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Live the perfect life
first and then
teach it.

“OML ( Oh My Lord) I’ve lost my horse, oh
Jesus help me find it.”

“Parson, brother of mine, God will help
you don’t worry about mosses, he’ll come
Song Now Playing “You’re right soul brother, maybe I
should post LOST signs around the village.”

“ That sounds great, I’ve drawn you
About Me

I may be poor, but I’m rich in holy thoughts and a picture of mosses for you.”
works. I am the ideal portrait of what a parish
priest should be. I’m the pastor of a sizable
town. I preach the Gospel and make sure to
practice what I do. I’m a very learned man also,
a clerk, patient in adverse times and well Lost Horse!.. Posted 5 min. ago
content. I will always be there for anyone in the
rain or thunder, in the sickness or in the sin, or
any state, to visit the farthest, small and great.

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