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“An animal's eyes
have the power to
speak a great
language.” Prioress: Taking care of my loyal animals
is the best job I could ever have.

Yeomen: How is your horse ma ’dam?

Hope all is well.

Prioress: She's doing quite excellent now,

thank you for asking. Hope all is well too.

Song Now Playing

Reeve: Aren't you a nun ma ‘ dam? I cant
quite figure out why you love animals
more then people, and also, why are you
more into jewelry and expensive stuff.
About Me
I am a Nun living a high
class lifestyle. I love jewelry
and materials Prioress: Mind your own business Reeve.
thing are an importance
in my life. I love animals,
in fact I love them more Yeomen: Hoping to see you tonight, you
then humans. I do not believe dashing lovely women.
in swearing, and I am a very
loving individual.
Prioress: You are so thoughtful yeoman.
See you there.

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