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Tournament for the Gold

Mike Nightmare

Abdul the Slaughterer

All match-ups were determined randomly,

Devon Blaide as were which match-ups received the
Misty Raynes “bi’s”.

Alberto Hernandez

“Flamboyant” Cody Raynes

“The Icon” Pavement Warrior

Chris Mosh

Frank “The Madman” Martin


Varg the Dragga

Hardcore Foxy Kimbo

Mr. Devine


Duke du Mantois


“Pure Perfection” Saul Freidberg

The Milk Man

Murphy Creek Mauler

Warlord Wolf

Mr. Creeper

Mann the Mangler

Snarly von Crankypants

Undead Warrior

Katrina von Krupp

Mikey the Madman

“The Main Man” Sander Alnes

Vilinius “Tank” Nastavnik

Ultimate Destroyer

Rita Roxx

Ryan the Lion

The Everest

Jonny the Natural


AM Smash

Dark Journey

Randy Rage

Magic Mike

Sleeping Beauty

Sian Bobbett

Hiccup Masterson

“The Dean” William P. Fredericks

Rocky Montaigne

Nicky Nutpunch Jr.

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