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3 Glenbrook Avenue

Malvern East, Victoria, 3145

21st September 2010

To whom it may concern

It is a compulsory component of the Melbourne High School programme that all students partake in
a least one week of work experience. This letters blunt purpose is to ask you have any such positions
available in the future.

This letter is merely a first cautious step into a possible career in the television journalism business, a
career that is not only interesting, but a fundamental part of our modern society. And while I’m sure
that you no doubt receive many such applications every week I would be elated if you were to allow
me to experience the work and the process that goes into informing the masses.

Any response that can be mustered by you or your HR department would be most appreciated and
can be sent to one of the following contact points, or simply reply with an old fashion letter

Email address:

Home phone: 9885 6016

Ever Hopeful,

Harrison Parker

Melbourne High school student

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