Intercourse and Islam

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Khandaker Marsus
B. Sc. in Electrical & Electronic Engineering
M.Sc. In Information & Technology
Masters of Business Administration

N.B Intercourse means to legal sexual dealings between husband and


(No need to keep away from non adult, as it is written in English format
which may be rarely understandable by under adult)
First Edition: November 2, 2010
Second Edition: September 30, 2015
Third Edition: June 11, 2017
Intercourse and Islam

It could be a common question that why I took the subject without
having many important subjects. I think most of our writers are
interested in writing common matters. But book about this type of
matter with scientific explanation is rarely found. I saw many of our
friends who have already married have many misconceptions about
various matters. But that may not actually totally correct in the eye of
Islam. We, most of our Muslims are fanatic to religion. Islam is both
modern and scientific religion. We must have minimum duties to
spread the glory of Islam. May Allah bless all and shows us the right
path and remove our misconceptions.

Finally I gratefully acknowledge to the reviewers for their insightful

suggestions. Hope to add more information and correction in next
edition InshaAllah.

Khandaker Marsus
Date: September 30, 2017
My discussion is based on mainly 5 topics...
Birth control in Islam
Sunnah way of Intercourse.
Sunnah of the wedding first Night(Bed of Roses)
FAQ(Frequently Asking Questions)
All references that I have used
Birth control in Islam

Birth control means family planning in normal sense. Birth control is

not important for all the time. As every menstrual cycle there are both
safe period and danger period days. Safe period is about 14 days, if
menstrual cycle is 28 days. During safe period, no possibility to
become pregnant. So birth control measures are applicable only for
danger period.

Menstrual cycle: Safe period and danger period

The method of intercourse during safe period of menstrual cycle is called

Rhythm method. Normally for 28 days cycle (Cycle may vary), just before and
after 7days of menstrual is called safe period.

Every menstrual cycle consist of 3 phases.

1. Menstruation Phase
2. Proliferative Phase
3. Secretary Phase
First of you must understand that every month an egg is released. On
rough calculation it is said that it occurs in the middle of the cycle
(about 14th days).
If the periods are regular it is assumed that the egg releases on the mid
day of both the periods, it may be 14th day. two days before and two
days after this date are called most fertile period and all the other days
are safe days as the fertilization does not takes place on these days.

Main basic, in a 28 days cycle there exists 2 safe periods

Assume that 28 days cycle.
1. Days one start bleeding, it may continue for about 3-4 days. This
time intercourse is Haram.
2. About 14th days ovule is perfect for fertile. This is the most
danger period

So about 7 days before and after menstrual is

safe period.
Blue: Bleeding period, haram at this period
Green: Safe period (Before 7days and after 7 days of menstrual
Red: Danger period. Most danger at 14th days
An online menstrual Safe Period calculator is very popular
for android phone.
Just visit the link:
Artificial Birth control

1. Permanent Method: All permanent methods are Haram.

2. Temporary Method: Below discussion

control in
Permanent Temporary
Method Method

All Hormonal
Natural Barrier Chemical

Male Sterilization Al-Azl Male Condoms Used on their Own: Oral Pills
Permissible Permissible Foaming Tablet
(Vasectomy) Spermicidal Jelly
Vaginal Film

Vaginal Sponge
Female Sterilization Fertility Awareness Female Condoms Used with a Barrier Contraceptive Injections (Shots)
By a Doctor (Male/Female) in
Permissible Permissible but Foaming Tablet
Permissible only for
Methods makruh Spermicidal Jelly medical reasons

Vaginal Film

7-Day Halal Method Diaphragm Vaginal Sponge

Contraceptive Injections (Shots)
By a Male Doctor in arm
Permissible Permissible but Permissible only for medical
reasons and if a female doctor
makruh not available

Cervical Cap Contraceptive Injections

(Shots) By a Female
Permissible but Doctor in arm
makruh Permissible

Intra-Uterine Devices Contraceptive Injections

In case of medical (Shots) By a Female
reasons Doctor in arm
Permissible but makruh Permissible

Intra-Uterine Devices Implants By a Male Doctor

Permissible only for medical

In case of non- medical reasons and if a female doctor
reasons is not available

Implants by a Female
(provided no harm)

Contraceptive Vaginal
Ring (NuvaRing)
Permissible but
Makruh (provided
no harm)
Birth Control Patch
Ring (NuvaRing)

Permissible but
Makruh (provided
no harm)
Permanent Method
Permanent method is defined as a method that permanently destroys
the fertility of a man or woman.

All permanent Methods are haram in Islam. As it change the normal

human behaviors.
Permanent Methods

Male Sterilization

(Vasectomy) Haram (Prohibited) Through Qiyas on castration

Female Sterilization
Haram (Prohibited) Through Qiyas on castration

Temporary Method

Natural Methods

Al-Azl Permissible Due to various ahadith that

permit Azl

Fertility Awareness Permissible Through Qiyas on Azl

7-Day Halal Method Permissible It is a type of Fertility

Awareness Methods

Barrier Methods

Male Condoms Permissible Through Qiyas on Azl

Female Condoms Permissible but Makruh because foreign

makruh object inserted into private

Diaphragm Permissible but Makruh because foreign

makruh object inserted into private
Barrier Methods

Cervical Cap Permissible but Makruh because foreign

makruh object inserted into private

Intra-Uterine Devices Permissible but Medical reasons are

makruh considered cases of
In case of medical Necessity, so revealing of
reasons awrah allowed in this case

Intra-Uterine Devices Haram Due to revealing of awrah

(private parts of a woman are
In case of non- (Prohibited) considered awrah for other
medical reasons men and women)
Chemical Methods

Used on their Own: Permissible Through Qiyas on Azl

Foaming Tablet

Spermicidal Jelly
(Avoid using applicator as
Vaginal Film inserting a foreign object in
Vaginal Sponge private parts is makruh
unless done for medical
Chemical Methods

Used with a Barrier Will take the rule Refer to the hukm about
of the barrier barrier methods
Method: method

