Dear FaceBook

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I think I need to seek counseling for my aberrant love hate relationship with

facebook. Oh how many countless times has it plagued my life with its
temptations of amateur voyeurism, stalking, obsessions, daydreams and
nightmares, misinterpreted meanings due to lack of contextual cues, nonlinear
timelines, mixed martial art and cultural skewed misperceptions of others mental
models and personas.  The poetry, epics of old have been smashed into a
gelatinous mass media pop culture blob. With all ontologies leveled on the playing
field of "social," we paint over and sand down our differences to network and
build digital montages of our truer selves. With ageless and timeless proof of our
lives' events placed naked before the world, we enter an era where our emotions
are so heavily influenced and tampered with by a medium, a technology of
formatting and code and mass marketing that is scientifically based on dissecting
our emotions and our behavioral triggers, we are crowd sourcing and flash
mobbing our own futures based on the popularity rankings of our peers and loved
ones belief systems and styles. With the internet having become everyone's
personal secret diary and scrapbook of what we hold as dear and priorities, we
bare our raw, naked egos, ids, reptilian brains, what have you. We are incessantly
self-volunteering to serve as test subjects, voters, paneilsts, and cast members. Our
lives are scripted by whichever influences we hold as popular, longest, favorites,
most recent, or sometimes we postmodernists prefer A-Z alphabetical order. We
track your smileys and LMAOs. We make sure your deepest darkest wants and
needs are offered you every day, in case you hadn't forgotten your options. But
hey, it pays the bills.

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