Cod 2010

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Community 0 Donors

July 2009- June 2010

Building Our Community

Dear Friends of Canal Alliance,

'We are pleased to share this Commun.ity of Donors to recognize your compassionate commitment and support. On behalf of the entire Canal Alliance extended community, we thank you.

This year we worked hard to refine our expertise in serving immigrant families of Marin County and beyond. We collaborate regionally, building networks and strategic partnerships to provide people with skills, tools and resources they need to succeed. Now, all people

can benefit whether they need basic services, education, or help to start a business.We utilize a family-centered. strategy, and identify everyone as future leaders - in their families, workplaces and community. Some of this year's key achievements:

• Open a Sustainable Business Center - Inspired by an exciting entrepreneurial spirit alive in the immigrant community, the SBC supports an ever growing number of entrepreneurs through trainings which incorporate green principles into building a successful business.We offer one-on-one business counseling and financial coaching, advanced workshops and our resource library.

• Developing Future Leaders - Canal Alliance was selected by the San Francisco Foundation to provide disaster relief services in OUI community, In partnership with SFF, the City of San Rafael, and the American Red Cross, we are developing Disaster Preparedness Plans and trainings so Canal residents can effectively respond and lead during a crisis. Other projects that build leadership include Community Gardens, participation in Census 2010, and starting a neighborhood Recycling Effort, for which our Youth Concilio won the National Geographic Green. Effects ProjectAward.

• Family-Centered Strategy - Through our English classes, youth education program., immigration legal services, and economic development work, we recognize that the family is the center of the immigrant community, Our holistic strategy focusing on family enables all to overcomechallenges that impede success. This approach strengthens families and cornmuniry,

We are proud to serve a cause to which you are so passionately committed and in which you invest so generously.Your investment increases Canal Alliance's capacity to support families on their pathways to success. With you as our partner, families succeed and the community flourishes.

In solidarity,

Tom Wilson, Executive Director

Dick Fletcher, Board President

Canal All iance Boards


President: Dick Fletcher, OneCa1ifomia Bank Vice President: Norma Martinez-Howard,

Nol-knu Communications

Treasurer: Sandro Rossini, Comerica Batik

Secretary: Frima Stewart, Community Volun.teer

John Adler, University of San. Francisco School of Law Joseph Castro, Ph.D., University of California, San Frandsco Nancy Curley, Community Volmiteer

Barbara Dittmann, Commuwty Volunteer

Miguel Angel Godoy, Canal Alliance

Mara Perez, Ph.D., Development and Planni~lg Services Michelle Rodriguez, ICF Jones & Stokes

Daniel Vasquez, EDM Capital Partners

Tom Wilson, Canal Alliance


Isabel Allende, author/founder - T1'1c Isabel Allende Foundation Mary Jane Burke, Marin County Office of Education

Patricia Garbarino, Marin Sanitary Service

Belinda Guadarrama, GC Micro

Grace Hughes, Mann Aispone»

Steve Kinsey, County of Marin Board of Supervisors, District 4 Gary Ragghianti, Ragghia.nti Freitas, LLP

Deborah Santana, author/founder - The Milagro Foundation EthelSeiderman, founder - Parent Services Project Inc.


Marin Community Foundation

Foundation has invested in our cote program and model. With their support, ESL Coordinator Martin Steinman

is leading teachers and developing and using dynamic, interactive techniques to maximize student engagement and participation, with instruction focusing on language tasks that ate most relevant to students' lives - including vocabularyand phrases that can be used in the workplace, the clinic, and the store.

ntegrating mmigrants for a More Resilient and Competitive Economy

English language skills are a prerequisite to economic success. Canal Alliance's English as a Second Language program enables Marin immigrants to develop the language skills necessary for employment, to be advocates for their children's education, and participate more effectively in their daily lives. In the course of a year, our team of 100 volu nteer teachers and aides help as nuny as 800 immigrant residents improve their spoken and written English skills. The Marin Community

Canal Alliance ESL Coordinator Martin Steinman with the MCF team working most closely to bring necessary tools and resources to OUI community: (left to .right) Marcia Quifiones, Program Officer, Education and Immigration; Kathleen Harris, Program Director, Housing & Ending Poverty; Patti D'Angelo.Associate Program Officer, Education & Legal Services,


Latino Community Foundation

Raquel DOll9S0 and Adriana Acosta, Canal Alliance Economic Development Coordinator, visit an Internet Access workshop.

Internet Access and Knowledge - Bridging the Digital Di'vide

Latino f~rnilies have the ~owe~t rates of home Internet access 111 Northern California, and therefore less access to services, learning and income opportunities. Through funding from The Latino Community Foundation, Canal Alliance is providing workshops that promote internet access and knowledge in Spanish to Latino residents of San Rafael, Santa Venetia and Novato.