Foaming Tablet

Spermicidal Jelly

Vaginal Film

Vaginal Sponge
Hormonal Methods

Oral Pills Permissible Through Qiyas on Azl

Contraceptive Injections Permissible only for Due to revealing of awrah

(Shots) By a Doctor
(Male/Female) in buttocks medical reasons (buttocks is part of awrah)

Contraceptive Injections Permissible only for Due to revealing of awrah

(Shots) By a Male medical reasons (arm of a woman is part of
Doctor in arm and if a female doctor awrah for non-mahram men)
not available

Contraceptive Injections Permissible No problem of revealing






(Shots) By a Female awrah here - Arm of a

Doctor in arm woman is not part of awrah
for other women

Contraceptive Injections Permissible No problem of revealing

(Shots) By Husband awrah as there is no awrah
himself between spouses

Implants By a Male Permissible only for Due to revealing of awrah

Doctor medical reasons (arm of a woman is part of

and if a female doctor awrah for non-mahram men)
is not available
Implants by a Female Permissible No problem of revealing

Doctor awrah here - Arm of a

(provided no harm) woman is not part of awrah
for other women

Contraceptive Vaginal Permissible but Makruh because foreign

Makruh (provided no object inserted into private
Ring (NuvaRing)
harm) parts

Birth Control Patch Permissible By Qiyas on Azl + No

revealing of awrah + No
insertion of foreign object

More Details of Some Popular Methods

Temporary Method:

1. Azl (coitus interrupts):

Azl is a process of withdrawing male sexual organ during

intercourse, before injecting the sperm. In offensive language
just out the penis from vagina before sperm inject.
Azl is the best practice. At the time of Prophet (Pbuh), he allowed the

2. Birth Control Pills

Birth control pills can be used
1. Mutual agreement of both husband and wife.

2. If it does not cause harm.

3. It is not being practiced on a permanent basis, but rather for a

temporary period

If these three conditions are met, there is nothing wrong with taking
these pills, but that should not be on a permanent basis, because that
means preventing having children.

On the other sense Caesar operation is now a common phenomenon

of Bangladesh. Taking large number of children, by Caesar operation
patient (mother) is quite impossible. So birth control measure could
be applied.

3. Condom (It may be male or female condom)

A thin rubber tube that a man covers his penis during intercourse.
It is permissible to use condoms so long as this does not cause any harm
and so long as both husband and wife consent to their use, because this is
similar to azl. But it reduces the sensation of pleasure, which is the right
of both partners, and reduces the chance of conception, which is also the
right of both partners. Neither one of them is allowed to deprive the other
of these rights.

So by mutual consent of husband and wife and if not harm to physical

health, condom could be used.

4. Abortion

Abortion is a process of removing (Destroying) developed baby from

womens body (womb). It is totally haram in Islam. As it is like killing the

In case of risk of the life of mother (death possibility) any method could
be adopted.As childrens life is less valuable than mothers life.

----Allah knows the best----

Sunnah of Intercourse

1. Sex should be done in a chaste manner and should not be inspired

by shaitan. Do not follow sex like animals. Do not have oral,
facial sex at all. Just have sex like normally people do.

2. Allah has prohibited sex during menses and anal sex (sodomy).

3. Prior to intercourse please read the following dua:

"bismillah alahumma janibnash shaitana wa janibish shitana ma

razaqtana'( In the name of Allah - O Allah save both of us from
shaitan and save what you will grant(offspring) from Shaitan)

InshAllah your offspring will be protected from the evil of shaitan.

4. Allah has permitted intercourse in all positions liked by partners.

5. To have a covering over the bodies during the intercourse. (*1)

6. Not to look at each others sexual organs. (*2)

7. Speaking a little during the intercourse. (*3)

It is better to act in accordance with those recommendations but
all kinds of intercourse is permissible as long as it is through the
reproductive organ.

8. If you wish to repeat intercourse then please take bath. If bath

not possible then at least do wudhu as per the sunnah of the

*1- Kanzul-ummal, 6/415

*2- Ibn Majah, Nikah, 28
*3- Fayzul- Qadir, 1/327

----Allah knows the best----

Sunnah of the Wedding Night

1. It is a desirable Sunnah that the groom puts his hand on the

brides head and pray for her. The Prophet (SAW) taught us to

(Related by Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah).

The groom may make this supplication aloud or silently.

2. Afterwards, perform two rakah salah of thanks with husband

standing forth and wife behind him. After the salah, you should
do dua for goodness and blessings, mutual love and harmony.
When you intend to have intercourse with your wife, you should
recite this dua:

2. The groom is encouraged to please his bride and treat her with
kindness. It is a Sunnah that he presents to her something.. to
drink or eat. Asma Bint Yazeed (RA) said:
I adorned Aisha (RA) for her wedding night, so the Prophet (SAW) came
to her side and brought a big cup of milk from which he drank and then
presented it to her, but she blushed and lowered her head. (Related by
3. It is permissible that they take off all their clothes and be
completely naked, but it is better for them to be under a
common sheet, for the Prophet (SAW) said:
Verily Allah is modest and discreet and He likes modesty and
discretion. (Related by Ahmad, Al-Tirmidhi, and Abu Dawud)
4. The couple is encouraged to engage in foreplay (proper
excitation) before having intercourse. The Prophet (SAW) said:
One of you should not fall upon his wife like the animal does, let there be
a messenger between them. He was asked: And what is the messenger?
He said: Kissing and talking. (Related by Al-Daylami)
This indicates that the man should seek to satisfy his wifes desires as she
satisfies his.
5. Before starting intercourse, it is a Sunnah to make the following
In the name of Allah, O Allah, keep Satan away from us, and keep Satan
away from that (the offspring) which You grant us. (Related by Al-
6. They are free to have intercourse in any position (in the vagina)
they wish, as Allah (SWT) says:
Your wives are as a tilth for you, so go to your tilth (have sexual
relations with your wives in any manner as long as it is in the vagina and
not in the anus) when or how you will (Al-Baqarah 2:223)
7. They are free to have intercourse anytime they wish, but
moderation is advised and sexual activity should not become an
obsession as it may take over other activities of life. Having
intercourse on the night before Friday is desirable as the
Prophet (SAW) said:
Whoever makes ghusl on Friday to clean himself from janabah (impurity
due to having intercourse), then left for prayer, it is as if he offered a
camel in sacrifice. (Related by Al-Bukhari)
8. After intercourse, it is desired that they take a bath or ghusl
(ghusl is Farz after intercourse) before going to sleep. If this
presents a hardship on them, they should perform ablution and
can postpone ghusl until before Fajr prayer. If they want to
have intercourse a second time, it is desirable that the man
performs ablution first, as the Prophet (SAW) said:
If one of you had intercourse with his wife and then wants to come to her
again, it is better for him to perform ablution, for it gives him vigor to
come again. (Related by Muslim)

----Allah knows the best----

FAQ(Frequently Asking Questions)

1. Is oral sex (Sexual organ in mouth) between husband and

wife is allowed in Islam?

