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She Causes of ease Most diseases are distinguished by a fever (cold shivering and an increased heat as well as the upset in function of many body organs) Disease can be caused by several things. It is well known that an imbalance in the body can cause disease, and a fever can often be stopped by removing some of the diseased blood by bleeding the patient. Some diseases may be caused by a change in the weather which can bring about ‘bad air’ or miasma. This bad air can spread disease rapidly throughout a town. To avoid catching fever through bad air it is recommended that you cover your mouth and nose or carry a posy of sweet-smelling flowers around with you. On the same note, someone who is ill should stay in bed with no air or light from the outside entering the room. It has come to the attention of physicians that bathing too often can lead to disease, as this removes the protective oils from a person’s skin. Therefore, it is recommended that you bathe no more than once a week. Of course, God punishes sinners with disease. The only way that this can be cured is to repent and pray for forgiveness.

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