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URDU: AN ESSENTIAL GRAMMAR: Unde: An Essel Grammar isa reference guide tothe grammatical saute of moder Ur. The complies of Ura are set out in short readable secon, which a convenient grouped unde major fpial Readings. Explanations conan ‘tinal prgon aed emphasis bas been laced on the aspects of Urdo that pose {puta hallenge for Englnh speaking sce. Fees ecu: Ianguge examples throughoa in bath Ur spt and omaiztion ‘er aly ajo etork of rose eferences ewe sections (ele conten st ‘oper ines due An Ese Grammar pst fresh and accessible ection ofthe langue wil prove ivaliable to sudens tal levels in schools, colleges, aiventies and tut classes. Its clear explanations make i ides for independent eer 00 ‘Ruth Laila Schmidt ler in the Deparment of Eas Buopean and Orin Sti tthe University of Oso, Norn. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of bier Preface by Gopi Chand Narang Insadacton| Symbols snd abbreviations wed inthe text 1 NOUNS (Gender and macting ‘Gender marking; marked nouns; unmarked sous; awa gender: some ober lus o gender of ans Nas pale ous (nominative case) noo cout (mas) sous Ineton fens Nominative cae obliga ce oie nou esa foot ropping oft; expressing wiality: vocaive cs of mous Repel of sous ‘Simpl repetition: repetition wth an echo word [Nouns nit of measure Othe puts of speech wed a nous 2. PRONOUNS Demestatve prooouns ye tis ano, that Pench Farms non levels in second perce pronouns ham id 2 fest person singulr pronoun: omission of personal powcr lags a plural specie, ominaive pronouns obigue (fetes) pronouns he six ~ Oth eplcing IB ronons befor the Prsipsiton nf porserive forms of personal ronuns Tj what? yf marking questions sn eeazasions: kau, nk; bie forms of Ky and kau Inte pronouns iL some(one ay(oney ach, “someting, "ny Ching Relative pronoun > Repeated ross B 4 5 ™ 26 2% 0 » yt ey: aun aun AA, ch a, kk a ach, 3. ADIECTIVES Mating Marked adjectives: unmarked adjectives ‘Agreement “Aveemeat in gender an rumber: agreement in cae: agreement ‘wth oun sequence of diferent gender, tibuve ad predate ejecives Pronouns usd as adjives Teerogative pronouns indefinite pronouns Symmeicaly-vk word et Adjptive prses formed with and val "The adjectival patos (- 8a he sti Repent aves ‘Simple repeiion: repetition with an echo word Compasin of adjectives Comparison of adjectives withst compainon of actives with ‘arin, yn "are', os nd," 10 speitives wih adjectives ajetive ‘Ajetvs wit other wammatica functions Aijecvs used as aber adjectives ed 3 nouns Ajptve dacs inter cape Parties used as adjectives posessve adjectives: he eflerve powsssve adjective apek umber 4 ADVERBS ‘Symmeticl yr aver seta Advert of ine bb Lab uh vagus vag is ag calenr ad lock ime ‘Adve of lace yaw ei; iar hare jaga-jagah jaa etre is tra oligos av aves place; adverbial prase or compound positon? yi yh ial kas ju tru tab Estar trh; advertise of manner with he esiosiion spares sed verily ‘Adve of epee Modal adverb “Te nerative words mai, maa, al tos bah an, ‘Tobia of contons 8 “6 0 En s 5s ® ii_Tablo of contonts ‘bl ocontons_ix “nite 1c pi," ‘he! ‘canhnctiveparpes: repeated os in conjunctive parties Arabic adver ening inn 6 ‘Sotinuous ese; cannons present conus past oer Reposted adverbe 6 ‘Sotinuous ener ro0 saa (bility, possibilty oot ‘Sil epetion: idioma repetition {Goal rot + eka (ompletion): compound verbs Tnterogave aod adie wed wits oy « ‘Veto foms based on the imperative parle Tierogative avers se with ony ident verbs used Inpefetive partis son: habit pretent abisl pts swith toy: interrogate pronouns used With soy tier baba ene perfective pariape + rid (aie); ner of alg adverte o imperTotive parte ta grogresionimpetetive prtciplewsed asa agjecive $ PostmosmoNs o ee forms tase cn th perfective paige (rammatiel potpstions “ ‘Areement in perfective ese simple past maine pat remote Take ~Heapesing possesion A marking obj nlected ast ter pon tenses; derived pasive incapacity: perectve ‘in compotod pxipontions; Kad is enters; acing utile hard (habit or practice) pcectve participle + aba ‘objects BS marking subject RB showing movement ina dreton {continutin): perfective pariple wed ar an adetve ‘rtoa desivation KO afer day and dates: fllowieg nies: Intnives si mating sbjecs Taine syrbel nous: nities a request ors ‘Spat eporapotpostions Consmstons with nominative cae ninsiver swith ablative frtion; sf marking he nant sin comparison impersonal constuction: nftive-+ bl (Recent + af adjectives: sn adverbial pre: s8 marking objet forming i (advialiyinfitive + pa (oigation lack of ec) pstpstionl sequence lk sowing ene omit ik ar an CConstrostons with dle cae iaftives utc parle; mh wih cctv functoeintves alowed ‘Oblique nine + ik oblige anv + obigueinintve Loy pr with orate faressn pr showing movement 04 + lagad (commenced event oblique infite + ak (et stan; prfllowingobiqueinfinives; oblige ifinsive = caligueinintive + ye of motion purpose) cbgueinitive ‘arBht partaking bjs collocation of verbs with Hb toegave usseion) ospostions (Compound postpesions a ‘COMPOUND VERBS oblique oun» pospeiion; M+ obiue noun B+ oblique ‘Compound vee und simple vebe etve K+ adver: 2) + Psion yepoition + oligos oun, “The scare of compound vt pres: the difeencebewees eu +t compounded simple verbs Poxpoonal sequences 8s Innate vector vet Shuiaktcnpoal popoiions +o "Te ecto vet vetr verb pag he vo er lal; "pressng postion (to have’) 85 the vector verb ating he vere verb ban Thane possession: (-hé~ Ky aeeble possesion: bs, ‘Teast vector web inarpbepessesson: ib “Te vector ver the ver verb a th veo er il he sector erat 6 veRos a ‘Mixed wast in compound verbs Fos ofthe vib s Transive mai verbs wh nase vests inansive main Root infinitive: imperative paricpe; perfective prin verte wi wancive vcr, ‘The vad bind, be 2 Reavis on occurrence of compound verte “The conugnion of Bnd hasan aulary Yor ‘Consors based on he ver rotor five paisa Denominaive verte 9s ‘onsvatons: passive constrains negative seeenees ‘er forms tac onthe ve rt 9% ‘Subjunctive eoedonal seateces: equs fms; uae ese Parective participles as main vee Nominate perfec parties; oblique efoctive parties us 1 im 18 13 Me Ist Iss x _Tabioc contents Denominatve vrei compound vib sequences 4 INTRANSITIVE, TRANSITIVE AND CAUSATIVE VERBS Ierastiveandwanitve verbs The diterence between wasive and intranive vebe ageeent of ers; the increment; wastves derived wih he nctement alo prow) PRs seam, sevng roma Ler be sen) 3 lamba length fom amb one) Nouns _§ uns cndig ine seta oun foming ses Ab Tag 237 and a oy melee Lela haba onfson 3K mika cbc NOUN PLURALS 107 Forms (nominative case) ‘There te ferent pl sie for masculine marked feminine marked and Feminine unnrked nouns. Masclie unmarked noun haven pla sles (0) The suties ae a (nascalloe marked change to EPSP tara toys cot + bce, children (The suffic-aya (masculine marke) changes aB 8 26 iby yy ok tt pecs (0 Maseine ur sons av ao pla si ES har pha, hoses (4) Te it eine mark changes oy OSD BAT ats (Indies enn oun etn in tketheplr -y Oke We vhs tte (0 feminine want ous a he pl uli 2: SAS SRA bE, Hooks Slse yo dan dvd, medics 5 Urdu: An Essontal Grammar ‘eduction f penultimate short vowel When suties coming of lng vowels eclading the nominive ad oblique plural and the vce re added wo rot conaning two or moe short owe "he pentimate short vowel fhe root educed ot ot Sage rat woman +> aah women ort babe ser +> asses ‘Tobi 1: Plural of nouns ‘Soon Museu ak é Sta Eng my Howe gy ny oe ka es Moco. umuncs af ghar Fon manne ole We int Fou omnes "CLS ki 108. Non-count (mass) nouns [Nom coun (mais) nous o at have pla for. Aen Ste pls alot water ae et SSeS MeO ktm Cony © gy Hines ipa Wop ST beh > abst (6) The plora sfc -ye changes yo: Cops © SY iy yc (c) The sfx sade tthe sist misetne unmarked fos Cane ah ar sha Bxarpies oe EF ob Tui OL ‘sfondi ‘Thewaer of hee wei cold corte BE Sud ‘huh RE KE mali ash ‘he houses have various es (it. rents ofthe hoses ae vai wa lS le Cosh kiya Wark ms a ‘Te ih’ brother i Kara the rte ofthe gis in Karachi. nape Boke ad Sone ib gjima mal ih “The boks have various prices it prices of he books ae varius). 10 _ Urdu: An Essontal Grammar Nouns 11 “Table 2: Ooque case of nouns “The fllowing words ave speci stems bles 5. Snouan Nowarve nave Bascron ——Stemeerone fh STEWS Sek Mase.wnwso St Sh ae 2) ew os to pss dite Sim Bocaire Se med Spe slaps GK ia may Rit) yn cane tem ne olsen Ses ee Mace aun aS ae oe Tetaty 5 vy « = ST oles opal WN stem J Opell Fonwmes SY tad Pat ‘ohh sab bllyh Ue dt nl Air ive guest came Hecaloteveysngleene often Fh a Pana, Newauve Onuose Cr toad . a , Sa aa = enone Masenameo SP as ose latte iro rt oes 5 oS tame ae ame ‘andes oes Sheer omen for hours 26a) AmB yy spa “aulty may ao be exgresed by a prs inthe pate: AB, where Xis a Se ee acd {ges no, mam pane he pronoun ad Tn ths expen te obiue Mise. wounees gf ghar oo gue piss ot a 2 . = ST Sle ote Ste HS de Bie Oe yee ST CS a es : 2 Sis on ; " i " Sitscimamtaiys gmt jae ang gy ble chk yy iv ‘sirens The ent forested inthe ie Fovuwumes pi ibe Gy a 111 Obique nouns ruling fem dropping of kb ‘Te paspsiton, to ‘a i oflen hoped expressions describing movement toa Gestion, The noun resin inthe oblique cae See $507. "Nous is ine expressions ls appear in te eligue case, Se $1309, $1311 112. Expressing totaly [Numbers tine weds andthe pronoun sab may ocur in the oblique plural to ‘xpress tty oa efi lrg amount In numbers 20 lowe, it tends {ocnpes trai: in higher members tenes en indtaaly large amount, -Sgrewree See Cae sez are dra eb brabia got vey nts bred Frey tating as ot 113. Vocative case of rouns ‘The vocstive singular sufi i ema! with the oblique sux. The vocaive lal uci 9 The vcaive used only towards pesos or objets Meni with persons, sed does ot coeur very often, Vostives maybe introduced by the voctve injections 8 3) ac 9° cay) bey" (6217. 2 Tass ay ed oma ah 6 mp pe, 12 Urdu: An Essentat Grammar “The norte form of, son is sometimes wed in place ofthe voctive, Table 3: Vocative cate ofrouns Snovan Neoware Vocame Mase, wane unt Sb lit Mase, une es ae a Fe aarso ema ee lnit Few, usar tort ten core ben Pum Vocarve aso. was Slat en Mase ane Gay slay tiys Fa, ware SB tt SP kis Fen, one ct abe als examples ST ahs 1 2b 25531 i ihr 65 sige vate Son cone he. Orch dive aoe 1 ses sles ect nd i aba Cen. eileen Brothers ser Nouns 13 AEPETITION OF NOUNS. 414. Simple repetition “The doubling of nouns expreses variety or uli. ce dh dl Fgh oh wr I at iat at a “anwipr ae ome mt shop wb LS Sd Se anos pg oa ‘Never othe igh een 1115 _Repetiion wih an ocho word "Nous (and ahr part of specs are sometimes repeated with a ying eho word, often on beginning with ¥-y. Echo words beginning with © have no meaning oftheir own; hei uncon iso generalize the mening ofthe fat word. Sometimes so echo ward has a meaning fis own, but it independent occurence i much es regent than te occurence i th compound eae iva Sorting like hey ( dh a, mieman fc ABh 2349, Vy STE ava postman 6k STE post iy DY pla vil seler of tree (

