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• Estados imperialistas en Malí • La única salida 12

Workers and oppressed peoples of the world unite!

Nov. 4, 2010 vol. 52, No. 43 50¢

Dock workers shut down Bay Area ports as

Strike, rally demand

justice for oscar Grant
By Judy Greenspan
Oakland, Calif.
G E T R E A DY F O R 2 011
The stage and steps of Frank
Ogawa Plaza in downtown Oak- A new year to fight back against capitalism,
land shook and trembled with the
strong unifying cry of “We are all racism, war, repression and
for A NEW urgENcy
Oscar Grant!” as over 1,000 people
— Black, Brown, Native, Asian and

iN THE STruggLE for

white — came out despite rain to
attend a rally that followed the dra-

matic shutdown of Bay Area ports
by workers of the International
Longshore and Warehouse Union.

The ILWU drill team opened the
Oct. 23 program in full uniform, WW photo: Judy GreenspAn
marching to the beat of “What time is it? oakland, oct. 23.
Union time!” and “We are the union — the murder but was convicted of only involuntary man-

mighty, mighty union!” slaughter. Grant’s mother, Wanda Johnson, said imme-
Clarence Thomas, long-time ILWU Local diately after the verdict, “My son was murdered. He was
10 member and labor activist who co-chaired murdered and the law has not held the officer account-
the rally with Jack Heyman, another ILWU
dockworker, proudly announced, “All of the
able.” “(San Francisco Chronicle, July 9)
Many speakers noted the incredible role played by After the Nov. 2 midterm elections
Bay Area ports are shut down today in honor
of the fight for justice for Oscar Grant.”
the ILWU in supporting today’s rally. The union has a
long history of supporting anti-racist and progressive JOIN US at
This rally comes just two weeks before the
sentencing of Johannes Mehserle, the Bay
causes with work stoppages. The dock and warehouse
workers union has also, since its 1934 general strike, THE WORKERS WORLD PARTY
Area Rapid Transit cop who shot and killed
22-year-old Grant, an unarmed Black man,
developed a strong relationship with the Black commu-
nity in West Oakland and other parts of the Bay Area.
as he was tightly restrained face down on a
BART platform on Jan. 1, 2009. The labor
and community protest was held to send a
Power of the working class
Richard Mead, president of ILWU Local 10, recalled NOVEMBER 12 – 14
message to the court demanding the harsh- that the shooting of two workers sparked the 1934 gen- Assess what’s past – Prepare for what’s next
est possible sentence for Mehserle. eral strike led by the dock and maritime workers in San
Mehserle was charged with second-degree Continued on page 4 212.627.2994
See page 6

FoRECloSURES Workers World Party Southern regional conference.

Fighting the banks 3

And self-determination 5

NO APOLOGYEditorial 10

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Audience listens to plenary talks during oct. 23 socialism conference in Durham, N.C. Read article on pages 6-7.

CUBA Resists imperialism 8 HAITI Cholera outbreak 9 FRANCE Protests continue 11 SomAlIA No U.N. troops 11
page 2 nov. 4, 2010

Defending civil liberties, free speech this week ...
Labor movement opposes FBI raids  In the U.S.
Strike, rally demand justice for Oscar Grant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Labor movement opposes FBI raids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
By Sue Davis tice, Labor for Palestine and the South Bay Labor Coun-
cil in San Jose, Calif., also passed similar resolutions. Stop FBI repression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Among the 115 groups that have taken a stand against Many unionists participated in more than 60 protests People Before Banks Coalition launched . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
the Sept. 24 FBI raids targeting anti-war activists are a around the country in the days immediately following Mortgage fraud, bank bailouts continue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
growing number of labor unions, federations and orga- the raids and during the grand jury hearings in early Stop eviction of Michelle Hart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
nizations. Pointing out that many of those subpoenaed October where those subpoenaed refused to testify. For Cops kill another Black youth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
were union activists, the resolutions connect the latest example, Larry Goldbetter, president of the National
Rally to free Sekou Odinga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
repression to the long history of anti-labor attacks that Writers Union, United Auto Workers Local 1981, read a
sought to squash union organizing in the U.S. statement at a New York City protest linking the raids to PIST demands end to long bus routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
The San Francisco Central Labor Council delegates what may be in store for workers in a low-wage economy Freedom Party continues legacy of struggle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
meeting voted unanimously Sept. 27 to condemn the with permanently high unemployment. Workers, oppressed peoples & the midterm elections . . . . . . . 5
raids. The resolution noted that Joe Iosbaker, a long- WWP national conference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
time Service Employees Local 73 chief steward at the Long history of gov’t attacks on labor movement
WWP Southern conference calls for socialism, class unity . . . . 6
University of Illinois-Chicago and a well-known leader Many of the resolutions drew a parallel between the
Protesters speak out for Palestine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
in the Chicago labor movement, was one of the targets. current raids and the notorious Palmer Raids of the early
Two Teamster locals — 705 in Chicago and 807 in the 1920s, where outspoken immigrant and labor leaders U .S . workers far behind other countries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
New York City area — passed resolutions citing Isobak- were deported or expatriated; to the anti-communist
er’s solidarity during a Teamster strike at UIC as well as McCarthy witch hunt in the 1950s, which drummed  Around the world
expressing solidarity with Teamster brother Mick Kelly many dedicated leaders out of office as well as the union End the U .S . blockade of Cuba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
in Minneapolis, who was also targeted. movement; and to the FBI’s well-documented attacks U .S . double standard on ‘terrorism’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
At the Oct. 1 convention of American Federation of from the 1950s through the 1970s on the Civil Rights and
Haiti faces cholera outbreak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
State, County, Municipal Employees Council 5, which the Black liberation movements.
represents 46,000 public employees in Minnesota, a Leaked documents expose U .S . atrocities in Iraq . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
AFT Local 1493 noted the internment of Japanese
resolution noted that four of the subpoenaed activists Americans from 1942 to 1945 and the fact that Arab Capitalism didn’t save Chilean miners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
are members of Council 5. On Oct. 21, AFSCME Local Americans and members of the Muslim faith have been French workers, youth take to streets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
3800, which represents University of Minnesota cleri- framed up since Sept. 11, 2001, under the Patriot Act. U .S .-backed Somali regime faces resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
cal workers, followed suit with a resolution denouncing The statement by the Black Workers for Justice Meeting builds anti-NATO protest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
the attacks on Tracy Molm, Ahn Pham, Jess Sundin and reads: “We know full well that these attacks, while start-
Steff Yorek. ing against anti-war activists, are aimed at all activists  Editorials
On Oct. 13, Local 1493 of the American Federation that organize and mobilize against the many injustices
of Teachers, which represents the faculty at California’s caused by a system that places profits and domination Anita Hill stands strong, again . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
San Mateo Community College, passed a resolution de- over human needs.”
nouncing the FBI visit to member Masao Suzuki. On An article by Joe Burns cited a number of times over  Noticias En Español
Oct. 14, the Duluth Central Labor Body’s resolution con- the last century where the labor movement has led the Estados imperialistas en Malí . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
demned the FBI and Department of Justice’s “attempts struggle for the rights to free speech and protest needed La única salida . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
to intimidate and disrupt grassroots social movements.” to win workers’ rights. (, Oct. 16)
U.S. Labor Against the War, Black Workers for Jus- Take the 1909 struggle of the Wobblies (Industrial Workers World
Workers of the World). After the city of Spokane, Wash., 55 West 17 Street
In NYC, Nov. 6 outlawed street-corner rallies, the Wobblies called on its
members and supporters to come to town. The law was
New York, N.Y. 10011
Phone: (212) 627-2994

Stop FBI Repression rescinded when activists outnumbered jails cells.

Many valiant labor struggles affirmed the right to pro-
test during the 1930s. For instance, the 1939 Supreme
Fax: (212) 675-7869
The Committee to Stop FBI Repression is convening Court case Hague v. CIO established that parks and Vol. 52, No. 43 • Nov. 4, 2010
a national meeting in New York City on Saturday, Nov. streets were public spaces where people could exercise Closing date: Oct. 26, 2010
6, 6:30 p.m., at St. Mark’s Church, 131 E. 10th St. In- their first amendment rights. The case started when the
Editor: Deirdre Griswold
vited are all those interested in building the movement Congress of Industrial Organizations tried to organize
against FBI raids and the grand jury attempt to criminal- unions in Jersey City, N.J., and the openly corrupt may- Technical Editor: Lal Roohk
ize anti-war and international solidarity activists. or, “Boss” Hague, arrested CIO leafleteers and closed Managing Editors: John Catalinotto, LeiLani Dowell,
According to the Committee: “Each of the 14 activists down union meetings. Leslie Feinberg, Kris Hamel, Monica Moorehead,
subpoenaed to appear [before a grand jury] signed a let- Government repression is only too familiar when Gary Wilson
ter from the lawyers stating they would NOT testify. The workers strike. Just remember the heroic Transport West Coast Editor: John Parker
Assistant U.S. Attorney, Brand Fox, told the lawyers he Workers strike of 2005, when the courts and the city Contributing Editors: Abayomi Azikiwe,
would withdraw the subpoenas, but he would say noth- government, backed by the corporate-owned press, de- Greg Butterfield, Jaimeson Champion, G. Dunkel,
ing more. So this is not over yet. The government is not monized the workers in Local 100 for exercising their Fred Goldstein, Teresa Gutierrez, Larry Hales,
likely to let go … [and] has a number of options — more right to withhold their labor when offered a bad contract. Berta Joubert-Ceci, Cheryl LaBash,
raids, arrests, new subpoenas, or offering immunity to The only way that workers and all oppressed people Milt Neidenberg, Bryan G. Pfeifer, Betsey Piette,
some with the threat of jail if they do not speak. … [T]he are going to survive — and eventually surmount — the Minnie Bruce Pratt, Gloria Rubac
FBI continues to harass other anti-war activists at their “new normal” economy of low-wage capitalism and mass Technical Staff: Sue Davis, Shelley Ettinger,
homes and workplaces, trying to divide and intimidate. unemployment is by fighting back. Defending workers’ Bob McCubbin, Maggie Vascassenno
We need you to remain vigilant, to help us organize, and rights to a job at a livable wage and to dissent against
Mundo Obrero: Carl Glenn, Teresa Gutierrez,
to work toward a defense that continues to put U.S. war government repression is critical in the coming period.
Berta Joubert-Ceci, Donna Lazarus, Michael Martínez,
and occupation on trial.” For more information about the struggle to defend
Carlos Vargas
For updated information on the Nov. 6 meeting, go to the anti-war activists and stop government repression, see Supporter Program: Sue Davis, coordinator
Copyright © 2010 Workers World. Verbatim copying
and distribution of articles is permitted in any medium

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People Before Banks Coalition launched

By Kris Hamel tee of the USSF; Jobs With Justice; the the bank’s backing of R.J. Reynolds Co., directed his staff to call Michigan Gov.
Detroit Farm Labor Organizing Committee; and which has refused to negotiate with FLOC Jennifer Granholm, who leaves office in
other organizations. for justice for the farmworkers. January, in a last-ditch effort to get her
A broad coalition of labor, religious and Anti-foreclosure attorney Vanessa UAW president Bob King issued a to implement a moratorium. Conyers
community organizations held a press Fluker spoke at the press conference on statement on behalf of the union which stated, “It’s not rocket science. Even Re-
conference Oct. 8 in Detroit to announce behalf of the Moratorium NOW! Coali- read in part: “While the UAW is happy publican governors in the 1930s did it.”
the formation of the People Before Banks tion and warned that people should not be that Chase Bank has taken [a] first step in Michigan Democratic gubernatorial
Coalition. This new formation is pressing taken in by the banks’ pronouncements halting foreclosures in several states, we candidate Virg Bernero also attended the
for a national two-year moratorium on about allegedly halting foreclosures. hope [it goes] further. We are asking that press conference and announced his sup-
foreclosures. It is also demanding justice Fluker emphasized that the federal Chase Bank enact a two-year moratorium port for the moratorium. Workers World
for workers losing their jobs and liveli- government now backs up the vast ma- on home foreclosures. A moratorium got him to nail down this pledge by asking
hoods due to the practices of financial in- jority of mortgages through Fannie Mae would allow homeowners at risk of los- Bernero if he would use his executive au-
stitutions. and Freddie Mac, along with the Federal ing their homes to pay a reasonable rent thority under MCL 10.31 to declare a state
The People Before Banks Coalition is Housing Administration. “Bailouts of the in lieu of mortgage payments, giving the of economic emergency and implement a
comprised of the organizations that spear- banks occur with virtually every foreclo- homeowner time to recover in this period two-year moratorium by executive order.
headed a mass march on Chase Bank dur- sure,” said Fluker. “President Obama has of economic emergency. Bernero responded, “You got it.”
ing the U.S. Social Forum held in Detroit the power to declare a national two-year “We urge JPMorgan Chase Bank to in- The People Before Banks Coalition is
in June. These forces have been leading a moratorium by executive order to really tervene in the horrendous situation for beginning to plan for a national confer-
campaign for divestment from Chase. stop foreclosures, but he won’t do it.” tobacco workers in North Carolina where ence in Detroit to press the struggle for-
The coalition’s founding members and Rev. Bullock also joined the call for a migrant farm workers suffer low wages ward. The Moratorium NOW! Coalition
organizations include the United Auto two-year moratorium. “The struggle against and unsafe working conditions.” reports it is getting calls from around the
Workers International union; the Rev. the banks is not just a fight for homeowners King participated in a fact-finding tour country from grassroots organizations
Ed Rowe of Central United Methodist — we are in solidarity with all workers and of North Carolina tobacco fields in Sep- ready to take on the anti-foreclosure, an-
Church in Detroit; the Rev. David Bull- communities across the country.” tember and experienced firsthand the ti-bank battle.
ock, head of Detroit Rainbow PUSH; Bullock discussed the coalition’s sup- inhuman conditions under which the to- Responses are also coming in to the on-
the Moratorium NOW! Coalition to Stop port for farmworkers in North Carolina bacco workers live and work. line petition for a two-year national mor-
Foreclosures, Evictions and Utility Shut- represented by the Farm Labor Orga- U.S. Rep. John Conyers Jr. also spoke atorium on foreclosures and evictions,
offs; the Rev. Bill Wylie-Kellerman, a nizing Committee. FLOC has called for in support of a two-year foreclosure which can be signed at
leader in the Interfaith Justice Commit- a national boycott of Chase because of moratorium. He announced that he has moratoriumpetition.shtml.