Canal Alliance's Instructor Adriana Acosta is connecting families to low-cost computer options and internet access, providing knowledge about computer maintenance, and information about how use of the internet can directly impact personal and professional growth. Through this program, Latinos are gaining the skills, tools and resources they need to success.

LCF is proud to partner with Canal Alliance to increase internet access for latino families in Marin. These technology investments are crucial to eliminating the digital divide and creating opportunities for irnmiqrant and low-income families in this community.

Raque/ Donoso Executive Director, Latino Community Foundation


Gail and Larry Siegel, ForWards

Critical Thinking Skills and Technology Tools for Enhanced Academic Achievement

I inmigrant youth and those from immigrant families can succeed academically with the right tools, opportunities and collaborative partners, such as Gail and Larry Siegel, Since 2007, when they founded ForW ords in honor of their daughter Catie, the Siegels have brought teacher trainers fi:OU1 the Bay Area Writing Project from UC Berkeley.juid other valuable resources to Canal Alliance so youth in our afterschool program may improve their critical thinking and writing skills, Through the Siegels' support, Canal Alliance has been able to hire Multimedia Coordinator Pamela Vargas- Touchard to train students in video and other media tools, enhancing their ability to express themselves,

Pamela Vargas- Touchard, Canal.Alliance Multimedia Coordinator, and Larry and Gail Siegel teaching Canal.Alliance students.


Pacific Gas and Electric Company

Community Organizer Maite Duran explains plans for COIlJJJ1Wllty gardens to josh Townsend while children and Youth Concilio members work in the Canal Alliance raised bed garden.


Josh Townsend Government Relations I Public Affairs Manager, Pacific Gas & Electric

Community Services and Leadership

The PG&E and Canal Allianceyartnership supports a WIde range of our core servicesand fosters community well-being. As an example: With guidance from Community Organizer Maite Duran, Canal youth have been leading an award-winning Neighborhood

Greening Campaign that combines recycling, monthly trash pickup days, and community gardens, and soon will be organizing for Emergency Disaster Preparedness among neighbors here in the Canal.

PG&E is pleased to invest in Canal Alliance's work to develop young leaders building greener, safer neighborhoods resulting in a healthier Canal community overall.

Rotary International

Training and Guidance through "Service Above Self"

Rotary is an organization of business people who volunteer their time, talents, friendship, and fimds to better the community they live in through their local Rotary Clubs, and to better the rest of the world through Rotary International - the world's first service club organization, with more than 1.2 million members in 33,000 dubs worldwide. Under the motto of "Service Above Self', Marin Rotarians - including Keith Axtell of Rotary Club of Marin E vening and Cad

Ilg of Mission San Rafael Rotary Club - have volunteered their time, shared their professional expertise and galvanized support from their clubs for Canal Alliance summer sports progranls, college scholarships, and entrepreneurial education.

Carl llg mentors a Canal Alliance student during the Fill 20(l9 Canal Business Idol Competinon, Keith Axtell (ahove) has been a lillian between the Marin Rotary Clubs and Canal Alliance fur dose to 20 years.


Zellerbach Family Foundation


Services for a Healthier Community

Zellerbach funding responds to the needs of newcomers and to the challenges of the organizations serving them. Canal Alliance is the

only community-based organization in the northern Bay Area that provides a full array of family-related immigration legal services to approximately 1,200 clients a year from Marin and Contra Costa Counties. Access to affordable and reliable immigration legal services enables qualified immigrants to obtain the legal status that leads to better and more secure jobs, more rapid acquisition of English, family unification and stability, improved access to health care, improved educational outcomesfor children, and fuller participation in community life. Even immigrants

who do not qualify for an immigration remedy need truthful information about their options so they

do not fall prey to. exploitation or forgo health and educational programs for their children.

Canal Alliance Immigration Team: Gabby Aragon, LegalAssistant;Alyssa Simpson, Director! Attorney; Melissa Brandau, Paralegal; Rebecca Preeman.Atrorney





• 220 Canal, Inc.

• Black Point Production, & Electrical

• Charles and Helen Schwab Foundation

• H & L Commercial

• Hendrickson

Development Inc

• Law Office of Anne Hiaring

• Lucas Valley Properties, Inc.

• Macy'sWest GI.ET.

• Marin Orthopedics &

Sports Medicine

• Mortg<tge Choices

• Nature's SunGrown Foods Special Gifts. Steven Balick Film &Video

_$_' 0_._0_0_0-_$~2_4.:..,9_9_9 ' The Business Group

, Citibank , Credit Suisse Americas

Foundation SustaIning Any

Major Gifts

, Pacific Gas & Electric $5,000-$9,999

---==- _ _:;_ $25,000 and above

Company' The George L Shields

, Wells Fargo Foundation Foundation ' Larry and Gail Siegel

, Young America • The Presbyterian Church Special Gifts

Sustaining Ally of Novato $10,000-$24,999

$5,000-$9,.999 Platinum


, AT&T $2,500-$4,999

, Aurodesk • Grassroo ts Leadership

, Bank of America Network of Marin

, Cornerica Charitable


, First Federal Savings & Loan Association of San Rafael


Platinum $2,500-$4,999

Major Gifts 525,000 and above

• Bank of the West

• S tri ng Letter Publishing

• Union Bank of California



, Bella Vista Foundation , California Consumer Protection Foundation , Irene S. Scully

Family Foundation

, Latino Community Foundation

, Marin Community Clinic , Marin Community


, Stuart Foundation

, The Gamble Foundation

, Tipping Point Community

, Zellerbach Family Foundation.

