Pardoner 3

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hither, love, Pardoner Oh my goodness! It took
me like 3 hours to do my hair this
come morning. I have a date with this fine
home…” young lady this evening.

The Miller Stop wasting your time.

No chick is gonna date a gay guy!

Serggeant At Law Your theories are

Song Now Playing
“Around the World (La la la la)” – ATC Pardoner Awhh you guys are
jerks. :(
About Me
The Miller Mann stop getting your
I'm the kind of guy that takes care of himself. panties in a wad.
I like to look fresh for the “little ladies”. Some
people may call me a pervert but I just like Summoner hahahaha :)
them young. People say that my best feature
is my hair because its yellow and soft like
wax. Often my voice is made fun of because
its high pitched like a goat so when I sing, it
scares people. If you have any sins, I'm the
man you need to come to because I sell
pardons, but only for a price. I’m good at
telling a story and getting people to give me
money. I'm a con man, its what I do.

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