This isn¶t just a normal report of anything, it is totally different!
This report is about my choir, the way it works and everything we do besides the
singing. This is about how my choir is a real team and what makes us unique! Also
describes this how we are working to this hughes concert upcoming.
In this report you¶ll read a lot of things that will surprise you of a Christian choir,
because we¶re more than that!
This is not really an assay about a concerts, it¶s about my choir and the thinks behind
it. It¶s about working to a concert which is coming up soon.
My choir is called The IJE, which means InterkerkelijkJeugdEvangelie.
In our choir we have 4 different parties: the Alto¶s, the Soprano¶s, the Basses and the
Tenors. Well actually we have 5 parties, because the Soprano¶ s have two groups: the
high and low Soprano¶s.
We have a band, which makes our songs even more come alive. We have the drum,
the bass guitar, just an acoustic guitar and the piano. These are our standard
instruments, but besides these we have for a couple of songs more instruments. Then
we also use a saxophone, a trumpet, a samba or a trombone.
We practice every Sunday evening, in the Johannes church in Rotterdam, from
quarter to seven until quarter past eight. Only the last two repetitions we¶ve practiced a
little bit longer, because we have this big concert coming on the thirtieth of October.
If you want to know more about my choir go to:
I think the only problem is then, that this site in Dutch is.

As I said before, we usually practice in the Johannes church in Rotterdam. It¶s a
normal church, but for me it feels like home. The last repletion we were in the
Breepleinchurch in Rotterdam, because that¶s where we¶re having our concert. This
church is very different of what we¶re are used to. It¶s a lot bigger and has a real
tribune. There can be in the church about 900 people, so it¶s big enough to have there
our 60-year jubilee.
If you¶re looking from the audients-side you¶ll see the following preparation from
right to the left:
The Soprano¶s from our choir and the Old members, they also perform in this concert.
Next to the Soprano¶s are the Tenors and the Basses, also with the old members of this
party behind it. Next to the Basses are we, the Alto¶s. And last but not least: the band
is next to us.
Our repertoire is very extensive: the songs which we sing together with the Old-
member choir is mostly very slow and to be honest a little bit boring sometime. The
songs which we are very happy and mostly not so slow. We have also a song we
singing without music and a song from the movie Sister Act. This movie me all know
from the song µ Oh happy day¶, we sing another song called: µWe will follow him¶
There is a song called: µJe mag erzijn¶, in this song we have very prominent verses.
Every verse starts with the same sentence but the lyrics is totally different from each
other. This song is different from the other songs, so I noticed it in this blog.
In our choir we do not have solo¶s, so I can¶t write about that.
We have a song which contains an another song in it. This other song is very famous
song: ³Blijfmijnabij´.

Our genre is Christian, because we¶re a Christian choir. This means that we sing about
God and about Jesus. We have a lot of lyrics which people know from their heads, but
our meaning is to let them listen to it and really understand, what we¶re trying to say.
Like this, all our songs have a connection with each other, which is God and the faith.
We don¶t have anything like a subgenre.

As I said before the meaning of our choir is to make people think about believing.
Also we want to show people that sing Christian song is also a lot of fun because we
have a lot of besides just singing. Twice a year we¶re are going a weekend on camp,
well actually we¶re staying in a big house with everybody. It¶s always a lot of fun but
sometimes also seriously. For example: it¶s a evangelic choir so we do talk about our
believes and about God.
Bisides the weekend away we do lots of other stuff, also to make financially our choir
possible. This do we do through some sailings: we sail every year orange and bulbs.
We have an accommodation called Timotheus which we prefer to call ¶De Soos¶.
There we can drink something after every repetition and from time to time we have
parties in there.
Because of this I feel very comfortable in my choir, it feels like home, as I said before.

My opinion:
This is how it all started and what I was expecting:
One and a half years ago a friend of mine came by and asked me if I would come to an
open repetition of a choir. Of course I said yes, because I¶m a very curious person. At
that moment I didn¶t expected much of it.
An hour later I was in a church, I never saw before. Everyone was very nice and
friendly to me and showed me directly what a good choir was all about. Immediately I
felt home and knew for sure I was going to join it, as soon as they started singing. The
repertoire wasn¶t boring and the songs made me feel very good!
The thing from what I was the most surprised was that they do a lot of things besides
the singing, as I said before. I used to have this one vision of a church-choir, but now
I¶ll think twice before I say stupid things!
I think this is a great opportunity, not only to learn singing, but also getting to know
more people. Because of these people you¶ll learn to see, through their eyes, the faith
in a whole new way. It¶s an hone to can be in this choir, it¶s lovely and I enjoy in very

m  mm
m  m m m  m

The choir is possible because:

Our choir is for several reasons possible. It is and has always been financially hard to
keep a choir running. To make ours possible is quit a difficult task, so we ask people to
become our financial supporter. As I said before we have two financial actions a year,
so that¶s also one reason.
Without a choir master is nothing possible. Ours is great! He does a lot for us and
spend his free time very much for us. His name is Theo and if you want to know more
about him, read my interview with him, which I did recently.
We have a couple of associations to keep things running, for example: µAnimatie¶.
Animatie is a part of the choir which organizes a lot of fun things.
An another part of our choir is µPubliciteit¶, in here I belong myself. We take care of
the member acquisition. We also go a couple times a year to churches, just to have a

How do we practice for our concert?

We¶re already a couple months busy, to practice for our concert. The make a concert
like this possible, we all have to work very hard. So was the bulbs action this year to
make the concert possible. Also do we all need to know the songs in your head, so
we¶ve practice al lot to make all the songs sound perfect. Last season there was already
a call for all the Old-members to join us for this concert, in total we have found about
two hundred Old-members.
Especially the committee members worked very hard. They¶ve took care of
everything, from the publicity until the costs of everything.
For the concert we¶re using some old song but also old songs from years ago, which
are new to us. Also that was in the beginning a bit of a problem, because we were used
to totally different songs. Now is the concert already very close and the songs aren¶t a
problem anymore.
The only µproblem¶ is only the relation between choir and band, but I¶m shore that
everything comes together in the end!
I¶ve got my information mostly from myself, if I didn¶t knew anything I looked it up
on our site. I told it before it is:

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