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Explain how implementing a CRM system enabled saab to

gain a competitive advantage.
 The CRM system allowed Saab to gain a consolidated view of its
customers through its three primary channels.
 From the CRM system saab can easily identify their customer
and divide them in different category easily.
 The “TouchPoint” system provides Saab dealers with a
powerful Web-based solution for coordinating sales and
marketing activities.
 Saab can now measure the sales results of specific leads,
recommend more efficient selling techniques, and target its
leads more precisely moving forward. Because CRM offers
business and technological alignment, it enables saab to
achieve strategic company goals more effectively, like
enhanced sales realization, higher customer satisfaction, better
brand management and more.

2. Estimate the potential impact to Saab’s business if it had not

implemented a CRM system.
 The potential impact is overwhelming. Without the ability to
create a consolidated customer view, Saab would be unable to
coordinate sales and marketing efforts, improve selling
techniques, or even understand basic questions such as who
are its customers and what are their needs.
3. What additional benefits could Saab receive from
implementing a supply chain management system?
 From that saab can Reduce inventory levels and increased
inventory turns across the network.
 They can Increase profitability and productivity.
 They can easily integrate sales and operations planning
 If Saab implemented a successful SCM system, it would drive
down production costs and could increase revenues.

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