mortgage fraud, bank bailouts continue

By Jerry Goldberg while we were doing that, and now we’re private corporations chartered by the fed- The difference in what the government
moving forward.” eral government to give them enhanced paid the bank for the loan, and what the
The lifting of the major banks’ “fore- While even bourgeois commentators standing to buy or back up mortgage loans. home sells for after foreclosure and evic-
closure moratoriums” — which had been treated this announcement with the cyni- However, in July 2008 Fannie Mae tion, is paid for by taxpayers. That ar-
instituted to stem the outcry over mas- cism and derision it deserved, Bank of and Freddie Mac were taken over by the rangement amounts to a silent bailout of
sive fraud in the processing of foreclosure America was emboldened to make this federal government due to massive losses the banks.
documents — demonstrates the necessity move with the backing of the federal gov- they incurred as a result of the record rise For example, a home several doors
for the working class to launch a struggle ernment. in foreclosures caused by the fraudulent from where this writer lives in Detroit sold
to win a genuine two-year moratorium on From the onset of the exposure of mas- and predatory lending practices of the for $137,000 in 2001. The home was then
foreclosures and evictions predicated on sive bank fraud, the Obama administra- banks. The federal government placed foreclosed and the loan was taken over by
the premise that housing is a fundamen- tion has opposed any calls for a national Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in trustee- Fannie Mae. The home is now being listed
tal human right. moratorium on foreclosures. When Da- ship under the Federal Housing Finance by Fannie Mae for $31,000. The $99,000
With the federal government having vid Axlerod, President Barack Obama’s Administration, guaranteeing up to $200 difference between the $130,000 still
essentially nationalized the mortgage in- chief advisor, appeared on CBS’s “Face billion in federal tax dollars to back up owed on the home for which the bank
dustry, the president has the authority to the Nation” Oct. 10, he came out against their loans. That figure was raised to received full value, and the $31,000 for
implement such a moratorium through a national moratorium. He was followed $400 billion, and is now uncapped. which Fannie Mae is selling the home, is
executive action. by Housing and Urban Development Sec- According to a June 3, 2009, statement paid for out of taxpayer funds.
Bank of America on Oct. 18 announced retary Shaun Donovan, who published an by FHFA Director James Lockhart, Fannie This bailout to the banks, which occurs
its intent to resume foreclosures in the 23 article Oct. 17 in the Huffington Post that Mae and Freddie Mac own or guarantee 56 with virtually every foreclosure, has al-
states which have judicial foreclosures. also rejected calls for a national morato- percent of single-family mortgages worth ready amounted to $145 billion.
BOA had suspended foreclosures in those rium, saying it would hurt the economy. $5.4 trillion in the U.S. When combined While the FHFA estimated that the
states on Oct. 1 due to revelations of fraud with the Federal Housing Administration, total cost of this bailout will be $221 to
in the processing of foreclosure documents. Billions for banks the federal government backs or issues a $363 billion, in 2009 the Congressional
BOA also announced it would resume fore- Bank of America noted that the major whopping 75 percent of the country’s mort- Budget Office estimated that Fannie Mae
closures in a few weeks in the remaining 27 holders of its mortgages, Fannie Mae and gages. (Associated Press, Sept. 9, 2008) and Freddie Mac would require $389 bil-
states. This move will likely encourage JP Freddie Mac, had been consulted during What this means is that when a bor- lion in federal subsidies through 2019.
Morgan Chase and GMAC, who had simi- the review and had signed off on the deci- rower goes into foreclosure, the bank (Bloomberg News, Oct. 21)
larly suspended foreclosures in the 23 ju- sion to resume foreclosures. Of 14 million which made the loan gets paid off at the Barclays Capital Inc. analysts put the
dicial foreclosure states, to resume taking mortgages BOA services, one-half of them loan’s full value by Fannie Mae or Freddie price tag as high as $500 billion, and Sean
people’s homes. (New York Times, Oct. 18) — worth $2.1 trillion — are owned by Fan- Mac. In addition, the government pays Egan, president of Egan-Jones Ratings Co.,
Barbara J. Desoer, president of Bank nie Mae and Freddie Mac, the giant mort- the bank to process the foreclosure. Then estimated that the total taxpayer bailout to
of America Home Loans, stated, “We did gage holding companies controlled by the the government takes over the home, the banks through Fannie Mae and Fred-
a thorough review of the process and we U.S. Treasury. (NYT, Oct. 18) evicts the homeowner and any tenants, die Mac will total $1 trillion. (BN, June 13)
found the facts underlying the decision to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were for- places the home on the market, and sells These figures do not include the addi-
foreclose have been accurate. We paused merly government-sponsored enterprises, it at a fraction of the loan’s value. Continued on page 8

Protesters tell Bank of America:

Anti-foreclosure activists gathered
outside Bank of America in down-
town Detroit Oct . 22 to demand the bank stop its
eviction of Michelle Hart and her ill elderly mother
from their home in Southfield, Mich . Hart was served
with eviction papers the very same week BOA
and other major banks announced a suspension
of foreclosures in order to clean up their massive
nationwide fraud . On Oct . 25 it was learned that the
bank’s lawyers have postponed Hart’s eviction hear-
ing from Oct . 27 until Dec . 1 . Organizers with the
Moratorium NOW! Coalition to Stop Foreclosures,
Evictions and Utility Shutoffs consider this delay a
temporary victory in their months-long struggle to
stop this illegal foreclosure . A potentially fraudulent
affidavit relating to the bank’s assignment of Hart’s
mortgage loan has been uncovered by her attorney .
— Report and photo by Kris Hamel
page 4 nov. 4, 2010

Cops kill another Black youth

By Larry Hales response the cops began firing into the an attempt “to change the conversation trons distraught, with some yelling at the
car, killing Henry and wounding Cox. away from what police did.” cops. It also shows a woman in a white
Early in the morning of Sunday, Oct. Witnesses say the vehicle went only The toxicology report was released less dress administering CPR to Henry before
17, Pace University student Danroy (DJ) 100 feet, was not traveling fast, and only than nine hours after the shooting. paramedics take over.
Henry Jr. and his friends Brandon Cox accelerated after shots were fired. Henry had never been in trouble; nei-
and Desmond Hinds were parked outside Considering the witnesses’ accounts, it Facts ‘don’t add up’ ther had Cox. Friends, coaches, teachers
Finnegan’s Grill, a bar in Thornwood, seems that once again the cops are fabri- Others who were at the bar the morn- and family members have come to the
N.Y., in Westchester County. cating a story to justify the killing of an- ing of the shooting have since come for- defense of the two young men and have
According to reports, they were waiting other young Black male. ward. Many claim they were brutalized by called into question police accounts of the
for a fourth friend who was inside the bar. Similar to countless other instances of the police when the crowd became agitat- event. All of them echo a similar refrain:
A cop tapped on the car, which was idling police brutality, a statement from a po- ed after witnessing the shooting and see- Something about the killing of Henry
in the fire lane. Henry, the driver, drove lice official the next morning attempted ing Henry handcuffed and placed on the doesn’t add up.
forward and another cop appeared from to sully Henry by stating that the young ground without receiving medical care. This latest shooting brings to mind
behind a police vehicle with gun drawn, man, a 20-year-old student and football Daniel Parker, a football teammate of the killing of Sean Bell by New York po-
not giving Henry time to react. player at Pace University, had a blood al- Henry’s, who spoke at a press conference lice in 2006. It is no less a tragedy than
The cop began firing and somewhere in cohol level of .13. of 70 fellow football players on Oct. 22, Bell’s killing or any other killings by cops
the process was hit by the vehicle, while at In the Easton, Mass., community said he tried to help Henry after he was of young Black men or any young person,
least one other cop joined in the shooting. where DJ was from, his father Danroy shot. Parker says he was beaten by police, but especially people of color.
In all, as many as eight shots were fired, Henry Sr. stated in response to the report who later charged him and several other Police brutality is rampant, and for
three striking Henry while Cox, who was of his son’s blood alcohol level, “If it’s a teammates with obstruction. every incident that goes reported there
in the passenger seat, took one bullet. part of the truth, so be it. But at the end of Other people on the scene were charged are many more that don’t. Police brutal-
This is the account given by Cox and other the day, the central question to us is, does with numerous misdemeanor counts, and ity and killings are symptoms of a sick
witnesses at the scene, which contradicts that justify killing our son? … We still fun- one football teammate of Henry’s was society, one built on the for-profit mode
the official police report. damentally believe it isn’t.” (www.necn. charged with a felony. Many claim to have of production, where the state apparatus,
According to police, they were called com, Oct. 23) been assaulted by police who cracked down of which the cops are part, protect private
to the scene because of a fight outside the He also said, “Rather than coming after people at the scene became angry. property relations. Such brutality and re-
bar, a fight that Henry and the others in out and sharing with us information, an Parker says he told police: “Can I help pression are also indicators of the perva-
the vehicle were not involved in, Henry anonymous source leaks toxicology re- him? I know CPR. I said, ‘He’s dying. Can sive racism and national oppression fac-
drove from where he was parked, hitting ports that we can’t verify.” I help him? Can I help him?’ And I was cut ing youth of color in the U.S.
one cop who was on the hood of the ve- The lawyer for Henry’s family said the off.” (Boston Herald, Oct. 22) The family is demanding an indepen-
hicle and another one with the mirror. In release of alleged alcohol blood levels was Witnesses report that Henry was left dent investigation. This demand should
unattended for 15 minutes or longer, and be supported. Henry did nothing wrong.

Rally to free Sekou odinga

when paramedics arrived on the scene, He merely existed as a young Black male,
they first attended to the police who were daring to hang out with his friends. For
allegedly hit by Henry’s vehicle. Henry lay that he is dead.

& all political prisoners dying while handcuffed.

