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This Dehydrated Business Plan outlines the necessary information and processes relating to designing
and marketing the Instant Audio Translator. The Dehydrated Plan includes information pertaining to
the business and the concept, the opportunity and strategy, target market and projections, competitive
advantages, economics, profitability and harvest potential, management team, the offering and the
progress report.

The Business & The Concept

“Communication – the human connection – is the key to personal and career success.”
~ Paul J. Meyer ~

Thanks to the efficiency of modern technology, it is possible to easily form business relationships with
people and companies from different countries. There is one major setback to these relationships if not
dealt with correctly: lack of or miscommunication. It is common practice to hire translators for these
purposes but this approach can be extremely costly if used over long periods.

Through internet research, it has been determined that there are other ways of achieving translation:
There are internet applets, but they are found to be very unreliable, and may be the cause of improper
translation, leading to miscommunication. There are companies that will translate documents for up to
hundreds of dollars with every new inquiry. The issues with both these processes are that the passages
must be in text format before it can be translated and the later can be quite costly.

<Our Company Name> has considered a hand-held device that will translate between most languages,
including Braille, for the ease of communication within these business relationships, as well as for
personal uses (i.e. vacationing to different language-speaking areas).

The concept of this product is the following: Person A speaks into the device in language A. The
device registers the information by way of speech recognition software and converts it to the desired
Language B. The device will then, depending on its setting, (1) play the passage in Language B on a
speaker that is attached to the device, or (2) store the information for use with computer software or a
Braille printing device for the visually impaired. All translations are able to happen almost instantly,
with the only wait time being the internal processing of the system, which will most likely be no longer
than a few seconds.

This device holds many positive aspects: The user will only have to pay a one-time fee to purchase the
product, instead of paying per translation. The user will be able to communicate efficiently and
effectively in any setting. As well, the user can choose to store the information for later use of
documenting purposes or Braille printing.
[1] Meyer, P. J. (1999). Communication quotes. Retrieved from

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