Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) : Presented by Manny Ramos RN, MSN

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Systemic Lupus

Erythematosus (SLE)
Presented by
Manny Ramos RN, MSN
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
• chronic inflammatory immune complex
• connective tissue disease
• Mostly females of childbearing age: more
common in African Americans, Hispanics,
• Cause is unknown, causative factors are
genetic, environmental, and hormonal
• chronic case with periods of remissions
and exacerbations

• Autoantibodies
• tissue damage in multiple organs
• Reaction to some medications
(procainamide, hydralazine) causes a
syndrome similar to lupus
• Early manifestations: fever, anorexia,
malaise, weight loss, multiple arthralgias
and symmetric non-deforming polyarthritis
• Skin: butterfly rash across the cheeks and
bridge of the nose; maculopapular rash
upon sun exposure; alopecia
• Renal: 50% with proteinuria, cellular casts,
and nephrotic syndrome; 10% develop
renal failure
• Hematologic: anemia, leukopenia,
• Cardiovascular: pericarditis, vasculitis,
Raynaud’s phenomenon, endocarditis
• Pulmonary: pleurisy, pleural effusion
• Neurologic: organic brain syndrome, psychosis,
• Ocular: conjunctivitis, photophobia, retinal
• GI : anorexia, nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea
Diagnostic tests

• Anti-DNA
• ESR elevated
• Serum complement levels are low (used in
development of antigen-antibody complexes)
• CBC: severe anemia, leukopenia with
lymphcytopenia, thrombocytopenia
• Urinalysis: mild proteinuria, hematuria, blood cell
• BUN and creatinine
• Kidney biopsy
Collaborative Care
• Mild cases: supportive care, aspirin,
• Antimalarial drugs for skin and arthritic
• Severe cases: high-dose corticosteroid,
immunosuppressive agents
(cyclophosphamide or azathioprine)
• ESRD: dialysis and kidney transplantation
Nursing Care
• Impaired skin integrity: sunscreen, avoid sun
• Ineffective Protection: aseptic techniques,
monitor for signs of infection
• Impaired Health Maintenance: physical and
psychological needs
• Home Care
a. Compliance with treatment plan
b. Wearing medical identification
c. Family planning
d. Referral to home nursing care, resources and
support groups

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