Pronouns - Module

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Pronouns shorten and make a sentence reader-

friendly. Pronouns can be classified into subject, object,

possessive, intensive, interrogative, relative, indefinite,
reciprocal and demonstrative.

Personal Pronouns

Subject Object
Plura Plura
  Singular l Singular l
Introduction First person I We Me Us
Before we could exactly comprehend with person You You You You
Pronouns, we must know first the meaning of the said The
part of speech. So, what exactly is the meaning of Third Person He, She, It They Him, Her, It m
According to Wikipedia© , a pronoun is, “ is a  pro-
form  that substitutes for a  noun  (or  noun phrase) with Subject Pronouns - acts as a subject of the sentence.
or without a determiner, such Ex. I am ready to write a letter.
as  you  and  they  in  English.” We are ready to write a letter.
The following sentence uses pronoun as You are the only person who saw Zero.
replacement for nouns. He is the Knight of One.
They are called the Humanoid Robots.
Object Pronouns – acts as object of a verb, compound
~ Lisa gave the coat to Phil. verb, object of the preposition, infinitive, etc.
Ex. Cornelia gave me the key.
~ She gave it to him. Schneizel wants to call you.
I borrowed the money from him.
I got the password from them.
She could have beaten it.
Kinds of Pronouns
Possessive Pronouns 2nd person Yourself Yourselves
Himself, Herself, Itself, Themselve
3rd person Oneself s
Possessive Adjectives Possessive Pronouns
My Mine
Our Ours Reflexive pronoun - is a pronoun that is preceded by the
noun or pronoun to which it refers (its antecedent) within
Your Yours
the same clause.
Their Theirs
Ex. I see myself in his actions.
His His
Did you teach yourself?
Her Hers He cut the paper himself.
Its Its They were shocked about themselves.
Intensive pronoun - a pronoun used to add emphasis to a
Possessive Pronouns – show ownership of things Ex. I did it myself.
Ex. Possessive adjectives You yourself teach.
That is my notebook. He himself got the award.
Our quarters are so clean. They themselves were shocked.
Their population outnumbered them.
His cap was stolen. reciprocal pronouns
The cat shed its fur.
Ex. Possessive pronouns The reciprocal pronouns in English are one
That is mine. another and each other. Together with the reflexive
Ours are so clean. pronouns — myself, yourself, ourselves, yourselves, and
Theirs outnumbered them. others — they are classified as anaphors.
His was stolen. Ex. Lelouch and Nunnally love each other.
My brother and sister see each other often.
Survivors tried to contact one another.
Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns The members helped one another.

Singular Plural
1st person Myself Ourselves Indefinite Pronouns
Which Whose To which
Singular Plural Both Singular/Plural Why When Where
Any Everyone Both None
Anybody No one Few All
Interrogative pronoun -  pronoun used in order to ask a
Anything Nobody Many Some
Anyone Nothing Several  
Each Somebody     Ex. What time is it?
Everybody Something     Which chair are you talking about?
Everything Someone     Who are you?
Whose book is this?
Indefinite pronoun - a pronoun that refers to one or Whom did you phone?
more unspecified beings, objects, or places.
Ex. Singular
Thanks, I'll have another. Relative Pronouns
Anybody can see the truth.
Anyone can see this. Relative pronoun - a pronoun that marks a relative
Either will do. clause within a larger sentence. It is called a relative
Everyone had a cup of coffee. pronoun because it relates to the word that it modifies
Little is known about this period of history. and is not specific. In English, relative pronouns
No one thinks that you are mean. are who, whom, which, whose, and that.
Something makes me want to dance. Ex. This is the house that Jack built.
Ex. Plural Hunter is the boy who killed Monique.
Both are guilty.
Few were chosen.
Many were chosen. Demonstrative Pronouns
Several were chosen.
Singular This That
Plural These Those

Interrogative Pronouns
Demonstrative pronouns - used as spatial adjectives.
Interrogative Pronouns
Ex. This is good.
Who How To whom
I like those.
What Whom To what
Fill each blank with a suitable Reflexive Pronoun.

1. He rewarded _____ with an ice-cream.

Exercise no. 1 2. They agreed amongst _____ that they would not
tell anyone.
3. I taught _____ to draw.
Fill in the blanks with suitable pronouns. 4. You must explain _____ more clearly.
1. Does _____ (her, she) know that _____ (me, I) 5. He has a bad temper so he must learn to control
was absent? _____
2. Please tell _____ ( he, him) _____ (I, 6. We thoroughly enjoyed _____ at the party on
me) have obtained a degree in Chemistry. Sunday.
3. I remember that _____ (they, them) bought 7. That monkey is scratching _____.
the fruits from _____ (we, us). 8. One must defend _____ against bullies.
4. Please don't tell ______ (she, her) about 9. My brother and I bought _____ some apples.
_____ (I, me). 10. She cooks for _____ every day.
5. _____ can swim because _____ has webbed
6. I met Alice yesterday. _____ invited _____ to
her house. Exercise no. 3
7. Jane has a cat; _____ likes to play with _____.
8. When the dog chased John, _____ ran as fast
as _____ could. Fill in the blanks with ‘which, ‘who', ‘whom' and ‘whose'.
9. My uncle works in a factory. _____ says _____
is a noisy place. 1. The boy, _____ father is a doctor, is my best
10. The teacher said to the class, "When _____ friend.
finished your work, please pass _____ up to 2. This is not something _____ we like to do.
me." 3. That man, _____ left leg was amputated, suffers
from diabetes.
Exercise no. 2 4. The thief, _____ they caught, was sent to the
5. Our friends, _____ we invited to the party,
arrived rather early.
6. The girl, _____ broke the mirror, was scolded by
her mother. Exercise no. 1
1. She, I
7. That is my uncle, _____ car was stolen. 2. Him, I
3. They, Us
8. That woman, _____ you saw, was my auntie.
4. Her, Me
9. Kangaroos, _____ use their pouch to carry their 5. It, It
6. She, Me
babies, are found in Australia.
7. She, It
10. The policeman, ______ caught the thief, is a very 8. He, He
9. He, It
brave man.
10. You, Them
Exercise no. 2
1. Himself
Ready for checking? 2. Themselves
3. Myself
See them next page! 4. Yourself
5. Himself
6. Ourselves
7. Itself
8. Oneself
9. Ourselves
10. Herself
Exercise no. 3
1. Whose
2. Which
3. Whose
4. Whom
5. Whom
6. Who
7. Whose
8. Whom
9. Which
10. Who

Key to Correction

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