Special Gifts $10,000-524,999

• Chevron Corporation Contributions Program



• Kuvara Law Firm

, MillValIey Market ~ Shop & Give Program

• Pfizer Foundation

Matching Gifts Program

• Simmons & Ungar •• We,tameiica Bank

, Crescent Porter Bronze

Hale Foundation $250-$499


, Dennis and Carol Ann • Diebel Plumbing Inc

Rockey Fund • Parallone Pacific Insurance

, Episcopal Charities Services/Costello Risk

, Joanne & Peter Haas Jr. Fund Services, Inc

, Jonas Family Foundation •• McKesson Corporation

, Miranda Lux Foundation Foundation

, Newman's Own Organics • North Bay Lighting &

, The Isabel Allende Foundation Electrical Supply

'The San Francisco Foundation • Pacific Union Real

, van Lo ben Sels/ Esta re G roup

RembeRock Foundation • Sari Rafael Yacht Harbor

, William E. Simon Foundation • Summit Blue

Sustaining Ally Consulting LtC

$5,000-$9,999 Friends

$249 and under

, Maria Rip Orphanage Fund , Marin Jewish Community Teen Foundation of the Jewish Community Endowment Fund

, M.ilagro Foundation

, SimO'n~SttaL1SS Foundation



, The Carl Gellert and Celia Berta Gellert Foundation

, The Dino ], Ghilotri Foundation



Gold $1,000-$2,499

, Congregation Rodef Sholorn , First Congregational Church, United Church of Christ

, Marin CROP Hunger Walk Committee, Church World Services, Inc.

, Mission San Rafael Rotary , St.john's Ross MissiooChurch

, The Tarnal pais

Residents Council



, Church of Our Saviour

, First Presbyterian Churchof San Anselmo

, First Presbyterian Church of

Sao Rafael

, Marin County Bar Association , Marin Lutheran Church

, Nativity of Christ Church , Northern California

Presbyterian Homes & Services

, UnitedWay of Southeastern Michigan

, Westminster Presbyterian Church of Richardson Bay

Bronze $250-$499

, Community Health Charities , Sr, Luke Presbyterian Church , U ni tarian Universalist

Congregation of Marin , United Way California Capital Regi on Friends

$249 and under

, Dominican Convent Community

, Kids About Town at Sleepy Hollow Presbyterian Church , Marin Lutheran

Church Women

, Opportuni ties fo r Independence

, San Francisco Theological Seminary , San Geronimo Valley Presbyterian Church

, St. Raphael Church


, Anonymous

, Lucile Dandelet Trust , Hilltop Group

Charitable Foundation , Nancy H. and

James Kelso Fund

, Peter Lambert

, Marin H urnan Race contribu tors

Sustaining Ally $5,000-'$9,999

, Cloudview Foundation

, Barbara and Dixon Farley , Michelle and Edward Sarti



, Joan and Nick Boodrookas , Kathleen Burgy Trust

, James and Caroline


, Law Firm of Michael Train Caldwell

, Joanne and Peter E. Haas,

Jr. Fund

, Joyce and Gary Rifkind , Scott Smith

, United Way of the Bay Area



, Katie and Mark Agnew , Gail Arnold

, Sue and Richard Barry

, Noelle and Richard Bon , Shirley Brownrigg

Charitable Trust , Gerald Cahill

, Elizabeth and Terry Calaway , Laura Cox and Jay Cohen

, Nancy Curley

, Patricia and David Dee

, Louise and Timothy Erdman

, Ginny Fifield '

