Scatter Graphs

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1. A garage sells motorcycles.

The scatter graph shows information about the price and age of the motorcycles.



P ric e (£ )


0 2 4 6 8 10
A g e (y e a rs)

The table shows the age and price of four more motorcycles.

Age (years) 6 9 3 5
Price (£) 1000 200 1700 1000

(a) On the scatter graph, plot the information from the table.

(b) What type of correlation does the scatter graph show?


(c) Draw a line of best fit on the scatter graph.


Teddington School 1
Mae buys a motorcycle from this garage for £1500

(d) Use your line of best fit to estimate the age of the motorcycle.

................... years
(Total 5 marks)

2. The scatter graph shows information about twelve athletes.

It shows the time each athlete took to run 100 metres and the length of their best long jump.

8 .5

L e n g th 7 .5
(m e tre s )

6 .5

10 1 0 .5 11 1 1 .5 12 1 2 .5 13
T im e (s e c o n d s )

Teddington School 2
(a) Describe the correlation between time taken to run 100 metres and length of best long


(b) Draw a line of best fit on the scatter graph.

(Total 2 marks)

3. The scatter graph shows some information about 10 students.

It shows the arm length and the height of each student.



H e ig h t (c m )




60 65 70 75 80 85
A rm le n g th (c m )

(a) What type of correlation does this scatter graph show?


(b) Draw a line of best fit on the scatter graph.


Teddington School 3
Another student has an arm length of 75 cm.

(c) Use your line of best fit to estimate the height of this student.

........................................ cm
(Total 3 marks)

4. The scatter graph shows some information about the ages and values of fourteen cars.
The cars are the same make and type.



V a lu e in
p o u n d s (£ )



0 1 2 3 4 5 6
A g e in y e a rs

(a) Describe the relationship between the age of a car and its value in pounds.



Teddington School 4
(b) Draw a line of best fit on the scatter graph.

A car is 3 years old.

(c) Use your line of best fit to find an estimate of its value.

£ ....................................

A car has a value of £3500

(d) Use your line of best fit to find an estimate of its age.

............................ years
(Total 4 marks)

Teddington School 5
5. The scatter graph shows the Science mark and the Maths mark for 15 students.




M a th s
m a rk 30



10 20 30 40 50 60
S c ie n c e m a rk

(a) What type of correlation does this scatter graph show?


(b) Draw a line of best fit on the scatter graph.

(Total 2 marks)

Teddington School 6
6. Some students took a mathematics test and a science test.
The scatter graph shows information about the test marks of eight students.


M a rk
s c ie n c e
te s t




0 10 20 30 40 50 60
M a rk in m a th e m a tic s te s t

The table shows the test marks of four more students.

Mark in mathematics test 14 25 50 58

Mark in science test 21 23 38 51

(a) On the scatter graph, plot the information from the table.

(b) Draw a line of best fit on the scatter graph.


(c) Draw the correlation between the marks in the mathematics test and the marks in the
science test.

(Total 4 marks)

Teddington School 7
7. Here is a scatter graph. One axis is labelled “Height”.

H e ig h t

(a) For this graph, state the type of correlation.


Teddington School 8
(b) From the list below, choose the most appropriate label for the other axis.

length of hair number of sisters length of legs GCSE French mark

(Total 2 marks)

Teddington School 9
8. The scatter graph shows information about the height and the weight for nine students.





W e ig h t
in k g 50





110 120 130 140 150 160 170
H e ig h t in c m

Teddington School 10
The table shows the height and the weight for three more students.

(a) On the scatter graph, plot the information from the table.

Teddington School 11
(b) What type of correlation does this scatter graph show?


Teddington School 12
(c) Draw a line of best fit on the scatter graph.

The weight of another student is 80 kg.


Teddington School 13
(d) Use your line of best fit to estimate the height of this student.
(Total 4 marks)

Teddington School 14
9. A one litre bottle of Holborn water costs £1.28 in shops in a city centre.
Shops outside the city centre also sell one litre bottles of Holborn water.

The scatter graph shows information about the costs of these bottles.

1 .5 0

1 .4 0

1 .3 0

1 .2 0

1 .1 0

1 .0 0
C o st (£ )
0 .9 0

0 .8 0

0 .7 0

0 .6 0

0 .5 0

0 .4 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
D is ta n c e o f s h o p s fro m c ity c e n tre (k m )

Teddington School 15
(a) Describe the relationship between the cost of a bottle of water and the distance of the
shop from the city centre.



(b) Draw a line of best fit on the scatter graph.


Teddington School 16
Sam buys a bottle of water in a shop 4.5 km from the city centre.

(c) Use your line of best fit to estimate the cost of this bottle of water.

£ ......................................
(Total 3 marks)

Teddington School 17
10. Jake recorded the weight, in kg, and the height, in cm, of each of ten children.

The scatter graph shows information about his results.




H e ig h t (c m )




35 40 45 50 55
W e ig h t (k g )

Teddington School 18
(a) Describe the relationship between the weight and the height of these children.



Teddington School 19
(b) Draw a line of best fit on the scatter graph.

Teddington School 20
(c) Use your line of best fit to estimate the height of a child whose weight is 47 kg.

.............................. cm
(Total 3 marks)

Teddington School 21

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