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095517023 – Quantative biology and information technology 1/2
Substrate Area of Standard standard
name adhesion deviation deviation
Phosphate 25.5 7.7 3.8
acid 10.6 6.7 3.4
Introduction Table 1
thermanox 34.0 3.4 1.7

Times New Roman 11 is recommended as the font

size for the body text in the columns.

Use Arial 14 for Headings.

Note that you can make the sections (eg

Introduction, Summary, Figures) longer or shorter
depending on how much information you wish to
include in each section; a general guide is given in
the assignment instructions.

However, in this template format example a single

item, eg a figure, should not span both columns

Methods of Analysis

Fig. 2
Summary of Results

Place your figure of the diagrammatic

representation of the focal adhesion complex (Right
hand side of the diagram) here

Figures should have the caption below them.

Tables should have the caption above them

References eg Ziegler (1991) 1. Essentials of

Writing Biomedical Research Papers, McGraw-
Hill, Inc. 2 I.R. Spears, M, Pfleiderer, E. Schneider,
et al (2000) J. Biomech 33:1471-77. 3 A.R. Poole,
M. Alini and A. Hollander (1995) Chondrocytes
and cartilage destruction in Mechanisms and
Models in Rheumatoid Arthritis (eds B. Henderson,
J. Edwards nd R. Pettipher) Academic Press, pp
Fig. 1 caption for figure 1 goes here

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