, Dick and Allison Fletcher

, Terri Moreno Celbaum and

Daniel Gelbaum

, Susan and Dennis Gilardi , Sarah and Dirk Godsey

, Michael Heffernan

, Terry Helbush and

Dale Miller

, Dorothy Houston

, Juli and Scott Kauffman , Sally Lewis

, Rory Little

, Clara and Alan Mayer , Jape Mill er

, Danny Montana,

Bar Association

, Becky and Charles Oken , Diane Ongaro

, William & Elizabeth

Patterson Family Fund , William Peters

, Barbara and William Peterson , Carol and William Pollak

, Purple Ladv/Barbara ],

Meislin Fund

, Raabe Family Fund , Sandy Rolled

, Pennie and San dro Rossini , Rotasa Foundation

, T;JJ.naYo S ate

, Inge Hendromartono and

Christopher Senn

, Leslie and Andre Shashary

, Jacquie and David Spielberg , Barbara Stewart Trost

, Kat Taylor and Tom Steyer , Else Tamayo

, Maureen Broderick and

David Thompson

, Ancella and Thomas Tol drian , Judith and Peter Valentine

, Sally and Bill Van Ingen

, Suzanne and David Warner , Heidi and Richard Willetts , Thomas Wolf

, Anita Wright



, Connie and Richard Adams , Lesley Anderson

, Cynthi a and Bernard Benson , Ann Bolger and

Ronald Helow

, Nancy and Henry Bourne , Ellen and Nelson Branco

, Brenda Cantu and

Rick Boyce

, Jessica and Steve Carroll , Manuel Castaneda

, Center for Richer Living-

Katherine Revoir

, David 1. Chittenden , Sally and Lyle Cowen , Edie and Bill Dagley

, Marla and Barry Dinerstein , George Dirkes

, Dominican Sisters of

San Rafael

, Ruth Downing , Lorenzo Ersland

, Agnes and Donlon Gabrielsen

, Juanita and James Jones Giraud

, Mary and Steve Gorski

, Kathleen Kearley Green and Robert Green

, Christine and Ron Grossi , Isabelle and Charles

Henri Hamker

, Elizabeth Haxton , Ruth Heller

, Norma Howard

, Erika johnson and

Christopher Arnold , Stephen Johnson

, Sue Kimball

, Kissy Rissy, Tanana and Company

, Alicia Maler Klein and

Tom Klein

, Kreitzberg Foundation , Ann Laurenson

, PolJy and Charles Laurenson , Michele Manos

, Joan and Gordon Marks

, Vera and Kenneth Meislin , Nightingale Fund

, Edna O'Connor

, Carol Olwell

, Patricia and John O'Neil , Christine O'Neill

, Olivia Orr

, Virginia and Alan Pabst , Elizabeth Fain and

Edmund Payne





Gmlirwcd from pilge 9 • Lois and Frank Noonan • Dorothy and Marshall Bentley

• Mara Perez and • Jan O'Brien • Mary and Elmer Berger

Michael Bilton • Gail and David Perin • Ann Bergstrom and

• Michele Rodriguez • David Phillips Reese Smith

• Jane and Phillip Rollins • Sharon and Philip Pillsbury • George Bertram III

• Nance Rosencranz and • Robert Pinder III • Steve Bessone

Robert Campbell • Molly and Dare Porter • Janice and Steven Best

• Miguel Ruelas and • Jane and Arthur Richardson • Mabel and jeff Bialik

Sid Hartman Fund • Karen Robbins • Carin Bildt

• Bonnie Schiff • Diane and Jason Roberts • Judy Binsacca and

• Stacey and Spencer Sias • Andrea Recio Rodriguez Warren Outten

• William Clark Stanton Cardona Foundation • Karen Bischoff and

• Terri Stebbins and • John and Betsy Ed Boisson

Hanspeter Treuenfels Scarborough Fund • Donna Bjorn

• Wednesday's Gift • Mauren Schefls Noyer • W. Chas Blackford

• Tom Wilson • Phyllis and Richard • Diane Blackwelder

B~onze Schlobohm • Annette Blanchard

'$250-$499 • Bruce Scotton, M.D. • Marion and Robert Blau

..:...._-....:....-------- • Carole and John Shook • Judith Bloomberg and

• Donna and James Amon • Nancy Skinner Michael Barnett

• Marie Bartee • David Sondheirn • Julia Bloomfield

• Robert Begley • Frima and Joe Stewart.]r, • Golda Boeck

• Linda and Neal Birnbaum d Eli b h dJ h Bid

• James Srur evant • lza et an o. n . 0 an ..

• Sarah Blackburn • Susan and Marcello Todaro • Patricia and Al Bow

• Katherine Brinnier • KimTurner • Susan Bowser

• Deirdre and Daniel Burke • Eileen and Dr. Albert Varner • Frances and Marek Bozdech

• John Cape • Yadira Vigil • Robert Bradford

• Elsie Carr • Chandu and Cynthia Vyas • Lois Brainard

• Jasmine Claridad and • Amanda Weitman • Kerreen Brandt

Robert Crowe • Lynn West and Jim Snipes • Laura and Wren Briggin

• Susan Clark and Philip Sisson • Wong Trust • Mary and Anthony Bromo

• Shirley and Bruce Colvin • Patricia and Lewis Zuelow • Joan Brown

• Kay Conneely and Friends • Beatrice Brown and

Tom Conneely Sr. M k B J

'$249 and under ar rown, f.

