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The ‘Ragged Trousered ’Council Worker!

This short story is inspired by the English classic novel
‘The Ragged Trousered Philanthropist’ written by
Robert Tressell, first published in 1914. It is set in a time when every-
one knew their place. Whilst much has changed since it was written the
book still has a message particularly in these times of economic insta-
bility, increase in poverty and greater job insecurity.
It is a book worth reading.

Two Council workers meeting the day after the UNISON national strike over pay.
It is set in a Council depot up north somewhere…………………..…..? It is written in
Barlick dialect.

Act One
Bert: Ow it’er?

Fred: ‘Am alreet!

Bert: Why didn’t yer strike

Fred: What yer mean?

Bert: Well you olus complaining about yer pay an’t cost of living…last week yer said yer wud go on

Fred: Who sed I didn’t?

Bert: I saw yer!...I wer on’t picket line!

Fred: So wat if I wer…..none of yer business…..any roads the manager said if we went on strike
they’d privatise us……….

Bert : I can’t believe yer believe that claptrap!……..thev bin ‘olding that threat t’ over us fer last
10 years!......if they gonna do it, they will……crossing picket line int gonna stop that ‘appening….in
fact it’s more likely to ‘appen…

Fred: Why yer seh that?

Bert : Well…yer let the Union down ‘aven’t yer……

Fred: Eh?

Bert : What’s point being in Union if you don’t support them when they’re trying to get a better
deal for yer?

Fred: I hadn’t thot abaht it that way……..

Bert : That’s thee problem lad…you don’t think abaht it and that’s why they keep tekkin’ p*** owt
o’ us!
Fred: But I haven’t loss mi pay like you……..

Bert : You lost more than 2 days pay………

Fred: Wot….

Bert : Well, bi going in ter work , yer supporting bosses…yer tekking sides against yer union.
Wot yer gonna do if yer need help from Union?

Fred: Eh?

Bert : Well…..yer boss has been ‘aving a go at yer for months now…..wot yer gonna do to mek him

Fred: I’ll go ter union………

Bert : A think yer may find thee’ll be awhile before they get bak to yer!

Fred: Wot yer mean?

Bert : Bob….ower rep….has resigned…..he said he had enough after seein’ members crossing the
picket line….after all the times he’d represented ‘em!.. Can’t say a blame ‘im……he was olus ther
fer members ‘ower Bob.

Fred: E wer ….am shocked…..wot we gonna do?

Bert : I dunno……e wer a good ‘un Bob…..not sure if he’d come back after all this business.

Fred: Wot abaht you doin’ it?

Bert : No chance……. yer olus complainin’ …and ah don’t need the headache…….

Fred: But wot we gonna do…….I just heard Council is thinking abaht sellin’ us all off!

Bert : Yer mean this Future Shape stuff?

Fred: Yer that’s right……dunno wot it means…….thez a UNISON meeting cumin’ up

Bert : Well we better mek sure wer get usells down to it and see wot ther plannin’………...

To be continued…….


Make sure you follow Fred and Bert and get down to the
Barnet UNISON Future Shape meetings.
For details of meetings in
Barnet House and
Mill Hill depot
contact the UNISON office on
0208 359 2088 or

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