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Michael Phelps

Period 7
Oct. 17, 2008

Buddhism’s Effect on Government, Art and Society

1) Thesis: Buddhism’s turbulent past lead to developments in China’s government, by both
invoking praise and condemnation by ruling emperors, in their art, as it blended together the
various cultures of the Eastern World, and in their society, as their beliefs became more
accepted as they changed and as those changed around them.
2) Points:
a. Government
b. Art
c. Society
Body 1 (Government):
1) Points:
a. Great Anti Buddhist Persecution
1. Tang Emperor Wuzong
2. 841-847
b. Persecution under Emperor Wu (Shih-tusu)
1. 424-451
c. Influenced Emperors
1. Shi Hu
2. Tang Xuanzong
Body 2(Art):
1) Points:
a. Melding of Cultures
1. India/China through architecture of:
a. Pagodas
b. Temples
c. Monasteries
2. Western Regions/Central Plains through painting
b. Sculptures
1. Buddha
2. Calm, compassion faces.
3. Use of gold.
c. Everyday Objects
1. Monastic Clothing
2. Prayer Beads
3. Tea
Body 3(Society):
1) Points
a. New Sects to comply with Chinese beliefs
1. Pure Land: devotion
2. Ch'an (Zen): improvement of mind
b. Appeal to Society
1. Nature/Escape of Suffering
2. Endorsement from leaders
a. Emperor Ming
i. Dream of “Golden Deity”
3. New interpretation of Heaven-like Nirvana
a. Hope
c. Blending of Taoism and Buddhism
1. Lao-tzu + Buddha believed same deity
2. “Borrowing” of Buddhist sutras by Taoists

1) Restate Thesis

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