Punic Wars

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Punic Wars

 Trebia (Northern Italy) River. Hannibal sent weak troops that could be easily defeated and
ambushed the Romans. They pulled back and were attacked by the Carthaginian forces.
Hannibal crossed the river Arno and lost the sight of one eye.
 Trasimine: Hannibal outwitted the Romans again. Over 15, 000 Romans died. Rome elected a
dictator, Quintus Flavius Maximus, the “Glare”. His strategy was to avoid battles until he could
gain standing, kicked out during 216 BC. (he didn’t fight a single battle)
 Caney: Consuls found Hannibal at Caney, at the Adriatic Plains. Romans had their legions and
Carthaginians had their cavalry, which struck and killed the legions. Shattered Roman prestige
and many Roman cities in Southern Italy were under Carthaginian power. Crops were burned by
Romans so that Carthaginians could not feed their 45000 people.
 Leader of Rome: Scipio, 24 years old, 210 BCE, ended Carthage rule in Spain. Hannibal’s brother,
Hasdruble, was helping .
 Scipio goes to Africa, and Carthage sued for peace since it is now directly attacked by Roman
 Hannibal returned, but he was not strong enough, and offered peace, but Scipio refused.
 183 BCE, Hannibal commits suicide in Syria. He did slaughter many soldiers and destroyed 400
towns. However, he ran out of equipment, and Roman allies refused to join him. (he didn’t have
many allies)
 Third Punic War: slaughters the people remaining and sold many into slavery.
 Rome is now imperialistic. Carthage has been assaulted and burned. It can be said to be no

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