Consumer Buying Motives

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There are five major buying motives: physical, psychological,

rational, emotional, product, and patronage. Locate a magazine
ad that appeals to each of these different buying motives. Select
each ad and fill out the table below. Put the Ads in order,
according to your chart and staple to this sheet.

Buying motive



Buying Motives
What motivates prospects to buy? Why do they buy what
they do? Each prospect enters the selling and buying
process with emotional needs and motives that singularly
or together cause them to buy your service or product.
People buy for their own reasons, not yours or your
company’s. Often these reasons are rooted in emotion
rather than logic, so although they may not seem
reasonable to you, they are important to the prospect.
By being more aware of these buying motives in your
prospects, you may help reinforce how your products and
services meet their needs. The following buying motives
are not presented in any special order, and no one motive
is more important than another. At least one of these
motives applies to every purchase (sale), although often
more than one is involved.

2 Desire for gain. The prospect desires to gain financially by
the purchase of the product. This especially applies to investments
and variable products, and relates more to greed than to need.
4 Fear of loss. The motivation here is the anxiety of losing
what they have, a fear of financial loss if the product is not
bought. The fear of loss is a prime motivation in the purchase of
any type of insurance.

5 Security and protection. This is another important

motive in the purchase of insurance because consumers make
countless purchases motivated by the desire to keep themselves,
their families, and their property safe.

Satisfaction of emotion. To see our loved ones happy, we

are willing to make significant purchases. The pride of caring and
providing special things for those who are important to us is a
result of deep-seated emotions. We seek love and appreciation,
and avoid disapproval and rejection, almost at all costs. The
satisfaction of emotion relates directly to our need for love and
satisfying our ego.

Physical Buying Motives

Have you ever stopped to think when you are out in the field
working; what makes people buy a certain product or service?
Why do some sales representatives and companies do so well, and
sell so much? How come all of our products are not blockbusters?
If you think about it a little, there really is no magic involved.
Some companies and some salespeople know why their customers
buy. They know what makes them tick; they know how to
determine a customer’s buying motives. Not only do these
successful salespeople know how to determine a customer’s
buying motives, but they also know how to fit their products into
the customer’s buying motives, this involves creativity. Let’s talk
about what makes people buy, and how we can fit our products
into this buying scenario.
When dealing with customers, especially physicians, in our
industry, we need to look for prescribing motives. These are
usually the reasons that physicians give for selecting a certain
drug. In short, these are the physician’s goals. So you are
probably saying to yourself really, but how do I determine the
physician’s goals? We have to observe closely for these
prescribing motives. Physicians may come out and state them
directly. If a physician says, “My chief concern in these cases is
achieving relief promptly,” we can accept this as a goal or motive
that we can use in our presentation, if appropriate. You can also
observe the physician or customer’s behavior to determine their
buying motives. It is possible to observe some sign of the doctor’s
behavior that suggests a buying motive.

If you notice some spark of interest when you mention low

side effects, you may have found an area that is important to the
physician, and that is probably one of their goals. We sometimes
refer to these notable changes in behavior as the physician’s “hot
button.” We need to look for the hot button that makes them
respond and come alive.
Another very important and easy way to understand the
physician’s buying motives is by looking at the physician or
customer profile. This profile, which you should have readily
available on doctor record cards, or computer, is a powerhouse of
valuable information of your physician’s buying motives. It is
precisely for this reason that we need to keep these profiles as up
to date as possible. For example, if you notice on your profiles
that a certain physician prescribes generics frequently, this may
be an indicator that cost of therapy is his/her primary buying
motive. We should always keep in mind that buying motives are
powerful selling tools. When you have developed an
understanding of the physician’s principal buying motives, you can
use them to show how the product that you are presenting fits into
the physician’s pattern for therapy. Keep in mind that we often
have to show and help the physician to see where a product fits
into his/her practice. An important point to keep in mind when we
do this is show value added, what value does this product bring
to the physician and their patients. The value that a product or
service provides to the physician in running his/her daily practice
is a very powerful buying motive.