A cell phone video of the aftermath of
the shooting shows many of the bar pa-
Demand justice for Danroy Henry and
Brandon Cox! Jail Aaron Hess, Ronald
Beckley and all killer cops!
Far left, Chokwe
Left, M-1 of Dead Prez
Led by Dock Workers union
of the International
Concerned Family
Oscar Grant rally for justice
and Friends of Mumia Continued from page 1 Stewart, I am Black, I am Brown, I am
Abu-Jamal talked of Francisco. “Oscar Grant’s death was also Chinese, I am a worker,” Gutierrez ex-
buses being arranged murder,” Mead said. “[A general strike] — claimed.
for Mumia’s Nov. 9 that’s where we need to go now.” “I am the one who came to this coun-
hearing in Philadel- Thomas put Grant’s killing in a larger try to seek work. Unless we work hand in
phia, and how Mumia perspective. “The war on the Black com- hand with our Black brothers and sisters,
Attorney Chokwe Lumumba, — innocent and still munity, particularly on the youth of color, we cannot win,” said Gutierrez.
a Jackson, Miss., City Council threatened with ex- always intensifies during times of eco- BART workers from the Amalgam-
member, and revolutionary ecution — represents nomic crisis. Oscar Grant could have been ated Transit Union Local 1555, led by
rapper M-1 from Dead Prez all political prisoners any one of our sons, nephews or grand- past president Harold Brown, stood to-
were among those on the plat- and the racist frame- sons. gether on stage and delivered a moving
form during a “Political Prison- ups they have suffered. “We stopped international commerce statement in support of justice for Os-
ers Unity Rally” held Oct. 17 in Brooklyn, Other speakers included Charles Barron, today. We shut down all of the ports. car Grant. Brown, a train operator on
N.Y. Special attention was given to free- Freedom Party candidate for New York That’s the power of the working class,” the BART line which passes through the
ing Sekou Odinga, an activist who was governor, Fred Hampton Jr., Coltran Thomas announced. Fruitvale station, the site of Grant’s kill-
imprisoned for actions with the Black Chimurenga of the December 12th Move- Cristina Gutierrez, a Latina activist ing, noted, “There’s not a day that goes
Liberation Army in the 1960s and 1970s. ment, and Dr. James McIntosh of Cemo- representing Barrio Unido, a San Fran- by that I don’t think of Oscar Grant. This
Called by the Sekou Odinga Solidarity tap. cisco-based organization for general and should never have happened.”
Committee and the Committee to Honor One conclusion and goal of those pres- unconditional amnesty for immigrants, The impetus for the justice rally came
Black Heroes, the large gathering of sup- ent was well expressed by revolutionary delivered a moving statement on the from members of Oscar Grant’s family,
porters was inspired by speakers at this rap artist M-1 when he said “We have to strength of the unity of all people against who went to the ILWU seeking their sup-
rally. Lumumba said of these prisoners, dismantle the system!” oppression. “Yo soy Oscar Grant, I am port. The highpoint of the event came
“They’ve given their all!” Pam Africa — Report and photos by Anne Pruden Oscar Grant, I am Mumia, I am Lynne when a large group of Grant’s family and
friends took the stage.

PIST demands end to long bus routes The atmosphere on the plaza became
electrified when Grant’s 6-year-old daugh-
ter Tatiana was introduced to the crowd.
By Sara Catalinotto
New York
NYC schools. and chanted, “O.P.T. —
Get our kids to school
A moving letter to the sentencing judge
demanding the maximum sentence for
on time!” and “Bus driv- Grant’s killer was read by Tatiana’s aunt.
Parents to Improve School Transporta- ers need jobs, kids need Other speakers at today’s gathering
tion held a rally at the New York City De- short routes!” included Bobby Seale and Elaine Brown,
partment of Education on the morning of A vice president of former leaders of the Black Panther
Oct. 19. They are outraged that time is be- the United Federation Party, and representatives from several
ing taken away from their children’s edu- of Teachers and a state unions including the Service Employees
cation by unrealistic school bus routing, business agent of the and the Oakland Education Association/
which is especially disruptive for students Amalgamated Transpor- California Teachers Association.
with special needs. tation Union, which rep- Throughout the afternoon, rally orga-
A letter signed by dozens of parents resents school bus driv- nizers reminded the crowd, “We cannot
and supporters was taken to the Schools photo: Johnnie stevens ers, were present along let this movement end today.” Plans are
PIST members rally oct. 19.
Chancellor. It denounced the fact that the with other advocates for underway to keep the momentum of this
Office of Pupil Transportation laid off sev- are causing lateness and stress every day mass transit and public education. coalition going, including a mass meet-
eral hundred qualified drivers and escorts for parents, caregivers and students alike. For more information visit www.pist- ing of the Justice for Oscar Grant Com-
at the start of this school year, and then At the rally participants gave inter- munity Outreach Committee on Oct. 26
reshuffled the children onto routes that views in English and Spanish to the press, The writer is a PIST parent. in Oakland. nov. 4, 2010 page 5

Fannie Lou Hamer remembered as

Freedom Party continues legacy of struggle

By Dolores Cox ery Negro in Mississippi.” She possessed a
New York love for her people and a keen interest and
understanding of the power of the political
The anniversary of the birth of a cher- process. This led Hamer to co-found the
ished freedom fighter occurred recently. Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party.
On Oct. 6, 1917, Fannie Lou Townsend was She fought tirelessly for inclusion and
born and grew up on a Mississippi planta- parity of Blacks in the racist Democratic
tion in a sharecropper family. She began Party. In Detroit Rosa Parks later estab-
picking cotton at the age of 6. She was the lished the Michigan Freedom Democratic
youngest of 20 children and the grand- Party at the urging of Malcolm X that there
daughter of an enslaved African. After be an independent Black political party.
marrying, she became Fannie Lou Hamer. In 1964 Hamer challenged the Demo-
Subsequent to attending a SNCC (Stu- cratic Party to seat her party, claiming WW photo: John CAtAlinotto
dent Non-Violent Coordinating Commit- that the Credentials Committee and reg- Charles Barron speaking on Wall Street, october 2008. Fannie Lou Hamer of Ruleville,
tee) meeting, Hamer registered to vote in ular Democrats were “illegally elected” Miss., speaking in Washington, D.C., Sept. 17, 1965.
1962. Upon leaving the Indianola, Miss., based on discriminatory practices against erybody’s free. She co-founded the Na- inequalities. Freedom Party supporters
courthouse that day, she and others were Blacks statewide. At the 1964 Democrat- tional Women’s Political Caucus in 1971. emphasize that these crucial issues and
stopped on the road as they headed home ic National Convention in Atlantic City Hamer died in 1977 of cancer and compli- conditions have not been addressed by
to Ruleville. They were harassed and giv- she also challenged then-President Lyn- cations from damage to her kidneys and the Democrats.
en a fine because their bus was “the wrong don Johnson and Vice President Hubert eyes resulting from her beatings in jail. The Freedom Party’s goal is to change
color.” Humphrey. existing political power relationships and
As a result of refusing to remove her In her testimony there Hamer stated: NY’s Freedom Party challenges narrow existing gaps, fight for inclusion,
name from the registrar’s list, the planta- “If the Freedom Democratic Party is not power structure protect the human rights of the working
tion owner evicted Hamer and her spouse seated today, I question America. Is this On the New York State ballot this No- class, regardless of skin color, and repre-
from their home. A couple of days later, the land of the free and home of the brave, vember is the newly created Freedom sent “unashamedly” their interests. FP’s al-
bullets were fired into the bedroom where where we have to sleep with our tele- Party, inspired by the memory of Hamer’s legiance is to the people, not corporate U.S.
she slept in a friend’s home. Violent acts phones off the hooks because our lives be Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party. The party’s overall aim is to restart
were also committed against other Black threatened daily because we want to live It is challenging the all-white Democratic the Freedom Movement, which includes
residents in Ruleville that same night. as decent human beings in America?” Party slate in the upcoming election. It is inspiring young people to fight for their
In June 1963 after returning to Mis- Johnson ordered the nationally tele- an African-American- and Latino/a-led communities’ political and economic fu-
sissippi from a voter registration work- vised convention to be interrupted to keep political party with candidates running tures. FP’s founders intend to provide
shop, Hamer and others were harassed at Hamer’s views from spreading. However, for governor, lieutenant governor and the political vehicle to connect oppressed
a roadside restaurant by the police chief major networks later ran her speech. The attorney general. Its gubernatorial can- communities statewide.
and a state highway patrol officer. Then country heard her conviction, speaking didate, Charles Barron, a New York City The party seeks to speak with one voice
they were arrested. At the county jail, truth to power passionately, powerfully Councilperson, refers to today’s Demo- in fighting racism, fascism and capitalism
Hamer was kicked and nearly beaten to and fearlessly. Her party was not seated crats as the “Republicrats.” and demanding the right to self-determi-
death with a blackjack. While she was in then; but in 1968 Hamer became a delegate Racial and ethnic disparities in income, nation and liberation of all people world-
jail, civil rights organizer Medgar Evers to the Democratic National Convention. employment, education, housing, health wide. Candidate Barron, for example,
was murdered. Outspoken against hunger and poverty, care, police violence, incarceration and helped lead a 2009 convoy to Gaza in
Fannie Lou Hamer was an outspoken Hamer urged Blacks to unify and stressed opportunities persist. Much more needs Palestine to deliver solidarity and needed
civil rights activist and voting rights advo- connecting with all freedom movements. to be done to attain social, economic aid to the victims of Israel’s genocidal
cate. She said her goal was “to register ev- She asserted that nobody’s free until ev- and political justice and correct glaring bombings.

Beyond the ballot box

Workers, oppressed peoples & the midterm elections
By Abayomi Azikiwe “There is widespread agreement that the The study recounts numerous elec- approved of his job performance, only 44
Editor, Pan-African News Wire Democrats — after major gains in 2006 tions, such as in 1986, 1998 and 2008, percent said they would go to the polls. At
and 2008 — are poised to lose a signifi- when the African-American vote was the the same time a Rock the Vote poll taken
Most political pundits and leading cor- cant number of U.S. House and Senate determining factor in changing the politi- in September showed that only 34 percent
porate-oriented publications are predict- seats in the 2010 election, largely because cal makeup of the U.S. Congress and the of youth wanted the Democrats to stay in
ing significant gains by right-wing Repub- of high unemployment and a generally White House. power while 36 percent expressed that it
lican candidates across the United States poor economy. It is also widely felt that The current uncertainty over the degree did not matter whether the Democrats
in the midterm elections taking place the extent of those losses will have a ma- of voter turnout among African Ameri- or Republicans took control. (Huffington
Nov. 2. This possible shift in power within jor impact on the Obama administration’s cans and other key constituents that put Post, Oct. 22)
ruling-class politics is attributed to two ability to pursue its goals through 2012.” Barack Obama in the White House with
main factors: the so-called conservative In real terms the social conditions of a sizable majority, is clearly a reflection Need for a party of the working class,
backlash as represented by the Tea Party African Americans have worsened over of the inability of the Democratic Party to oppressed
and the lack of enthusiasm among key the last two years. U.S. Census data re- address the concrete conditions emanat- What these findings reveal is that Af-
constituents within the African-American vealed that overall the poverty rate in the ing from the national and class oppres- rican Americans, Latino/as, women and
and Latino/a communities, as well as U.S. stands officially at 15 percent of the sion that has shaped the political and eco- other oppressed segments of the popu-
among working women, who voted over- population, amounting to 44 million peo- nomic system in the U.S. lation need a political party that places
whelming for the Democratic Party in ple. However, for African Americans the Other oppressed groups and women them at the center of decision making and
2006 and 2008. official poverty rate is 25.8 percent, which have also been targeted in the attempt to the administration of effective power. In-
A report issued Oct. 14 by the Washing- is approximately 10.5 million people out maintain Democratic Party control over stead, politicians from both ruling-class
ton-based Joint Center for Political and of a total of 42 million. the Congress. Obama visited the state of parties mainly show no interest in the
Economic Studies, which focuses on so- The Joint Center for Political and Eco- Washington on Oct. 21 in a last-minute working class and the oppressed commu-
cial research involving African Americans nomic Studies report points to the stra- effort to energize women voters. nities until election time.
and other people of color, indicates that tegic geographic locations where African The economic crisis that erupted in With the crisis in capitalism deepening,
if the voters within these demographic Americans reside that make their partici- 2007 has rendered 8.4 million more peo- workers and the oppressed of all nation-
groups come out in large numbers, the pation key to the fortunes of the Demo- ple without jobs, serving to reinforce ex- alities and genders will look for meaning-
Democratic Party can maintain its ma- cratic Party. “The Black population is not isting inequalities based on race, gender ful answers to the worsening conditions
jorities within both the House and the a nationally distributed one; rather, it is and social class. This loss of jobs, coupled involving job losses, foreclosures and
Senate. concentrated in less than half of the states with multitrillion-dollar bank and corpo- evictions, the lack of health care, school
Various media outlets have carried and in about one-quarter of the U.S. con- rate bailouts, along with the ever rising closings and political repression.
stories that reflect the widespread dis- gressional districts in the country.” Pentagon budget, have robbed the major- A genuine left coalition of the national-
enchantment with the Obama adminis- As a result of the relatively concentrat- ity of people in the U.S. of a stable life and ly oppressed and the working class which
tration and the 111th Congress for their ed distribution of African Americans in secure future. is independent of the ruling class parties
failure to enact policies that create jobs, the U.S., “There have been several mid- Among the youth, who have the highest in both theory and political activity must
keep working people in their homes, and term elections in the past 45 years (since unemployment rate in the country, par- be formed. It is only with such an alliance
provide universal health care and quality the Voting Rights Act was passed) when ticularly among the oppressed nations, a of the people that a real struggle can be
education to youth. there were few competitive elections in recent CBS Knowledge Networks poll in- waged to reverse the capitalist crisis and
The Joint Center for Political and Eco- the states and districts where African dicated that although 84 percent of those build a socialist society.
nomic Studies report begins by noting: Americans lived.” who voted for Obama who are under 30
page 6 nov. 4, 2010