lta 405 yo - aban - kahit ‘This set of adverbs describes location in a pice ahh means ‘here (oar Tocaton), wah means "there (ar loestion) ab Aah means "where (questioned location), = ame Sh on IS eiiyatta cals $a BENS by Be oe hn va a a nat rab 8 Oho W ly ap a appt ai? ‘Wherein the apt ested” {ahi whee i used in elatie causes, See $0. 56 _ Urs An Essontat Grammar 406. idhar- har - Kiar “This et of advert describes moverest oars a place har means ithe’, “ere oda teas "thither thee and dba ane white’, Toa certain extent, the adverbs desenbing location: ahs whi nd Lahn are ‘Sho wed wo deuribe movement, ths aequrng sme ofthe anton his se = gasps hr oe Come her, 00 WS Stars atl BT OM in eal dirs pis VE Krab th iar se big ‘The pice came from ht sides) eh Ne fom cis side Wty he pal sates vo har adh th it Tooke ay oa fe hase tum Harner Wren? Also tae caleba am ahi a Whereare you ging? ‘Adar, wheres in the relive case of lative conclave sentences, See sn 407 isjgah us jgah kis aga ‘Teechique nn ag, pace (), peed by an obigue sings dementias, onthe oblique of Ky oi sometines sed a an adver of place, describing the spel lcation of something wale Filip Cl Bed jaguar ako ph Ina sport landlord's wenn bas cen urd 8 SHS le chr xb eB kis aga pat bal? Advarve 57 Jiagah nh place thai used ia the elie cause of lav corelave festences, See $1110, 400 istraf-ustara-kis rat ‘The obiqu aoun wa, “decon’,eig"(), preceded by an oblique singel demonseative of he oblique of hy or may be wed as an adverb of place, describing movement ina decton ng Sh AOS ate yi i ik AS mab is tra Me Nazis house nin hs cieton, 8 ib Soe (xin ki raf Th which tection the post ofc? istar,inbe dection ta i sed in he elative cause of lative comeaive sentences See SUL 409 Obiques as advurbs of placo Some common adverbs of pac are made rom (a acne. inthe masculine lique singular cae and rom ()reurs,i prases consisting of a abigne oan preceded by an oblique demonstrative m many instances, the adverbial ei mach more common hus ue as an jective now. Adjectives 25S ale.low > mt, blow ee Hy publ ist, previous > pal st previously BI bis iy akt-> aa, sake HOLL iyi eft baz tothe et Nouns ET ST take tp, epg + ak aera oo © lane Me a e+ AE bein, Bak Zo CC sakes + mn, ppt rosin ont ‘58 _ Urdu An Essontial Grammar Nom tae STA SA ist on etal a is Teeter oD rr mend hi ry ee bi, powers Sab Stes ing et ‘Toe amy evencal (ove wad Now Ya est aja pe the rear the army Aovera SF be cams oS Seinen ‘retry ret none a. Aone jl> aad tow wall poms SeT ae me Come dowa sta). Aneesh oll aye at ‘be lethand poms gile Soll Bier ye Pease rn et 410 Advert phrase or compound posipostion? ours wed as adr, such tara, jeg ima, gc can als occur in ompoind posponuons. Here hey we usually preceded by the poses kS (ae A Soe §5274530. UT OS Sate ‘sa japan BE py Inplace ote mecanc Ms son bas come ae FOS bY nk pie ba ‘The gardens behind ie howe. ADVERBS OF MANNER, Sia ‘Thee is 0 Yu (a member of hiss A cai, "hase isin noms ope ith ee 23 $1120 inane eas why Sen eon jets yaotaie dowie i ‘ammerofesting 8 crue Ue oS i smi a bat Shy eo acreanig? 492 a vas hihi Ala ‘tke haa “ke hat kai “ow” and ue sch a (See Table {in 30) ae adjectives, butmay be used a adverbs of mans sal ia the tmacain oblique singular ase, As aver jl and abt occur in lave: fovea sentences (61117), eu! evo! seas assuans Doitths my. aay) ais way wae OS pe oan os ‘ata ma a Dot ndesame way st A on SE tanta art Tow eg geo ou? 58 Urdu An Essential Grammar Nom es STA ert intat inpthann Tei ete bp mend otis Gi abi, pwn £03 Sos Sona S ees Nom eng gg fay pict thereat ary owe fe amc Sopateed ‘aay lt nr tc ‘Aosseme 3 is ve Slow wal Aovere Sel as sce Come down (ui. Anmeve 434 ull ayaa thele hand home ile Sa tl ‘ier ys Pas tne 4410 Acvatbia phrase or compound postpesiion? Nouns wed as adverb, such attr, jag imal, Age can also oar in ‘compound postposiion Here they ar usually preceded by the posiessve (dei Se §8274530. AT be Be Sea niet gb gy ‘pte ote mechan, Nana buco Advorbe 59 sas tt SOK pb by kan i phe The gutden's behind house. ADVERBS OF MANNER, 401 yh hyn jh Thetis no vu) member af thi st A conelave, yh, thas is ed ily nim together with ae $423, $1120, yneans ‘tus: ean why Son evox yas yamais Dottie tis ‘ha manne ofspeaking 5 te SH smal 6c il a al? ‘Why is Mane sreaning? 492 ah visk Kail = ju sa ike his’ ash, “ke ha, ais, "ow” and jus, ‘such (See Table Tin $30) ae aectvs, bat may be used a adver of manera in he seuline obique singular ase. As adverbs ji and vas cca relatve= Comes sentences (S17), a3 Pe hea asia Doth way uray) ais way Hen OS gt oe Ss al ar jad aie bard Do (a) inthe sme way dit, BB eS ES ta hf Lal hat Faw ba tng et hone? (80 Urdu An Essential Grammar 419. istanh-u tar kis tanh ji tara “The oblique moun wre, “kind wey’), preceded by an oblique singular demonstrative or the oblique of ky os smeties wed as an aver of ‘mana, describing the speci mamer of neve! or acbon 2S phot ‘eerah ews istaah mets ‘in wha way’, how bat also usd iomatcly, merning ow mich PO he ‘nek parm is ra phd? How di do te hose? Such oS yt Ki a ait How mich are te onions? jis tara, inthe way that used i Be elaive clase of relative coeative sentences, Se §1119 4414 Aerial phrases of manna with he postpostion sé ‘Te postions added to nouns, forms adverbial phases of manne. aly 33) TUL he alin a 2 iy (ce, fore + Salim ot teting and seeamed lol. + Yl orc) SoS oe tt oe ra mad are ( me GS ka todo +S bed 13 atc give be we unas whearwiiten > im Rear fen ‘Double antiv and atetie srs oe formed by he adn of tenement ‘UG othe roe (4803). Double caustive ses are farmed by the addon of ‘heincrement vf (~-Iv) the ($81). Toilet ve ti a necessary to koom whether on desling with x ver oot or a derived ste, 5 verbal ‘Sonnac ae formed fom os and stems inte eame meter. One must remember tht the dried sem of oot ilferent verb fom the rot. and haa ifrent meaning oe mabe tite 4 aaa (6808) oF tar do +15 tar ease be done (810) ee ihe + Ys alt casero be gvea $810) e Meibetisen 4 Le sane, case tel (6811) oF tar do + kar, aust do (6811) ‘Te sbjneive (608), roquet forms (4610) fre ($11), comanctve parle (612) aod continuous frees (614-5617) are formed fom the verb roo or em) The ver root aleo oie wit the modal verbs sk to be abe” ‘how ity (618), and witheuks, oe ished show completion (6520, 188 Uru: An Essontial Grammar 602 inntive ‘The infoiive is the form ofa verb which sven in dctionais 1 bas the sulfocad, and maybe alee Kea mascuie noun. (ea st to eaten 5 tama (1) wo, 19210 perfor, ‘The nfinive is sed as a verbal noun ($639), a a sequstform ($610) sin lnfistval constructs showing necessity, adsablty,obigabon, mince, ‘the agent, pemision,parpose nd negative ase G642-4650), 603 Importectve parila “Tae impefoive patil i fama rm he rat by the ation of he presen saint (= =o, which ected ike ajective to apse wth nous or pronouns in gender an rmber (sm thea tse > sum herng tsteing GS tam 1040 +S tat doing (LS tard toca tbe done + US kari, xing be doe Fons ofthe inpertectve partic (nnd wear Sweaun Puna, Muccune ee am a) Fovune a ee “The feminine plural six i occ inthe aia preset when he auiiry Is oped ia negative setences sunt, a “The inperfeive partie ea verbal adjective. It may be wed a an active (G90), bu te most imporant function is contribution ofthe aspect lneompiceness othe tense system. Inpefective tenses deci aeons cr aes hich ae oot complete. Moat mprtective tenses are Auta they describe ‘tions or ates which occur general or regal. They inl he Raia ‘reset ($62), baba past (624, bbitalconliona (623) and babi resumpive ($625). The smple reais (22) denial wih he spective uri. The imperfactveparicple i used in sequence ith rb hom ‘Sonoution (4626) and ato stow progression (4627. ‘Tabla 1: Overview of Aspect, Tonse and Nod (ie am ofthe negative showin parentheses fer the forms) nitive a, to come! Basie orm of vod soot Simpl constructions (ibe comes eight come vou gh (+ mb) ew come Aspoct covmucus rss (exw ast) Complex consivctons Prosont ‘comtmcns PRESET vod rab bai (+ mai) Past comwcus mast sod rbE (+a) was coming Ccondtiona cormmucus onoroNn. (aaa) vo th (a) Anes coming Prosumptve covmauous mesure vod rah bs + mb) fe mast be coming rots coxuous es (Cafe conétons) (age rah hat + a) (Goh were coming 90 _Urcu: An Essontil Grammar Vos 91 (apa 0 56) obehad come (cureeeonve sree) wou ai(s oa) te comes vou thas ma) Revsed come (age) vo BERS ms) (GO pecomes oR bg ahi) (aga vo mB (+) (che came eps). renner wos (mnt) Necane runcrualoas renee (rewecrve aspect) ouyt bisa hehascone ody (emt) tea come; be cae, (aga) voRya HS) (nehascome woyh ho pA nat) emus have come (age) voy nk) (Ghetad cone 604 Pertectve pari ‘The perfective pric it formed from the root by the aon of the ps tind (--8 ~~, which is nected ike am adjective to are ith or or pronoun in peer ad number less mmm oer, sen + sa ard Lest to case be done tary cased io be doe Forms of he perfective parcinie (ann hese Snow Pru Musoune nt aw Fame et sith When hem. sand ora of the pas sufi ate added oot coding in vowels te rot vowel andthe si wowed combine slows He WE Met UY khieaen in sg) Ato at mee > eayh gonetmse) Bek BE wsleep > ye wy septimse) E> i dnnk = piv dankim se) Keio 1 pldsnk = Gy phdrnk es) ibs 1 edisgive Gs pweleg) Five vere have imepular perfsive stems at shown in Table 16 on p92 "The perfective prices a verbal adjective. Tay be used asa adjective ($907 ut is most portation cntban the pet of completeness tothe tense sytem, Peretve tenses desrbe actions or sats which are ‘Somplted. ‘They ate also punctual: they desc actions or tates cceing ‘nce Tey inlie the immediate past (631, rem past (632), conditional ast (633), and presumptive past (4633). The simple pst (630i deal tithe perfective pipe The perfective participle eed in sequences ith ‘Ha po to form the passive (634) and with Kamo dot show habit, (630. $2 Urdu An Essontal Grammar oblo 14: trogular perfective paps fe a ” ” ey ie tee fe eh ces ef ££ # ke ow am a = = e a ee & © & o3 ow am 3 & 2 & e 4 ¥ 2 o o fue om me ‘THE VERB hind, ‘TO BE" {605 Tho conugation of hia “Table 15 shows the present, pst an! future conugtions of the vr a (For infomation about he pronoun ia the ble, see 4202-5204) “Table 18: The present, past, subjunctive and future forms of hid Present tee ofa, Smowsn Istperon arc mai Tam. mf 2nd person ae hal You se. mf) 3rd pon By vob He shea Pum latperion ere bambaith Weare (mf) 2nd person Se tums Yousre. (mf) cei hai Yous (mt) 3rd person leet vohaith They ae. mt) Verbs 99 ‘The preset forms of hl apis wi th objet sous o pros in pert nd umber Negaives e made wit wah (417). In aemphae negative eee, preset forms of hid ate dopped (ye mel Wp maa bal This sty Ma Py yeep aah) Past tse of Wik Smaan Spent =U er mam) = Tas Andperon yah G9? MEAL) = NCE) You ne. dalpenon Garay Yom) BN) Haste, Puan Tspemon—ag= Gg ge ami) = (0) We wre 2adpenon agape) tame) ~HHH You were SE- BF tense )~im 6) You vere sudpeson “Laas ghey voreom) inf) They wer “The past tense forms of ae adectvl and are with he noun o Fronous In gnder and name, The oegative used with hepato i mae nd ‘cecal (407, Sete od ot ik Seow Tapeion yr erm maple fo. 2nlpenon wes 9M Youmyhoade (m0) 3elyeser So vo Hestestmayitolste Pum Tape seer Ham Woman aniyenon Stam Yavin be. mf) oT tpt Youmsytuishe emt) Swipe yay WRB Tey maybe me) ‘The sajenctv forms offal agree withthe sbjet not pronoun in person snd puber- Negatives ae made with a ($417. Te fs ptsn igul orms tthe subjunctive and ofthe present ze idewtcal the Context provides the !nfomationnecenary to datinguih er, ‘94 Urdu: An Essontal Grammar Verbs 95 Fur tone of hak Smaan Ipenon Fae ae msi gb.) Sager Ibe Yad peren You wilt.) You willbe (6 3d pence He, ibe. Stewie. ©) Puna Istpeson Weve.) Sore tambangt — Wewtitee) andpeoon Sh NB You wilt oct tumbsi —Youswllte.