• Susanne Croley .:..:~---------- • Susie and Forrest-Ann Buck

• Yolanda Ruiz and • Beth and Joe Aaron • Priscilla and Michael Bull

Roger Duke • Wade Acton • Mary Jaoe Burke

• Caroline Everts • Margo and Richard Addison • Susan Burrell and

• Family Help Fund • john Adler Donald Kerson

• John Farman • Ethel Aldridge • Mark Burton

• Diane and Dan Parthing • Ann Allen • Mary Elizabeth Burton

• Lorraine Ferrier • Thomas Allen • Donna and David Butler

• Jude and Geoffrey Fletcher • Lina Alta and Erik • Bill Cahill

• Robert Fordham Galleguillos • Karen Caldwell

• Alison and Brock Fuller • Becky Andersen • Vanessa and Geoff Campbell

• Galin-Rosen Charitable Fund • Janice Anderson-Gram • Jeap and James Canepa

• Paula Gocker • Janet and John Arts • Karin Carmin

• Paula and Jim Gorder • Ann and Fabio Aversa • Jeanett.e and Martin Carr

• Carole and Gerald Gurin • Holly Handler-Axtell and • Valda Carter

• Alfred Heller Keith Axtell • Katherine Carver

• Martha and Peter Hollenbeck • Nancy Bakerink • Morrie Caler

• Judith and Alan Johnson • Sharlyne.Balano • Gene Ceccotti

• Rebecca Jones-Torre • Nancy Bank • Janis and Jeffrey Chan

• Joanna Kemper • Barbara Barbey • Kim and Nancy Chandler

• Marion 3.J).d William • William Barnes • S.B. and M.M. Chapman

Kleinecke • Ruth and Man Barnett • Susan Carter Charlton

• David Lakes • Barone Family • Mary Jane Chetelat

• Dena Cohen and • Barbara Barr • Julia Chitwood

BI"lId Lakritz • Mark Barrett • Verena Christen

• Ronald Lally • Maida Barrick • Tiffani and Greg Clarke

• Ann and Martha Langston • Cynthia and John Barrows • Linda and James Clever

• Valerie Layne • Alice Bartholomew • Eleanor and Josepb Cohen

• Jorgen Lunding • John Bartlett • Marianna Cohen

• Nancy Mackle and • Elisabeth and David Bary • Zeva Cohn

Rick McCallum • Pamela Rand-Barzakov and • Claudia Cole and

• Susan Macl.eod Ivan Barzakov Carlos Brown

• Lucile and James Masson • Joan and Carl Basore • Karen and Marty Coman

• Alexander Mazour • Zel Bauer • Mary and Fred Coons

• Ann and Vincent Mulroy • Geraldine and Donald Beers • Carol Moeller Costa

• Patricia and Alan Negrin • Shirley Beers • Carmel Cowen

• Thomas Newman • Suzanne and Daniel Beittel • Jean and Justus Craerner

• Patricia and Thomas Newton • Linda and Warren Bell • Susan Cranley

• Jack Nixon • Kathleen and John Belzer • Carolyn Cretti

• Irene Croft

• Barbara Culpepper

• Virginia Cunningham

• Betsey and John Cutler

• Jane Cutler Ellis

• Carole and Jon D'Alessio

• Alyce Dalton

• Susanna Davila

• Martha de Barros

• Donita Decker

• Joan Dedo

• John Diarnante

• Eleanor DiGiorgio

• Mary and Frank Dill.] r.

• Deb Resnikoff and

Jim Dimon, M.D.

• Barbara Dittman

• Colleen Doherty

• Cecilia and James Donahue

• Sharon and Gregory Doyle

• Daniel Drake and

Lee Steinback Drake

• Cecily Drucker

• Alice Ducayet

• Edmund Dugan

• Duncan Family

• James Dunn

• David Durbin

• J anine and Kenn eth Edlin

• -Tammy and Ethan Edmonson

• Glenda Egan

• Katherine Ellison and J ad, Epstein

• Lewis Engel

• Pamela England and

Gilbert Hom

• William Englebright

• Lois and Charles Epstein

• Renee and David Erle

• Abby and Ronald Evans

• Wendy Wayne Evje

• Dian e Fairchild

• Joan and Fred Falender

• Francine Palk -Allen and

Richard Falk

• Stephen Fein

• Inez Feller

• Wendy Feltham and

Lawrence Fisher

• Jane and Douglas Ferguson

• Victoria Fernandez

• Catherine Ferron and Paul Roberts

• Joan and Stephen Pierberg

• Elissa Finney an d

Steven Weisberg

• T.L. and E.G. Fischer

• Barry Flicker

• J esica Flores

• .Zulma and John Foley

• Anry and Rob Forrest

• Mary and Robert Forsland

• Nancy and Clifton Forster

• Lyde Fowler

• Donna and Michael Pranzblau

• Arlen e Fred

• Ali ce Fredericks

• Sally and Thomas Freed

• Edi til Freeman

• Vida and Ted Freeman

• Shell ey Friedman

• Carmel and Howard Friesen

• Lindsey an d Th eresa Fross

• Irene and Greg Fuller

• Michael Futterman

• Shelley Gabriel

• Anna Gale and

Matthew Gale, Jr. , M.D.