WWP national conference

Uniting to fight capitalism By LeiLani Dowell and Abayomi Azikiwe

By Kathy Durkin heinous capitalist system — which is at Vital to this gathering will be ex- Durham, N.C.
New York the root of these crises — and how to changes of ideas and strategies on how
raise high the banner of socialism. How progressive forces can best move the A standing-room crowd of some 80 people
Activists from around the country can it be shown that a world without op- struggle forward and build a united participated in Workers World Party’s South-
will attend the Workers World Party na- pression, exploitation, poverty and war front to develop the anti-capitalist, ern Regional Conference, held Oct. 23 in Dur-
tional conference being held Nov. 12-14 is possible, where the wealth of society pro-socialist struggle and place it as an ham, N.C. The conference was hosted by the
in New York City. A major goal of this is used for the benefit of humanity, not urgent item on the progressive move- Durham WWP branch which was formed a
year’s gathering is to prepare for 2011 as stolen by the corporate elite? ment’s agenda for the coming year. little more than a year ago. It is the first pub-
“a new year to fight back against capital- Workers World Party and Fight Im- The conference will feature plenaries, lic conference on socialism in recent memory
ism, racism, war and repression,” and to perialism, Stand Together (FIST) join including performances by people’s art- held in this region of North Carolina, an anti-
press forward in the struggle for world together year-round with many progres- ists, “open mike” sessions and break- union, right-to-work state.
socialism. sive forces from coast to coast to organize out groups. There will be opportunities From students to trade unionists and les-
This year’s assembly will take place in on economic, anti-racist and anti-war is- for reports and discussion by activists bian/gay/bi/trans/queer activists, the mul-
the midst of the ongoing capitalist crisis, sues; to oppose attacks on immigrants, from around the country, representing tinational, multigenerational crowd came
which has hit working and poor people political repression against activists and crucial struggles and movements of the together to reflect on the history, present and
hard with massive unemployment, fore- lesbian/gay/bi/trans/queer bashing; to workers and oppressed. future of the struggle for world socialism and
closures, and cuts in health care and defend the rights of women, youth, the To pre-register for the conference, its economic and political impact on the U.S.
education across the country. The “job- elderly and the disabled; and to expose and to get up-to-date logistics and South. Activists traveled from Miami; Atlan-
less recovery” is clearly a disaster for corporate injury to the environment. schedule information, see ta; Huntington, W. Virginia; Norfolk; Bos-
millions of people. Those who are organizing on these Political materials being ton; Detroit and New York City to participate
Conference participants will tackle issues and say it’s time to fight back, prepared for conference discussion will in the conference.
key questions including: How can left unite and oppose this profit-hungry sys- also be posted there. In the days before the conference, the cit-
forces best fight back against this crisis? tem and organize for a socialist future Donations — which are very much ies of Raleigh, Chapel Hill, and Durham —
What impact will the Nov. 2 midterm should plan to attend this conference. needed to help with conference expens- known as the Triangle area - were covered
elections have on progressive move- WWP extends an invitation to all like- es, such as hall rental, sound equip- with flyers announcing the conference. Or-
ments and struggles? What conclusions minded organizations and individuals to ment, childcare, food, transportation ganizers handed out flyers on several area
can be drawn from these developments? attend and join in the discussions and and more — can be made at that web- campuses, engaging in conversations with
Of primary concern will be how the planning for how to organize in the com- site. To reach organizers by phone, call students and inviting them to attend. Post-
struggle can be intensified against this ing year on the crucial issues of the day. 212-627-2994. ers were put up throughout downtown areas,
and leaflets were dropped off at businesses,

parks and transportation centers around the
event’s location.
Atlanta WWP members set-up a peoples’
history of struggle display with banners, pic-
Everyone has to make decisions on which bills to pay renewal here of class struggle against the world-striding tures, posters and t-shirts which draped the
and which to forego. This is not a bill. But it’s a serious oligarchs on Wall Street and the warlords in Washington. walls of the third floor of the conference site,
appeal for money. Brecht was reminding those whose hearts were depicting the various struggles WWP has en-
Why is giving to Workers World newspaper important? touched by the misery of the unemployed that much gaged in over the past 50-plus years. A ban-
Perhaps this 1931 poem by Bertolt Brecht says it best: more had to be done than just putting a coin or even a ner proclaiming “Avenge Fred Hampton”
bill in a supplicant’s cup. was signed by Youth Against War and Fas-
A Bed for the Night Capitalism at that time was in crisis from Germany to
the U.S. But it recovered, largely through the most de-
cism, the Party’s youth wing founded in the
early 1960s. Others demanded gay liberation,
I hear that in New York structive war in history, in which 70 million people died saluted South African women, and called for
At the corner of 26th Street and Broadway and the U.S., unleashing the destructive potential of the the freedom of political prisoner, Mumia
A man stands every evening during the winter months atom bomb, became the world’s superpower. Abu-Jamal and the Panther 21.
Now we are in another great crisis and the same Elena Everett, representing the Durham
And gets beds for the homeless there
questions remain. Will the suffering caused by capital- branch of WWP, opened the conference. She
By appealing to passers-by
ism usher in a movement of the masses strong enough welcomed the delegates and asked the audi-
It won’t change the world to challenge the hedge fund barons and the foreclos- ence to honor fallen freedom fighters by call-
It won’t improve relations among men ing bankers? Or will the rightwing and their corporate ing out their names. Later, closing the first
It will not shorten the age of exploitation sponsors divide the workers with racism, homophobia, plenary, Everett noted that the gap between
But a few men have a bed for the night vilification of Muslims and attacks on immigrants? the rich and poor is greater today than it
For a night the wind is kept from them Workers World is one of the very few remaining was during the Great Depression. “Today we
newspapers on the left in this country that every week must pledge to win,” she urged.
The snow meant for them falls on the roadway.
puts out both a print and online edition. Teresa Gutierrez, a member of the WWP
Don’t put down the book on reading this, man. It is the ONLY one that consistently gives a voice to secretariat, discussed the immigrant rights
activists in the Black, Latino/a, lesbian/gay/bi/trans/ movement and environmental degradation
A few people have a bed for the night
queer and immigrant movements while also standing under capitalism. Gutierrez stated that the
For a night the wind is kept from them
up against imperialist warmongering aimed at Iraq, Af- crisis in immigration policy reflects why so-
The snow meant for them falls on the roadway
ghanistan, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba and Korea. cialism is needed worldwide.
But it won’t change the world
It is the ONLY one that fights for socialism at home Saladin Muhammad, a founding member
It won’t improve relations among men
while recognizing and supporting the gains that coun- of Black Workers for Justice and a member
It will not shorten the age of exploitation.
tries trying to build socialism have made despite Cold of the Black Workers League, stressed that
Brecht wrote this in the depths of the Great Depression. War threats, blockades and sanctions. the struggle for African-American self-deter-
In his native Germany, things were even worse. So why We’re caught in the economic squeeze, too. We need mination is a vital aspect of the revolution-
did he write about New York? to raise $60,000 to keep publishing our paper. It’s not ary struggle for workers power. He called for
Because all over the world, progressives realized that for salaries. We have an all-volunteer staff. It’s for rent greater organization in the South, explaining
what happened in the United States would either advance and printers’ bills and postage and all the other neces- that as a major region for the U.S. military
or hold back their own struggles for social change. This sities. complex, a major region for foreign direct
holds true even more so today. From Bolivia to Greece, Please, think seriously about what this newspaper investment, and a region with the lowest rate
from France to the Philippines, the people are hoping for a means to you and help us make our goal. of unionization, the South is key to struggles
for liberation.
Fred Goldstein, a member of the WWP sec-
Yes!  I want to support the Workers World newspaper 2010 Fall Fund Drive! retariat and author of the book “Low Wage
Enclosed is my donation of $500  $250  $100  $50 $35  $______ other Capitalism,” reflected on the staggering cur-
rent unemployment figures — 15 months into
Write all checks to Workers World . the capitalist “recovery” — to argue that the
entire social system is running aground. He
name _________________________________________________________________________________________ said that the working class has a glorious his-
tory of struggle from which it has been cut off,
Address ________________________________________________________________________________________ and that this history can inspire and inform
the intense struggles that are sure to come.
City/state/zip ___________________________________________________________________________________
Building class solidarity,
email ______________________________________________________ phone _______________________________ defending right to self-determination
After lunch, four workshops were held on
Return to: Workers World, 55 W . 17th St ., 5th floor, New York, NY 10011 .
U.S. imperialism; capitalist terror on com- nov. 4, 2010 page 7

uthern conference DURHAm, N.C..

calls for socialism, class unity

munities of color inside the U.S.; the state
and special oppressions and socialism. Elena Everett,
Participants in these workshops included at the podium,
Khalilah Sabra, Director, Muslim-American LeiLani Dowell,
Society Freedom Foundation and advocate Teresa Gutierrez,
for Palestinian self-determination; Naeema Saladin Muhammad,
Muhammad, North Carolina Environmental Fred Goldstein.
Justice Network activist and BWFJ founding
member; Dianne Mathiowetz, Atlanta WWP
member; Rebecca Fontaine, Raleigh FIST
member and immigrant rights activist; An-
dre Powell, a LGBTQ activist and Baltimore
WWP member; and Durham WWP mem-
bers, Ben Carroll, Sue Kelly, Dante Strobino,
and Scott Williams.
The final plenary was moderated by Mon-
ica Moorehead, WWP secretariat member
and a managing editor of Workers World
newspaper. Moorehead described the Lenin-
ist principle of the right of oppressed nations
to self-determination as an essential aspect of
the ideological view of a socialist party. She
described WWP’s support for the Freedom
Party in New York — which draws on the ex-
perience of the Mississippi Freedom Demo-
cratic Party in the South during the mid-
1960s — as a reflection of this perspective.
Kosta Harlan of Freedom Road Socialist
Organization talked on forging principled
unity amongst socialist organi-
zations. He cited the joint work
of WWP and FRSO in organiz-
ing protests against the G-20 in
Pittsburgh and the Republican
National Convention in Minne-
apolis. Harlan, who was recently
questioned by the FBI as part of a
grand jury witch-hunt against an-
ti-war activists, said that the raids
Mike Martinez from Miami. . Myia Campbell from Boston. .
and subpoenas were designed to
silence the struggles in solidar-
ity with the oppressed around
the world. “The attacks are not
just against 14 activists,” Harlan
Honoring ‘Chairman Fred,’ martyred Black Panther leader..
stressed, “but the entire class. If
the people of Iraq and Afghanistan have not ence feeling inspired, motivated to fight
been silenced, then we cannot be silenced.” and preparing for the upcoming WWP
Peter Gilbert of the Durham WWP branch national conference in New York City
stated the awakening of our class requires Nov. 12-14.
the building of a revolutionary party, espe- LeiLani Dowell is a LGBTQ activ-
cially at a time when the economic crisis is ist and a managing editor of Work-
forcing many in the working class to recon- ers World. Abayomi Azikiwe is the
sider their role in history. Gilbert discussed Pan-African News Wire editor and a
his own political evolution and the role of the Detroit WWP member. Both writers
Party in his development, and urged all pres- were panelists in workshops.
ent to join WWP. Gilbert stressed the need Khalilah Sabra speaks
for a genuine Marxist party to consistently WW photos: sue kelly And AbAyomi AzikiWe at the “Struggles against
U.S. imperialism”
put its theory into practice and workshop.
to always be in the struggle.
WWP secretariat member
Larry Holmes provided a sum-
Larry Holmes, speaking,
mation of the conference, em-
Monica Moorehead,
phasizing the need for support-
Peter Gilbert,
ing and being in every struggle
Kosta Harlan.
of the workers in the U.S., and
infusing the struggle with the
necessity of putting socialism
back on the agenda. “As it be-
comes clearer that the system
has no future, we must have
an answer,” Holmes stated. He
commended the Durham WWP
branch for being firmly rooted
in the working class.
At the end of the conference,
participants joined in the sing-
ing of the Internationale. Mike
Martinez and Myia Campbell,
WWP members and workshop
speakers, provided cultural per-
formances during the plenary
Seasoned comrades and new
activists alike left the confer-
page 8 nov. 4, 2010

