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1. Communication

Successful engineers must be able to communicate and convey information and ideas to
others. Communication includes verbal conversation, writing, and presentations. It also
involves active listening skills and providing feedback.

2. Domain Expertise

World-class engineers are domain experts. This capability encompasses sharing

knowledge, innovation, pioneering, and continued development of craft.

1. Knowledge Transfer: The act of transferring knowledge from one individual to

another by means of mentoring, training, documentation, and other collaboration.
2. Innovation: The ability to create new ideas for products, processes, or services, or
in work organization, management, or marketing systems.
3. Pioneering: The act of creating groundbreaking, original work in a new or
existing field.

3. Leadership

A great engineer possesses the ability to lead, mentor, and coach. Leaders have clear
visions and the ability to communicate their vision. They foster an environment that
encourages risk-taking, recognition, and reward. They also empower others to lead.

4. Software Engineering Skills

The best engineers can create and maintain software applications by applying
technologies and practices from computer science, project management, engineering,
application domains, and other fields.

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