• Carole and John Garcia

• Birgitta and Andy Garde

• Carolyn Gauthier

• Julia and Richard Geis t

• Elissa and Ron Giambastiani

• Sara Gaston Huey and

Brent Goff

• Miguel Godoy

• Marie Goff- Tuttle

• Roberta and Frank Gold

• Lorrie Goldin and

J ona than Marshall

• Joe Goldman

• Robert Goldman

• Edythe Goldstein

• Lois Goo dall

• Michael Gothelf, M.D.

• Elizab erh Grac e

• Alice Graham

• Blair and Art GI"lIy

• Bill Green

• Carla Greenblatt

• Stephen Greene

• Nancy Greenfield

• Ellen Greenwald and

Kenneth Willoughby

• Linda Gebhard Greig

• The Grey Foundation

• Bob Grossman

• Sandra and Tom Guldman

• Gloria and Jose Gutierrez

• Betsy Haas-Beckert

• Gary Haber

• Dottie and Robert Hamilton

• Kathe Hardy

• Julie and Jordan Harri s

• Zoe Harris

• Barbara Hart

• Margaret Harter

• Joan Hartwell

• Victoria and Larry Heiges

• Stephanie Hellman

• Faye and Thomas Hendricks

• Pa rricia Hess

• Lesly Higgins

• Faye Hinze

• Sam Hirabayashi

• Frederic Hirschfield

• Karen Holleran

• Nancy Hollis, D.C.

