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Dear Fellow Pohickians,

This year’s Stewardship Campaign theme is “Bringing God’s Vision to Life”. Over this past year
you made so many wonderful ideas come to life under God’s watchful eye. Your contributions of time,
talent and treasure were responsible for renovating the common room, replacing our walkways,
educating our youth, filling our sanctuary with joyous music, reaching out to the local community, and
so much more. As we begin a new church season at Pohick there remains so much to do in order to
realize God’s vision for our Parish. God needs our support for this church to remain a vibrant place of
worship and outreach.

The mission of Pohick Church is to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ, to advance the role of
the Episcopal Church as an active participant in sharing the Gospel, and to create a nourishing Christian
community of worship where Christ's love is experienced and taken beyond its walls. Tied to this
mission is a vision for our church to be a significant and vibrant center of Christian worship and ministry.
We will be recognized for our worship services, music and youth programs, Christian education, mission
and outreach efforts, evangelism, and fellowship. Our clergy, staff and laity will continue to be leaders
within the region and the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia. We cannot realize this mission and vision
without the generous financial contributions of our parishioners.

God is counting on all of us to prayerfully consider giving financially to support the many
growing ministries here at Pohick. So let’s all show our support by bringing our pledge cards to the
Ingathering at services on Sunday, October 31. We need every family to pitch in to keep the good work
moving forward! As in previous years, you have the option of deciding where your stewardship pledge
will be used. If you are unable to attend the ingathering then you may place your pledge card in the
collection basket on any Sunday. You may also drop it off or return it by mail to the church office.

Your past generosity has demonstrated that Pohick parishioners care about our church and our
neighbors, both near and far away. We thank you for all you have done and ask that you continue to
support God’s mission and vision for Pohick.

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