() Sion tyra st — You wilte m) Ford wits Youwitte eigenen “S Gyrny voRithgt They willl im) Sons vohadg They wilte t) The fare ese of ha is fred by ding ef sat gk #9 the aabjunive fre, Altgh sss wren seater in ‘rio, The ttre vf inject, and agree with the nou or promo in grader and number. The fom ofthe negative sedis mai (817). The Cate tense fbi xpeses both utr and pesuption, Example Hon) oe et anes Bay Tuyfamctn te otce eit oT I po JF ‘mene Sc iin cl is The weer vse yr yi Teter sairscon le ep pL Ca ae SF om ote lee! mee Sh gr maa ach ham sari g2 he weathers good, we wil go fora wa. 8 ae el ee SS ee hy ‘io nl al mam ch og Tree on te tht be weather wi fie ona Ha) IS ot ort oie So ‘wet eld ya th maga ab i (is) ‘My dings wereright here, bt now hey eat Sar SU ge gine ine FT ‘pica ua vost mh Bs gf Your tga ars They mas bathe cabinet 606. hid as an aur vero Te the Usd vera system, the ese ofthe airy verb la determines the ‘eno the verbal onstacon (Tale 13 0 ges 89-9 {Present ene coinoat present, habal present and immedi pt) suc famed with he preset tense ofthe ania. (@) Past tenses (comiquous pst, Nabil pst and remote past are formed with th pastes ofthe ality (@) Conditional tenses (contnvous condition, habitual conditional and ondiona pst) are formed with he subjunctive med of te aula. {@) Presumptive tenes (continous presumptive, abil presse and esate past) are fomed withthe future tense ofthe ax. DENOMINATIVE VERBS (607) Denominative verbs ae ve phases consisting of no or adetve pls a8 inte vet They ae very fequen in rd, which as borowed Perso Arte oun, adjectives and dived vebalelenent, such as Arbic parties (G1s0-f102) and Persian reser and past ems (1406 extensively. An Uda ‘tbs added to these lane mort reqoey Ean (bet a ogre ea, {ake hd,’ ang, to ake ou, lag. 6 apply, wn “0 ‘sand ab, top abo ect). English Bcowings are eine he “he rmtve of droning eb soe by big seal regi inane ver ich a ha fr fark (ee 4807 or examples 196 _ Urdu An Essontial Grammar Wen be pas sot formed with Kad ti exenia t check the dsiontry ‘0 fied he nsansiv, Denominaive veo ar ated under the noun aetve ‘which xs the ea ofthe pase. "The fected verbs sn Jeomioalve verbs cllcate with (ae) differnt pospestion in senences (877) These cllocatons most be leaned log ih ‘Benda ere Gree rx 2X zat ar ohana X SF Up Se kX Bieta tobe onoured USI x AAsamaglng arto smele X Ay Uyy ARE SK A samaghing hak X oe smoggld ws oe oe XB izat ,1o sow respect toX Se oy Om KABY at lad Xt be boncued by Y Lee Koe KR Rat dk dete SYS Shin ote tend Ua ee XE mc id oases doy of X Wei S* XAT sinned ok ae responbliy fork Ugh one FX AL hn ae espn fx UG le il ata. pare, pune in poe \VERB FORMS BASED ON THE VERB ROOT 608. subjunctive ‘A vetb is wed inthe subjunctive mand when it describes a aston or sae ‘which is uncerai in some way, or which is coningent on something es. Hence the suluncive ls often tied in condition! setences and subordinate (dependent) clauses Certain conjunctions, adverbs tnd phrases requ the subjunctive "Te subjunctive i ot a tense, When alti tte conte of he while seotence. including he ene ofthe eb the main lus, a be considered “able 16: Foes of he sbjunctive ad ‘odo ‘Snows ueperson 2nd person Speen Pune Istperon 2nd person 2 person The vers Ba, ak “opine Snowsn Iscpeson 2nd person Sad peson Puma. 3rd person Jind oaake® Snewn latperon 2a person 3d person Pure person 2nd person Sea person oe ese Fig ere 28 esa ase “be ($60), et re ae en ate oe sch hartia ‘ws voles amare ‘um ard telat vores, may do.) You may do. (mt) He, het may doo) We may doin) ‘You may dm) ‘You may do. (e) ‘They may dom) oie an a to take! ae inegul pleas vole may sve fm) You may give. (mt) He, she, tay gv Weenaysive-(mt) ‘You may give. (af) ‘You may give. nt) ‘They may given.) may the (mt) You may uke) Hee may take. Wermay take (af) You may kent) You may ke (2.0) ‘They may whe (wt) 98 _Urou An Essential Grammar ‘Tee forms of he nbjenciv are with the subject noun or ron in pase ‘and number, Note tht sbjunctve ufixes do ct show gender The frm of te begave wed wih the sbjanetive ina (6417, ‘The subjunctive in main ciausos The subjunctive wed in main claves 3) in ating for permison o advice, (by inmaking a wish or expressing a peference (sn expressing encoropement, (@ in making an indirect command, (2) as one form of request (0 flowing ‘yad? maye' and Aad Ge), if only ang) in questions expressing doubt orvncersinty wd ST gaps — 8 i pil ot ‘mah andar snare, Bye ‘May eae Coral, one come oles ST ip hid tase Come: te ext = oe Sy iid tama ce Tell Hand ott sbut nae Sh tl ‘inf Peavedivecn ele. 21 atte Sp Tae ya en cd maar 3 Maybe this evening te moon wil be visbe(sighted) LS gee Oe BT ally TA adi had ner a ony the oon cgdgomaow wll i cca the nie my eget a wih hen sing expe he poy Cen andesite even he stjunstive vers oben pt in neue Ths ‘2 ctepon othe resin on empaths wth cmpound ve 77). > dam an oer in eg rt 2 eed ti 4 ty ao ances ei: Ma AL, wh Jou Ba at ‘enn yt Voroe 99) 1 be SS eS 9855 5 wl Gre Bile BI bead parm rab abi gir Don't pat such shan box up fn ace, alt ‘Te subjunctive in subordinate clauses Natal subordinate lass have vert nthe sbjunctve. However subordinate ‘aus re dependent clauses nds nheremlycominget. Certain conjneions find impersonal expressions hviag to do wit coniaget stations inredoce Ssbordinte lasses with vers in the subjunctive. They may be called ae, ie, that may rode causes containing the subjunctive. [blak + secnmve, nt, “ules iodaces relative suboriate clase (GU118 whieh may conan subjunave ie, “so that, Baar “on condion tha’ (51228) always inode clases withthe abun ‘Subordnatng expressions: mpersonal consinctons ‘Te flowing inpercrlexressiosintoduce subareas which contain sabjuntve verb 5g cSt mumble, 's posible hat Ey citi needed tat Sg Soro math is necessary tat (Secale mimi ba ke, appropri a Sela made ke God pat hat ‘Sy Las! ska ke, et (should not be such at) ‘Subordnating expressions: personal constructions “The folowing vets invade subrdeate clauses which functions ie bees fai claves, ad which conan vers inthe subjunctive (SGT AA fara i, suppose (hat) (Sse syne mabe eto be compelled, blige to (let ea ke, owas) (SUA Js (15°) KLE) lethal (1 fel ike WSUS to fam ein eqs toy (0) 100 Urdu: An Essential Grammar "Nov: many Sbortinating expressions may alo itadie thea See 560, ‘Unfilled wishes, conjecture and eee examples obese came Sg oS ‘mui a ema vat ne me 1s possible dat | might nog scholarship. on deo Se tt eS ole ii tam neh pe pre ‘Neoughtonach hoe bene dat 2 She IS cour ‘arti op ks neces ha py the money ty. 1 Sle de ay nani He Tlss xc ar Kenan XS waite mil ‘May God grat at Naja gt te echolrhip! ded IOS LN at oe oT ‘bisa, ia i eal na il Buy ttn, et ibe unvalabetomonow! we LB ee LB Sap ype she Duka i a ein mt nt ar The goverment is compelled inceise the powers, Op MEE Se nF Bd ‘ari ein i Sipser lens hae 298 oT oe ag ale Ue th onc mai bh ai Daddy wanted ne Beco emporan person 28 BHI STIS HS 1 tar ei KS al on Tey att gvetruble to anyone. Verbs 101 609 Condon sentences Cosson entences const of to clases, Te fit condition late, nly Beis with aga 5 Te econo resale, begin wih tea fen dle, riely (41202. may ao Be eae, by fb (61112) 08 y= (6106 4110, ‘ids condo senienes belong to eno base cage: fale conn, an fied contests) Vfl onion sees, ‘so elled “onary oat sentences, esrb condition which have not been, Futabie condone Fullblecondons inte a) ose that wl probaly be me. and) conditions hichare peared tobe me When the ver inte condion clues joie rin one ofthe impefetve tenses (present or fue), the condition resis ‘pen-ende Is possible or even probable that he codon wl be me bat it i ot heppeed yet oF sao Jet confirmed. Theres til posiiy tat the codtion wl fl "The verb in th rest lus provides the contest of the res (a presen real future reel or command), athe ese ofthe Sentence. ‘When the ver inthe conto ie i nthe simple ps the action in the ‘enon clause ether) complet (andthe contin wl ave been me oF (the perfective aspect i sed to afr the raul provided the conden it ‘) erfective tenses ennot be wid nthe condition clase i tere is tle eibood of he condition Being et, orf the ation slong Pssbtyprobabity:condtion inthe subjunctive or the hure 22 WT a AS Je ‘earl gi 201 a 8 Tosh, pt ite pts expt iti bat) saps Sd eT ASS arp ars fj a ka vo ar sak ad Ityou'dorresthe tient, be could de (hnk you might a dos.) Cire fo oi, The nes me a se mle om seg my 102 _Urcu: An Essontal Grammar no EFS tr yy Oem TS nt ‘ai aa pn rad i 1K a ahh Fe, ou willbe dagraced alongwith een hr 0 ha, fa tins) Fos SAT ge ORL ls 55 psi g slew £1 ‘gar vo chin par qadam raw ap lk jag har ar gt he setsfot on he moon, he wil st vp tefl of oan. (8 posible but nike simpe past ver is not posible) Prasumed present fac: condition nthe present or habitual present 22 ITS 2 oF bef ‘el axe alt 5 65 Ieee put the abs. aks tam, bt het) a pase BS oi HU ar TS ‘eK wai if an ar Ba vo aed Tyo don eat patente could de (You dont seem te dings) Completed acten/attimaton of resu: contin nthe simple past se Rr U ss MU ar STS ‘Bitpmcat nin Etro dia pana pare oe asad on Sonar Same io Seemanetn sere ipa wad Tye et ar ol co al Youre pte mde thin tajortcantnacel joes) Untutteduntitable constions (reais) When imperective participles witout uaa ae usd in bth the coin clause ad the result las, the sentence desrites 2 filed condon, or condion which imposible to ment reali). Has SAE age FD Bl 5 LA pb g Sle Sh ‘geo cpr adam ak po mal jt Lr ar tt ithe had serotn te oon bewoul eve op th gf county. Cie edo ena the ace rogeane) veroe 103 sth pas Bn De a oI SI et ay nan 0 mrad ‘you’ wate pt he mold have du texte im) Pt aS aay FAO IE eile TH arp rvs mh lap chant andr 8 Tf yu had Jacked te don, ow cold the te ave go He gti.) Sar ih re Bo Gon a3} ge sr a ab yd ie Ba were five longer it woul only be to mat ike sis) When th condition cause ends inh (= th ~ th) ove in the emote pst the condion has lo fale ut the Sentence sugges Ut there is sope for ‘cuton onthe eubjct. PUT oe SUI se eye BTS tae po dvd ply a i ait a yt Tea ce te er, ee ta tir tiyoer ep yur io eevee be et pata) Unatite wishes, conjecture and regret (reais) Conjunction, impersonal expressions snd ves which aarmalyrequie the sajunetive ay take te imperfesiveparicple to show nlsais (cojectre, ‘gle ot). Helis may also be wed In plac of he subjunctive fo wish fr Bi nae TS a a tegen pt en ata Serpe yo a sah mo <8 We ily? we UE Se Sans hand gt ‘out etd er = Are eT Ae fap bate ae {wish you ad