Convenience is the desire to use products that are easy or
pleasant to take, and thus ensure compliance. We have seen this
with physicians favoring products that have a once a day dosage.
Physician also likes products with low side effects, because they
do not get annoying phone calls from patients who are having
problems. It should be kept in mind that physicians have so many
products to choose from, that they cannot possibly prescribe them
all. So what usually happens is that physicians get into the habit
of prescribing the two or three products that they know best, for
each therapeutic area. Once again convenience prevails.

Physicians may prefer a product’s attractive color, because
children will take it more readily. Many physicians believe that
bright colors, in tablet or capsules (especially antidepressants),
are more acceptable to patients. Appearance can be a very
important prescribing motive for the physician.

By performance we mean the desire for a product that
produces immediate, dramatic results, one that works on a variety
of patients. A very important and very challenging motive in our
business, because you can’t look at a one pill and distinguish
whether it will perform better than another.

The physician’s desire to save money for patients. Economy
may be brought about by lower price, shorter duration of therapy,
and no or less hospitalization, less time off work, and avoidance of

Every physician puts safety at the top of his or her lists of
motives. They all appreciate a product with a minimum of
undesirable side effects or high therapeutic ratio.

Desire for satisfaction, success and esteem, avoidance of
discomfort, patient complaint or colleague’s criticism. Status is
involved here, especially if you are one of the first to prescribe a
new high tech product.
We want to sell these prescribing motives in the most
effective way possible. It involves noting each physician’s general
prescribing motives and specific prescribing motives for a
particular indication, or type of patient.
When prescribing a product, one, two, or three motives will
normally be enough to make the sale, if we have planned well and
have selected the correct motives. All of these motives have to be
supported with plenty of proof from analyzing the product for
features, advantages, and benefits.

Emotional Buying Motive.

This is a motive that prompts the prospect to act because of an
appeal to some sentiment or passion. However, the most powerful
of emotional motives can be associated to humans' most basic
drivers: Fear or Gain. Emotional motives can generally be seen as
those of the heart as opposed to the head and made to satisfy a
wish for pleasure, comfort, or social approval. However, when
associated with fear or greed, some elements of rationality come
into play. For example: (a) Fear-decision to buy a life insurance
policy out of fear that spouse and children will be without support
or (b) Gain - decision to buy a stock or bond because it has
potential (real or imagined) that it will increase in value.

Emotional motives are very powerful and often are the underlying
basis of the DMB, dominant buying motive. Successful salespeople
ask "feel-finding" questions during the "Recognition of Needs"
phase of the buying process to uncover these powerful motives.
Rational Buying Motive.
This is a motive which usually appeals to the customer's reason or
logical judgment. A buying decision based on rational buying
motives is generally the result of an objective review of available
information. Some examples include: (a) profit potential or
enhancement, (b) quality of service, and (c) availability of
technical assistance. Successful salespeople ask "fact-
finding" questions during the "Recognition of Needs" phase of the
buying process to uncover rational buying motives.

Patronage Buying Motives

A Patronage Buying Motives motive is one that causes the
customer to buy products and services from one particular
business (customer loyalty). The customer's prior experience with
the company has been judged beneficial, thus the customer
wishes to repeat the experience (repeat business). If a competitive
product is more or less the same, then these motives can be very
powerful in the buying decision. In a world of commodity-like
products/services these motives can be the extra competitive
Some examples of patronage buying motives include: (a)
Competence of the salesperson and development of relationship
with customer, (b) superior service to that of competition is added-
value which builds loyalty, and (c) selection which offers the
customer choice and variety.
A Product/Service Buying Motive is one that influences
the customer to make a buying decision to purchase one
product/service over a competitor's product/service. In a way, this
is an emotional decision since the customer may not directly
compare the competitive products/services; they have an intuitive
feeling that one product is better than the other. Of course, these
feelings may be actual or perceived. These motives can be
triggered by marketing stimuli that create a product/service
Some examples of product/service buying motives are: (a) brand
preference, (b) quality preference, (c) price preference, and (d)
design or engineering preference.
In summary, buyers of low-priced and non-complex consumer
products generally tend to rely heavily on emotional buying
motives while buyers of higher priced and complex industrial
products/services tend to rely on rational buying motives.
However, always remember that both sets of motives, emotional
and rational, are being considered by all buyers even if in different
proportions. Thus, one might say that all buying motives are
Psychological buying motives

