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The Message of the Psalms


This Psalm presents a very clear picture of the ministry of
the Church of Christ on earth in making God known. The
emphasis of the contemporary Church is to introduce
people to the church and so the church becomes “seeker
friendly.” But the emphasis of Scripture is to make God
known to the people, to bring the people into conformity to
God, not God to the people. God is known by:

1. By the Peace in His Church (Vs. 1-3)

Jehovah has, as the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6), broken the
shield and sword” and made peace (Ephesians 2:15). He
brakes the “fiery arrows” (Ephesians 6:16) and thereby
brings peace (Philippians 4:7). This He does within the
Church; “There,” in “Zion” (Hebrews 12:22).

2. By the Protection of the Church (Vs. 4-6)

God is known (“Glorious” serves as a title “The Shining
One”) as he protects the Church by rendering its enemies
useless against it; Vs. 5b they “could not lift a hand”
(Matthew 16:18; Isaiah 37:36).

3. By the Practice of the Church (Vs. 7-12)

This section of the Psalm is bracketed by a verb which
serves as a title the “One-To-Be-Feared” (Vs. 7, 12). This
fearful God is seen in two ways:
a. Preaching of the Truth (Vs. 7-9)
Vs. 8 presents with the certainty of the “prophetic perfect”
(past perfect tense referring to something in the future) the
judgment of God at the end of time and Vs. 7 poses the
question who will be able to stand in that day when God’s
wrath is revealed. The message of the Church is terror to
the ungodly (Vs. 7 “to be feared”) and mercy to the meek
(Vs. 9, “humble”). If this God is not preached by the Church
then the true God is not known (Hosea 4:6).

b. Paying of Vows (Vs. 10-12)

Here we see the results of willing and unwilling submission
to God; the fierceness of men will be turned to the praise of
God (Vs. 10) and he will “break the spirit of the proud” (Vs.

2010, Victoria Free Presbyterian Church

The Message of the Psalms

12). But when God’s people give themselves without

reservation “God is known in the Church.” This is the
Christian’s duty (“Vow, and pay” Vs. 11).

2010, Victoria Free Presbyterian Church

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