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Syllabus for MS/PhD written test

The written test will be on the fundamentals of the following

Foundations of Computer Science: Mathematical Logic, sets,
relations, functions, groups, partial orders, lattices, Boolean
Algebra, Permutations and Combinations, counting, summation,
generating functions, recurrence relations, probability, mean,
median, mode, standard deviation, random variables, probability
Digital Logic, Computer Organization and Architecture:
Logic functions, minimization, design and synthesis of
combinatorial and sequential circuits, computer arithmetic,
number representation, machine instructions, addressing modes,
ALU and data-path, CPU control design, memory interface, I/O
interface, instruction pipelining, cache and main memory,
secondary storage.
Programming and Data Structures: Programming in C,
functions, recursion, parameter passing, scope, binding, abstract
data types, arrays, stacks, queues, linked lists, trees, binary
search trees, binary heaps.

Candidates who qualify in the written test will be interviewed

on their topic of research interest and on at least one of the
following core CS topics: Databases, Computer Organization,
Algorithms, Automata Theory, Computer Networks, Operating
Systems, and Compilers.

PhD candidates are expected to bring to the interview a neatly

typeset article of not more than 300 words on their topic of
research interest. The article must be written by the candidate
and must explain a research problem his/her interest, its
relevance, the current status of the problem, and the
methodologies required. The article must not exceed 300

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