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Linear Algebra

Assignment 2, Section 2

Before you start attempting:

• All important theorems are proven in the book. Read the proofs and
understand them.

• Don’t get daunted by the questions. They are easier than they

• Questions 1 and 2 are marked with an asterisk (*). These are bonus
questions carrying a total of 15 points. Attempt them only when you
are done with the rest of the assignment.

• Show all working legibly.

• Do not cheat!

1. * A square matrix A is called idempotent if A2=A. (The word idempotent

comes from the Latin idem meaning “same” and potere meaning “to
have power”. Thus something that is idempotent has the “same
power” when squared).

a) Find 3 idempotent 2x2 matrices.

b) Prove that the only invertible idempotent nxn matrix is the identity

2. * Show that if A is a square matrix that satisfies the equation A2-

2A+I=0. Then A2=2I-A
3. Let A = , B= , C= , D=

Find and elementary matrix E (if it exists) such that the given equations
in each case. If E doesn’t exist, state why not.

a) EB=A

b) EC=A

c) ED=C

d) EA=D

4. a) Prove that if A is invertible and BA=CA then B=C.

b) Give a counter example to show that result in part (a) may fail if A
is not invertible.

5. Let A be a square matrix. If B is a square matrix such that BA=I, prove

that A is invertible and B=A-1.

6. Give a counter example to show that (A+B)-1≠A-1+B-1 in general.

7. Solve the given system of linear equations using the inverse method.

a) x1-x2+2x3+3x4= 8

2x1+2x2+2x4= 8

4x1+x2-x3-x4= 6

x1+2x2+3x3= -6
b) 2x1-2x2+6x3-4x4=1




8. Find p such that matrix A is singular. How many solutions does

this problem have? Explain.


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