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This document is made as per requirements of RGTU exam for Industrial

Training of 6 weeks.I have completed my Industrial Training from Hewlett-Packard
Education Ltd.The training program was combine effort of ITM Universe and HP
India.The training was held at ITM Gwalior. I have completed the 6 week training
on Java Enterprise Edition and it’s application in industry.

The main purpose of this training was to train the student about special
programming languages that are being used in Industries currently, the working and
development pattern used in industry and to train students about developing major
project in 7th semester.

Project Undertaken
During industrial training I was give project on a Welfare residential
association portal which I had to develop using Struts framework of Java Enterprise

Written Test-
I scored 61.25/70 marks in Written test at the end of Industrial training.
Name of the Trainee: Avinash Navlani
College: Institute Of Technology and Management
Industry/Work Place: Hewlett Packard Education Services/Gwalior
Week Number: 1
Department/section: Information Technology
Date: 24-29 July 2010

Date Brief of observation made, work done, problem/project

Undertaken, discussion held, literature-consulted etc.

24/07/2010 Basic layout of Hypertext Markup Language, its

Functions, properties, tags, markups, development of
Simple webpage using HTML

25/07/2010 Cascaded Style Sheets, properties of CSS, Usage of

CSS, it’s different functions, classes, ids, properties
Of HTML components, Javascript, use of Javascript

26/07/2010 Programming in Javascript, basic datatypes, functions

Condition structures, loop structures, basic program in

27/06/2010 Introduction to Java technology, what is Java,

History of Java, Comparison to C++ and C,
advantages of Java, Properties of Java, Object oriented
concepts in Java.

29/07/2010 Java Development Kit, JDK, Installing Java

Development Kit. Netbeans IDE, installing Netbeans

28/06/2010 First program in Java, description of the program.

Compiling Java program. Javac.exe and Java.exe
Intermediate byte code, Java Virtual Machine, Java
Application Programming Interface.

Practicals-TO design simple Java program using

Notepad, compile program using javac.exe. running
Program using java.exe

29/07/2010 location of .class file, PATH and CLASSPATH

Environment variables, setting PATH from command
Prompt, setting PATH from system properties, setting
CLASSPATH from command line
Practicals-Locate .class file in System. Set PATH using
Command prompt, set PATH from system properties.
Set CLASSPATH from command Line
Name of the Trainee: Avinash Navlani
College: Institute Of Technology and Management
Industry/Work Place: Hewlett Packard Education Services/Gwalior
Week Number: 2
Department/section: Information Technology
Date: 30 July-5 August 2010

Date Brief of observation made, work done, problem/project

Undertaken, discussion held, literature-consulted etc.

30/07/2010 Set CLASSPATH from system properties, set CLASS

PATH using batch files. Data types in Java, Literals
in Java, default values if variables. Identifiers, naming
Rules,coding conventions.
Practicals- Set CLASSPATH from system properties,
set CLASSPATH using batch files. Write program to
print Hello World with double quotes

31/07/2010 operators in Java, types of operators, arithmetic, logical

Ternary, assignment operators, unary operators,
Combined assignment operators, relational operators
Practicals- WAP for addition, subtraction,
Multiplication and division, program for using unary
Operators and combined assignment operators. Relating
Two variables.

1/08/2010 Control structures, if –else, switch case usage properties

Binary statements,Loops and iterators, while loop, do
While loops, for loops, using break and continue
Practicals- WAP to check whether a number is prime
or not, program checking a year is leap or not, program
to print Armstrong no. swap two nos. using 2 variables.

2/08/2010 Classes, class declaration, class access, creating obects,

Accessing variables, calling methods of class
Practicals- WAP using classes. Create class Box,with
Fields width, height, length and methods for getting and
Setting these attributes

3/08/2010 Polymorphism, method overloading, rules of method

Practicals-WAP to calculate area of circle and cylinder
Using same method Define class named Employee and
Declare methods to calculate their salaries and setter
Getter methods.

4/08/2010 Access specifiers, default access mode, public,private

Protected access modes, public classes.
Practicals-program declaring all type of members
(public,private,protected and default),program declaring
public classes.

5/08/2010 Inheritance in Java. No multiple Inheritance, Relation

Between parent and child class, protected access
Modifier. Final class, abstract class
Practicals-Create abstract class Area having method
Compute(float,float).CreateTriangle rectangle that
Extends Area.Create class Animal, create another child
Class Dog that extends Animal.Use all types of
Variables in child class.
Name of the Trainee: Avinash Navlani
College: Institute Of Technology and Management
Industry/Work Place: Hewlett Packard Education Services/Gwalior
Week Number: 3
Department/section: Information Technology
Date: 6-12 August 2010

Date Brief of observation made, work done, problem/project

Undertaken, discussion held, literature-consulted etc.

