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HOLASSIED. <<” RELEASED EL SALVABOR onthe threshold of a Democratic Revolutionary ' . Victory RELEASED pega Projet C199) | Guatemata B3F116.8 FRER 9 [Stiscremue FDR UNCLASSIFIED TABLE OF CONTENTS eee PACE Seer ee ee eee ee ee cee ee eee Cede 1, Facts about El Salvador....... eauae ase sosneeneata Ll. The Political Process in El Salvador (1930-1979). 4 1.2 Characteristics of the Salvadorean Socio-Economic Sdtuation.....sseeeeeseeeeereceeeree ee SUE: 1.3. Human Rights Violations and the War of Extermination. 13 2. Organtzattons in the Struggle for Democracy......... 2.1 The Democratic Revolutionary Front (F.D.R.)... 2.2 The Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front CEMLN.) 00 2.3. The Joint FMIN-FDR Political-Diplomatic Commission. 16 19 22 3. Characteristics and Objectives of the Future Government..... 25 4. Support from the Salvadorean and North American Churches.... 26 3. Support from the United Nations. PHS. 6. Support from the Socialist International......-.-se00seee00+ 31 7. Reality of the Current Military-"Civilian" Government....... 32 8. Current Stage of the Struggle of the Salvadorean People..... 40 9. Foreign Military Intervention to Support the Junta.......... 43 10. Willingness of the FMIN-FDR to initiate dialogue with the U.S. government.....-..-++ 11. Petitions from the FMLN-FDR to the governments and people of the world. eee 48 APPENDICES 1. Progeamatic Platform of ce Demucratic Revolutiouary Government. 2. Communique from the Bishop, Apostolic Administrator, Priests and Nuns of the Archdiocese of E1 Salvador.....+.-ess+s0e+++ 56 3. Chronology of Persecution against the Church. 4. Christians and the Insurrection of the Salvadorean People... 64 UNCLASSIFIED 10. uu. 2. 13. wa 15. 16. 17. PACE United Nations General Assembly Resolution 35/192, December 15, 1980. Resolution from the 15ch Post War Congress of the Socialist International (November 1980, Madrid)... Resolution on El Salvador from the 11th Women's Conference of the Socialist International (November 1980, Madrid). seeeeeeeeeees 15 Statement by Jorge Alberto Villacorta, El Salvador's Under Secretary of Agriculture, January-March, 1980. 76 Justification for the resignation of the Salvadorean Ambassador to Nicaragua... Statement of Archbishop Roach on the restoration of military aid to E1 Salvador. A call by the General Command of the FMIN to initiate the general offensive.. never a ++ 82 valuation by the General Command of the FMLN upon the first phase of the general offensive.....ssseseeeeeseee ee 84 Map zones under control by FMLN January 1981.. seeee 89 Statement from the Democratic Revolutionary Front to stop U. S. military aid to the government of El Salvador Ganuary 19, 1981)..........0- cesses 90 Declaration by the FMIN on tha agressive arrirude adopred by the government of the United States.........2-e002-+0. 93 Commmique from the Political-Diplomatic Commission of the FMLN-FDR concerning statements made by U. S. Ambassador to EL Salvador, Robert White.. + 96 Petition signed by North American personalities asking for the suspension of military aid to the government of El Salvador.

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