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Week of November 1-5 Name/Hour:_________________

Wednesday: 15.1 & 15.2 (p. 187-9)

1. Where did the Statue of Liberty come from? What is the significance of it?

2. People came to the United States for a variety of reasons. Some PUSHED them away from their home countries, and
some PULLED them towards the United States. Complete the chart below listing examples of each.
Push Factors Pull Factors
Thursday: 15.3 & 15.4: To Ellis Island and Beyond (p.190-4)
1. Ellis Island was one the last check point for many immigrants to get through before they were free to enter the United
States. Name two major test they had to go through and explain each.

2. Be deported, or forced to leave the country, was an immigrants biggest fear. Where were some common reasons
immigrants were rejected from becoming Americans?

3. Once in the United States, in what type of places did immigrants tend to live? (Draw a picture you would like)

4. (15.4) What type of services did a “settlement house” offer? Are there any places today that offer similar types of
support? Where?

5. What were some of the reasons that American's rejected immigrants? Do any of these issues still exist today?

Friday: 15.5: Immigration from Asia (p.195-7)

1. Many Chinese people moved the the United States in the 1800's. Complete the Chart below:
Cause Effect
Many Chinese men came to the United
States to take jobs building railroads in the
Sierra Nevada, prospecting for gold in
California, and working on farms in Hawaii.
Chinese workers often worked for far less
than white workers, and were willing to
jobs often rejected by others.

Chinese people began to move into the

United States rapidly hoping for
opportunities, despite resistance from white
2. How was Angel Island similar to, and different from, Ellis Island? (SEE THURSDAY QUESTIONS)

3. Which other Asian groups besides the Chinese often immigrated to the United States? How were their experiences
similar or different?

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