End the U.S. blockade of Cuba

By Cheryl LaBash tions’ report for the 2010 U.N. debate de- SWIFT was founded in 1973 by inter- balk on normalizing relations with Cuba.
tails the hardship and cost of the U.S.’s at- national banks to act as an “electronic However, pressure from Spain, Italy and
The U.N. General Assembly on Oct. 26 tempted strangulation of Cuba’s economy gatekeeper for funds crossing borders.” France reportedly moved the EU to open
voted 187 to 2 against the 48-year econom- and its people, and the widespread oppo- SWIFT is run by the National Bank of talks, although much show was given to
ic blockade of Cuba. Only the U.S. and Is- sition to the blockade inside the U.S. Belgium and supervised by the U.S. Fed- exiled Cuban “dissidents,” even awarding
rael voted for it. Palau, Micronesia and the The report outlines the blockade’s ef- eral Reserve and many other imperialist one an EU prize.
Marshall Islands abstained. fect on Cuba when the U.S. retaliates banks. (Wall Street Journal, Feb. 11) The proposed EU talks — “the soft-cop
This international repudiation, the against other countries if they do business In 2007 the SWIFT system was chal- strategy” — and the U.S. blockade are
strongest yet, is the 19th consecutive reso- with Cuba. It says that Cuba was notified lenged for violating financial privacy both aimed at overturning Cuba’s sover-
lution condemning the U.S.’s criminal and that as of March 31, 2012, it won’t be able when it shared data with the U.S. gov- eignty, independence from the U.S., and
cruel strangulation policy. Yearly U.N. to use the Society for Worldwide Inter- ernment under the guise of the “war on socialist system. However, the Cuban
votes on the blockade began in 1992 with a bank Financial Telecommunications sys- terrorism.” Such a U.S.-sponsored “data people’s willingness to contribute and
59 to 3 vote, with 71 abstentions. Last year’s tem, which is universally used for inter- sharing” plan is facing stiff opposition in sacrifice for every Cuban’s right to free,
vote was 187 to 3. national payments, because U.S. software the European Union’s parliament because quality education and health care and to
In 1960, the U.S. State Department will update that system. Cuba has been a of the economic privacy rights issue. develop their fullest potential, cannot be
recommended that since, “the majority member of SWIFT since 1990. The EU parliament was expected to so easily defeated. History shows that.
of Cubans support Castro … [and] there
is no effective political opposition … the
only foreseeable means of alienating in- Cuban Five case exposes
U.S. double standard on ‘terrorism’
ternal support is through disenchantment
and disaffection based on economic dis-
satisfaction and hardship. …
“[E]very possible means should be
By Cheryl LaBash rest, more than 20 promi-
undertaken promptly to weaken the eco-
nent people requested that
nomic life of Cuba. … [S]uch a policy … Since Sept. 11, 2001, the U.S. govern- President Barack Obama
would call forth a line of action which, ment has used the fear-mongering “ter- “review the case of Ge-
while as adroit and inconspicuous as rorist” label against socialist and other rardo Hernández, René
possible, makes the greatest inroads in independent countries. González, Ramón Laba-
denying money and supplies to Cuba, This myth is exposed inside U.S. bor- ñino, Fernando González,
to decrease monetary and real wages, ders as the Cuban Five heroes have been and Antonio Guerrero,
to bring about hunger, desperation and unjustly imprisoned for protecting their internationally known as
overthrow of government.” (University Cuban homeland from terror attacks the ‘Cuban Five,’ and grant
of Wisconsin Digital Collection; Foreign launched from Florida. The struggle to tell them immediate freedom.” Actor Danny Glover visited
Relations of U.S., p. 885) their story grows stronger. Artists including Danny Gerardo Hernández at the
The Cuban Ministry of Foreign Rela- On the 12th anniversary of their ar- Glover, Ed Asner, Susan victorville prison in California on Aug. 8 shortly after Hernán-
Sarandon, Martin Sheen dez was released from solitary confinement .
mICHIGAN. and Oliver Stone, note the
U.S. government’s “double standard.” by the U.S. government to write and air

Protesters speak out

While the Cuban Five remain in federal anti-Cuba propaganda.
prisons, real terrorists Luis Posada Car- Two more issues challenge Hernán-
riles and Orlando Bosch — who master- dez’s outrageous sentence. His was the

for Palestine
minded the 1976 mid-air bombing of a first case in U.S. history where a U.S.
Cuban airliner, killing 73 people — enjoy resident was charged with so-called con-
safe haven in the U.S. spiracy with another country’s air force
By Megan Spencer cent of the audience, simultaneously got The letter calls for granting U.S. visas pilots who were dutifully defending their
East Lansing, Mich. up from their seats and left the room. to Adriana Pérez and Olga Salanueva so country’s airspace. The U.S. government
(, Oct 23) they can visit their jailed spouses, Ge- has not affirmed or denied satellite imag-
A group of Michigan State University According to the website for Soldiers rardo Hernández, and René González. es of the incident, which could be critical
students, Michigan Emergency Commit- Speak Out, the touring Israeli soldiers (, Sept. 13) evidence for the Five. Unprecedented in-
tee Against War and Injustice activists, speak about their experiences in the IDF On Sept. 27, Danny Glover personally ternational law issues were not properly
and Workers World Party members gath- during Operation Cast Lead in Gaza and appealed to President Obama urging im- dealt with in the original trial. (www.anti-
ered the evening of Oct. 19 for a demon- the 2006 war on Lebanon. mediate visas for Pérez and Salanueva., Sept. 15)
stration at MSU in solidarity with Pales- Operation Cast Lead, which took place He wrote, “We must not just speak and The National Committee to Free the
tine in response to the “Soldiers Speak from late December 2008 to mid-January write of our values of fairness and human Cuban Five is raising funds to place an ad
Out” campus tour of Israeli soldiers. 2009, left 1,400 Palestinians dead, many rights but also exercise them. In contrast in the Washington Post. The International
The Israeli Defense Forces members’ of them civilians, including 400 children. to our country’s unsympathetic stance, in Committee for the Freedom of the Five
tour of college campuses is sponsored by The assault destroyed the city of Gaza, flat- the last ten months, Iran has issued hu- will debut the political cartoons penned
StandWithUs, a self-described “educa- tening homes, schools and hospitals. Much manitarian visas to American mothers by Gerardo Hernández at the VII U.S./
tion” group that disseminates Israeli and of the destruction was a result of direct allowing them to see their incarcerated Cuba/Venezuela/Latin America Labor
Zionist propaganda to “ensure that Israel’s attacks on civilian objects, in addition to children.” ( Conference in Tijuana, Mexico. For infor-
side of the story is told.” The tour appears indiscriminate attacks that did not distin- Amnesty International issued a report mation, see, www.
to be in response to the growing success guish between civilian and military targets, Oct. 14 on the Cuban Five which calls, or
of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions in clear violation of international humani- for U.S. executive review of this case To order the new video by Bernie Dwyer,
campaign aimed at apartheid Israel. tarian law. (Amnesty International, 2009) “through the clemency process or other Radio Havana reporter and filmmaker,
Demonstrators held posters and ban- In addition, the assault left Gaza’s agri- appropriate means.” The report objects which tells of U.S. involvement in the so-
ners, passed out leaflets and chanted on cultural system in ruins, resulting in acute to the U.S. government’s denial of visas to called Cuban “dissident movement,” go to
the sidewalk outside the MSU building food shortages for Gaza’s population of Pérez and Salanueva to see their impris-
where the event occurred. They chanted, 1.4 million people, who were already suf- oned spouses.

“Resistance is justified when people are fering severely as a result of Israel’s block- The AI report says that Pérez has not
occupied!” and “1, 2, 3, 4, Occupation no ade of Gaza. seen Hernández since his 1998 arrest; he
more! 5, 6, 7, 8, Israel is a fascist state!” In the 2006 war in Lebanon, approxi- has been sentenced to two life terms plus
The two Israeli soldiers who spoke at mately 1,300 Lebanese people were killed, 15 years. And it explains that Salanueva,
Continued from page 3
the event came outside to take pictures of many of them civilians and children. Leb- who legally resided in the U.S. before
the demonstrators. As the Zionist meet- anon’s infrastructure was severely dam- and during the two-and-a-half years of tional hundreds of millions of dollars in
ing began, demonstrators moved closer aged, and nearly 1 million people were pre-trial proceedings, alleges that René federal subsidies on FHA-backed loans.
to the building so that the soldiers and displaced from their homes. (BBC News, González “was offered a plea bargain in
the event’s few attendees could hear the 2006) In addition, the IDF’s use of cluster which she would have been allowed to Still-soaring foreclosures,
chants. Several people in the room opened bombs resulted in the deaths of more than remain in the U.S. if he pleaded guilty.” no relief for homeowners
the curtains to stare at the demonstrators. 250 people in Lebanon after the ceasefire He refused and she was deported in 2000 The Obama administration has announc-
The following day another meeting was was signed. (Al Jazeera, September 2009) and has been denied re-entry ever since. ed modest loan modification programs
held at the University of Michigan in Ann The murderous atrocities and terror- (, Oct. 14) to help homeowners, such as the Home
Arbor. Numerous protesters attended the ism committed by the Israeli military in Although in 2009 the U.S. Supreme Affordable Modification Program, in ex-
event and took off their jackets to reveal both of these instances are inexcusable. It Court refused to hear the Cuban Five’s change for this continued massive bailout.
red shirts with the names of Palestinian is critical to address, confront and protest appeal, a new round of appellate hearings HAMP and other programs are sup-
children who were killed during the De- attempts to rationalize or legitimize vio- will challenge their convictions based on posed to be mandatory for the banks. But
cember 2008 massacre in Gaza. Some lence and occupation via Zionist propa- new evidence of U.S. government miscon- the banks do not comply to help hom-
student protesters wore tape covering ganda and to continue our solidarity with duct. Inflammatory media reports about eowners in any significant way. The gov-
their mouths. After several minutes, the the Palestinian people living under Israeli the Five’s Miami trial have been linked to ernment relies on the banks themselves
protesters, who made up about 90 per- occupation. prominent journalists who were also paid to carry out these modifications, and the nov. 4, 2010 page 9

Imperialist intervention creates misery

Haiti faces cholera outbreak

By G. Dunkel killed more than 250 people, will put lo- Many of the camps are filled with How the IHRC operates can be seen in
cal and foreign medical workers to the standing water and mud after rains. Some how it “allocated” $94 million in August to
For the first time in 100 years, cholera test. camps have latrines; others don’t. For get schools ready to open. Just $26 million
is raging in Haiti. The Haitian minister The cholera raging in Haiti is virulent some of the camps with latrines, they are was funded. No wonder fewer kids are in
of health reported on Oct. 24 that 250 — 50 percent of people untreated will die emptied regularly; some camps don’t get school than ever before and Haiti’s Minis-
people have died from it, mainly in and in less than a day after they start showing this service. try of Education says it has not seen any of
around Saint-Marc, a small city about 50 signs of the disease. It is generally spread the money. (Haïti-Liberté, Oct. 13-16)
miles northwest of Port-au-Prince. in water contaminated with feces or food Why are conditions so bad? Living conditions in Port-au-Prince are
Saint-Nicolas, the hospital serving prepared with such water. Washing hands After the earthquake, billions of dollars horrible. Despite this, the protests that
Saint-Marc and the surrounding areas, and drinking clean water are two ways of were raised by aid organizations like Ox- have occurred have been generally small,
is overflowing with patients. The French avoiding it. fam, UNESCO and the Red Cross to help probably due in great measure to the dai-
television network TV5 showed every Following these “simple” rules will save Haiti. Most of this money is still sitting ly struggle for sustenance and survival. A
bed filled, every possible floor space also lives, but they are not so simple for the dormant in bank accounts; what has been few hundred protesters shadowed Clin-
filled, and patients lying on mats in the hundreds of thousands of Haitians made spent is the interest. Most of what foreign ton when he was in Port-au-Prince for an
courtyard; patients who didn’t have chol- homeless by the Jan. 12 earthquake. Vari- governments have pledged hasn’t been IHRC meeting.
era were being rejected. ous estimates of the number of homeless disbursed. When about 100 protesters gathered
While Saint-Marc has a hospital and people range from 850,000 to 2 million. Only about 2 percent of the rubble in in front of the U.N. base at the airport on
doctors, how and if cholera has spread in Cholera spreading to the capital is the Port-au-Prince has been removed, ac- Oct. 15 to protest against granting an ex-
the small communities around it is not greatest fear of public health officials in cording to U.N. estimates. But clearing a tension to the U.N. occupation force MI-
known. Most of the areas of confirmed Haiti. significant amount of the rubble is what NUSTAH, the occupying troops fired in
cholera death are centered around Saint- If a homeless person or family has a must be done before rebuilding can take the air to break up the crowd.
Marc, stretching up to Gonaïves and Cap- tent, they are lucky — the United Nations place. When some students and professors
Haïtien, two of the largest cities in Haiti. emergency program just calls for a tarp The United States still hasn’t turned over held a demonstration in front of the Min-
According to the Havana Times (Oct. and two sticks. Almost none of the more any of the funds it pledged back in January istry of Education on Oct. 7 to demand
24), hundreds of Cuban doctors were in than 1,000 homeless camps have running — unless one counts the cost of the 22,000 back pay and the provision of other fa-
Haiti long before, during and after the water. Some get water every other day, troops it sent to occupy Haiti for the fifth cilities for the homeless now sheltered in
January 2010 earthquake that caused so others once a week. In others the individ- time. Former President Bill Clinton is co- schools, cops used tear gas to break up
much devastation. Haiti is located across ual families have to get their own. Even chair of the Interim Haiti Reconstruction the crowd and then fired live ammuni-
the Windward Passage from Cuba. This washing hands is not simple for a family Commission, along with Haitian Prime tion, killing math teacher Jean Philibert
cholera outbreak, which has so quickly that has to choose between soap and food. Minister Jean-Max Bellerive. Louis.

