American History Exam Practice Test

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American History Exam Practice Test.

Susan B. Anthony led the fight for the rights of

a. African Americans.
b. women.
c. children.
Andrew Carnegie was a businessman who sold his steel business to become one of the
richest men in the world.

The Urban League

a. made loans and provided legal assistance to African Americans.

b. tried to overturn laws that were unfair to African Americans.
c. helped poor African American families send their children to school.
Which novel revealed the unsanitary conditions found in Chicago’s stockyards?

a. Frank Norris’s The Octopus

b. Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle
c. Frances Ellen Watkins’s Iola Leroy
The Social Gospel encouraged people to

a. organize labor unions.

b. resist government regulation of big business.
c. follow the Bible’s teachings in order to improve society.
Which of the following describes the Urban League?

a. focused on helping poor African American workers

b. led by Jane Addams and Ida B. Wells
c. formed in response to race riots in 1908
d. helped middle-class African Americans struggle for political and social justice
Which of the following statements about Woodrow Wilson is true?

a. He advocated eliminating the income tax.

b. He opposed reforms to the banking system.
c. He wanted to place strict government controls on corporations.
d. He overturned discriminatory laws against African Americans.
Temperance movement or the temperance union a movement that promoted the practice of never
drinking alcohol.

The NAACP was a group that planned to use the courts to challenge laws that were unfair to African

W.E.B. DuBois was an African American leader who urged African Americans to demand immediate
recognition of their rights

During the 1902 coal miners’ strike in Pennsylvania, President Roosevelt

a. remained neutral.
b. prohibited the miners from forming a union.
c. ordered the National Guard to stop the strike.
d. threatened to send federal troops to take control of the mines.
Which of the following statements about Woodrow Wilson is true?

a. He advocated eliminating the income tax.

b. He opposed reforms to the banking system.
c. He wanted to place strict government controls on corporations.
d. He overturned discriminatory laws against African Americans.

Woodrow Wilson, the United States President elected in 1912, President who attacked the “triple wall
of privilege”

When was Hawaii annexed by the United States?

a. in 1887, when King Kalakaua changed the constitution

b. in 1893, before Queen Liliuokalani was overthrown
c. in 1898, during the Spanish-American War

When was Hawaii annexed by the United States?

a. in 1887, when King Kalakaua changed the constitution

b. in 1893, before Queen Liliuokalani was overthrown
c. in 1898, during the Spanish-American War
Who were the “Rough Riders”?

a. Cuban revolutionaries who battled the Spanish for control of their country
b. a volunteer unit led by Theodore Roosevelt in the Spanish-American War
c. newspaper owners who influenced public opinion by exaggerating the truth

When did the Philippines gain independence?

a. as part of the Treaty of Paris

b. with the Jones Act
c. at the end of World War II
Hawaii was annexed in

a. 1887, when King Kalakaua amended the constitution.

b. 1893, when Queen Liliuokalani was overthrown.
c. 1893, when Sanford Dole was head of the new government.
d. 1898, during the Spanish-American War.
The “Rough Riders” were

a. Cuban revolutionaries who battled the Spanish for independence.

b. a volunteer cavalry unit in the Spanish-American War.
c. newspaper owners who influenced public opinion by exaggerating the truth.
d. Spanish generals in Cuba who mistreated the civilian population.
President Roosevelt sent troops to support Panamanian rebels in the fight against Colombia so that

a. the Colombians would grant the United States the right to build a canal.
b. Panamanians could be free from Colombian imperialism.
c. the United States could get the rights to build a canal in Panama at a lower price.
d. the Panamanians could build a canal from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.
These U.S. military interventions occurred under U.S. Presidents who favored

a. “dollar diplomacy.”
b. “big stick diplomacy.”
c. several different kinds of diplomacy.

What piece of U.S. legislation restricted the rights of Cubans after their independence from Spain?

a. the Teller Amendment

b. the Foraker Act
c. the Platt Amendment
Social Darwinism was the idea that

a. the best country would win any international competition.

b. each nation should be made up of only one ethnic group.
c. military might was the most important measure of a nation.
The Triple Alliance nations were

a. France, Russia, and Great Britain.

b. Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy.
c. Russia, Germany, and Austria-Hungary.
Convoys were used to

a. move wounded soldiers to hospitals.

b. protect soldiers on the battlefield.
c. prevent submarine attacks on ships.
The League of Nations can best be described as a

a. peace treaty.
b. secret alliance.
c. mutual defense agreement.
Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were

a. anarchists.
b. communists.
c. union leaders.

Social Darwinists believed that

a. a large empire was the key to economic growth.
b. the best country would win any international competition.
c. each nation should be made up of only one ethnic group.
d. military might was the most important measure of a nation.

a. Western Front g. Vladimir Lenin

b. casualties h. influenza
c. Lusitania i. reparations
d. Selective Service Act j. creditor nation
e. John J. Pershing k. Espionage Act
f. George Creel l. Bernard Baruch
_i___ 13. payment for war damages
__j__ 14. a country that owes less money than it is owed
__c__15.British passenger ship
__a__ 16. section of French border that was critical to winning the war
_l___ 17. head of the War Industries Board
___h_ 18. a viral illness
___f_ 19. banned certain printed materials
____b 20. soldiers killed, wounded, and missing
__g__ 21. commander of American forces in Europe
___d_ 22. authorized a military draft

Black Hand- a terrorist group

Sedition Act of 1918- allowed prosecution of critics government.

Causes-zimmerman note, Lusitania/ Assination, Bombing of the Maine.

U-Boats-Boats used by the Germans

How did Prohibition contribute to the growth of organized crime?

a. by forcing police to enforce antiliquor laws

b. by making it easier for bootleggers to branch into other types of illegal activity
c. by forcing farmers to grow grain for the production of alcohol
d. by strengthening respect for the law

In 1933, Congress repealed Prohibition with the

a. Eighteenth Amendment.
b. Nineteenth Amendment.
c. Twentieth Amendment.
d. Twenty-first Amendment.

Red Scare- fear of communism coming to America.

President Coolidge- President by assignation, reduced national debt $2 billion

The Teapot Dome oil scandal involved which two officials?

a. Albert Fall and Harry Dougherty

b. Edwin Denby and Albert Fall
c. Charles Forbes and Harry Dougherty
d. Charles Forbes and Albert Fall

Henry Ford, assembly line, and cars-used to create model t Father of modern industry.

Scopes Trial- Trial between Sacco and Vanzetti on Darwinism and Christianity debating
which is the correct evolution of man.

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