not goes (ou) wae 108 _ Urdu An Essontal Grammar orbs _ 105 Complex conionlsertances Table 17: regula request fomss Precis dsictins of aspect can be expressed in condo sentences oth Poor Parencousr sew Pours neoest rom fala dina). Se $617 Comimus conden comsnuos rel), : 625 (ata onditona. tus! eas), nd 8633 (Conon pst pxt tx. 60 4 an ke iat, tae = & Gus age wave oF ce 610 Roquest toms, aan ae a os Request foms corespondg ot, tm and ip eames There are the asc evee of eqs forms in Ur, comesponng tthe tse second person proaoun th tam and Hp. Soe §203 for a discussion of these pronouns “The se ofcompound ves (Chaper 7) with he vector vets dnd ak {is very common with request forms, but pricy ith the mid: ti ve fms, where they poi to the reciprocal transitions which take pice in he sebdary relationships wheretam i offen ud. Love evel oust farms coesponding consist ofthe ve ot alone. = rts ‘aa Eatgoe) foo, aed iidinatad 6 (ow step aby. got seep Midlevel request forms coresponding tom consist ofthe verb rot withthe sux idee 1 Secon persor plural (emlevel)sbjuncive foes). They ‘se wsed towards person addresod wih the pronoun is, PTC we S ee Gee revs 08/0, arb eat Eston foo owe slerpnows iis ie VG ge Jel gmreis 3 hb T nv th cat ‘When you go the market do taleme slong! Polite eqs fam comesponding oH consist ofthe verb root with the sui (= iy) for most vers. iis add o most os ending ia ong Vowels 8 Isadded trots ending consonants Four vers hav eg stems, 5 shown n Table 17 on 105, 2 a a ie ese walk Pease po EWU = ger! Soto nape sien ase ene st oa)900 wae 28k gmc Zebu Sita valine aie hen you othe markt plese akee on. Courteous formal requests maybe made by sifting pt an fp evel eqs, nue dls ST gall oaks 318 gate le bch Big, aka sib ab a8 le ih Pease ster, the door son his ay 20. Other requast forms “Te nitive may be used sa rquest thai etal wih espect wo honoii Tevels ($203), tis appropri for neural requestor impersonal tu wt ST fos 3! Ue ll = Sp aati mop arn rg lak Tu leftat tects and wake ore mete fer UW ibe ge oh 8 Foe WS et BY Pi pi tl band id pa mina ew oid Fonte weer hog bal ter fe antes “The sujonetiv, $608, p 103) maybe used as request form. BRA Olin ssl Jae SO ‘i ea ph ar aby a ‘Bayon eh rt and vegetables, 106 _ Urdu: An Essontal Grammar _ penastte = “Table 18: Forms ofthe ute pet SS Lex det cx > oe id pa bpd an en ae Defoe wating ert eer tet Snowan us appropriate to mak forma pote quent strange of cq super Iatpenon aS yr mali hagh Twig) sts (peso ese wih po n honor i sng veto pst ih Sexo oe maitre gt tdo.t) ‘te shonobl se (See HGS or mare eas) antpenon Sap tas Younlldom) ovis Sess tims — Youwildan®) tat lak sripenon “Bases whats Heitwilda im) ‘bring nes hoouable sl dak. come) Ses wits — shestwildo.e) 8 aye Me Sots Sel yes Vedat eT Pune iy ipa yt at ks? Ineson Sos er mil gs— Wevilldo.(n) mein come iow aa el 900 oo e eens ea = BOTS: ays 9565 WUT andperon 3,52 tums You willo.(n) ld yy ee, nye Fare wats —Youwites Teal ready plese cone nde ise ratcesag aia 65 ays FEST tpewsag — Yoowitdo.t ta aig antpenon “Su Soy soba They wil dom) to pico honounbe elf (aia i, mj Ba epee) 4 eg vwineag — Thrywildo(t) = 85 i be — jin, yaa arr aie Supe thee wa iapeon oy ee maida gt wl given) 611 Future tense oy oo minds Pai aeepean Sess wee ‘You wi ave (m) ‘The fate tense (Table 18 on. 107s formed by ang the fue sulin san see ea (8S -W S ywtesutynctve fms of eb, The tre si i 7 foe ee ae cn ‘seta ard es wih enor pronoun i gener ae. Aen Poel oman seamen in person, swell mumbo, is shown by the veb's subjunctive base. The form Sere wees ote agave ied emai (617). pe nat Ma fs we we Tnpenon Sop ge mete Weise) ‘mega 2 amdegh Welle ©) eumpton’s expres yang te ae of id comin 7), Jo * abitual (625) pst (5633) tense ve 108 Uru: An Essential Grammar ndpenon S956) md gE Youle om) Fob wma —— Yousillene Sue ween — Yount pve Swe F wane Youwit gee) swipe Spo) vodetngs They wll ge fm) Foe vodka theyre) Bxanpies ASF oh as AIC IE by ol oe lS es va sonata chp ‘These gomgto Kare wil eves 920. Et Ke oe am ar mil mh eg Weil inn ever diay = 8 oils Dery oo JL ‘i ei it asf Nex year wil got Ind ST bse gore ST sma ph vd pr but arg Twi ly 0 yor rome 612. Conjuncve partes Form and function of conjunctive parcples ‘The root of ar la sad tthe root of any ves ko make &covnNcrNE rasrsts Conjutctive prtcpes tansform to separate bt related cancer [nto single sertence which hows two actions or events happening in swcession, ‘The wo clauses mst havea he sume subjecand verbs ae same ease “The frm ofthe negative Used with conjunctive participles au ($817, however negate conjunctive parcpes re wnsommon ES (hI Toile oe ssi hare parka Tl gone wn wil eros 100 Fay lt Se oe so gh Lari gh Twllgbone ade (ng goons wl. 2s Oo sal J ake sali pa arith yt ‘Salina studied snd tok the examination, ee Olea aby nae selina 8 por arin yt Sama sted a tok the examination The sequential order of the two aims becomes unambiguous whee the conjunctive parle replces te fit et "wil ret afer go home. "Sai Shed before aking the examination” Atemate form root + KB of conjunctive partes ‘The conjunctive paris ofa itself eno + 6 805 Toh 6 00S oe ‘si Rm ari an Toilet anes OST SS ‘md i kar ken rich Tl work and (cen Yl ‘The alternate for oot + Bs often wed to form conjunctive prpes with other verbs ax well (though conjunctive pts with Marae the writen anv, and more sommon, ag), Las ail Sah ppb ets bast Stay before yourest! ‘Shor absotutves The verb root alone may function like a conjunctive participle (the some sound, Short absolutes we incorect a moder tandard Ur But may 10 Urdu: An Essential Grammar rneveriess be ound in texts, partly elder ones. SS es aS oe Sgt in ikea uch Ba gay “Thre was so much wae tha it hve everything a. Ieiomatc prases with kar ar ded to, specin 1 form the pase ol, ss a, ‘ptculay* (ith he ane meaning 5s tarp) yh a ian "ow Shae SOT t saat ye ar aa ow dit happen Bike his? CConjunctve participles in sontnces with impersonal consrutons ‘When the second clase i an impersonal constuction, the clauses may appr tobavedifleren adjecs: 8 ake gore il Stok atria Sahoo oc ptm The subject ofthe fit las isan ome pronoun ham, wheres the sbjet ofthe second appear to Be mise But sabae mile gb is a impersonal ‘onsuction, andthe verb agrees with tbe diet object samt while the ral ‘bjt ofthe second cla anomie ham KB. (See $506, £641.) Sch cm del Ss! Sete de oe am wh i ara ch i i a Wont eter ad nevi gpa cmos Mas ransiivy with conjunctve parcpes “The verb in hein cause (lou, the second vec) ithe erence verb and etrmines the tasty of the sentence Ifthe main ver is tanstive, he ‘stat flloned hyn i the ver eae prtective (929), Ifthe min ve ‘sinvansive, the ene nen i reed at mrsstve, ands ot ed SS Som ‘ea par ar har py Haviog sued I wen home sO Se 3m tei ape ‘vig geome, oie Verse 111 613 Repoatod roots conuncive parkas ‘When the ver oo in connie patil i repeedhe action of he verb tere akes 3 period of time or cet cortiucuay Bi wes ASS Sod acl ‘pai gn irs tape sine Hecate money seca lr ptig tins bag FS) SL Ye be eT asl SU Uy rah bdal ada ar aur est a ab ar its "espe theatre ist sing a ing Changing postions) ard seding Tears. San Ret) 614 Continuous tonses Contingous tenses have umarve spac they describe actions or ses which ‘ne incomplete and in progress. They have he allowing stu ‘inn Koor+ fa ~ a= ab + nls nmin ens ‘abs he perfective paricipe of raha, toy. remain’. is elexicalied (has lost it orpinal meaning) and furtioos asthe continuous partepe: sesh te subject nun of pronoun in gender sod aur ke an adjective Foran overview of continuous ess, ee Table [3 on pages 69.90 Forte ly verb a, ee $605 4606, 818 Continuous prasant ‘The continous present tense (Table 19 om p. 112) describes scons ots ich are incomplete ain progress tthe ne of peaking. The preset ene of teary fused and he verb ares withthe rjct ‘The form ofthe negative abi (817, although negative sentences in the resent cominuou tense re rae If negative preset continu dos occu Tre ausiiry may be droped Examples we Tas atl oly ‘i abs ghar Brotteris coming home nw. 112 _Urcu: An Essontal Grammar “able 18 Comino pasar tse ofa Sau Iatpenon yey yer mab larabt BO Tam cing.) Gees Se mira Lam dive.) dngperson lg Sigh Warr eo Fs whanith sedpeson “2 Se woke 29 volar Yow re dig) ‘You re dig (0) He, ing Sesion.) Pana, penn egy) Spe MamrBE DA We se ding) SSS tamara Weardoing andpesoe yeep Se tambarabBRO Yow ae dig) PSE wmtwatens Youre ding ©) FBT serarntenaian — Yoose dine a) SESH wtarnbitan — Youur dine ©) sedpence “regs ay vokarnbehaih They ae ing.) SSS votaentihai They we doing.) (exanpts) sao ah 2 SNS hos aa ti pp aha Farid sting or exams hse dys nog Sats Ja viata nc pct ‘alan eae tig nap dear Bot Sint So cage ‘itp ea mp nt Fes ey rept ta) tng Continuous tenes do ot occur with ag “Yo remain’ a a sertence verbs the bil pcseat used ined Voros 133 woe gd Nl a at ine mem 8 abi have Ben living in Labre for wo years “The comtinaus presen is so ued oder a fete action wich ale ego. or which considered a begun, meta Tl Sed yee 59.455 ce Set ‘MK alr cap ps ra (kay, pa dow the reve Tam ony ayo you 616 Continuous past ‘The continuous pst tense deserter actions sates which wer incomplete and Jn progress ata point in the past The pst ese ofthe aula i ed. The ‘evap wth he eae Te fr ofthe negative mah (6417), ‘Table 20: Continuous past tose of kam Swouan wiper Ser mar Is dng) Eo mar at Ta ing Bndperon Us y 58 WharabE AH You were doing (m) i Tp Glare OT Youwee cing (6) Srapeson Ly Sy wokareEIA He, twas doing (m) Ha Sy whaeniit Sheva dong ©) Puma Inpenon 26 gy Sipe are Woes ng.) EGS pe Mmtarnbt ai We wer doing.) dndpence Za cy Sp! MMRERS EE You were ding.) Se temtarnbi aie You were doing (6) a el plants You vere ding) BEST wrwrnbitie You vee ding sedpenon pce) 09 volmrRBE They rein) EBs tants tite Tey ere doing) 114 Urdu: An Eason Grammar amples Ee A tee ly TA le ‘al phar dab ju bas xt bs al Bother war coming hose yesterday when be bus broke dows, nat cos th 2 S Obes ops Shans ed iia a al Frid war sting ea ing) os ay =F att de wd st Sa fas fasdh a8 probe ‘zal and Farida were dking. or SIS go Sot iS pita og Sb tam ree See eee tn we wee seg ra ate lad 0 econ ese to Seva ALE ALT pS oe gs Hoe mihi ae Act pa BE Tass siting down when te le fe chai broke WE AYO ga orn at he ot sh BB job apg Taro hen ego be hake 617 Otrorconinous tonsos “The commons cosmo: tense is wed to deserbe incomplete, continuing ‘tions rates wich may be happening a theme of peaking. The subjunctive Suna sed andthe ver ares with the subject. The las is inoeed ‘by won ie yada, mma ba, (608). The form ofthe neptive tn (Ger.asisalaye te cave wih bjunctive verbs cael TAS Sis ol Sle aE yada vat ar Fab Maybe broberscaminghome right no. Verse 115 AP BBS Chg SW oes Sl ‘gern a a ion TT Nasin woking on ere The comoous sinners wil to desribe incomplete, coming actions sts wich one presume fb happening abe tine of ape ‘The future tense of the auxiliary is used, and the verb agrees with the subject. ™ Sey Seis Se Sw gh au a at phar ra Itsfiveo eck; brather must becoming me now. 2S 9 9 FAS ge Soke ol ar sn ts a ar nb isn st working hs ooeton ‘The cosrmous masa is wie to describe unreized continous actions oF sates. The perfective participle of haste salir, and the verb apres ith he sabes. eli Foes ON 5 Uap y To $1 ‘evo dra he, us tly Ihe were coming {onthe ay), we woul ave rcive iste. 618 Root + sank (abity, possibilty) ‘The moda ver sl shows the bly wo pecorm an actin, the posit ofametentoosrng The verb vase asthe sre: ‘vn nor +d form of en ‘ska which sintansv,detemins the grammar ofthe snteninperetive lenses, smd apres withthe subject and ne not ued even if he verb fot telongs toa wanstive verb. The tee of aad determines the form of the negate (negatives are shown in Table 13.0 pages 89.99, sa Ue ele ‘Bs bace call My ld can walk, 28 ST cap cee es TUT le Any a inn va hai a Watdicoc be wor Bese cone Otero uy 116 Urdu: An Essontal Grammar nee IE NS ad 2 ut hye a aba A aka ha Towne this medicines (ao) Bite. we Se a Me Sah od ‘in mac a abi ska ts re pering the sy cul 619 Root + pind (possibilty) “The vei pl, to find may be wed asa moda, showing the possibility of an teson dependent on cumstnces most offen i cgative sentences). The verb hase hs he tet ‘ens nor inflected form of plik Ueda oda pd intransitive anaes with the subject. 