Can a woman suck penis of her husband and in return can a

man suck clitoris of his wife during sex?

ANS: Yes, but to a point as foreplay (only for excitation

creation) not allowing the intake of discharge. In short sperm must
not inject in mouth. Only for excitement this method can be
applicable. (However, this question has some negative consent
also by some Muslim scholars. But here I gave the answer from
the view of maximum Muslim scholar.)

So should not practice it at all.

2. Is anal sex (Sexual organ of male through Ass or buttock of

female) between husband and wife is allowed in Islam?

ANS: NO , Haram

The Prophet (pbuh) said:

"Allah does not have mercy on a man who carries out anal intercourse with his wife. (Ibn
Majah Bayhaqi)
3. Is it allowed to sex at the time of period or menstrual period?

ANS: Not allowed. Haram

4. Does sucking of breasts of wife by husband is allowed in


ANS: Husband can suck the breast of wife but milk shouldn't
come out.

5. Can a husband drink of her wifes milk?

ANS: Shouldnt. As it is only the right of child.

6. Can one see her wife fully naked?

ANS: Allowed. But not sunnah.

7. Can one touch their chest and other private parts below
stomach? Also with tongue?


8. Can one lick their chest and suck their Breasts/nipples? (In
2 yrs and after 2 yrs of child been born)? If milk comes is
there any problem with Niqah(Marriage).

ANS: Though it is allowable but milk should not in the mouth.

And nikah shall remain intact as usual due to this act.

9. Can one lip kiss? With tongue involved?


10. Are wives allowed to drink/swallow or just taste husband's



11. Is it allowed to take (eat) drug before sex for increasing

time duration and stimulation (e.g. Viagra, Power plus)

Answer: Using a drug that helps sexual intercourse is permitted and

there is no legal Islamic prohibition provided, if it does not contain
ingredients that may harm health, or any intoxicating substances. If it
increase the blood pressure suddenly like alcohol that may be cause to
death, it is prohibited.

12. Is mutual masturbation (Stimulating one sexual organ by

other) is allowed in Islam (only between husband and wife)?
ANS: Mutual masturbation that culminates in orgasm for both is
permissible. It is admissible to get the above thing done with the hands of
wife. But masturbation should not be self

13. Can one talk during sexual intercourse?

ANS: From the Sunnah of the Prophet (SAAWS), talk during sexual
intercourse is makrooh (disliked) because children born after such
intercourse have some handicaps (a physical or mental injury) that
interfere with the normal function of human speech.

NOTE: In most cases YES doesn't mean it is recommended to just mean permissible.

----Allah knows the best----

Maximum questions of above is solvable by the below reference.

CH: 2 V: 223 Your wives are as a tilt unto you; so approach your
tilt when or how ye will. But do some good act for your souls
beforehand; and fear Allah and know that ye are to meet Him (in
the Hereafter) and give (these) good tidings to those who believe.

----Allah knows the best----

All References

Most References I have taken from

1. Darul Ulum Deoband

4. Wikipedia
6. And also from some other websites

I want to ask that during menstruation is it allowed for man to discharge by the
hand of his wife. Please guide me.

Answer: 59009

Apr 29,2015

(Fatwa: 452/417/SN=07/1436)

It is lawful but makrooh (with lower degree) as it is stated in Radd al-Muhtar:

371/3 )
38/6 : ( :).
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best

Darul Ifta,

Darul Uloom Deoband

Question: 7140

I am 33 yrs old and my wife is 27yrs. MashaAllah we have two kids (2.5 yrs old
and 7 months old). My wife is suffering from depression. I am living abroad
with my wife and kids. My wife was talking birth control pills but due to
consumption of antibiotic the pills got ineffective. She is about 7-8 weeks
pregnant and is finding very hard to bring up two small children and at the
same time do all the household work. She is also having a variety of health
issues. Is it allowed to abort the pregnancy?
Answer: 7140

Sep 01,2008

(Fatwa: 1392/1307=D/1429)

If her health is not good and she is unable to bear the troubles of pregnancy, or it is
feared that troubles of conceiving will be intolerable and abortion is advised by any
expert Muslim doctor, or it is feared that the next pregnancy will cause harm to the
infant, then in all such cases it is allowable to get aborted before four months of

Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best

Darul Ifta,

Darul Uloom Deoband

Question: 8137


Is contraceptive pills/Condom/Tablets like Mala-D are permissible in Islam to

control birth temporarly?

Answer: 8137

Oct 20,2008

(Fatwa: 1050/1050=M/1429)
On the basis of valid reasons, it is allowable to use temporary contraceptives
(pills or condoms), otherwise it is makrooh (undesirable). You must have
written what is the problem with you.

Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best

Darul Ifta,

Darul Uloom Deoband

Question: 6866


Aslam o alaikum Is family planning allowed in islam ,If Yes thn which
conditions and by which MEANS e.g condoms or surgery or pills Wbat abt
giving gaps between births one year or two year for the sake of the health of
wife. Jazal Allah
Answer: 6866

Aug 23,2008

(Fatwa: 935/855=L/1429)

In family planning, it is unlawful and haram to adopt a way that permanently

removes the reproduction system. However, if a woman is ill, unable to bear the
pregnancy or there is fear of unbearable pains in case of pregnancy or it is
prescribed by any expert Muslim physician or she fears severely about the health
of her already born
infant, then in these cases she can temporarily use condom and contraceptives.

Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best

Darul Ifta,

Darul Uloom Deoband

Question: 14711
Saudi Arabia

Asalamlikum Mufti Sab, Kindly answer the following questions: 1. use of

contraceptive (birth control pills, condoms etc.)if a lady have medical reason,
(i.e kidney stone etc.) 2. giving birth gap between two children due to spouse
health concern and family take care. 3. family planing surgery Awaits for reply.
Thanks and Jazakallah!
Answer: 14711

Jul 21,2009

(Fatwa: 1182/1182=M/1430)

(1-2) If the health of wife is weak and she is unable to bear the troubles and pains
of pregnancy i.e. her life is threatened, then in such an exigent case it is allowable
to use temporary contraceptives (like condom) as per the Shariah.
(3) The concept of family planning contradicts Islamic teachings. Therefore,
sterilization or permanent removal of the reproductive system is unlawful.

Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best

Darul Ifta,

Darul Uloom Deoband

Question: 21106

assalamo alaykum, I want to know that if menstuation cyacle is going on , and
husband do sex , with both permission ,so what is the kaffarah or tauba for
this. both are believe in sunnah and perform everything according sunnah. but
mistake once..
Answer: 21106

Mar 29,2010

Doing intercourse during menstruation period is haramas it is
mentioned in the holy Quran: [222 :
)( ]
And do not have intimacy with them until they are cleansed.

If by mistake one commits this sin he must do tauba and istighfar. Both of
you (husband and wife) seek forgiveness from Allah by offering two rakah
salatut tauba and give something in charity and avoid this act in future.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best

Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband

Question: 7300

United Kingdom of Great Britain

Dear Bahi Asalam o Alaikum. Up till now I was thinking Islam never allows any
thing like Oral sex with spouse..... but now I have doubts. I would like to have you
point of view of Oral sex in Islam... Is it legal if yes then up till what limit... Please
explain... Regards
Answer: 7300

Sep 06,2008

(Fatwa: 1606/1368=B/1429)

Oral sex is not allowed, it is animality and bestiality, the animals lick each other?s
private parts. It is narrated in Hadith, Hadhrat Aysha (RA) states: neither had I
seen his not he saw mine. This is decency, humanity and dignity.

Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best

Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband

Question: 31461


Q1: is it allowed to suck wife breast when there is no milk? before the baby and
after 2-3 years of baby. Q2: can wife sucks the penis when it is clean, i mean
when it is sure that no semen gone to her mouth. Q3: can a husband sex with
his wife in her menstrual cycle, when the flow of menses almost stop after 3-4
days but she didn't took a bath.. Q4: is nikah broken due to ANAL sex with wife..
Sorry for using such words, but i really need the answer. thanks
Intercourse and Islam Page 33
Answer: 31461

May 03,2011

(Fatwa: 593/494/B=1432)

(1) Husband can suck the breast of wife but if milk

comes out and enters into throat, it shall be
haram. (2) It is bestiality, though semen is on the
penis or not.
If it Itstops
is haram to have
as usual intercourse
or after ten dayswith
andone's wifenot
wife has while she is inghusl,
performed her menstruation.
then also
intercourse is prohibited. Yes, having
intercourse is allowable after the passage of
salah time. (4) This ugly act does not
invalidate the nikah, but it is haram with one's
wife as well.

Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best

Darul Ifta,

Darul Uloom Deoband

Warning: On internet there exists both non Islamic site also

which is running through Islamic names. It is the conspiracy of
non believers. Always avoid them.

Here is the collection of fatwa that I have used to Wright the articles of above.
May Allah bless, forgive, and guide us all.
Intercourse and Islam Page 34


Is any type of birth control allowed in islam? What would you advise a couple who is not
financially capable of supporting a child until a year or two more? (Until they have a more
stable source of income?) Thank you very much for any help you can provide, I can not tell
you how greatly I would appreciate it.

Answer: Asalamu aleykum

Contraception is allowed for a limited length of time and a specific purpose, with both
partners' consent. It is allowed on a long term basis if pregnancy would endanger the life or
health of the wife. It is not allowed solely for fear of poverty, because Allah provides each
human being's income (resq.)

Here's a good collection of fatawa on this subject:

Islam Questions & Answers
Question Reference Number: 587
Title: Permissibility of contraception

Home > Jurisprudence and Islamic Rulings > Transactions > Marriage > Kind Treatment of
Spouses >

Is contraception allowed ?

Al-hamdu lillaah.
Intercourse and Islam Page 35
Contraception is permitted under the following conditions:
1. Mutual agreement of both husband and wife.
2. It does not cause harm.
3. It is not being practiced on a permanent basis, but rather for a temporary period (such as
two years until the breastfeeding of the current baby is completed, for example).

Islam Q&A
Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid (

Islam Questions & Answers
Question Reference Number: 7205
Title: Is it permissible to use birth control because one is afraid to have children due to the
corruption of society?

Home > Psychological and Social Problems >

Is it permissible to use birth control so that a person has a child every five years, because he
sees the corruption in society and would not be able to raise a lot of children close in age in
this overwhelmingly corrupt society?

Praise be to Allaah.
We put this question to Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-Uthaymeen, may Allaah preserve
him, who replied:
So long as this is the intention, then it is not permissible to do this, because it reflects a lack
of trust in Allaah with regard to the hadeeth of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be
upon him) who said Marry the one who is loving and fertile
But if the birth control has to do with the condition of the woman because she cannot cope
with repeated pregnancies this may be permissible, but it is better not to do it.

Intercourse and Islam Page 36

Question: Do you mean that it is more important to pay attention to the woman's condition
than to the corrupt nature of society?
Answer: Of course, because there is no certainty that one's children will be corrupt; they may
be righteous people who will bring benefits to society. And Allaah knows best.

Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-Uthaymeen (


Islam Questions & Answers
Question Reference Number:: 12529
Title: Is it permissible to engage in coitus interruptus or to use a condom?

