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“Questio quid

– Latin for “The Pardoner: Hey, do you need some pardon

question is, What for all of that sin?
point of the law
Summoner wrote on Pardoners wall : NO.
But I will pray for you.

The Squire: SUMMONER! Come with me

to the next town. I need your help singing.

Song Now Playing Summoner changed profile picture

About Me

I have narrow eyes , with black scabby brows and a

thin beard, I'm very dirty. Children are afraid of me.
I love garlic, onions, leeks, and red wine till I get
hazy. Don’t test my wits or grope. I love to travel Summoner is now friends with Monk
and preach. I gain my living by begging, it’s what I
do. I record the names of the people who give me
charity so I can pray for them later. Then I erase the Pardoner: You need some pardon for that
names as soon as I leave the house. sin

Knight: Everyone come out to the town

meeting tomorrow before dusk!!!

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