2 BUT cael oe ytd SIS g Sapte tes ‘atid mas al ve nea ptt ‘Wabids bs be cn tmanageto come to tmarow's pay. Ny e595 lb 2 PT pr Tle US ote ‘Sena i chy ba el en oh pl “Te-hten made so much sce tht we conn wah he in nese In pepative sentences with pa he obi infnitive may be wed insta of the oan fa econd cae fellows, The second caie ually coins 3 verb of ‘tion Ia this cae, the epatve immediatly precedes a. AS ate BY OA SS LG SIS oe dae Kites oR nach th plared py cas pil ppt Titan mangedacach snl sh, when usp in so occu at «non moda ver meaning "Yo in’ to ge’, whereas ak nly occurs asa modal Ahough intensive ar 2 modal pag i wasstive then sed a sentence verb. = db ri efoto Obl J pe ‘jn fa ma acc aba pt ‘Anjum gor gon ruts (god ube nth examination. Verbs 117 6620. Root +cuknl (completion) ‘The modal verb cu shows complaton of a action or eveat roe 0 a eco tion or event, which may be expressed i the sentence, or be the event of ‘uation Io occur in perotve tenses. The verb pres the saci ‘ans Roo infected form of ak ‘ais sometines wanted as “aeady’, but it usually coresponds to an English pluto cu, which i iuanste, detains the grammar of he sentence tha in perfective tees, uk agrees withthe sujet ahd m6 no ‘sad even ifthe vet rot belongs toa ans verb, nat So 9 Arle SOS yl dy 8 ae nl ‘deh ap cy pa i gt par x eal i Tae to pt da Te ic had sung elven song an Beco sien sg tasep) wey fl he gt So 2 I inate Sass ma ci Melee ule car ohn San ed bat) 621 Compound verbs ‘Compu ers ae uanced verb Sequences with «stuctr similart x00" + ssknbornonr + cus yn nor nlc vecvoR na ‘Vector verbs lve thee lee messing, and combate vais punces tothe ‘meaning of the man era irate below. The commonest vec verb re ‘Ha dad stad Compound vert are described in Chaper 7 yori paie Presse rad his eter (on compound ver) sgmeahben yea pa ae Pease rsd this eter (10 me) (Compound Yt, vector dal) a ded abe ot yeratpah Please ead ths let o yousel (compound verb, vector a) 418 _ Urdu An Essontal Grammar \VERB FORMS BASED ON THE IMPERFECTIVE PARTICIPLE ‘With the exception ofthe mais, ver sctures hake onthe impertectve putcipe hae habia aspect they describe actions or sates Which ocr [teal oreo. Imperfecive tenses have the following scar: Fr an overview of habia ene, sc Table 3 on pages #90. Forte auiny verb, ee $05-560, 622 Impotecive partipies alone Inoais Inpereive pariciples without aires ae wan bok clase of conditional scotenees 1 deste afaled condo, ora condition Which s imposible © ‘mest (5608, “Unflfiledunfufilabeconditon The impefectve parcipe ‘may also te used in place ofthe subjunctive to show impossible conditions (609, "Unies wishes, conjecture and eget) ‘Nara inportectve “The imperectveprizipl is wed without an sul in naraion. Passages id verbs inthe naive impertetiv pial stat witha ver in the abit st (924), describing evens occuring epuly in the past. AS the aratve ties, the auxiary i roped, nd only the ingelective patie reas, £m Faden ys) oes ot Sle = ow 9 = A LE IE dy me SES See Se vo shar sia Bhs A ar gal ar oak {pnt pal Ke pil tate es eaten ato play hooky fom memoring hs) eens. He woul alt Ini ldo oes suga ce ian a eo (gaa ch Sesplendd igh of sain Re) 623, Habitual present The habiual present tense (Table 21. on . 119) éeseribes actions or states hich ocurgeerly regularly nthe present. tay aso be used to describe ‘The present tense of the auxiliary is used, and he ver agrees withthe snbjet Soe $1009 for aprennent wih mid subjects The form fhe negative Vere 119 ‘sabi (6417). In nepative sentences, the autliny may be dopped. The feminine poral six dh cov in the haat resent when the uur i roppat negative seniences a anh, tat ‘Table 21: Habitual prosent tense of kak Snowe Ispenon yy arma ah dom) we BS oer maha 1406) dedpenon eS) Mana Youdo(m) Soe e Marta Youd.) Sed peron et ee) 2 seo whasihal — Steines 6) Puna, stpescn foam karé ih We om) ee pe Mamba Wea (6) tndpenon oy SSS tule Yodo (mn) Soe wma — Yoda.) eet ptanttaih —Youdo() GST Whartaih — Youdo.(t) sedpenon eases kansas Theron) Ge olaihaih —Theyda it) Examples nae A oe UIE Heh oe we ‘i arr it i wee BIS a te Dt $i swyad men Brat pa al anos (ao fal herein he writer Compe wae HII et HTS ‘ea ape ped, bara prra bu eat warm tess snowing 120__Urou: An Exsonta Grammar neh eke yobs sar abi ja ‘This bus doesnt goto the own cent. ve Ba oe tam pro ih We sleepoe the or. nu de Sha se ‘mccr updeh al owgio se ar Immodiate hte BT ee int WS ad dole ‘id ro abrir, man The female sad the male: whoo he enemy approaches. aie 624 Habitual past “The abt pas tense (Table 22, on p. 121) describes actions rte which ‘occured generally regula inthe pst. The past ese ofthe aula ‘hed, ed the verb ares with th abject See 109 for agreement with mixed. ‘sje The form ofthe negative ish (4817). The bial pt is often ‘tasted as “used 1 (79) buts so wanted "ven ed, "waste (89) ing, depending othe come. With ave vers (ern describing» sat) such aba, Yo i, a, ois, sep bad remain ant ed, "o want te distinction tween past habia and past coninuos sass nt very Soa, Exanpies na gene MNES oe oh SoU le 1 en pcb phar a a ce ae Brother edo come ome at 5th evening no he come a6 =m BS Hw meh emi mn by Ba Inthe remmer we ee tin te paren ne een. ‘able 22: Habitual past tonso ofan Secu Tspenoe WE emi Lad dom) AGE mais BS wed odo) antpercn GIG NNER You etn do.) Wego e Aantal — Youveedtodo sepeon ES) volmnt He Ruediodnin) BGs wbB — Setuatiode.(O) Pune Iatpenn og BS pr Mamba S West mdo.(m) OES pe mented ih Wesel do.) anipenon gh 3p} tami thé Yous odo. (m) ESSE mbar tt Yoo wed 0 d.(0) HESS wlanbes —Youwsed wdo.(m) EGET pte wih —Yoursed 060.6) fdperion 14h 54) wokanethe They used BBE vob — They wed 0 dot) {ome evn ne esd be mie a BU dt gh xt jn atinden ad gel fa ‘tent ns i el ed Ra Bath Petal ‘im fpr a ‘We ued wo separ sleeping o he Nos “The abil pas may be wed in uation to descr events occuring ress Inthe past. At theraatve cmtnes, be airy olen dropped. and only ‘he imperfcie parte remus (uratve mpertective, $622), 122 Urdu: An Essontal Grammar Vee 129 625. Other habitual tenses “The maroa.conpmovat tase swe to desert actions sates which may occur generally or egulriy i the presen (present poe) The subjunctive tthe uniinry ts aed. The cawe ts nroduced by worde ike Kya, apa ‘mamkia bie. The frm af the aegeve used ism (G67), ai aay the ‘se with subjunctive vers The ver pecs with he soe na TOs ess g alt coe Ty ge lyn mun et yard in BS Maybe cle comes duly mje be comer every ony. won G9 ASE aah SS og Se ‘mks ha ot rm pa Is posible at ae pope neon me er set ‘The wasn. sown ese i wed 1 deste actions or states which one resumes to ocur generally or rpalat inthe preset The fire tse of the uly ied. The er agrees with he abet Sp Thay gt mone 8 ek ‘The clerk must comedy +S om BATH SI {lag rr pr nt 6 ‘se pope onset ‘The mamruaL waza is used to descbe unelized or imposible habit scvoas oss. The impetectve prispe of ial the aay The ve pes with abc. wae Ea AHL te Hin ge fi spun a 0 at nt Merce cami vert neta tn oe (626 mporectvo parteple + mg (teratve) ‘The imperfestve paricple ccus in s pra wth a inflected form of rab, “to renin, "0 tay, showing continuation or repeton of an aton ost. ‘and, which sina, determines the grammar ofthe sentence; tus in fefecve tenses, 5 ix nt ssed even if the patil belongs to = tansive Yer, Both the pariciple and aba agree withthe subject. This constuction oes nt oc () in the Bote (0) in comtnaous ens. With stv ve, the perfenve pape sued stead (637). at oF ott chin oF Bt te (ih plat st ar dt ab ad The wa level in the ake Kops ongoing down, ASS aS ly oe a oh aru a ind “he oy weton tin be wo ae. ipo sep. ‘The imperetvepriciple ofa with aba has te imac meaning ‘tobe Jost (remain ge) I asaly occurs ina pst tens. UN ie Spa iy ag SIS J ee Bab wg kl tds 8 na Cesena etn inp ed man toe 627 Impertectveparcipe + al (prograsson) “The imperative parcple occur in a phrase with an inflected frm offal, to {0 showing the) eter covimaation ofan acon, and (the pogreson [Sf condition leading toa change. in, which is sranetve, derma the rama ofthe sateen pefeuve tees, snot used even i the verb tein amv Boe tn al pe wl aie Stays sana gaye evo, bot Pes goon singing! wt SA SES fms 09 gn BS an 8) a i ne cp pan aa a Dow'tgaon sping lon, ck wheter anyone eis 2 dle Bm date 8 le Jae oF che FSM am Sete ‘ari nt pl wah Eas i, a {fie water level ine ke contr op dow te ke wil yop 124 Urdu: An Essontal Grammer 628 Importecv partciplo used as an acjctvo Impertecive paripls may be used as adjecives See $901 \VERB FORMS BASED ON THE PERFECTIVE PARTICIPLE ‘er sracares based on he prfsive parle ave punctual aspect: they esrb ations or states which oseur once in the past Perfecive tenses ave the folowing stra rearectve arctic asa vent For an overview of punctual tenis, see Table 13 on pages 89.90. For the uta ver se 605-5600, 629. Agrooment in prtactivetonsos Verbs in non pvtcive ents apres with the subject noun or pronoun. (See 1007 $1010 fors dewiled anceson of subject verb aprcement) Se Dol Ist sam uta ‘Anu wil ete examination 8s Obed Ja bd gt In perfective tenses, the agreement pattern depends on whether he verb it | ingnstve oe tnstive (See f801 fora defnton of tansy) Iasitive ‘ere are withthe sujet The subjects inthe nominative case. ah oe et ge a ah AS gy hey Ob ‘fla my Sats ya ork ‘jon pee tension. shad he te examination ‘Tranitve verbs agree with nominative diet obec. Te subject takes the pospsion m8 (510), 28s Goel J gal es Stet 3 a ajun Bin yt hid iin ct ‘Anjum oak the examination ‘abi ok the examination, “Tae nn preceding mis in the oblige case Abs Shel Sopdet (ad i it The adeats loathe examination Verve 125 Ifthe objet as wel is followed by a poxpotion, most commonly KS (505), ticverb is mcuie single (A posptson vay revere agreement betwee ‘ecu or run and ave) th dle oe wh Th Be ola tau pt ciao stan nt pr Treat Ihave oo rest Finc and eon pron pronouns ih mint cae wien lowed