Psychological factors include:

A motive is an internal energizing force that orients a person's
activities toward satisfying a need or achieving a goal. Actions are
effected by a set of motives, not just one. If marketers can
identify motives then they can better develop a marketing mix.
MASLOW hierarchy of needs!!
o Physiological
o Safety
o Love and Belonging
o Esteem
o Self Actualization
Need to determine what level of the hierarchy the consumers are
at to determine what motivates their purchases.
Handout...Nutriment Debunked...
Nutriment, a product marketed by Bristol-Myers Squibb originally
was targeted at consumers that needed to receive additional
energy from their drinks after exercise etc., a fitness drink. It was
therefore targeted at consumers whose needs were for either
love and Belonging or esteem. The product was not selling
well, and was almost terminated. Upon extensive research it was
determined that the product did sell well in inner-city convenience
stores. It was determined that the consumers for the product were
actually drug addicts who couldn't not digest a regular meal. They
would purchase Nutriment as a substitute for a meal. Their
motivation to purchase was completely different to the motivation
that B-MS had originally thought. These consumers were at the
Physiological level of the hierarchy. BM-S therefore had to
redesign its MM to better meet the needs of this target market.
Motives often operate at a subconscious level therefore are
difficult to measure.
What do you see?? Perception is the process of selecting,
organizing and interpreting information inputs to produce
meaning. IE we chose what info we pay attentionto, organize it
and interpret it. Information inputs are the sensations received
through sight, taste, hearing, smell and touch.
Selective Exposure-select inputs to be exposed to our
awareness. More likely if it is linked to an event, satisfies
current needs, intensity of input changes (sharp price drop).
Selective Distortion-Changing/twisting current received
information, inconsistent with beliefs.
Advertisers that use comparative advertisements (pitching
one product against another), have to be very careful that
consumers do not distort the facts and perceive that the
advertisement was for the competitor. A current
example...MCI and AT& you ever get confused?
Selective Retention - Remember inputs that support
beliefs, forgets those that don't.
Average supermarket shopper is exposed to 17,000 products
in a shopping visit lasting 30 minutes-60% of purchases are
unplanned. Exposed to 1,500 advertisements per day. Can't
be expected to be aware of all these inputs, and certainly will
not retain many.
Interpreting information is based on what is already familiar, on
knowledge that is stored in the memory.
Handout...South Africa wine....
Problems marketing wine from South Africa. Consumers have
strong perceptions of the country, and hence its products.

Ability and Knowledge--

Need to understand individual’s capacity to learn. Learning,
changes in a person's behavior caused by information and
experience. Therefore to change consumers' behavior about your
product, need to give them new information re:
sample etc.
South bottle of wine and pour it!! Also educate
American consumers about changes in SA. Need to sell a whole
new country.
When making buying decisions, buyers must process information.
Knowledge is the familiarity with the product and expertise.
Inexperience buyers often use prices as an indicator of quality
more than those who have knowledge of a product.
Non-alcoholic Beer example: consumers chose the most expensive six-
pack, because they assume that the greater price indicates
greater quality.
Learning is the process through which a relatively permanent
change in behavior results from the consequences of past
Knowledge and positive and negative feelings about an object or activity-
maybe tangible or intangible, living or non- living.....Drive perceptions
Individual learns attitudes through experience and interaction
with other people. Consumer attitudes toward a firm and its
products greatly influence the success or failure of the firm's
marketing strategy.