Home > Jurisprudence and Islamic Rulings > Transactions > Marriage > Kind Treatment of
Spouses >
Home > Manners > Etiquette of Marriage >
On the first night after getting married, can one use contraception ( e.g condom ) or should
this not be allowed. This is because it may be possible (by the will of Allah) for my future
wife to get pregnant, but we may not choose to have children so early in our marriage.Please

Praise be to Allaah.
It is permissible to engage in coitus interruptus if a person does not want a child, and it is
also permissible to use a condom, but that is subject to the condition that the wife gives her
permission for that, because she has the right to full enjoyment and also to have a child. The
evidence for that is the hadeeth of Jaabir ibn Abd-Allaah (may Allaah be pleased with him)
who said: We used to engage in coitus interruptus at the time of the Messenger of Allaah
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). News of that reached the Messenger of Allaah
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and he did not forbid us to do that. Narrated by
al-Bukhaari, 250; Muslim, 160
Although that is permitted, it is nevertheless makrooh and intensely disliked. Muslim (1442)
narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was asked about coitus
Intercourse and Islam Page 37
interruptus and he said: That is the secret burying alive of infants. This indicates that it is
strongly disliked.
Al-Nawawi said:
Coitus interruptus means intercourse in which, when ejaculation approaches, the man
withdraws and ejaculates outside the vagina. It is makrooh in our view in all circumstances
and with all women, whether the woman consents to that or not, because it is a means of
preventing offspring. Hence in the hadeeth it is called the secret burying alive of children,
because it cuts off the means of producing offspring, like killing a newborn by burying him
or her alive. With regard to it being haraam, our companions said that it was not forbidden
These ahaadeeth and others, when taken in conjunction, may be understood as meaning that
it is makrooh, but not strongly so, and the reports in which permission is given for that may
be understood as meaning that it is not haraam; they do not mean that it is not makrooh.
It is better for the Muslim not to do that, unless there is a need for it, such as if the woman is
sick and cannot cope with a pregnancy or it would be too difficult for her or would cause her
harm. Also, coitus interruptus cancels out one of the purposes of marriage, which is to have a
lot of children, and it also means that the woman's pleasure is incomplete.
See also question no. 3767 .

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Islam Questions & Answers
Question Reference Number:: 3767
Title: Contraception in early pregnancy

Home > Jurisprudence and Islamic Rulings > Transactions > Marriage > Kind Treatment of
Spouses >
Is it forbidden to use contraception for two years at the beginning of marriage by mutual
consent and until both parties are certain that the marriage will continue?

Praise be to Allaah.
This question was put to Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-Uthaymeen, who answered as
Intercourse and Islam Page 38
This is not forbidden, but it is better not to do this, and to be optimistic and think positively
of Allaah [i.e., put one's trust in Him that the marriage will succeed].
Having a child might bring the couple together and create deeper ties between them, and
bring them both great joy. And Allaah is the Source of strength.

Islam Q&A
Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid (

Islam Questions & Answers
Question Reference Number:: 20597
Title: He is practicing azl with his wife so that she will not get pregnant because she is still

Home > Jurisprudence and Islamic Rulings > Transactions > Marriage > Kind Treatment of
Spouses >
Is it permissible to practise azl (withdrawal or coitus interruptus) or a similar method (of
contraception) if that will go on for two years or more, so that the wife can finish her studies
before she gets pregnant? Or does this go against one of the most important reasons for
marriage in Islam?.

Praise be to Allaah.
One of the purposes of marriage in Islam is to have children and increase the numbers of the
Abu Dawood (2050) narrated that Ma'qil ibn Yasaar (may Allaah be pleased with him) said:
The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Marry the one
who is loving and fertile, for I will be proud of your great numbers before the nations [i.e.,
on the Day of Resurrection]. Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood, 1805.
Practising azl which means ejaculating outside the vagina is permissible, but that is
subject to the condition that it be with the wife's permission, because one of her rights is full
enjoyment, and another of her rights is to have children, both of which are lost as a result of
Intercourse and Islam Page 39
It was narrated that Jaabir ibn Abd-Allaah said: We used to practise azl at the time of the
Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) when the Qur'aan was
being revealed.
Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 4911; Muslim, 1440. Muslim added: Sufyaan said: If there had
been anything wrong with it, the Qur'aan would have forbidden it.
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah said:
With regard to azl, some of the scholars regarded it as haraam, but the view of the four
imams is that it is permissible with the wife's permission. And Allaah knows best.
Majmoo' al-Fataawa, 32/110
See also Question no. 11885.
It is permissible for the spouses to agree on family planning so long as that is temporary and
not a permanent thing subject to the condition that the means used does not cause any harm
to the woman.
Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:
With regard to using temporary means of preventing pregnancy, such as when a woman gets
pregnant easily and pregnancy is exhausting for her, and she wants to space her pregnancies
so they will be two years apart and so on, this is permissible so long as her husband gives his
permission and so long as that will not cause her any harm.
Risaalat al-Dimaa' al-Tabee'iyyah li'l-Nisa'
And Allaah knows best.

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Islam Questions & Answers
Question Reference Number:: 10143
Title: Ruling on tying the tubes unnecessarily

Home > Jurisprudence and Islamic Rulings > Transactions > Marriage > Rights of spouses >
I am a 36 year old woman with 6 kids and i am now with my 7th child and would like to
know if it is permissible in Islam to tie my tubes when this baby is born? i don't want to cut
and burn them i want to place a band around the tubes to avoid the egg from dropping all the
way down. i know i cannot stop the will of Allah i just want to try to loose weight i weigh
Intercourse and Islam Page 40
more that 250 lbs. everytime i try to loose weight i end up pregnant.