by 12 Th penon anon kee olga cane andar persona pros (pe 8) ave rm Gh yt ent ors Sal ogee) chow ny ble a.Sex Tie in 1630 Simpe past The perfective partici is use alone, without an auiy, ia the simple past tense (See $604 forthe fos ofthe perfective parteple) Te simple past ‘hows the completion ofa singe action orate xs point nthe pat, witht feercace 10 por subsequent events. At adverb of ine ey focus on the “ime the evet happened: an ave of place may fon on where tapped tan acverb of manet bow i happened. Wen the coe ofthe event ration ‘tthe oc be sinple pats peal sed in auaion. "Te simple past sa etctv tense. the ver is tansivet sgrecs wih 3 rominatve diet objet (6291s rane. ares wih he subj. Examples “bo Spe oder vai abt They stayed ee nl Gas) very Ite Geb ote Bene = fee bh 2 So J ll Oy STEED Oe oe nt ed ow So Ula marin et es ER ol Bab “osu part sha di dt gaara yr rn Sr ma tn low 8 Hp bapa pph Ew RE wae [ane nish 6” "Ande conzected te bons with dexterity. The second prepared the ‘eh, bod and hide. The td stepped oranda e i he ger ‘The literate one ped hand aid, 0 fol. thea gee (aang, Readings 1426 Urdu: An Essential Grammar Verte _t27 The fom ofthe negative (6417) am mi ao wed when he oes of he Tele 28: medate past fiat senence son evr ver unite mot importa iran : ‘Besenece. atin eapl below he fas marked wi as sn 6 sen sane Tetperos ay emai py ave gone wees or ee malt gathod—Thave gone () “They id no accept what the uneducated person sid. rdpewn ag i eee! “ “ fSe op Youve gone (f) yastcs a edpenon “Uy Say vogrythai He thas gone-(a) ‘Rsmving een di et come | ZSs pint Seana to Pune “The eb bah pt om: the ps ese A ~~) ad he ‘ Pees ade tea uma) eaten em bb cows perce véo serethia nemo) Somuiion theo ar Rees Dntpenen ye SS tumgASBS—Youhuve gone. (em) janva mesh musa Kl Gangs al rei tempt ‘Younave gone. (€) Twente cold mr. LT tpi Youn) ar hyp ig CET tepimin — Younve ge o Se che SLi at oy seponon Say von They vere (m) {jb musa fang hat ig gr) kar pts gt Ct ‘Moen weno ean cots pole pan wer war aes. FS wpinia They hve gon tt) 631 Ineediate past The immediate past tense, alo called the present perfect (able 23. p. 127) deyrtes an schon or ste whichis competed, tuk whch sil fects the present sition. Vay fe it refer t evel which ave eel Ben completed ‘The present tee ofthe aula is ed and he frm of te negative staf “Te meine pst sa peretive tense the ver swans, agrees with the nwt bj nes the bjt raked by KS (4625). Tf i nani, gees withthe abject Exampies na Se de BY bir Barba apa th 1ehas ane, te seis wet agp Oiab Ot iy oii et SE ‘cas nara a gis ad Bee se bound fone i not concerned with conection been the pst even! ad some oer vet but only wth he fat ht something happened (or when, ow or where appre, th imple pat sed wae ab Set wiles aed ce abi a Fatman the past vento ction no longer fe he presen, but the tne happened (its temporal content i relevant oi conested t's pb even, the emote pt ised (G62). 2 Se vat har sine yesterday. Srarv ves are use in hemmed pst to expres sts which coment va ation event isthe past and whic contin in the present. 28 Urdu: An Essential Grammar sat pba maby mh Bi a [Nama ting inthe arden be Mast down andi sil siting a BF ae ‘i pr a Hamid is yng on te Nor (be bas la down ands stil yng. 622 Remoto past “Th emote pata call the past pret se Table 24, below) shows hat an ction war completed in th past nd no Longe fet the cure sitton The Seton nay ave been completed within a specified peiod, in he remote ast, ot Frio second eve The past ease ofthe auxiary wed nd the fe of The negative smb the verb inant, ares with the jet Fie teanune i aproes with nominative ect bet (5629), “Table 24: Remote pas of ink Snouan Inpenoo EL mah gyi Tet had gone (m) HS mally ith yeni oe. (0 2ndperson Lyi gay —-You went, had gone.(m) SF GB Youwent had gone sripenon “Ugh Ley wopayRIME He thas gone) So vogsitn Ste itnaspe. 0) Pura Tstpenon 62 Spe AEE Wevcot a gone (m) Bee tamppitin Ween, had sone 0) andperon 46 = UMA You went had gone) ES smateiih — You wen a gone (0) FAST ween — Youwen. adam im) BET wesw — Youwen. a sone 0) penn gy woe BBs opts They wen nal gnc fd They went hl ore (a) Verba 129 ‘exampies MES a ee ee ‘ae uo nae sh math 8 bar afr it 191992, eseledto Lars. =F a al eT ae Se (Wid pr ghar 0 vps ay Broth cae hore sind hen ge tak However, fone wants 1 say explcly that somaing was completed before a second thing Mappened x peferabe toute ne nog + eu ia the remote past $20), 8 x part OW SF sale i STF Sle Sebi parca eA ye at i "When te ad cae home preparations fr te wen eg 689 Other punctual tenses “The conto ns ee it wed describe actos or tates which may hve cssuedin th pant. The subjunctive af he uaa is wed The case willbe Intra by words ike yd, aa, mk ba (508). The form of the gate use Sma (817). the ve snare, apres wih the sabe TW tis ease agrees witha nominative dct jet (862), wa We wl BSI Sg Ke ‘unk a un gh ar Dl bs 1's posible that thse peopl ate med cae Sage as ‘apd man nyo Mote tee sx ft “The rasvnorve wae tem ie used 10 describe atone or sates which one resumes to have ood inte pat The tue tens ofthe aueiay i Sd Tete veto is ngantve, aren with the subject I wansive ot srces ith nominative det objet 6629). wee i Pal ee ‘nl hr gay tar bt ‘The clerk must ave eho offices emp. 190 Urdu: An Essent Grammar FS Sosa Boh ‘sed mcr ap tb ade Hecerany mast ove ben iby what you si “The rst waa edt ee amelie or nose pt acts or Sac The mera upleobk ie sua be ve saan ilps wt sbjn. Iti ante, ares witha nominate dec chien 629 eS ee Bt Se Sore WS BANS ‘ga wf nb bt mas Ab, zr kuch Kat Ihe a een hr by wht si, be would cerainy have sid someting 634 Detved passive “Trane verbs cn be pasvied ty changing them he constrain: rare racine frm of lal, "og" “i, which sina, determines the grammar of the sectence isnot "sed ad oh the partici and ik are With the subet. Note that the Get thet the oni teste setece becomes the subj of he pase one. fore - SUShy pci TT aio {Unt Kn at pepe 6b Tey wl complete comarca vk ne Pras By 1 Is iii ag pr iy i “The constuction vor wl be contd on tine fame -ya froth = ge aul ra para adi a He connected the Does ith dene : Ps Seino Sal i pure eh “The ones were connected with dexterity. he ation hasan instrument, ts marked by KE xa A i (peed if ‘he nctrument shaman] or a8 Verve 191 deme oS She Sst 2) S upset ii dita pi gf ‘The cominction wil be completed bythe sbawes + Prams gS hoe (ee sile) ui Sle oh ‘in a a apc Thee: recom by mons og 625. ncapacty Both wastve and intransitive verbs may be pusiviand to show incapacity, sual in nepaive sentence. The person or arma cesta) whos nepable ‘the acto expressed an ierure marke bys Noe that a intanstie is psived, ere ao subject. The ver i masculine singular by dete. ABE Led ATL gr ag I ame ‘uf in hd Lin ain jk Tean'rposibly dso much workin just one ay (sb lB Jy gy “He couldn goewen alfa mie 636, Perlecive partip + karl (abitor practice) ‘The uineted (masculine singular) pectecive participle occur n 2 phrase with an infected fom of ar odo", showing am action that i done a6 3 Pracice or habit nx used in pact ens, atlas as ara yi att Peto herp coming! 132 Urdu: An Essent Grammar =P PSHM TAA Fup yh asa pt rk sua a ct Was on ad sen ye vie. a i A wae EEN Sh 09 Joes al $2 (nb dt it mo i it a aah ‘These ings oniph and day in Lucknow. (Rav ra A) “The esl pevetve priple ofa is sd i this conseucton, A EV cm mis nie 8 yar Talways used 0 goby reso, (637 Perecve participle «rnd (continuation) “The prfesive partie of wave vans occurs phrase with an infect form of mao emi’ "oy, showing the continuation oa tae This i ‘ilar the constucion erative nxt ab ($626) wich is wed ‘ith no-atve verb, ma which nani, deteines the grammar of the sentence thas prfecive tenses, 8 isnot used even if the verb ron ‘elongate verb, Boh the partie and ab pres with be subject. Na Ws 23a gy io ome ee ‘outs ieh t a pr ep i ib ab Bila wat washing eveything ut he eat. epine mun an ig ohn res Cua) 1638 Perocive patispl used as an acfectve Perfvsivepusples may be used 8 sjectives, See $901 INFINITIVES: “The fine maybe ae a a vera oun ($659) and asx equst fom ($610) ‘varity of initial contraction is made with vert, postpsitions or he tent sue vl ($31), ‘These conmroctions ny be vided imo two groups: (a) rmpersonal constrains with nominative case ifnives, and () peso fSnstetions with oblige cave Infintves ples potpsiion or semece ve ‘Te fst group incladey tree cmon snperonal constuction: showing Aisabiiy, ecesy and obligalon. The second includes six pesonal Verbs 199 onstrctions showing the agent, impending ston, Reianing, pemisicn, purpose and egsve assertion 1639. nfntves as vorbal nouns “Th five sil vera to. Kay ezine rami ase a Ionjectf te seus ne igh eset lowed by pososons nt St 975 Si a te ee ole Sh ‘ote me nts ea My going whi wa su een. (Re in A) ae, ina pat ‘dining wate (ate forcing) “The infinive + md means (nen, Yo (ve See aio 6520 =e Santis oo 689 La 155 as ae md tbs ai ‘Sooh coe re besuifl to fook at “Te inne + ans om (vn ing’ 0 na es HI Ue Sh = Bo SS asl ya in oe pe ut aa ‘re realy clude Sa nh et ene fe (coming ad ag ofa) ‘Compu pestpsitions (5527-532) ae also sed with nities ye BW oe 259 dw co Sate a Bar ch publ dav a lg Sn [efor lenvng the hose, (0) hou ek the doo. we S97 ob tel 2S Syl Sis nti iSite Iron Blt govd ie, god econ reser. ‘Theft aso used inthe mosinsive cave with Shak, Wo wan Rh ‘to kar Sind, to kow (how and a, "0 come’ Yo know". Theinfitve pinay ares with he noon refers al, SI aed gin he examples low) ke a jective 194 Urdu An Essential Grammar wea le BS) BF se one ‘sa sara (— aa bh Tanto go fora wale Oey aS (ets) leg jl oe ‘esi baja (Baa) otha Tam earning bow tpl str. ate (OE) Oe she ‘oR cli (cl thai Helzows ow tdtve cr aoc in imgrionlconsctons (S60), mening" now 22 (BIT ee BETA Se i calla (~cllal) 2) hl Fe knowshow wo dive aca {640 Itintives as quest fms “The finive maybe wed a anes eqs form, Se $610. CONSTRUCTIONS WITH NOMINATIVE CASE INFINITIVES 641 Impersonal constructions personal comtrcton are sentence types ia which he verb ages with he logis dso bjt of the sentence, wie the “ea” o logical sujet of the Sentence if expressed) i naked bythe pstpostion KS (1505) or it alteate forms (9210, Impersonal consracons occur very frequen in Urdu (See 506 for uetment of experience imperoslconsrctins) — we bale (GIVES re ame ‘mai ural (~ el) ei ih ean go fora walk wetted S Sih Sot ‘ig pis pai pasand Ka a Fang kesonin ies Veros 138 = ee (GUS om me ‘heard kara is Tabuld go fora walk (ome the going fra walk is wanted. net LS SIU Sn ‘Br py pak past aid Fr lieroion fers ers are pleasing Fac). 