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All people and all religions have all tried to find an answer to the questions: ‘How did

the world begin?’ or ‘Who made the world?’ Creation Stories are their answers. They
are the stories that are told to answer the ‘Ultimate Questions’ about the origins of the
universe, the world and of human beings.

Christian Creation Story

God made the light, called it

day and the darkness light.
God separated the waters into
sea and sky.

God rested.

God created all the fish in the

sea and all the birds in the sky.
God made land and called it
earth and made all the plants.

God made all the animals on

the land and he made people God made the sun, moon and
to rule them. stars to rule over the light and
the dark.

1. Write the title Christian Creation Stories.
2. What is a ‘Creation Story’?
3. After listening to or watching the creation story from the Bible, write down the
days of creation in the right order.
4. Draw a strip cartoon to illustrate what happened on each day.

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