Praise be to Allaah.
It is not permissible to prevent pregnancy except in cases of necessity where competent
doctors have stated that giving birth will cause the mother to become exhausted or ill, or will
make her sickness worse, or there is the fear that pregnancy or childbirth will most likely
cause the mother to die. In that case it is essential to have the husband's agreement and
consent to prevent or end pregnancy. When this reason is no longer a factor, then the woman
should go back to not using contraception.
Fataawa al-Mar'ah al-Muslimah, 2/977
Because losing weight does not reach the degree of necessity mentioned above, it does not
come under the same ruling, especially since this operation to tie the tubes requires the
female doctor to uncover and touch the awrah. It is even worse if the doctor is male, so this
is another reason not to allow it.
But you have to follow the guidance of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon
him) with regard to food. The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon
him) said: The son of Adam does not fill any vessel worse than his stomach. It is sufficient
for the son of Adam to eat a few morsels to keep him alive. But if he must (fill it), then one-
third for his food, one-third for his drink and one-third for air. (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, al-
Zuhd, 2303; classed as saheeh in Saheeh Sunan al-Tirmidhi, no. 1939)
You should also follow the permissible means (of preventing pregnancy), such as withdrawal
during intercourse (azl). The correct scholarly view is that there is nothing wrong with azl
even if there is no reason for it, because of the hadeeth of Jaabir: We used to practise azl at
the time when the Qur'aan was being revealed. (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, al-Nikaah, 4808).
And Allaah knows best.
Fataawa al-Mar'ah al-Muslimah, 2/658
Perhaps what Allaah has decreed for you of children will be better for you than you think,
and they will be a blessing that is stored up for you, especially in old age.

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Intercourse and Islam Page 41

Islam Questions & Answers
Question Reference Number:: 21169
Title: Using the birth control pill and the coil

Home > Jurisprudence and Islamic Rulings > Customs and traditions > Medicine and
medical treatments >
What is the shar'i ruling on using the coil (IUD intrauterine device) as a means of
preventing pregnancy, knowing that this means does not prevent fertilization of the egg, but
it prevents the embryo from attaching itself to the wall of the uterus? May Allaah reward you
with good.

Praise be to Allaah.
Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:
What the Muslims should do is to have as many children as they can, because this is the
command issued by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) when he said,
Marry the one who is loving and fertile, for I will be proud of your great numbers. Because
increasing the number of children increases the size of the ummah, and being of great
numbers is a source of pride, as Allaah said, reminding the Children of Israel of that
(interpretation of the meaning):
And We helped you with wealth and children and made you more numerous in man power
[al-Israa' 17:6]
And Shu'ayb said to his people:
And remember when you were but few, and He multiplied you'
[al-A'raaf 7:86 interpretation of the meaning]
No one would deny that if the ummah is great in number this will lend it pride and strength.
This is contrary to what is imagined by those who think evil thoughts, that the large numbers
of the ummah is the cause of its poverty and hunger. If the ummah increases in number and
relies on Allaah, and believes in His promise, in the aayah And no moving (living) creature
is there on earth but its provision is due from Allaah [Hood 11:6 interpretation of the
meaning], then Allaah will make things easy for them and will grant them sufficient means
from His Bounty.
On this basis, the answer to the question is as follows:
A woman should not use birth control pills unless the following two conditions are met:
(1) She should have a reason for that such as being sick and unable to bear a pregnancy every
year, or being physically weak, or having other reasons why getting pregnant every year
would be harmful for her.
(2) Her husband should give his permission, because the husband has the right to have
children. This must also be done in consultation with a doctor, to find out whether taking
these pills will be harmful to her or not.
Intercourse and Islam Page 42
If these two conditions are met, then it is OK for her to use these pills, but that should not be
on a permanent basis, i.e., she should not use the type of birth control pills that prevent
pregnancy permanently, because this is preventing progeny.
(Fataawa al-Mar'ah al-Muslimah, 2/657, 658)
Concerning the harms caused by contraception, the Shaykh (may Allaah have mercy on him)
Birth control pills: I have heard from a number of sources that doctors say they are harmful.
Even if we do not know this from the doctors, we know it from ourselves, because
preventing something natural that Allaah has created and decreed for the daughters of Adam
is undoubtedly harmful. Allaah is Wise, and He has only created this blood which flows at
certain times for a reason. If we prevent it with these medicines, that is harmful without a
But I have heard that the matter is worse than we imagine, that they may be a means of
damaging the womb, and a means of causing nervous disorders. This is something we must
beware of.
(Liqaa' al-Baab al-Maftooh, question no. 1147)
Shaykh Abd al-Azeez ibn Baaz (may Allaah have mercy on him) was asked:
What is the ruling on removing the uterus in order to avoid having children for medical
reasons which are either present, or may occur in the future and have been predicted by
medical and scientific means?
He answered: if that is necessary, then it is OK, otherwise it should not be done, because the
Lawgiver urges us to have children and promotes that in order to increase the size of the
ummah. But if there is a necessary reason then it is OK, just as it is permissible to use means
of contraception for a limited time for a legitimate shar'i reason. (9/434)
What is said concerning the birth control pill may also be said concerning the coil. It has
been definitely proven by the doctors that this contraceptive method causes harm, especially
when it is used continually. It is known that the woman who has a coil inserted has an
increased flow of menstrual blood, and her period may come twice a month, which causes an
iron deficiency in her body. Iron is one of the important minerals which the body needs.
Some women may become anaemic when they use the coil and it makes their periods longer,
resulting in the woman losing a large amount of blood and thus a large amount of the iron
stored in the body. It has also been proven that many women suffer infections of the uterus
as a result of using the coil. Despite all this, a woman may become pregnant with the coil in
place, as has happened to a number of women. We ask Allaah to keep us safe and sound.
And Allaah knows best.

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Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid (

Intercourse and Islam Page 43


Islam Questions & Answers
Question Reference Number:: 5196
Title: Using birth control pills at first in case the marriage fails

Home > Jurisprudence and Islamic Rulings > Transactions > Marriage > Kind Treatment of
Spouses >
Is it permissable for a woman to go on the pill (female contraception) prior to her marriage,
so as to avoid pregnancy in case the marriage does not work out (ie. she becomes pregnant
and then they divorce and she is left with the child)? Should she inform her spouse on the
wedding night or prior to the nikkah that she is on the pill? In light of the above, is it
permissible to use contraceptives to avoid pregnancy in the event that the marriage might not
work out (ie for the first year of the marriage)?