• Mary Anne Hoover and

Charles Manoli.jr,

• Linda and Bruce Hopper

• Joan Hopper

• Claire Horn

• Marjorie and Vincent


• Kathleen Howard

• Eleanor Hull

• Doris Hunker and

Nancy Schlegel

• Jeanne and Bruce lmai

• Patricia and Colin Ingoldsby

• Else Merete Innes

• Alice and Leo Iso tal 0

• Marilyn Izdebski

• Jan e Jackson

• Margaret and Harry jackson


---- ..__._

Gm lirUled from pilge 1 0

• Sharon and Joe Jackson

• Nancy and Mark Jacobs

• S usan Janson

• Mary Jean Jawetz

• Michael joaquin

• Andrea and Richard johnson

• S rei g Jo huson

• Gloria Jones

• Katherine and Peter Jones

• Lorrai ne J oses

• Nancy Kalrreider, MD

• Susan and Gene Kaufman

• Holly and WHo Kaufman

• Michael Kay

• Julie keegan

• Carolyn Kellogg

• Eleanor Kellogg-Smith

• Roberta Kemp

• Chari es Kennard

• Dan Grossman

• Bob Kenney

• Barbara and David Kessell

• Candace Key

• Daria and Khosrow Khalighi

• Daniel King

• Lois King

• Saundra Kiriluk and

David Snyder

• Sally and Roger Kirk

• Nancy Kirkpatrick

• Lizabeth Hauswald Klein and

Christopher Klein

• Barbara and George Klein

• Pamela Klein

• Esrb er Kligman -Prey

• Nancy and Skip Kniesche

• Susan Knill

• Glenn Koorhan

• Liana and Jack Kornfield

• Harriet and Thomas Kostic

• Anne Bade Kouns and

John Kouns

• Felicia and Ken Kramarz

• Sue Kramer

• Linda Krause and

Patricia Dillon

• Mary Krier

• Jill an d Carsten Kristensen

• Barbara K Yarn

• Mary lang

• Nancy and Jim Lange

• Harriet and Ellis Lapin

• Martha Lawlor

• Barbara Lee

• Judi rh Leer

• Harry Lehmann

• Cathy and Bob Lenz

• Jeanne and Henri Lese

• Shaila and J ac k Lester

• Kirsten Wojcik and

Mike Levinson

• Joan Levison

• Miriam Licht

• Elaine Livengood

• Ann Elston and

Lawrence Lossing

• Claudia Lowder

• Catalina Lozano

• Debby and Mark Ludwig

• Jeanne and Eugene Lynch

• Karen Lynn and Joseph Odom

• Rhonda Magee

• Sandi Malstrom

• Hildegard Manley

• Erika Manzo

• Abe and Barbara Mares

• Dana Leigh Marks

• Bonita Marmor

• josheph Martino

• Angelica and Pedro Martinez

• Kathy and Erwin Martinez

• Sherriland Steve Matson

• Robert Matthew

• Ronald Me Robbie

• Rachel McClung

• Barbara McDonald

• Lynette Mclamb and Todd Steiner

• Dorothy McMichael

• Ma Charissa and

Bayani Mercado

• Nikki and Larry Meredith

• Barbara and David Meschi

• Richard Meux

• Doreen Miao

• Roberta and Spencer Michels

• Blythe and Fred Mickelson

• Melissa Miller

• Sally Milligan and Ellen Coster

• Rebecca Irelan and

Henry Morrison Millstein

• Roland Minami

• Beth and Scott Minick

• Jeffrey Michael Mishkin

• Linda Mitchell

• Jeanne and Fred Modugno

• Donna and Peter Monahan

• Katherine and Loren Moore

• Ann and Rodrigo Moreira

• Mortgage Choices

• Sharlene and Joel Moss

• Inga Askamic and

Steven Mullen

• James Ralph Murphy

• Patricia Murphy

• Joanne Murray

• Eric Nakagawa

• Melissa Nelken and Ron Lee

• J Craig Nelson

• Catherin e S halloe an d

Sean Nelson

• Thuan Nguyen

• Maryann and Scott Noble

• Kay and Mark. Noguchi

• Minette Norman and

Tom Borromeo

• Ruth and Eric Norstad

• Sally and James Norton

• Marcia and Warren Nute

• Eileen Ormiston

• P.L and Gerald O'Sullivan

• Ann and Richard Otter

• Overl ook I merna ti onal


• Nancy and Derek Parker

• Parrinello Family

• Elke and Douglas Paul

• Joyce and Gilbert Pavlovsky

• Caro lin e Peattie and

Christopher Nasspoulos

• Sylvia and Leonardo Perel

• Andre Pessis

• Geraldi ne Peters

• Erica and

Christop he r Pflu e ge r

• Yvonne Pierce

• Anthony Pignati

• Dyan Pike

• Robert Pittman

• Stephani e and

Christopher Plante

• Deborah Polhemus

• Suzie Pollak.

• Ann and John Pope

• Diane Post

• Jessica and Jack. Powell

• Kelley Baer and Louis Pozzo

• Christine and Paul Prusiner

• Susan and Bill Pryor

• C. Delos Putz

• Lisa and Charlie Quaid

• Catherine Ramberg

• Virginia Randolph

• Nani Ranken

• Julia Kiely Reich and Leon Reich

• Mary Renaud and

Mark. Williams

• Barbara and Joel Renbaurn

• Sharon and Frank Rertenberg

• Andrea Rey

• Judith and Peter Rice

• Barbara and William Rich

• John Richard,

• Marianna Riser

• Ingrid Rizo

• Alicia Robb and Mark Dorns

• Sharon and David Robb

• Lindsay and David Roberts

• Dorothy and Roger Roberts

• jillian Robinson

• Susan and Andre Roegiers

• Marilee Rogers

• Catherine Rooney

• Elaine and Richard Roscoe

• Susan and Robert Rosenberg

• Fr. Paul Rossi

• Betty Zinck Rothenberger

• Hannelore Cothe Royston

and Robert Royston

• Patricia Ruano

• Esther Rubin

• Ann and Arthur Sachs

• Daisy and Richard Sagebiel

• San Francisco

Theological Seminary

• Sandy Sanguin

• Maxine Samzahn

• Margaret Saulsberry

• N ancy an d Jam es San nders

• Barbara and Jules Schechn er

• Barbara Scherer-Schmidt and James Schmidt

• Wilma and Werner Schneider

• Zoila and Richard Schoenbrun, M.D.

• Sally Holland and

Jerome Schefferman

• Gerald Schofield

• Carlota and Harlan Schone

• Mr. & Mrs. David Schreck.

• Sue Schueler

• Kimberly and Michael Schulist

• Betty Schumacher

• Chuck Schwartz

• Barbara and Stephen Schwindt

• Ethel Seiderman

• Anne Kennedy and

Philip Servedio

• Susan Severin

• Elinor and John Severinghaus

• Susan Shargel

• Dorothea Shaw

• Peter Shaw

• Suzanne Shelhart

• Jennifer and Michael Shepard

• Esmeralda and Michael Sher

• Pamela Sherbon

• Sharon Sherrard

• Carole and Rick Sheviakov

• Bob Shiner

• Jocelyn Shorten

• jeff Silberman

• Dolores and Ke! vin Silva

• Thalia and Laurence Silverman

• Rob erta Silverstein an d

Stephen Sperber

• Bjorn and Inger Skogstrom

• Steven Sloan

• Dorothy and Alan Smith

• Frank Solomon,Jr.

• Jane Solomons and

Raul Carter

• Eleanor and Ed Sotelo

• Carol and David Souten

• Dorothy Spaet

• Sparkle and Joe Spaeth

• Ell en S P aerhling

• Jill Sperber

• Cathy Spratling

• Pamela and Howard Squires

• Ingrid and Leo Sradnick

• Jean Starkweather

• Eileen and Norman Staub, Sr,

• Margaret Stawowy

• Jennifer Steele

• S aria and Mark S teisel

• Pilar and Robert Stempel

• Betty and Stuart Stephens

• Holly Badgley and

Peter Stern

• Barb aria Stewart

• Donna Stewart

• William Stewart, M.D.