Leaked documents expose U.S. atrocities in Iraq

By Gene Clancy fear of retribution since, in most cases the kicked his legs and punched his chest and This document clarifies that U.S. forces
perpetrators have the tacit, if not active arms; the man has multiple contusions are being directed to ignore the torture of
A prisoner was kneeling on the ground, approval, of the U.S. high command. and abrasions all over his body. civilians by the Iraqis. However, U.S. in-
blindfolded and handcuffed, when an Most of the victims are young men, but On several occasions, U.S. soldiers re- volvement doesn’t stop there.
Iraqi soldier kicked him in the neck. A logs also record serious sexual and other ported on their colleagues. One describes James Steele is a U.S. counterinsur-
U.S. marine sergeant was watching and assaults on women; on young people, in- a fellow soldier choking a detainee before gency “expert” with a record going back to
reported the incident, which was duly re- cluding a boy of 16 who was hung from the pointing an unloaded shotgun at his belly the war in El Salvador. Peter Maas wrote
corded and deemed “valid.” The outcome: ceiling and beaten; and on the elderly and and pulling the trigger. in the New York Times, that General Da-
“No investigation required.” vulnerable, including a disabled man whose vid Petraeus, the commander in chief of
This is only one incident covered in the injured leg was deliberately attacked. License to torture and kill U.S. forces in Iraq, refers to Steele as “the
almost 400,000 leaked secret war docu- The logs identify perpetrators from Many of the corporate media have at- man” with an “entre to everything” going
ments published by WikiLeaks on Oct. many geographical areas and sectors of tempted to shift the blame for the sys- on in Iraq. (Guardian, Oct. 23)
22. Here, U.S. Army soldiers report on the war effort. The atrocities are not lim- tematic torture and civilian killings to the Steele had a working relationship with
the U.S.-led war and occupation in Iraq. ited to Iraqi puppet troops. The documents Iraqi security forces, and away from the the Iraqi elite Interior Ministry Com-
( reveal many previously unreported killings U.S.-led war coalition forces. mandos, nicknamed the “Wolf Brigade”
The scope and scale of the atrocities re- of civilians by private contractors such as How could they miss all the references because of its fearsome reputation. The
vealed in the reports are stunning. They Blackwater, as well as massacres of civil- to Frago 242 which appear in hundreds WikiLeaks documents report that prison-
reveal the plight of hundreds of entirely ians by uniformed U.S. troops. One Apache of the documents? A frago is a “fragmen- ers in U.S. custody were often threatened
helpless victims — bound, gagged, blind- helicopter crew, which had been exposed tary order” which summarizes a complex with being sent to the Wolf Brigade if they
folded and isolated. Men in uniforms us- in a leaked video showing them massa- requirement. Issued in June 2004, one didn’t cooperate.
ing wire cables, metal rods, rubber hoses, cring civilians on the ground, was revealed year after the invasion of Iraq, Frago 242 In 2007, Peter Maas accompanied
wooden stakes, TV antennae, plastic wa- to have earlier killed insurgents who were orders coalition troops not to investigate James Steele to witness an “interview” con-
ter pipes, engine fan belts or chains are surrendering. U.S. military authorities had any breach of the laws of armed conflict, ducted by the Wolf Brigade where torture
whipping them. given clearance for the murders. such as the abuse of detainees, unless was openly being carried out on civilians.
At the torturers’ whims, the logs re- The logs reveal numerous claims of it directly involves coalition members. “There was blood running down the side of
veal, the victim can be hung by his wrists U.S. troop assaults on detainees, particu- Where the alleged abuse is committed the desk … I could hear horrible screams. …”
or ankles; knotted up in stress positions; larly by marines. A woman reports being by Iraqi on Iraqi, “only an initial report U.S. imperialism has many heinous
sexually molested or raped; tormented pulled by her hair and kicked in the face; will be made … No further investigation war crimes to answer for, including those
with hot peppers, cigarettes, acid, pliers she displays injuries that confirm her sto- will be required unless directed by HQ.” being carried out in its war and occupa-
or boiling water — and always with little ry. A former detainee claims a U.S. soldier (, Oct. 22) tion of Iraq.

fraud, bank bailouts continue

federal government and most courts have processing of foreclosures and evictions. ment. Of the 1 million homeowners who We must fight each foreclosure and
refused to enforce any sanctions for re- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are sanc- received foreclosure counseling through eviction and begin implementing such a
fusal to perform them. tioning loan servicers if they do not toss the National Foreclosure Mitigation moratorium through direct action. Dur-
With the banks knowing they will be people out of their homes within a short Counseling Program, 58 percent listed ing the Depression of the 1930s, move-ins
getting paid full value on the loans after period of time. (NYT, Aug. 22) unemployment as the main reason for de- reversed many evictions and led to fore-
foreclosure, the banks have little incen- fault. (HousingWire, June 1) closure moratoriums being enacted in 25
tive to modify loans and have sabotaged Obama: Issue moratorium now! With the federal government control- states, which were upheld as constitution-
HAMP and led to the program’s virtual Today the foreclosure crisis continues ling or backing the vast majority of mort- al by the U.S. Supreme Court.
collapse. As of August less than one-sixth to intensify. An estimated 2.8 million gage loans, President Obama has the clear What is needed is for the working class
of the 3 million homeowners who were foreclosures are projected across the U.S. authority to implement a two-year mora- to launch a mass struggle to win this de-
supposed to be helped have received loan during 2010, with foreclosures totaling 9 torium on foreclosures and foreclosure-re- mand. It’s time to fight to reverse the
modifications, and the number of borrow- million for the years 2009 to 2012. The lated evictions through an executive order. government policies which place the well-
ers being offered trial modifications has total lost home-equity wealth due to fore- A moratorium would let homeowners being of the financial institutions ahead of
drastically declined. (NYT, Aug. 20) closures is expected to be $1.9 trillion for and tenants remain in their homes, stabi- the welfare of the people.
It was recently exposed that Fannie the years 2009 to 2012. (Center for Re- lize communities and allow time to develop Goldberg is an anti-foreclosure attorney
Mae and Freddie Mac are using the same sponsible Lending, Aug. 20) a long-term solution to this crisis. Then and a leader in the Detroit-based Mora-
law firms that prepared the fraudulent Foreclosures and evictions are a direct home loans could be restored to their prop- torium NOW! Coalition to Stop Foreclo-
documents for the major banks in their product of persistent high unemploy- er value and housing for all guaranteed. sures, Evictions and Utility Shutoffs.
page 10 nov. 4, 2010


editorial Refuting the lie

Anita Hill stands Capitalism didn’t save

strong, again Chilean miners
By David Sole democratically elected Chilean Socialist,
President Salvador Allende. What followed

What prompted the Wall Street Jour-
early 20 years ago, a courageous fered silently. Hill, however, broke the the coup were the roundup, torture and
nal, a pre-eminent publication of the high-
Anita Hill testified during the secrecy of sexual harassment wide open. murder of tens of thousands of workers,
est summits of the big business and bank-
Senate Judiciary Committee’s She inspired and emboldened women union leaders, progressives and socialists.
ing ruling class in the United States, to run
confirmation hearing about persistent workers nationally to fight back against That was another gift from capitalism.
the Oct. 14 article, “Capitalism Saved the
sexual harassment by U.S. Supreme their employers, to file federal complaints Henninger ignores NASA’s contribution
Miners”? In the very first sentence Daniel
Court justice nominee Clarence Thomas, and demand legal protections from sexu- in the design of the miners’ rescue cage.
Henninger cheered. He wrote, “The res-
when she was his aide at the Department al harassment on the job. Some progress This came not from free market capitalists
cue of the Chilean miners is a smashing
of Education and then at the U.S. Equal was made and some gains won, although but from government engineers and scien-
victory for free-market capitalism.”
Employment Opportunity Commission in the fight is far from over. tists. In fact, much of modern technology is
Two questions need to be examined.
the early 1980s. Now a professor of social policy, law the result of government-funded research,
First is whether this is true. Second is why
In 1991, Hill faced an all-white, all- and women’s studies at Brandeis Univer- not the workings of the “free market.”
did the WSJ feature this gushing tripe 20
male panel of senators during those sity, Hill has once again been a target of Many contributions to science and tech-
years after the collapse of the Soviet Union
hearings. Notably hostile were right-wing attempted intimidation. Virginia Thomas, nology have come from socialist countries.
and the East European socialist regimes?
Republicans Orrin Hatch, Arlen Specter the spouse of now-Justice Thomas, left The Soviet Union put the first space capsule
Henninger bases his analysis on the
and Alan Simpson. They stopped at noth- Hill a voicemail message on Oct. 9 asking into orbit. Today socialist Cuba is making
creation of a high-tech drill bit made by
ing to try to smear, attack and humiliate that she “apologize” for her testimony 19 great contributions and innovations to bio-
Center Rock Inc., a small company in Ber-
her. They couldn’t. This African-Ameri- years ago in the Senate hearings. technology and vaccine production.
lin, Pa. Of course other specialized equip-
can woman was unflappable. She stood Virginia Thomas is a founder and ment from around the world was used to U.S. government failed New Orleans
firm and testified bravely, showing great leader of Liberty Central, a Tea-Party- rescue the miners, too. If the capitalist system is so wonderful
integrity, becoming a hero to millions of affiliated lobbying group which organizes It has been known for centuries that and could marshal such resources and
women throughout the country. among conservatives to promote a far- capitalism has the capacity to advance the technology to help the Chilean miners
Democratic senators offered her no right political agenda. Clarence Thomas, productive forces of economies. However, who were buried 2,000 feet underground
support. Their leader and chair of the along with several other justices, helps along with capitalism’s driving forward and hundreds of miles into a desert, why
Judiciary Committee, then Sen. Joe foster a conservative agenda on the the productive forces, economists, phi- couldn’t the capitalist government do any-
Biden, even kept out the testimony of Supreme Court, which impacts on fun- losophers and social scientists have also thing to save thousands of people stranded
other women who would have validated damental issues including civil liberties, pointed out the system’s negative impacts. only a few feet above floodwaters in New
Hill’s claims. workers’ and women’s rights. It should be remembered that these Orleans following Hurricane Katrina? No
But Hill did something important which Hill resolutely asserted that she would very miners were victims of an avoidable digging was necessary. No special diets or
would help all women workers. She brought not issue an apology, and said, “I testi- mining disaster — in an industry where clothes were necessary.
an insidious inequity to public view. fied truthfully about my experience and I 35 Chilean miners die each year. The Chil- All that was called for was helicopters,
By strongly testifying as she did, Hill stand by that testimony.” ean government hadn’t enforced safety boats, food and water. Yet days and days
beamed a spotlight on the pervasive Today, nearly 20 years after her brave regulations over the privately-owned San passed with no help given by either the
culture of sexual harassment that was an stance, Anita Hill has once again shown Esteban Company. Its owners couldn’t capitalist government or the “free mar-
integral part of political life in Washing- her mettle. She remains a hero to mil- and didn’t pay for the rescue. In fact, the ket.” That too was capitalism at work.
ton, D.C. It was considered “business as lions of women, especially the many who company is bankrupt and says it can’t pay For that matter, why don’t mine own-
usual” there and in offices and factories have faced sexist and racist inequities the miners for their time underground. ers in the U.S. implement protective
across the country. Women usually suf- and abuse in the workplace. The rescue was paid for by the right-wing measures to safeguard miners’ lives and
Chilean government, which was looking to well-being? Twenty-nine miners died in
Even CIA statistics show: gain popularity in the upcoming elections.
Chile’s current conditions can’t be dis-
April from an explosion at the Upper Big
Branch Mine-South in Montcoal, W.Va.
cussed without going back to 1973. In that

U.S. workers far behind

Massey Energy Co., the mine owner, had
year U.S. corporations deeply invested been cited for more than 1,000 safety vio-
in Chilean mining and other enterprises, lations. But the U.S. government did not
along with their agent, the Central Intel- enforce the regulations.