Handout...Olds mobile.....
Oldsmobile vs. Lexus, due to consumers attitudes toward
Oldsmobile (as discovered by class exercise) need to disassociate
Aurora from the Oldsmobile name. Exxon Valdez-nearly 20,000
credit cards were returned or cut-up after the tragic oil spill.
Honda "You meet the nicest people on a Honda", dispel the
unsavory image of a motorbike rider, late 1950s. Changing market
of the 1990s, baby boomers aging, Hondas market returning to
hard core. To change this they have a new slogan "Come ride with
us". Attitudes and attitude change are influenced by consumer’s
personality and lifestyle. Consumers screen information that
conflicts with their attitudes. Distort information to make it
consistent and selectively retain information that reinforces our
attitudes. IE brand loyalty. There is a difference between attitude
and intention to buy (ability to buy).

all the internal traits and behaviors that make a person
unique, uniqueness arrives from a person's heredity and
personal experience. Examples include:
o Work holism
o Compulsiveness
o Self confidence
o Friendliness
o Adaptability
o Ambitiousness
o Dogmatism
o Introversion
o Extroversion

Traits affect the way people behave. Marketers try to match the
store image to the perceived image of their customers. There is a
weak association between personality and Buying Behavior; this
may be due to unreliable measures. Nike ads. Consumers buy
products that are consistent with their self concept.
Recent US trends in lifestyles are a shift towards personal
independence and individualism and a preference for a
healthy, natural lifestyle.

Lifestyles are the consistent patterns people follow in their

EXAMPLE healthy foods for a healthy lifestyle. Sun tan not
considered fashionable in US until 1920's. Now an assault by
the American Academy of Dermatology.

Foremost I would like to thanks

“Mrs. Dipshikha” for assigning an
interesting and important task. I like to
thanks to my subject teacher
“Mrs. Kamaldeep Kaur” to help all the
students and all necessary support and
information .Also thanks to my Friends
who helped me in completing the
Last but not least my Parents without
their support and love; I can’t able to
correct my mistakes.

Buying motives are the influences which provide impulse to buy,
induce or determine choice in the purchase of goods and services.
They are the driving forces to act this way or that way. The
knowledge of these buying motives is significant because: 1. they
help to understanding the human mind to match the products
accordingly. 2. They enhance the efficiency to face the customers.
3. They improve sales prospects with increased satisfaction to the

There are five major buying motives are:

Physical buying motives: Economy, Convenience, Safety,

Appearance, Performance, pride/pleasure

 Emotional buying motives: - Emotional motives can

generally be seen as those of the heart as opposed to the
head and made to satisfy a wish for pleasure, comfort, or
social approval.

 Rational buying motives: - A buying decision based on

rational buying motives is generally the result of an
objective review of available information.

 Patronage buying motives: - A Patronage Buying Motives

motive is one that causes the customer to buy products
and services from one particular business (customer
 Psychological buying motives: - A motive is an internal
energizing force that orients a person's activities toward
satisfying a need or achieving a goal. Actions are effected
by a set of motives, not just one.

At the level it is essential to distinguish buying motives and selling

points. Buying motives are those which are in the mind of the
consumers. They are consumer specifications. They are the
consumer expectations. On the other hand, selling point are the
talking points as developed by the manufacturers and dealers.
These refer to the product features and benefits that the
consumers get if they buy and use them. They are the producer or
dealer specifications. In the final analysis these two specifications
must match to strike a transaction. Stated briefly, buying motive
are the consumer expectations and the selling points are
promises of the sellers.






Buying Motives
 Physical Buying Motives

 Emotional Buying Motive

Patronage Buying Motives

Psychological buying motives




Mrs. Kamalpreet kaur PRATEEK SINGH
ROLL NO. 1835

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