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Cef Jr

Episode 2
Pastry (type of dish)
Bahan-Bahan | Ingredients 

In Malay

1 keping Roti
1 sudu makan Ayam cincang (direbus)
1 sudu teh Serbuk paprika
¼ biji Telur rebus (dilecek)
1 sudu teh Serbuk parmesan cheese
Minyak Zaitun
Garam secukup rasa

In English

1 slice Bread
1 tbsp Minced chicken (blanched)
1 tsp Paprika
¼ Boiled egg (mashed)
1 tsp Powdered parmesan cheese
A pinch Salt
Olive oil
Cara-Cara | Method

In Malay

1. Panaskan ketuhar pada suhu 150°C terlebih dahulu.

2. Masukkan roti ke dalam bulatan aluminium (boleh gunakan cookie ring) sehingga kelihatan
seperti sebuah mangkuk.
3. Renjiskan minyak zaitun ke atas roti.
4. Bakar roti di dalam ketuhar selama kira-kira 5 minit, sehingga ia menjadi rangup.
5. Campurkan telur yang sudah dilecek, serbuk paprika dan garam secukup rasa kepada ketulan
ayam cincang dan gaul rata.
6. Masukkan campuran ayam tadi ke dalam roti tartlet.
7. Taburkan parmesan cheese dan hidang semasa panas.

In English

1. Pre-heat the oven to 150°C.

2. Make the tartlets by placing one side of the bread on top of an aluminum timbale (or a metal
ring, e.g.cookie cutter) and with a gentle push in the middle, make it look like a tartlet or bowl.
3. Drizzle olive oil and toast the bread for about 5 minutes.
4. Mix chicken, paprika, salt and the mashed eggs together, stirring well.
5. Scoop some chicken mixture and place it into the bread tartlet.
6. Sprinkle some parmesan cheese on top.
7. Serve warm.

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