other countries ligence Agency, organized the Chilean

military to overthrow and murder the
The mining corporations are very ad-
ept at using technology to enforce speed-
ups in the mines, but somehow they find
By Caleb T. Maupin tion of national health care systems, free live births. In France, where the workers themselves unable to use it to prevent ac-
education from pre-school to college, long take to the streets in militant demonstra- cidents and protect the workers. Clearly,
The Central Intelligence Agency, a paid vacations, early retirement, and high- tions and sometimes lock up their bosses bosses’ profits come before workers’ safe-
ruthless enforcer of Wall Street’s drive er rates of union representation and work- in defense of their jobs, there are 3.33 in- ty. That’s how capitalism works.
for profits, publishes “The World Fact- place benefits. These came under attack fant deaths per 1,000 live births — about Why did the WSJ run this article then? Did
book.” It gives updated statistics for once the USSR was dismantled. Yet even half the infant death rate here. the WSJ editors see the need to boost capi-
every country, some of which measure during the present economic crisis, when The CIA has to admit that socialist talism to the masses of people? Battered as
quality of life and societal health, such European governments are slashing social Cuba, with 5.82 deaths per 1,000 live tens of millions are by the vast foreclosure
as life expectancy, infant mortality, services and workers’ benefits, they are births, also has a lower infant mortality frauds, layoffs and outsourcing of jobs, the
literacy, unemployment and industrial still at a much higher level than in the U.S. rate than the U.S., even though it started WSJ might be grabbing at anything to put
production. In this last of a series, some The U.S. leads the way in promoting its socialist construction with an economy a shine on their tarnished system.
surprising facts are revealed, all using private health care, is trying to privatize distorted by centuries of colonial and im- However, the majority of people don’t
the CIA’s own statistics. public schools, and has a low minimum perialist oppression. read the WSJ. It is written for and read by
Proponents of U.S. capitalism call it the wage. As a result, the average person is It is clear that the “free market” policies the business community and its hangers-
richest country in the world and use this to less healthy and educated — and the sta- of U.S. capitalists have been a disaster for on. Despite their wars, occupations and
drum up patriotism and chauvinism. While tistics show it. the working class. If U.S. workers want a interventions; despite their unmatched
it is true that there is more wealth in the Canada, France, Sweden, Italy, Spain, longer life expectancy and a lower infant military machine; despite their huge prof-
U.S., it is mostly in the hands of a few and Norway, Britain, Ireland and Germany mortality rate, both of which are signs of its — the ruling capitalist class is demoral-
does not bring prosperity to the majority. have a higher life expectancy than the basic societal health, it is clear that they ized and worried.
Even compared to most other imperial- United States. This country is not “num- need to fight for their interests as a class. The capitalists are in the midst of the
ist countries, which also got rich from ex- ber one,” as many are led to believe, but is The capitalist propaganda that says de- worst economic depression since the
ploiting the labor and resources of much 49th in the world. manding government action is “disrespect- 1930s. They are unable to stabilize their
of the rest of the world, the U.S. is far be- Even in relatively poor Greece, whose ful” or “un-American” has clearly harmed puppet governments in Iraq and Afghani-
hind in terms of life expectancy, literacy workers have been holding multiple gen- the health of the people in this country. stan. They see socialist movements grow-
and infant mortality. eral strikes to defend the reforms they had In the current economic crisis, the U.S. ing throughout Latin America. Worst of
In France, Britain, Germany and other won, the average life expectancy is two capitalist government is seeking to cut all, they see the growing anger and hostil-
countries in the West, vast working class years higher than in the United States. In back the minimal social programs that do ity of the vast U.S. working class.
movements, often led by socialists and Canada, people live 81.29 years on aver- exist. Only mass movements of the people Henninger’s silly promotion of capital-
communists, won the use of some of the age compared to 78.24 years in the U.S. can force concessions from the bosses and ism cannot mask the capitalists’ growing
wealth for the people’s benefit. This was According to the CIA Factbook, infant the government so life can get better, not dread. The ruling class is well-educated,
even truer when competition with the so- mortality in the U.S. averages 6.22 infant worse, for working people. and knows that oppression breeds resis-
cialist countries of Eastern Europe and deaths for every 1,000 live births. (All fig- As U.S. communists who organized tance. While that resistance isn’t yet visible
the USSR forced the rulers in the West to ures given here are estimates for 2010.) All workers during the Great Depression in mass organized movements and strug-
make concessions to the workers. the West European countries with nation- proclaimed, the workers need to under- gles in the U.S., the rulers are well aware of
In Western Europe, mass movements alized health care or single-payer insur- stand that their choice is simple: “Fight or the workers’ uprisings that recently swept
after World War II won the implementa- ance have fewer than five deaths per 1,000 starve!” Greece and are now disrupting France. nov. 4, 2010 page 11

Movement against pension reform

French workers, youth take to streets
By G. Dunkel dressed by the government “since the fi- be looking to an electoral struggle as the
nancial crisis of 2008.” way to overturn the government’s retire-
Oct. 25 — Since the beginning of Sep- Tens of thousands of university and ment bill.
tember the unions in France have called high school students have shut down But the base of the union movement,
and especially the workers in the refiner- Marseilles high school students, oct. 16.
six different days of mass mobilizations. their campuses during these protests.
When they took place on workdays, the They have taken to the streets with slo- ies and the dockers in Marseilles, want to strike,” he told Radio Monte Carlo.
large demonstrations were complemented gans warning Sarkozy of their anger and fight on. The Grandpuit refinery captures Another “requisitioned” union leader,
by general strikes. Protests were held in al- demanding jobs for youth so their elders the spirit of these workers. who gave his name as Yannick, explained,
most every region of France, from big cities can enjoy a well-deserved retirement. Grandpuit supplies fuel for the Paris “Even if the riot cops push me into the re-
like Paris, Bordeaux, Marseilles and Lyons Jean-Louis Borloo, minister for ecol- airports and the Paris region. It is owned finery, there won’t be a lot of product leav-
to smaller cities like Lille and Grenoble and ogy and sustainable planning and devel- by Total; its workers have been on strike ing it. The right to strike is fundamental. I
rural villages like Dignes-les-Bains. opment, who has been one of the govern- for several weeks. The Sarkozy govern- prefer to risk five years in jail than to en-
This was a protest over government ment’s spokespeople on the retirement ment called out the riot police on Friday, ter a dictatorship.”
policy. President Nicolas Sarkozy, in order issue, admitted that the government Oct. 22, to reopen the refinery. The gov- Later that same day, the unions went to
to protect shareholders’ dividends and the hadn’t done enough for the youth when ernment “requisitioned” the workers “in court and got the “requisition” annulled.
bailouts of French banks, wants to make he spoke on France’s TV2 on Oct. 23. In the interests of national defense.” If the But the next day it was reimposed. The
the workers pay by forcing them to work fact, youth groups like that of the French workers didn’t go back to work, they faced unions said they would go to court again
longer and pay more for their pensions. Communist Party say the government has five years in jail. after the weekend, but they didn’t take
The workers disagreed with this policy. treated youth as an enemy. The workers formed a picket line in down their picket line and the cops didn’t
They built a mass coalition that was will- Borloo was in a tough spot. He had to front of Grandpuit, using burning tires make any moves.
ing to go into the streets. defend government policies on pensions as a barricade. Riot cops in full gear with The struggles at Grandpuit were exten-
But it wasn’t just over pensions. The and jobs for the youth, policies that are shields came in, pushed the workers sively covered on French television.
sanitation workers and the dockwork- opposed by a majority of the French peo- away, injuring three in the process, and The refinery workers have the right to
ers in Marseilles have been on strike for ple. According to the unions’ polls, about put out the fires. But as soon as the police retire at age 55 with a partial pension and
weeks over their pay, working condi- three out of four people in France sup- had opened the site, strikers blockaded at 57 with a full pension. While they are not
tions and job security. Workers at all 12 port their challenge to the government’s access roads, halting all traffic. directly affected by Sarkozy’s effort to raise
of France’s oil refineries also walked out pension plan. While government polls of Charles Foulard, a General Confedera- the general retirement age to 62, they took
over local conditions later in September. course give the unions less support, they tion of Labor (CGT) delegate at Grand- on the struggle out of a sense of solidarity.
Another major issue in building this have to concede that a majority are on the puit who addresses his fellow workers as If the union leaders listen to their base, it
protest movement, according to a joint workers’ side. “comrades,” said these kinds of police at- is very likely that the struggle will continue
statement on Oct. 21 from all the major Some of the unions in this coalition, tacks occurred under Pétain, the French even if the retirement bill, which has been
unions in France, was ensuring “the fu- particularly the CFE-CGC, which repre- fascist who became a Nazi puppet. “This passed by the Senate, gets a majority in the
ture of youth,” which has not been ad- sents supervisors and managers, seem to is a violation of our constitutional right to National Assembly and goes into effect.

No U.N. troops to Somalia

U.S.-backed regime faces resistance

By Abayomi Azikiwe gional governments of Somaliland and the flotillas of warships already stationed ple, Islamists of different hues and a siz-
Editor, Pan-African News Wire Puntland as well as local and regional off the coast of the Horn of Africa. (AHN, able overseas Diaspora.
administrative units throughout South Oct. 21) “Attempts to achieve stabilization by
A military and political crisis for the Central Somalia who are opposed to the A recently released study issued by building a state-level security apparatus
U.S.-backed Transitional Federal Govern- al-Shabaab but who are not allied to the Chatham House in Britain illustrates that are demonstrably failing in Somalia and
ment in Somalia has prompted calls for TFG.” (, Oct. 21) the policies enacted by the U.S. and other are unlikely to fare better in Yemen, be-
additional troop deployments under the In a disingenuous approach to under- imperialist states concerning the Horn of cause they are often perceived by the local
ostensible command of the United Na- mine the existing AU policy of ostensi- Africa and the Arabian Peninsula are cre- population as a form of aggression. The
tions Security Council. Both the U.S. and bly promoting national unity in Somalia, ating greater opposition to Western influ- critical ingredients missing from external
the secretary general for the U.N. have Carson noted, “By doing this, we are not ence in the region. The report makes a efforts to build state security are political
publicly acknowledged that nearly 8,000 in any way attempting to go around what strong case against further militarization legitimacy and systems of accountabil-
Ugandan and Burundian troops propping is in fact the principle of the AU, which and external political intervention. ity.” (
up the TFG have not been able to effec- is to only recognize a single Somali state. The report states: “Donors have little Consequently, the U.S. and other im-
tively challenge the growing influence of We will not as parts of this strategy recog- to show for their state-building efforts perialist states and their allies in the re-
Harakat al-Shabaab al-Mujahideen (pop- nize Somaliland and Puntland.” because their policy template does not fit gion must withdraw their forces from So-
ularly known as Al-Shabaab) and Hizbul But some scholars with the Center for with local realities, in which power is only malia in order for peace and stability to
Islam, the leading resistance groups in- Strategic and International Studies have partially structured through government be achieved. Anti-war and peace activists
side the Horn of Africa nation. stated that the new U.S. policy is futile ministries, if at all. In Somalia, for exam- in the West must oppose military inter-
U.S. Assistant Secretary of State John- and will not bring stability to Somalia. ple, real power remains diffused among vention in the Horn of Africa and uphold
nie Carson recently called for a more ag- Richard Downie, an African policy ana- a host of local actors, with overlapping the right of self-determination and sover-
gressive approach to combating the resis- lyst, said that he was “not sure if investing boundaries among clans, business peo- eignty for the peoples of the region.
tance forces in Somalia. During a speech more in the north helps secure the south
at the Washington, D.C.-based Center for … or furthers the goal of a united Somalia. PoRTUGAl.
Strategic and International Studies, Car- “That goal is so far off right now as to
son said that so far the present approach
has been too slow and unorganized.
Over the last two years the U.S. has
be unobtainable, so the new focus I think
is more on the short to medium term. It
doesn’t make sense to have all the policy
Meeting builds anti-NATO protest
spent more than $200 million to bankroll eggs in one basket,” said Downie. (Stars Special to Workers World
the TFG and the African Union Mission and Stripes, Oct. 19) Oporto, Portugal
in Somalia (AMISOM). “We want to en- Although the U.S. administration
courage the TFG to be more than just a would never say it, Downie appears to A forum at the Liter-
government in name only,” said Carson. recognize that the TFG is not the entity ary Club here on Oct. 23
(Stars and Stripes, Oct. 19) that can bring stability to Somalia. How- heard two speakers dis-
The U.S. is now committed to initiating ever, Downie notes that such a statement cuss the dangers facing
what it describes as a dual-track approach exposes the ineffectiveness of the U.S. ap- the world’s people coming
that includes both engaging neighboring proach in the region. According to him “It from the U.S. and NATO’s
states as well as bolstering the military reflects the fact that the TFG is probably a war machines.
presence in Somalia to 20,000 troops that doomed project.” John Catalinotto, repre- From left, Frederico Carvalho, John Catalinotto..
will carry out the aims and objectives of senting the U.S. anti-war WW photo: ellen CAtAlinotto