• Sharon and Michael Stinson

• Susan and Brian Srompe

• Maria S rraarmann and

Rick johnson

• Anne Stranczek

• Julia Straus,

• Margaret and Richard Stuart

• Marie and Peter Sullivan

• Thomas Suniville

• Karen S urherlan d

• Carol and Sanford Svetcov

• Jean Sward

• Bonnie Swift

• Carole Sylvester

• Anne Takashige

• Robert Takeshita

• Ailene Taylor

• Sally and Richard Taylor

• Jennifer Posta Terry and Steve Terry

• Phyllis and Max Thelen

• Katherine Theofel

• Lucinda and Alex Thomas

• Beverly Thomas

• Therese Hopkins and Tom Thompson

• Anita Toney and

Rudolf Graerer

• Susan and Marco Torres

• Madonne and R. R. Tschache

• Steven Tulsky

• Nikki Cohn Tureen and JayTureen, M.D.

• Joan Tuttle

• Amy Skewes Cox and

Robert Twiss;Jr.

• Don Ungar

• Rose-and Jules Vallee

• Nancy and Theodore

van Ravenswaay

• J ose Varela

• Ann Vercoutere, M.D.

• Jane and Willard Vernon

• Steven John Villa

• Camille Vincent

• Kathi Volpe

• Heather Vuchinich

• Renee and David Wahler

• Marsha Walker

• Suzanne Walker

• Sylvia and William Wallace

• Judith and

Robert WaIl.erstein, M.D.

• Marj orie an d Philip Walters

• Barbara Ward

• Steve Wasserman

• Suzanne Waterman

• Cerna and Carson Watson

• Catherine and Sid Waxman

• Rona Weintraub

• Lawrence Wells and

Hans-joachim Haubold

• Gerald White

• Lynn White

• Matthew White

• Don Wieneke

• james Wiley

• Nancy Wilson

• Sallyanne and Jack Wilson

• Beverly Wlndle

• Marian and Ward Wolff

• Barbara Wornum

• Lynne and Charles Worth

• Catherine Wright

• Bev and Charles Wynn

• Christina Young

• Richard Younkin

• Darcy and Paul Ellsworth Yow

• Jamie Zank

• Nancy and Sam Ziegler

• Suzanne and Donald Zimmerman

• Roy Zitting


Your values live on through Canal Alliance

LUCILE FESSENDE.N DANDELET, Photo-journal istand activist

This year Canal Alliance received a

share of the proceeds of a revocable living trust left by long-time donor Lucile Fessenden Dandelet, "Dandelet' (as she liked to be called) was a renowned photographer best known locally for her photos of the Frank Lloyd Wright's Civic Center as it was being built and of a retrospective she did of the labor movement led by Cesar Chavez.

Executive Director Torn Wilson had the fortune to visit with Dandelet often. "She was a warm and dynamic person with a great interest in social justice and equity. Her attraction to Canal Alliance was because of the work we do to support a community, the immigrant community, which is all too often marginalized and persecuted. With her art and philanthropic support, Dandelet's legacy continues to bring attention to oppressed people and their plight."

To secure her legacy, Lucile Dandelet used a Revocable Living Jrust, an estate planning tool that

allows assets to be passed to heirs without going through the process of probate, saving costs, time, and maintaining privacy. Revocable means that the trust may be changed at any time by the trustee, often the individual themselves.

You too may want to consider designating Canal Alliance as the beneficiary of your estate plan. Planned gifts (bequests, beneficiary designations of insurance or retirement funds, trusts) help guarantee that Canal Alliance can pursue its mission - developing self-sufficiency for a healthier conununity - while providing you and your family with significant tax benefits,

For more information on designating Canal Alliance as a beneficiary of your estate planning, call Janice Vela, Director of Development, at 415-306-0415. (In all cases Canal Alliance suggests that you consult with your own financial advisor.)

• Kerreen Brandt

in honor of Debbie Macchello

• Michael Kay

in honor of Willliam Peters

• Kenneth &Vera Meislin

in honor ofIgnacio Camarillo

• Geraldine Peters in honor of

William Peters' birthday

• Jillian Robinson

in honor of Bob Campbell and Nance Rosencranz

• Harlan & Carlota Schone in honor of Sally Blackburn

• Nancy Skinner

in Honor of Rev, Jan West

• Tom Steyer & Kat Taylor in honor of Bob Reynolds

• Camille Vincent in honor of

San Domenico teachers

• Nancy Wilson

in honor of the Klienahoes - Bill, Kris, Kelly, Gracie, Madison

snrroajanice Vela OOI'Y EDlTORJorge Castellanos DSIO" CONCEPT 0 mar Carrera DESIGN. PRINTING,. DISTRIBUTJONScrahm Communications 91 Larkspur Street, San Rabel, CA 94901 TEL415.454.2640 www.canilalliance_org EMAILlrtfo@callalalliance_org

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