6/08/2010 Exception, types of exceptions, Exception class

Hierarchy, errors, try block, catch, finally, throws
throw. Creating user defined exceptions,
Practical-program to show user defined exception in
foll. Conditions. You have to enter salary of a person at
At runtime and salary must not be –ve no. and should
be in between 6000-20000 and if not it will throw a user
defined exception named InvalidSalaryException
,program that takes input from user and throw user
defined exception if user enters special character

7/08/2010 Typecasting, overriding , constructors and their use,

Dynamic polymorphism, interface
Practicals- write a program that typecasts integer into
Floats, create a class Shape having method area() and
Override it in child class Rectangle. Write a program
using dynamic binding

8/08/2010 package, declaration, import, wild card symbol, access

To package. Java API.
Practicals-write a class Rectangle in package shapes.
Import shape package in another program and use it’s
Class in it.

9/08/2010 Strings in Java, string hierarchy, string functions,

StringBuffer and StringBuilder classes their differences
Memory allocation.
Practicals-WAP to reverse a string.WAP to convert an
Integer into string. Use StringBuilder and StringBuffer
In a simple program.

10/08/2010 Collections framework. Collection interface, hierarchy.

Sets,Maps,Queues. Sorted Ordered Collections.
Collections class and its methods.
Practicals-WAP to create a Map and sort it using sort
Method of Collections class. WAP to create Set of
Integer numbers. WAP to create a HashMap of class

11/08/2010 Dreamweaver. Creating HTML pages using

Dreamweaver, using Dreamwaeaver tools.
Using CSS in Dreamweaver
Practical- Create webpages using dreamweaver
Use CSS in dreamweaver pages.

12/08/2010 GUI in Java. AWT API. Swing GUI. Advantages of

Swing over AWT GUI. Containers and components.
Controls.Creating and running basic Swing GUI.
Practicals- Create a simple Swing GUI using notepad.
Name of the Trainee: Avinash Navlani
College: Institute Of Technology and Management
Industry/Work Place: Hewlett Packard Education Services/Gwalior
Week Number: 4
Department/section: Information Technology
Date: 13-19 August 2010

Date Brief of observation made, work done, problem/project

Undertaken, discussion held, literature-consulted etc.

13/08/2010 Event handling in Swing using AWT events.Types of

Events. Attaching events with components. Handling
Practical-Create a Calculator GUI using Swing API

14/08/2010 NetBeans IDE, understanding NetBeans interface.

Using NetBeans for creating Swing Applications
Practicals-Create Calculator GUI using NetBeans

15/08/2010 I/O in Java, I/O hierarchy,wrapping of classes, using

I/O in Java programs, handling I/O, IOException
Practical- WAP to take input from keyboard using
BudfferedReader and print in on Standard o/p device
WAP to take input from user and save it in a file

16/08/2010 Practical-(Surprise Test)

Create an ATM cash deliver app. Which has method
That take user amount as input through ATM cash
Machine and give the cash amount Machine has bills of
Rs 50,100,500 and 1000 .If user enters such amount that
Can’t be cashed with available bills than prompt user.
ATM has limited no.of bills that decreases per
Trancsction. Print receipt after transaction.

17/08/2010 Basic SQL. SQL commands, creating database, table,

Inserting data, making query, deleting data and tables
Operators. Transactions.

18/08/2010 Using MySQL, Installing MySQL, configuring MySQL

Creating database in MySQL, creating table, making
Queries, insertion etc.
Practical- Install and configure MySQL . Create
Database ,insert records, make queries using MySQL

19/08/2010 Transaction in DBMS and commands related to it, using

MySQL GUI tools for giving commands in MySQL.
Practical-Installing MySQL GUI tools and using it.
Perform transaction in database.
Name of the Trainee: Avinash Navlani
College: Institute Of Technology and Management
Industry/Work Place: Hewlett Packard Education Services/Gwalior
Week Number: 5
Department/section: Information Technology
Date: 20-26 August 2010

Date Brief of observation made, work done, problem/project

Undertaken, discussion held, literature-consulted etc.

20/08/2010 Introduction to Java EE technology. Servlets and it’s


21/08/2010 Servlet input methods, Cookies, URL Rewriting,

Session management.

22/08/2010 Security issues related to Servlets, connecting Servlet

Frontend to RDBMS using JDBC

23/08/2010 JSP, using JSP, Tags, types of tags, using taglibraries.

24/08/2010 JSTL with implementation, EL(Expression Language)

25/08/2010 Struts Framework, its features, development styles,


26/8/2010 Allocation of projects. Decision of Teams.

Name of the Trainee: Avinash Navlani
College: Institute Of Technology and Management
Industry/Work Place: Hewlett Packard Education Services/Gwalior
Week Number: 6
Department/section: Information Technology

Date: 27 August-2 September 2010

Date Brief of observation made, work done, problem/project

Undertaken, discussion held, literature-consulted etc.

27/08/2010 Planning of project. Task assignment among team


28/08/2010 Creation of modules and analysis on every phase of


29/08/2010 Analysis. Problem definition. Needs of system.

Information collection

30/08/2010 Information Collection(contd.) Designing. Database

Design. Module design. Web page design and layout

31/08/2010 Work on web page designing

1/09/2010 Logic development. Middleware development and


4/09/2010 Project submission.

Signature of Supervisor Signature of Trainee Signature of

(TPO/Faculty) Incharge

Training in Industry: Hewlett Packard Education Services


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