the imperialist states. This approach will U.S. policy breeds resistance movement, spoke on the U.S. use of NATO posed by nuclear weapons and the new
also include cooperation with the break- In addition to the call for a new ap- in a strategy of reoccupying and control- U.S. weapons systems such as the drones,
away territories of Somaliland and Punt- proach by the U.S., AU Commissioner for ling areas of the world that had been liber- where there is a great distance between
land, which are not recognized by either Peace and Security Ramtane Lamamra ated during the period of existence of the the operator of the weapon and its targets.
the U.N. or the African Union. also urged the U.N. to impose a naval Soviet Union. Catalinotto is a managing Speakers and the organizers discussed
Carson told the audience at the Cen- blockade and no-fly zone against Soma- editor of Workers World newspaper. the upcoming NATO summit in Lisbon
ter for Strategic and International Stud- lia. This is the rationale for the deploy- Frederico Carvalho, a Portuguese envi- Nov. 19-21 and the Portuguese anti-war
ies that “under that new strategy, we will ment of at least 20,000 troops that would ronmentalist and expert who studies the movement’s plans to hold a mass protest
pursue more partnerships with the re- add to the existing AMISOM forces and impact of weapons, discussed the dangers on Nov. 20.
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La única
salida se reúnen en malí para
planificar el saqueo de África
Las dos guerras de agresión que fueron ini-
ciadas por la administración de Bush, continu-
adas por los Demócratas con el apoyo de la
mayor parte de la clase dominante estadoun- Por Abayomi Azikiwe nes de Berlín y Bamako, esta vez con región. (Associated Press, 18 de octubre)
idense — se han tornado en una pérdida neta Editor, Pan-African News Wire los EEUU jugando el papel principal y Haciendo caso omiso de tal sensibi-
para todos/as menos para el complejo militar- Japón y Canadá como invitados. lidad, en septiembre fuerzas militares
industrial, la industria petrolera, y algunos Representantes de Estados Unidos,
francesas enviaron decenas de tropas
altos oficiales del ejército. Gran Bretaña, Canadá, Francia, Alema- Intereses de EEUU en Magreb y Sahel y aviones en una operación supuesta-
El New York Times del 17 de octubre tuvo nia, Italia, Japón y Rusia se reunieron
Cada vez hay más intereses económi- mente destinada a la búsqueda de los
dos artículos significantes que reflejaron este en Bamako, capital de Malí en el oeste
cos y militares por parte del imperial- contratistas que fueron secuestrados
dilema. africano el 13 y 14 de octubre para dis-
ismo de EEUU en las regiones del norte mientras trabajaban en el norte de
En Afganistán, según el Times, la OTAN es- cutir la coordinación de las operaciones
y el oeste de África. Una mayor depen- Níger, en un puesto de minería de ura-
taba facilitando discusiones entre el Talibán y militares y de inteligencia en el norte y
dencia del petróleo y del gas de África, nio. Los contratistas trabajaban para la
el gobierno títere mientras que bombardeaban en el oeste de África.
así como el aumento en la competencia empresa nuclear francesa Areva, que
y lanzaban proyectiles de mortero a combati- Este Grupo de 8 países dijo que la
con la República Popular China ha in- tiene enormes intereses en el Níger.
entes del Talibán para apresurarles a negociar. conferencia se llevó a cabo para hac-
tensificado el impulso de Washington Antes de la intervención en Níger,
La conclusión del Times fue que al “final”, erle frente a la creciente influencia de
para tener una mayor influencia en las unidades militares francesas en junio
“tantas cosas pudieran salir mal” para el im- los grupos armados de oposición en
regiones donde Francia hasta ahora, ha llevaron a cabo una redada de Al Qaeda
perialismo. Una era que el apoyo para Estados Magreb y Sahel, grupos que afirman
sido la potencia colonial dominante. con tropas mauritanas en el Magreb Is-
Unidos en Pakistán ha disminuido cada vez que son afiliados de al-Qaida.
El Profesor de Relaciones Internacio- lámico (AQMI) en el interior de Malí.
que algún avión teledirigido mata a personas Los verdaderos intereses de EEUU y
nales Yahia H. Zoubir, escribiendo para Aunque los franceses dijeron que la
civiles o soldados pakistaníes. del G-8 que están detrás de la partici-
la revista del establecimiento británico redada se llevó a cabo para liberar a
En Irak, donde el Pentágono ha pintado pación en Magreb y Sahel sin embargo,
Asuntos Internacionales (Vol. 85, uno de sus ciudadanos que estaba se-
como una victoria a causa del incremento son el deseo de mantener el control so-
2009, 977-995), tomó nota de dos in- cuestrado, la persona a la que fueron a
súbito de tropas (“surge”), el Times encon- bre los minerales estratégicos y los re-
tereses principales que guían la política rescatar fue muerta en la operación.
tró que la victoria se está yendo a la deriva. cursos de la zona y para bloquear una
de EEUU en la región: “El primero está El Coronel Camara de Malí dijo que
Los “Consejos del Despertar”, compuestos mayor participación de la República
vinculado a las necesidades energéticas los estados occidentales deberían con-
de Suníes que abandonaron la resistencia en Popular China.
de Estados Unidos, y se centran en el centrar la mayor parte de su atención
2007 por pago y porque no querían luchar El pueblo en América del Norte y Eu-
petróleo y el gas en Argelia, Chad y en el suministro de equipo militar y
contra Estados Unidos, al-Qaida y el régimen ropa Occidental debe tener en cuenta
Libia, y tal vez en Malí y Mauritania; entrenamiento contra el terrorismo a
de Bagdad a la misma vez, están regresando que el énfasis de los medios corporati-
también favorecen el desarrollo de una los Estados africanos en la región. Este
a las filas de la resistencia iraquí. Aunque no vos y del gobierno de “luchar contra el
entidad regional más fuerte, lo que sentimiento se reflejó también en las
está claro cómo va a avanzar la lucha, está terrorismo” en la región está diseñado
proporcionaría un mercado potencial- observaciones formuladas por el Coro-
claro que esto se traduce en problemas para para incrementar la opinión pública en
mente importante para las empresas nel Iro Oumarou de Níger, quien dijo:
Washington. apoyo al aumento de la intervención
estadounidenses, especialmente ya que “Lo que nos gustaría de los países oc-
En otras noticias, el Ejército estadoun- militar y al espionaje en el continente
la competencia ha aumentado con los cidentales en general, es capacitación,
idense fue pescado mintiendo sobre su cuota africano.
avances recientes de China en África”. equipo especializado y sobre todo,
de reclutamiento. Los generales simplemente Hablando diplomáticamente, un alto
Zoubir pone de manifiesto que apoyo en la recopilación de inteligen-
habían disminuido sus metas. El Ejército to- oficial del ejército de Malí, el coronel Ya-
EEUU “ha logrado lenta pero segura- cia”. (Associated Press, 18 de octubre)
davía no puede agrupar bastantes fuerzas para moussa Camara, dijo a Prensa Asociada
mente la creación de una red de seguri- La reunión en Malí se dio a raíz de
no tener que mandar a las mismas tropas tres, el 18 de octubre, que existe una oposición
dad que reúne a los estados del Magreb una reunión similar el 26 de septiem-
cuatro y cinco veces a las zonas de combate. significativa a la intervención directa del
y del Sahel”. Zoubir primero escribe bre en Tamanrasset, Argelia, un anti-
Las ocupaciones se están convirtiendo en imperialismo en la región, incluso la que
que “Al-Qaida en el Magreb Islámico ll- guo puesto militar francés en la época
una situación imposible. Esto es una mala se hace bajo el pretexto de “combatir el
eva a cabo ataques mortales en Argelia colonial. En la reunión se acordó es-
noticia para el imperialismo estadounidense. terrorismo”. Señaló Camara que “Te-
y recurre a los secuestros de extranje- tablecer un centro de recopilación de
Pero no son malas noticias para el pueblo niendo en cuenta nuestro pasado, no so-
ros”, pero luego señala que “este punto información secreta y de coordinación
afgano, el iraquí, o para la clase trabajadora mos muy receptivos a las fuerzas extran-
ha sido exagerado; y según algunos, en que incluiría a representantes de Arge-
estadounidense. jeras involucrándose directamente en
realidad ha sido fabricado”. lia, Malí, Mauritania y Níger.
Lo contrario es cierto. Si las guerras y ocu- operaciones militares aquí, no importa
Zoubir dice claramente que “la Como resultado de la reunión en Ta-
paciones anduvieran bien para el Pentágono cuáles sean sus motivos”.
amenaza real en la región se deriva de manrasset, un órgano de coordinación
y el Departamento de Estado, seguro que los Tal vez el coronel maliense estaba
la pobreza, el mal gobierno, la falta de se estableció en Argel, que incluye a
elementos estadounidenses más militaristas pensando en la similitud entre la re-
democracia, la corrupción y la mala los altos oficiales de inteligencia de los
estarían apresurando la próxima guerra y la unión de Bamako y la reunión de Berlín
gestión económica”. Él señala que los cuatro estados: el mayor general Attafi
próxima conquista. Estarían llamando a una de 1884, donde 14 países imperialistas
países de la región “se encuentran entre de Argelia, el coronel Mamy Coulibaly
agresión flagrante contra Irán, o aún contra europeos — EEUU, siendo una poten-
los más pobres del mundo, y son estos de Malí, Mohamed Ould Meguett de
China. La juventud de la clase trabajadora cia más débil entonces fue invitado
mismos países los que se están reuni- Mauritania y el comisionado Mamane
estadounidense, y especialmente las grandes pero no participó — se reunieron en
endo en las nuevas medidas de seguri- Chekaraou de Níger. Llamaron a la es-
poblaciones en esos países, estarían en peligro las oficinas del canciller alemán Otto
dad liderada por Estados Unidos”. tructura de coordinación el Centro de
de ser nuevas víctimas del impulso de los im- von Bismarck y se repartieron África,
Inteligencia Sahel-Sahara.
perialistas para extender sus mercados. tomando las diversas partes como sus Algunos Estados africanos
Hay planes ahora para que el Cen-
Después de décadas de guerra y sufrimiento propias colonias para saquearlas. La boicotean la reunión
tro funcione a fin de coordinar sus
en Afganistán e Irak, con la población agotada, mayoría de los grandes países europeos Hubo numerosos países africanos de actividades con el Centro Africano
es difícil predecir cuáles fuerzas sociales es- estuvieron presentes en ambas reunio- la región que estuvieron representados de Estudios e Investigaciones sobre
tarán encargadas del liderazgo si los imperial- en la reunión de Bamako, entre el- el Terrorismo (ACSRT), que es parte
istas fueran forzados a salir. Pero lo importante PREPARASE PARA EL 2011. los Burkina Faso, Níger, Nigeria, del Consejo de Paz y Seguridad de la
es que serían afganis e iraquís soberanos. No Un nuevo año para luchar contra el capitalismo, Marruecos, Senegal y por supues- Unión Africana ubicado en El-Harach,
serían amos imperialistas. Cada nación tiene el racismo, la guerra, la represión y to el país anfitrión, Malí. Argelia un suburbio en las afueras de la capital
el derecho a la autodeterminación, a resistir Una nueva urgencia en la lucha por el boicoteó la reunión, en desacuerdo argelina de Argel.
los mandatos de invasores o de los monigotes
escogidos por los imperialistas.
SOCIALISMO MUNDIAL sobre la estrategia en discusión por
el grupo.
A pesar de estos esfuerzos para co-
ordinar las actividades entre los países
Estados Unidos debe salirse y debe hacerlo Después de las elecciones del 2 de noviembre Esta reunión fue convocada bajo del Magreb y los países del G8, todavía
ahora mismo. Puede ser una pérdida para los Únense con nosotros en la el liderazgo del gobierno canadiense, hay gran desconfianza y división entre
banqueros estadounidenses, los traficantes de ConferenCia naCional en nueva York del que tiene importantes intereses los diversos estados de la región.
armas y los generales, pero sería un paso hacia
adelante para esas regiones del mundo. Y sería
PARTIDO MUNDO OBRERO mineros en la región y ejerce tam-
bién la presidencia actual del G8.
Hay una profunda desconfianza
Auditorio 127 este de calle 22 en Manhattan entre Argelia y Marruecos sobre la

12 a 14 noviembre
un paso hacia adelante para la clase trabaja- El embajador de Canadá en Malí, cuestión aún no resuelta de la inde-
dora aquí en los Estados Unidos, la cuál es ex- Virginie Saint-Louis, señaló que los pendencia para el Sahara Occidental,
plotada y mantenida paralizada políticamente Evaluar lo que es pasado - prepararnos para lo próximo estados occidentales deben ser sen- antigua colonia española ahora bajo el
por la misma clase dominante imperialista. 212.627.2994 sibles acerca de su participación en la control de Rabat.

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