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Made by:-
Ankit singhal
Garima wadhva
Manpreet kaur
Sandeep bist

Page 1
Wrong overtaking
Over speeding
Under influence of alcohol
Rash and negligent driving
Violation of traffic rules and signs
Fatigue and insufficient rest

Page 2
Wrong overtaking
It is skill of the driver to anticipate the speed of another
vehicle and safety overtake the same. Normally drivers
do not take care and overtake the vehicle at wrong
speed, wrong time, and wrong place. The result is
smashing other vehicle or any object.

Page 3
Over speeding

Speed of the vehicle is prominent factor responsible of

accident. Speed is not only dependant on the type of the
vehicle or capacity of the vehicle but also depends on the
traffic conditions. The technological improvements enhanced
power of the vehicle but roads are not made for over
speeding .

Page 4
Driving after consuming alcohol
Alcohol is not incriminating drink but it is sedative.
It never enhances confidence but looses control over
brain. As a matter of fact it leads the driver to
either increase or reduce the speed. Driving under
influence of alcohol increases the possibility of
accidents 25 times.

Page 5
Violation of traffic rules and signals

Road signs on the road are provided for your safety and to guide
you . Follow these signs. Do not affix advertising hording on
these signs.

Page 6
Rash and Negligent
Rash and negligent driving is not impressive but
unsafe . However confident you are. Ultimately
vehicle is a machine and needs control. It can
fail at anytime.

Page 7
Fatigue and insufficient rest

Driving is not a comfortable job but it is exertion.

Driver must take sufficient rest. The owners of the
commercial vehicles many times provoke the drivers
to compromise with the rest by offering more money.
It is wrong.

Page 8
Road Accident Statistics :

More than 1.2 million

people are killed
in Road Accidents,
worldwide , every year.

3 to 4 % of Gross National Product

Is lost in Road Accidents.

Page 9
Road Accident Statistics
One child is killed in
Road Accidents,
every three minutes
in the World.

Page 10
Steps to be taken for preventing Road Accidents

Most important method to bring down accidents is strict

enforcement of speed limits.

90 % of accidents can be avoided by strict enforcement of

speed limits.

Children below a certain age should not be permitted to

do cycling in busy roads / roads where heavy vehicles are

Page 11
Heavy Penalty should be imposed on all those who
cross speed limits.

Two wheeler manufacturers should be asked to

design two wheelers with a designed maximum speed of
(say) 50/60 kmph.

Raising of lower age limit for two wheeler and Heavy

Vehicle license to 21.

Helmet should be made compulsory by law in all


Page 12
Ensure that ONLY good quality Helmets are available in the

Strict enforcement of existing traffic rules.

All those who do not maintain the safe distance for the speed
should be punished.

Safety awareness should begin from childhood If safety

awareness is imparted at childhood, safety will be a habit.

Page 13

It may be seen that the vehicle population has been steadily

increasing up with the trend picking up significantly since the
Eighties. Increasing in vehicle population in the face of limited
road space which incidentally is used by a large variety of
motorized and non-motorized traffic, has led the government
to accord a high priority to road safety. A draft Road Safety
Policy was therefore prepared by Ministry in the year 1992.
The policy documents contains the following points :-

Page 14
1. Classification of the cause of accident and prevention action in terms of
vehicle, driver & engineering factors.

2. List of safety features of vehicle design (e.g. safety belt, air bags,
breaking performance, etc)

3. Fitness certification and maintenance of vehicles.

4. Proper training & effective licensing for drivers.

5. Road design & geometric improvements to compensate for

inadequacies of road users.

6. Warning signs for road users.

Page 15
7. Design of road junctions.

8. Traffic guidance, road signs, speed limit posts, and other traffic
control devices.

9. Traffic education & campaign on traffic discipline-inclusion of traffic

education in school curriculum, promotion of defensive driving.

10. Emergency medical services with emphasis on saving the lives of

victims, etc.

Page 16
The original policy draft has aimed at a target for reduction of
fatalities to 25,ooo and road accidents to 2 lakh before the
year 2001. However, the National Road Safety Council
while adopting the Road Safety Policy stated that “target
to reduce the accidents should be related to the number of
vehicles and not the number of persons killed”.

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Second Page :
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt
ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad
minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco
laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate
velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident,
sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est

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