Praise be to Allaah.
If it is medically proven that birth control pills are harmful to women, then it is not
permissible to use them either before marriage or afterwards, on the basis of the rule that no
harm should be done. This rule is based on the aayaat (interpretation of the meanings):
And do not kill yourselves [al-Nisa' 4:29]
and do not throw yourselves into destruction [al-Baqarah 2:195]
Unless it is possible to produce pills that are free of harmful side effects, they should not be
As for using any non-harmful means of contraception at the beginning of marriage, fearing
that the marriage may not work out, there are a number of reservations about this, such as:
1. it may be a kind of pessimism, because you are expecting it to fail.
2. It may lead to an unhappy marital life and both spouses expecting bad of one another,
because it is known that one of the most important purposes of marriage is to have children,
and if this is delayed for a specific reason the relationship may cool off. If the husband finds
out that this is what his wife is doing, it will spoil the relationship between them.
3. Pregnancy is one of the most important functions of women, which generates feelings of
love and compassion towards her husband and children. If pregnancy is prevented the
opposite feelings develop.
4. The fuqahaa' (may Allaah have mercy on them) stipulated the condition for azl (coitus
interruptus) or other forms of contraception used by the woman, that it should only be done
with the permission of the other spouse, because both of them have the right to have
children. So it is not permissible for the wife to take birth control pills without her husband's
Intercourse and Islam Page 44
permission and consent.
5. The fear that the marriage may fail and the fact that there is a high divorce rate cannot be
dealt with in this manner. The way to deal with it is to make the right choice of spouse and
make sure that this is the right choice. The prospective husband should be allowed to see the
prospective wife, because this is one of the ways of fostering love after marriage. Other
means should also be used. We ask Allaah to guide us all. May Allaah bless our Prophet

Islam Q&A
Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid (


is it permitted to kiss or lick the vagina of wife.


Sexuality and Faith: For A Better Fulfillment

Your love lifts my soul from the body to the sky

And you lift me up out of the two worlds.
I want your sun to reach my raindrops,
So your heat can raise my soul upward like a cloud.


Images of love making and sounds of heat-filled exchanges are splashed on screens more
than from pages of Scriptures. Yet, sex is not the franchise of wicked pimps and the
merchandise of insane harlots, running amok on Bollywood dance floors and spewing haram
semen on lounge bars. The story of a naked Adam in company with a nude Eve is as much
primordial as it is sacred reading of all our divine Books. Notwithstanding, married people
are torn between these two oddities, it seems like, without much reference from Islamic
sources, as to what should be the stand when sex and faith are jamming. Does sexual
pleasure betray of a weakening Faith and/or should a strong faith exclude sexuality?

The sharing of passions, sexually, is the result of a connection between hearts and the sexual
organs. Its a natural thing. One should not be ashamed of it, and neither perplexed. Without
Intercourse and Islam Page 45
sexual passions shared and moreover, shared in a responsible, deep-seated and satisfying
way, one cannot hope to enjoy the greatest gift of life- cohabitation. Faith ensures that this
element of intimacy is alive and kept sustained between the two consenting parties, in this
case married and of humans of opposite sexes. The dynamics of sexuality isnt to be reduced
to mere meetings; simply the unions for procreation or fulfillment of marital duties. Just as
food needs spices besides taste so does nocturnal relationships. Just as clothing needs style
plus colors so too does conjugal relations. Just as Faith needs fanning of its dying embers so
too does Love needs refueling of its depleting energy i.e. the rejuvenation of sexual
encounters between rightful parties have to receive ominously from the quarters of love,
passion, conversation, surprise, travels, retreats, erotica, entertainment, company, laughter,
humor, lingerie, spontaneity, text messages, prayers, et al.

Let the Quran speak! 2:223 Your wives are as a garden unto you; so approach your farms
when or how you will

Foreplay is the gardeners main job here. He digs up the soil, fertilizes it, waters the seeds
and constantly overlooks the earth so flowers may spring. Imagine people are still stuck on
whether to caress is fine; to kiss; to mutually enjoy sex orally; to practice fetish; to simply
ruminate wild imaginations on the flesh of wet dreams or to touch ones own genitalia for
personal pleasures. These are acts that the verse above, without categorization or prohibition,
calls hars- preparing your garden. Aisha, May Allah be pleased with her, reports that her
husband, never mind being understandably older and religious, did not leave her sexual life
high and dry. He, on whom be peace, ensured the carefulness towards a virgin, the
spontaneity of a lover and the romance of a poet when he referred to her as a crystal! So they
recited poetry together, ran races in laughter, bathed in the same bath tub out of sexual
adventure and guarded each others secrets like true friendship demands.

The Books of Fiqh from olden times discussed in detail sexual acts without a blush! I once
attended a Scared Sex workshop on World Religions and was impressed when the presenter
finally came to Islam, he said: lastly, Islam, this religion has the best view- its an act of
worship! Sex itself is an act of Ibada, for procreation or not. Abdullah ibn Abbas, ra, used to
perfume his tent in preparation of his mates nightly encounter and considered this the
greatest virtue- to please her! The Companions enjoyed multiple wives without the morning

The Quran reminds us, according to Al Gazalli, that when a man is in erection or a woman
experiences orgasm, and by the way this is the most lacking Sunna among Muslim women
today, the minds loses control. Q. 2:286 Our Lord! Lay not on us a burden greater than we
have strength to bear. According to the Da Vinci Code the Divine vision takes over in that
brief moment of faintness. Therefore, ensure you do the best for each other sexually as such
ecstasy breeds mysticism and definitely a security of marriage.

So let not Faith stand in the way of your sexuality, except, where precept clearly erects; like
Intercourse and Islam Page 46
intercourse during menses as its painful or anal activity because its unhealthy or without
matrimony as it produces illegitimate offspring and a tirade of jealousy.

Q: 2:187 Permitted to you, on the night of the fasts, is the approach to your wives. They are
your garments and you are their garments. Allah knows what you used to do secretly among
yourselves; but He turned to you and forgave you; so now have intercourse with them, and
seek what Allah has ordained for you

Rather allow the sweet sensation to tingle longer on the soft emotions of love and ride deeper
into the abyss of your inner happiness, while lying bare on the rocks of Eden.

