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Attempt ALL the questions (Total 30 marks)

1. Explain the meaning . ,terms;
of the following al.o..~c
\ Q:\. \j'\V\ S .'~...lA.'\,\-0.. 0..
~,,(b~'" \-(,tTOI)(1mks)
a) Spatial data- ~Q~\{C\~""\<"o.
.' 01' 0" ~ C<""" "0.' to,,\(, \ Q.D
b) - \.Og::lh~
Spatial Referencmg S(C\t\:a\ d£R.<'\'~v ,

c) Attribute data _ (\""'" ,e~"'~~ oocrt""~ JPC'tu:\\ d.o.t<X. (2mks)

d) LlDAR (2mks)

'~isCUSS the importance of using topographic maps for spatial data representation (4mks)
3.ldentifv .the characteristics of spatial information that distinguish It from any other irJormation
_ (\\1J,.O:\<.\\~~('~(l\\Q\
_ ~ P,..'os"red If., loY1firuclo'J I.,.-h'M'"'
Sl,}) cp: L"o.<I,
. ,,, "",'\"" (4m)<s)
4. DisCUSsthe components of a GIS ~ ~ ~~~-ct' I?\.p 0. ~,. (4mks)

51DiscuSS six characteristics

._dD.tCi of remote
o.C4-U\~anoo,clam sen2.iJ:'gdafa'thifmake
\1\tf<t~\k~ it preferTed
.' over other GIS data (3mks)

6'1 a) Distinguish between therrt!i1R ana topographic maps- (\ Q,\1"'-' dO\"\~ "*'" 0b\e<\. (2mks)
b) Highlight any five activities followed
r E:-b~ Ii:>\ \ So\.-, ~L-' '4~~
during the creation of maps
q N\O,? (5mks)
.. p~\\\Jl ~\0

~ Q "" ~ ~r«:.u. ",rao1 .

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