Oh Allah I ask you of the good of it and seek your refuge from the evil of it.


The well-known Muslim scholar, Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, states:

During the life-time of the Prophets Companions (may Allah be pleased with them all) it
happened that one of the Companions was making love with his wife, and in the course of
love-making he (the Companion) sucked her breasts to the extent that some of the milk
reached his stomach. Following that, the Companion went to Abu Musa Al-Ash`ari (may
Allah be pleased with him) and asked him about the ruling. Replying the man, Abu-Musa
Al-Ash`ari said that the mans wife had become forbidden for him. (i.e., like his mother)

After that, the man went to ask `Abdullah Ibn Mas`ud (may Allah be pleased with him)
about the same ruling and Ibn Mas`ud stated that there was nothing wrong with what
happened. Ibn Mas`ud backed his argument by citing the Prophetic hadith, which clearly
states that suckling is confined only to the two earlier years of a child. Ibn Mas`ud cited this
Quranic verse: 'Mothers shall suckle their children for two whole years; (that is) for those
who wish to complete the suckling' (Al-Baqarah: 233)

The apparent meaning of the aforementioned verse is that the suckling, which may act as a
cause of prohibition, is confined to the suckling during the first two years. After the elapse of
the first two years, suckling is no longer a cause of prohibition.
Hearing the above argument, Abu-Musa Al-Ash`ari (may Allah be pleased with him) said:
'Do not ask me while this erudite scholar is there to guide you.

Intercourse and Islam Page 47

In conclusion, sucking the wife's breast, as far as Islam is concerned, does not render her
unlawful for the husband."

Is Viagra Halal or Haram?

(Editor's note: For those of you who may not know, Sildenafil Citrate, marketed under
the name Viagra, is a prescription drug developed by Pfizer which treats erectile
dysfunction, or male impotence).

Shaikh Shaykh Abdul Aziz ibn Baz (may Allah have mercy on hime) was asked in Riyadh
on June 26, 1998, whether the drug Viagra is permissible to use.

The Shaikh said, "Using a drug that helps sexual intrecourse is permitted and there is no
legal Islamic prohibition provided it does not contain ingredients that may harm health, or
any intoxicating substances." (quoted from Okaz newspaper).

Note: If you're a man who uses nitrate drugs, like nitroglycerine, (drugs commonly used for
the treatment of chest pains) never take Viagra with any nitrate medicine, as your blood
pressure could suddenly drop to an unsafe or life threatening level. Viagra must never be
used by men taking nitrates of any kind, any time.

( is not recommending or endorsing this drug, we are simply reporting on

the issue of whether or not it is halal).

Intercourse and Islam Page 48

Can a husband make use of every part of his wife during sexual intercourse?
I have received a message from a friend that is it: 'is it true that, a husband is allowed
to use any part of his wife's body opening during intercourse?' can u please answer
this question? thanks..
Member Name: fbsamet | Date: 04-April-2009, Time: 17:33:22


Dear Brother/Sister;

A rule like "Every part of a spouse is mubah (permissible) for the other spouse, it is not
haram (forbidden) is not right; According to Ahl Sunnah, anal intercourse is not permissible.
The mouth was not created for sexual intercourse but for other things; oral sex is contrary to
the creation and the nature of man; people with uncorrupted nature hate it.
Islam is a religion that covers the whole life of man and evaluates every issue. Therefore,
Islam did not ignore sexuality that has an important place in the life of man and sex
education. It was arranged within certain criteria and within the limits of halal (licit), being
enough for pleasure.
Sahaba (the Companions of the Prophet) and their wives, who asked the Prophet about all of
their problems, asked him about the issues regarding sexuality in person and learned from
As a matter of fact, one of the Companions wanted to have intercourse through her wifes
reproductive organ but he wanted to approach her from the back; his wife objected to it by
putting forward the Judaist understanding that the child to be born out of such intercourse
would be cross-eyed.
When our Prophet was informed about the issue, the verse stating, husbands could approach
wives as they wished so long as the intercourse was through the reproductive organ.(1)
Our prophet explained that verse and stated that intercourse could be carried out from
behind, top, bottom, side and as the spouses wished as long as it was through reproductive
organ. (2)
Islam prohibits a man to have sexual intercourse with his wife for the following cases:
1- Intercourse when the woman is in menstruation period and afterbirth period.
2- Anal intercourse. It is a great sin for a man to have anal intercourse with his wife. The
Prophet (pbuh) said:
"Allah does not have mercy on a man who carries out anal intercourse with his wife. (Ibn
Majah Bayhaqi)
We understand that our religion allows sexual intercourse except those mentioned above and
does not regard it haram as long as it is done through the reproductive organ. We can say that

Intercourse and Islam Page 49

what the spouses do to prepare themselves for the sexual intercourse like licking, caressing,
kissing touching various places with hands or lips are not regarded as haram.
However, the fact that there is not a definite ban does not mean there are no
recommendations: The following are the issues that are advised to be paid attention during
sexual intercourse:
1- To have a covering over the bodies during the intercourse. (3)
2- Not to look at each others sexual organs. (4)
3- Speaking a little during the intercourse. (5)
It is better to act in accordance with those recommendations but all kinds of intercourse is
permissible as long as it is through the reproductive organ.
1- Chapter al-Baqara, 223
2- See Elmall Hamdi Yazr and Ibni Kathir tafsirs: the interpretation of the verse 223 of al-
3- Kanzul-ummal, 6/415
4- Ibn Majah, Nikah, 28
5- Fayzul- Qadir, 1/327

Allah knows the best, May Allah help us to understand the actual

Thanks to my friends who helped to enrich and

reduce the error of the book.
1. Selim Reza (Inspired by marry first)
2. Zakirul Islam(RUET-07)
Intercourse and Islam Page 50
3. Aliul Azim(RUET-07)
4. Imran Azim(RUET-08)
5. Imran(IUT-07)
6. Mahid(SSMC-06)

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