1a the previo example the agremont between the verb andthe dict object, (pak canbe see Deletion af he sujet is common. re eh ypu puand bai ite these rier. 642 nitive + al (nocossiy) “Te impersonal constton teers +b shows the ecessity of am action. “The sujet i exprsied, flowed by (4506) iterate forms 5210). “Teantive infintves may ak objets of ther win which case they usally ‘gree with thne objet in gender and mumbe, ike ax adjective: (However he fore ofthe speement weakens in longer seiences, and here ae ales of ‘cu in which he infinitive remain mascuie singular) The agreement oa i tebe tentative is bison. wag (82) aid aysy> ome ‘dara a -d) bt Thave tert the apleton, wt as) a cays ST IT pha da dl (ea Tou were sipped subi the appicaon yer. — ere arement ofthe veri vie Deca sake or gender. Soe (ha) ges colts Ty ol rn drat a (=) 6 Te wll ave ost te application ny. 198 Urdu: An Essential Grammar Vos 197 wth dS Obl oe ‘moines ppt Ba Here teres o sgreament, beet itis followed by 3 pxpoon ln the eveeiay Und of Pakistan, the logical subject ofthe sentence may be felowed eter by BS or by a: maith ina pe ing, wae sped 060 (out to dime? In dsets which have this option, the we of BB Ted tobe ‘eatied to eternal ercuatances which are wt under the speakers conta, ‘thereat 8 refers to circumstances permiting item shoice, of neutral ‘cumstances This wages ot covet nthe sndud rd of De Tome dialects of Ur. inanimate bet do wot rege bs we giee ‘mont at Mito is oundto eke ‘The fur or pst forms of ha may be used to show Fre or pst neces. Whi agreement of th fines opesl, agremeat of the ver soz. wot ai on ae ‘mujhdberan nh hath Thave twas the dies ej and ah oth pre with bara, which is masculine plea. 28 LeRL) Carle ip ee el ‘en subah (sub bara id (- mba) {You were opposed towash the aes (hs) morn “The eosch may be sofene by oiting the subject. Baan wil stand est in the een. «a8 (Carl) ale ome ‘ean ob (= ab min - mj bs (fou were supposed wash he des (8) orang “The form ofthe negative inmablhIthe sentence ie inthe preset a may be roped ed ES ei oils at bg ST ‘pita avg mika a WET ps ly ma bs cae ‘ma faaran pia vipa maha hs oat eed toretur the mote Hi ay. Compa gE) Br ts atk ge ‘stan pe abe as (Er 8 Tt ced tone money a. 649. nfintve + his (avis) ‘The impersonal constuction vrive + ARE shows the advisability of an ‘con The sujet fexpesed, ie falowed by KS (9506 (or ele Forms (§210) Transive infinives may tke objects of ther ov in which ease hey tly are wih hose objets ender an mba ie an adie (ower the feof the agreement weakens in longs seteess, ad bere are dacs of ‘Unda in which tenis remain mascloe singular) The (Sumber agement of i with the object of the env is however cigar. ‘As histoically nh passive Frm meaning ‘swish’ is neessary «ey Gs) Barr ge ae (eit aa x ee {tot age. aid optionally pees wth i, which i feminine = eel (Uae) Sue ett of ‘ange ant Send) cit Hector eae “The pst forms may be used to show past eset. While agreement of thestfinive is optional, agreement of the ver i elgatory = oh CA) SNe et IS ame (ogi) al ange sais (era) ei tht {old havebough pss yesterday. Nove tat because his marked to show the plu ‘abi cee uncer, the plral marker for 28 cre ONE) BAA Ge Sel ‘unk aie (- ara ahi aT Yousboald ve bought sugar yet 498 Urdu An Essential Grammar verse 199 ‘The preceding eran can be softened by omiting the subject. eal wil tnd first inte setece na Bee OA) BAA IS Ge Sal ar ae ai (Won soul bave ong sop yee cab teh 8 Sobel FI ‘pin i ps iis Jovoapl oad) fre cantar Het in geen eco ina flowed by pospostion ‘The form of he epative is ahi. Yast red OSD BF a8 coast ST 4p kos beara ea) mab thie You shoul’ sy such things! 216 aly el US Sl hs come ‘dg ar ahh ain ‘onan hve wesed ene {644 Infinitive + pam (cbigatin, lack of choice) ‘Tee impersonal consuction Sev +a inflected form of pa shows lack of eoice concersing an action. The subject. if express, flowed by (or is alerate form). Transitive ifinives may take objets of thee Ova, in ich cate they uray atee with tote object in gender and number ie a ‘Hjcive. However the fore ofthe agreement wens in longer sesences, nd there re ales of Urdu in wich he fives ease msl sing) ‘The greren of paa Wilh the objet ofthe sine is aiaoy = SH (OS) BO? GAIT e me (ou year Khe (= tha (Gi mstake ts biter ec. = Sah (tle) Ae deeabe oe (Gand er i can (cals) par (use al our aes «Siler SCS pd Sed ta 2S Sod of ‘eh nt i pti pp i nb (Veo; mutaudy fr corto cherie oul a tere ers to apeen bes nai followed portion amore complex sentences, th agreement of he infinitive is opin, however Apeent ofthe verb olignoy(e example teow) "The frm of te negative depends onthe ese of pa (te Table 13 on| pases 8950, what ahs oo ae ‘ah aid an vpn ara onus one moe 2 (CONSTRUCTIONS WITH OBLIQUE CASE INFINITIVES. 645. Oblquointitiv + valk “The constrain: ceugue mi + VE shows (3) the agent ofan action. {by an imminent scion or event. Th contusion alo oesurs adjectival, odin oon 8 eta als cma) (ut je tp tat Wats deo cert ee? nat a mee Ae ‘a Sata i has Teta sbar sna while Re) ne tt SPT Oy eS ‘ei ind a lethal Tech: piercing rhe ramps equal consuton With: att 0d os WSLS “tay ila lb ah “hese who were plang ae cea 140 Ura: An Essontal Grammar Verbs 141 648. Obiqu infinitive +45 The consti: onugue vse + KS shows (a an impending ston o event (similar to meaning (6) of theontgesieoarave + vl ($685) ad () purpose | (similar too ser + KE) re bn SES SI ot | sak Nd 8 ba This it's wedding i thing place soon. Gimme el Sw TTP | isi dt ne ib Thawed ing ple son PS ES eS stk Lae Gaeme meting wo. Compare a 2S EF aS ce sunbed Sons tea Give me someting odo. (rare) wat an WS ge be ‘mai sual Ke ag AS A had ‘eer thar ask i about fo bre 647 Oblique infinitive +lgnd (commenced avert) ‘The constuction: ong sem + aga shows the begining of es action oe vet lagi whichis ietnsive, determines the grammar ofthe sentence nd ‘soot sed even ithe ifntive belong oa trative veh. oP a ese gS hee aay Teton vt ips 2Sidp gi atecs dere Ses Sy bina Tie urenoehe phot ra Cs nent +p dome ely he onmecen of fess ipethten-ptetentessoneeoroey stain wt lagen pon ero ses wh ‘began inthe past and contin in he revert. For bh reauns, this constction ‘en occurs a peretve ene. sa be ahd 2 Site cite i nga ‘atean wnbecl hBepun in When expressing an eto o begin somthing in the ft, the denominative ‘ecb far amd, "to bepn (withthe nomuatve nine) petrble = Son pap ln aa al ome cor ‘gi ain ih gel hs ch bed far arp ‘Sonex moot sl pn sve someting tomy ey 648 Obiqueintintive + dad (ie) The constuction cat univ + shows (a) permission to doa action, othe (b amtiption of an event. Ba, whichis ranive, Getemines the teammarof the seen. shes ed in pcestive ene even the nie A824 Bk AT ae BH skh jb iu ard Daddy dd etme by the bok chee de am unas inca ah nyt themannecrarnea Sees gy — 8 as? Be gst mnt a3 me ai gar i pi thu tah ta Stal repay oan tow Neve mid et em, ther Foie BIE AIST ge 199 Telbee ii a oni og an gt “Lerine hoidys come; ake ou to my vile 849, Obique inintve «verb of maton (ourpoee) Og infniives may be wed with verb of motion to expres purpose. They may be undetsod as tastes of deletion of Korte compen petposion wie 142_Urou: An Essential Grammar ‘sea ab po in baits Me Aahat hs come to meet ou tale cao eee Thane” se am ink os ‘Why dot vega oseca im oy? Compu 8 Ste SY S82 Lee Taw ch i ini tg (Ue? Why dot weg010 seam ay? 1650 Oblique infintive + EX (negative assertion) The oblique infinitive is wed with maith and AE (~ AB — Af) 10 make a ong rnegntveesserion. Hi eplaces te semience ver, and agrees with he abet. 1S by aed ate ee sth mah Bo at Tam ao going else 2 die ot ot Be smuhedgt sam nih BOE AE “Te is pies sever going to op. 7 COMPOUND VERBS Verb sequences consisting of vane xoor + amLeceD vans have been given ‘anous desgraton,inclng compound ves, neasive vers compound ‘ect formations ander sequeact. I ths ek they are ald "compound vert! Now compound verb are refered io ‘simple ete (COMPOUND VERBS AND SIMPLE VERBS 701 Tho stvcure of compound ver phrases “Te frm ofthe fst verb in x compound ver sequence iin most eases the er rot (5600) elle the man ver. The main ver shows the lexis (igi x “ictonary") meaning af the souence. "The Second verb hasbeen given various nam, including vector ver, “imenstying ve’ ‘compound axa’, and “expla ver' Inthe work is cal the "ecto ve Te vector vr loses ei! eaning to a restr ‘or esr exc, bat ads a tance oe meaning of he sequence Ie functions 1 the seotence ver, that, is inetd to sow tens and npreement sume vene tose CCourcuno vent ofall seep snes vere ay pats tread Courowso vers «3 ay par dé tread to someane ‘While one may generalize about the tye of mance contributed by individual ‘vector verbs. te conmibuton 2 vector verbs alo afleted bythe meaning of ‘he main ver, Sometimes the meaning of he compoutd verb Sequence canst, be deduced trom th meaning of he min verb andthe fre of he vector verb, but muste looked up ina itor or discovered fom usage nome cases «compound bas become mre fle elelelzd, hat the compound hss ew unary detion which dist! from te meshing ‘ofthe spe verb and canot be predic fom is compooe 1 Ve guns cm of ou or age ts an noe ee ee as 144 Ure: An Essential Grammar Compound vorbe 145, Foleucatzed compounds Sues vena GL aang ote Comown ven ISU wl Same vee tek touke (Conroe vee GE 2 Bifakiouke away The las of Uru vostorver is mal. Te ine vector vets cused in this ‘chapter cover most compound sequences occurring intents. For futher, infrmation, he stent may const the referees eve inthe io paPh. 702. The diference between compound ard simple verbs A simple ver shows only hat an ation o event takes place. Compound vers fe minced. ‘They show the unfolding of an ston, or provide comet Safomation, The eference is comparable tothe diferece between an catie subjes-vrb agreement, nd ake he abject witha in perectv ene 803. The incromont-& ‘Tramtiveand intransitive verbs often occrin pis whic are ley eaten both meaning and fom. Many tansive se fomed om iansives by addag, the incemea- | 10 tbe inransitive rot (G60) Wo makes want stem. Root tang non vowels taketh alta form ofthe enent, lt * Derivation ‘she neremen can be summarized elo (a) The erement may beaded to ann otto derives mane stem ($80. (©) The inremeat may be added to a raANsVE fot 10 deve 2 vous seseemve stm (405) (6) The increment may beaded an TRANSITVE Of & TRANSITIVE 9 ive anaacr casa stem (6810, Translive and causative se ke tfinvalpctcpal avert! suties {st ike simple ver oot. They ae also found onder tei ova rpeling 8 Gictionaris, and not under the insanstive form (Sone dcomwies owes, Show indect causative verbs (B11) under the forms fom which they are evved) For moet pacha purpore, the tansiive or causative sem of 3 Ign, 0 apply hy cal, to walk go + calla something), dive lye © bay cad escape > acta save gt © ug id tore eetup + wha oi, wake someone hee tit met beavalable > mili coonect, mit Erreneeetenaeet seta esse, ta a th 180 _Urcu: An Essential Grammer RO eee ote 2Mitgnec ma nab ‘ong big bla haw ath anes SSO Os Zupseys smart int im kar basi nat ‘The labourers worked day an ight obi (and bul he mosque sWewrcn ed ‘jeune imap yet ra, we I J oe 6 ly asin seas Sach cans varaye ‘eon wae teen 2S eee ile ati ig wi sib np By ctance Mr. Af meus (vas avaible) gh oe tai i cs Please connetine) wth Mr. Arf (on he telephone). Pepe vlaan Bal swab ral Hered ad mp casei! ‘he intansive rot vowel slong athe oo ends in a consonant. The oot ‘vowel shortened adhe prem s sied wo form the warsive tem. bys © a sd, ory op + sua ey someting) SB mi SY ‘rt sain gad ‘Ate the ai the Si died out Intranstive, tanstve and at Pld kakcoda ad ‘pm me cop sania a bas Ite bt eon he sai es ou eS “he vb la pea which may uk nt sued asa ase zal oom sive by sheng ot vowel and aig be © By ‘bio speak > blind to al sad bes we WS olan ‘Niji ak t ‘Naja pK bu a ad Naja can seat Fas Naina i ellig you. case ‘The vowel ("Gira vow! inthe tanstive rote shor nd the rot ends consonant. The increment 4s Infixed or inured nt he verb rot ofthe inranstive vero frm the tse stem This engthens the fot veel and ‘may ako change the vowel quality, The fil consonant ofthe root may be ‘ofenes (0) Woes long is added wo short - long rs were a Ka whe cut > Ki oct disconnect Bh Ge sar tdi —+ mld bet i WS & US ‘lain cone ousemerge an ae cut gut e ust tar deze, pout > wt ing dwn ae out oS AS doe sab wiben vita sms aha Treclecriy wascicomeced The leccan cing te wire. 462 _Urdu: An Essontal Grammar UA gs ay tT SOs mos et eb oes pi aaa Fore chien ot bn dn get ou youl (©) Whes longs aed to short a long results. This ule alo aes few vee with aap Up eo mia o> md to omens) Lig Ug Bin, toopen > Kb, open omeing) Sy 5 rk top ka, op Gometing) Gy ous Tink ote oken > sto break Gometing) Bote @ Brae iad ote leased, depan > chia leave, abandon sch sif =e be dh IE i rabbi ib me aie ocala lee urbe caret. wt HS ge OS kan das be Kt a The hep open at 10 2c EAT OES ay go> 18S kad das ye dats tht bat ‘The shopkeeper pens the hop a 10 (©) When lang is edo sho“, Joep rel tye OS ‘Sak. tote sold > been sel Cte Case: ‘GARE oe pleted > chlda perce 3 Bah eyo ka he a of ce a ce ih vee eet ap, trarstve and causative verbs 163 wa SUSU oe dee ‘BE md pharbunt kage bk ab hal “Ate fa, adios hth i being nor RT Ee Norm be ‘RHE nh ola arb apd Bab hash ‘Ate ir, the weavers are sling handloom cloth, 205 Double vansives derived withthe increment ‘The increment (~ -H may be added to some mans fot wo devine & acer nas tem. Double anstive verde ake wo objet, a det objet dan inet object. The transitive ose which make double ansves ae ‘emartcaly fev, andccar wih he ect v a (708) when compound case! ‘The lst vowel in he transtive rot shor, nthe ends in a consonant “The increment ie simly fines the ost ofthe waste ver o frm he double wansive stem, Ifthe nse rot hs twoshort slabs, the vowel im the second syllable ied. ay Las pati tread study > payblad to teach eda bee snd, fer itn to + se OS — US, alga cach —> pagan sve hold Sige Lae fama oundertand + sani, toexplin seal Bott ‘ath bt amet prt The cache aught ws Ud (Sable nse. compe ee pal Sue ih wt pf Thine ae oan) 164 Uso: An Essential Grammar ngs gm Sat irate one Rint ence lest) Compre oat Bm ‘main aber Usenet the news ranstve) case tt The tanstive rot vowel is long, ad he rot ends i cosom. The rot vowels sbtned andthe inctement flix form the double ansive Cyst © tase (ink oon okt -+ thnk © tow yk eK std learn > skal, teach LNT aye im d os sinesape ed Notn dowel neal) Compre at Be we dr Tote arte pte ev 2 a Uy eI Sh act eal SE a at Compas ly Ke te bee aad ik a at ‘The baby earaingo wat caso. “This group isthe remnant ofa fomerty lager group of verb ruts ending in spite vicelert consonants, which ook he eement in Ea, ‘enw vill the only member af the rou. forme «double eastive with adits by an English psn. Intranstvo, wansive and causative verbs 165, re be ak y+ alla, be clled nat IS slg Sey yp ily Laie ich Jee mounts ald te Hil {808 Transit wih compound verbs ‘When cmpoun verte ae wed, ransive verbs wally tke tans vet ‘ert and iaansive ves ually tk intensive vector verb (Capes. 807 Transtvty wth donominative veros Denominaive verre, consinting of a noun or adjective pls a verb (607) ‘en have pall anstve srs forms made with Kar and ad, respectively Gye Jala — BS Je ica ene ~ al Meo ener te ered = 2S IE ee SENS AS ‘ino pe tt ial me By {have entered on isco wee See or JIB LB ee ‘me i oll més A a Ba My son as entered shoo his yes ye cop — OS jen aro caja bo pte, scum cd Ser Sdon me ceil ‘esl ag jn trie Hecate many popen te pac mein. Exc SeS3 Weak jam gad Poop gtherein he gue, 188 Urdu: An Essontal Grammar ‘808 Verte which function both ivanstvely and transtvely ‘Some verbs function both wasteland inns (ay baat ae ‘mda, change’ and Bhan, oi! ae sans when here no object, and anstve wher there i When hey non a transitive, they take objets wih the posipostion in pcective tenses. The addon of an insite ot tras eco verb oe makes her satus exlict. we a eS ah on Be ‘ns eer not ape aa Mint han changin oes resent) wa FUN pee ‘san Bal aa ‘The wener har changed nant, ineasve et ve). nS da ee San de ‘maith isa i cSdar bal ot Tehanged th cover onthe be (aasivetanstve vector ver). Sti NY Sm ‘ash meh pl Bar Tiled the bickt wth water (rnsive, transitive vector vet). Fw 2 Sh Ae ‘a pa dar ga "The Bcke filed ypwith water tran, nransive vector ser) 809 Exceptions: tanstves wihout a, inranstves with af Transtves which donot ake ‘Those ae afew verbs which may take obits, Bt wich ont ake subjects TJ aah whens Lyge Bio fore Sunk otees GL nila to meet, Ge J ijl totake anny Uy ala, open, ay Inranstivo, wanstve end causatve verbs 167 The compound vers Ia and sia hav he ntansive verb Bal, wo come ths vector vet, therefore they dono ake a. 282 ede FF ‘ak hn pay ‘The servant took aay the tape, AS dep cis omy vo might vat Dl gay He forgorthe ine of the apparent eee mai BE Tipoke he with. Vege sama anand ‘Yo undestnd’ ie ransve, bat may osu eter wih of without ne In pertective tenses AR ed SB Set BA Name eh Oe td ‘Yorme bit ake anh us md ba a aT He did't understand what mes. “The nition of transitive or nranstive vector ver osama ores te ‘ice, ao onubuts diferent maces of mean: ee si ptt samy aa Tlie pla adel bo ‘mai sama have waders the ster (and wl probaly del with ‘The iioms ARE Ea, “o be sen’ oe visible and sual ad, tobe head tobe audible’ donot ken even hough Bai save verb. (Gi and ut are sol fom meaning ‘coming no view and "ean. resgetvely. They ate onlted with Engl pasives) 108 _Uscu: An Essentia! Grammar Invansive, wanstve andcavsative verbs 169 2Y2 Be Spa gy one ean i tk ua ip ‘The oie fhe machine could be headlong wa, Intransives which ake 98 A few intransive verte may ae q See tes, opt Slye sR. peep Spm wo wine Gey Ahakatid to ock In some cass the presence of dct objet or qas-direct objet in the dep statue may explain be phenomenon UEySES (Gaya) arvat Mhahagi 0 hock (on) a dor Sige (1) (anda Js wo pep inside CAUSATIVE VERBS CCanavs deste the etaton of tt or action, sometimes by means of instrument inemediaryapeat (a nou o prom ollomed By AB KE art asy> sor WEB gh 6 )-The instrument is however tocalways ‘mentioned. Csutative verbs maybe divided into diet casatines and indict Dinsc causaTNEs ae derived by adding te increment -& | (AK) wo an Inoaucr caesar formed by pretning 910 tbe insrement 9 make ok 1y Ct 1g) (G81). Whe he instrument menioned tends cause the peered form, a wanstive verb already contins the increment 4 (because ii elf derived), ten the inrereat cael be added spun. Sch verb have nly te indoct cavatveia-, 4 Sone hn acd nae it hs lak ge 1810 Direct causativs dave withthe increment & case! ‘The vonel in he inane rot shar, bh rot nn corsa. The ‘nents singy fed otha rot ofthe stent stm Wo mnie xia hic snl oh tate tse 2 hotened orm the naive tem te an he nave) be tase fom. Suntec is at much diene ia ean eveen irs conve sod dive wanitiven Fr exalt ve pi LIS” Cem ind 0 fal can be constr a oe al (rt canean) nd oo (amie). wre ue ip oe ct > tn, toh ct ose us tame do > Erin have done Uy oh Ag to Wea Gr) —> ko bake, en ose wa 3a nda fa ‘elandr goth bust eb oe Sanctastt Frecre note 9e case it The intransitive rot wowel lng, ad he root ends in concn. The root ‘owel is shorened nd th increment i fied o frm the direct causative Wye bast bn, sink + uble to sink something drown someone Why & Sy aged tr aay —> Raging chase away, disperse yy = bate bali oi — bind, seat, ease to sit 470__Urdu: An Essontal Grammar Invansive transtve and causative verbs 171 aE gether gE gS is arn, bw a gt Whoever sank crow ithas rely gone dow. (em Can i) 28) 3d Set Se 5s Be She Bus) on Pils leh iS Bag iy Rach bag, maga ch age The police dpersed the crowd Some ran a,b some edt fight case it “The iansiive or wansive rot ens in along vowel. The rot vowel i Shortened and he variant form of e nremen ues othe wy ey ito dick > pla. give dink Wy & by a 1 (nt) liad to make cry BL eb Bod, 10 seep at) > sla, ptto sep bys © ak 1 give ie) > Aid to ave sven ‘Tis rl aso predicts cet causative fom he following wanes: Be ee ‘Sk ich Sew > sli, 0 gt someting) steed Wes © byes Asn 0 wash > dalid o have (meting) washed 2 eS ut tak ob bcc al ey ‘The moter atthe baby sep. 5 Two ep verte hla gc (ich met ca gypsum and US” ihe cn OA wie pete Gogo ean pl pla ; $a eciamue sasea rl, ala? Mapas ying; who as mae er ry? na Prt bt vs ua Tho pe sr hd 2292 iy Ss ile [adagat VE a pe di 5 Havesomeone ive te beggars rupee. {811 Indirect causatves formed wit eincroment iy MHC 1) saat fre cenene | AC, | OHECTcaLsaTvestem derive In other rapes, he ules fo desivng the indirect casative ace the sme athe fo deriving the dict ausive (6810, Indirect causatives express the causation ofa transitive action though an instrament or inemediay agent (a n048 or pronoun followed by by 3B = KB ab 3S or MBAR gl,” The subject makes the inseent do something ton of for the object. ‘The isrumemt may be oxte, bat is stil ‘plied. Eagleton must ake context acco, ad will vary. Indes ausatves canbe made for most Urdu verb, and some lctonares no sow them separately, but under the basic frm from which they ae dsanbar(n.) December Numbers andtime 209 1309 Days, tales mens Yomaron with mney =F ole a ITNT Te ‘mad Lal yar a pi rn gh "eame yesterday and wil go spin tomorow puns eans the ay after morrow with non parfestve tenes, and ie ay Deore yesterday’ with perfecive tense = Eile set Om LT Ope ver mh pus yar pas phir ih gh ame he dy before esterday an I el po ain the day’ fter toro: “The names of he ay of the week fe i) ine sunday im) Monday vie() Monday (ess common thant) mangal(n) ——_Tuesiay uhm Wenetay Shane SameU(E) Thursday le Friday.) ce fuma(en) ay Oo air ck, hay nae ain Seuday Jumé XE din is also commonly used for “Friday. jams cignlly meant "epeztion (fr payers nthe mes) “he primary meaning of bafa "week, bt has also come o be wed for ‘str’ (pareularly tm Pakistan). 1 shonened for of af a i “the (as day of the we ‘When the days of he weck ae used as adverbs of time in sentence, they pest in tbe obliga ate ng (02 ie) aie ‘Sata (at sin ‘Today is Stary nu a be 8 S988 oe (SO? SF Zh) Fay ‘ea eu in a pa ean Sanday we se ong 5 pty 240 _Unds: An Essential Grammar wanes mt J 19e pda al NestiMonds sida Azha sda i esta Tn ‘oi anit iar te feat hdres t= a 1310 Witng the eato Dies re writen from ight inthe flowing der: ay, month, ea, The mera forthe dite se followed by te sgn » andthe year is writen over, the sign (an) whichis followed bya small & for Common Ra dats and small (49 ct bf) for Hil dates. The ordinal umber (gal fst (agreing with wee (“date 1 wed for mentioning the Fst dy ofthe ‘month Cardinal ruers are ususly asd fa meoning the oter day, bat nina may also be used FAL wie pal java ens Su pen Tatlanary 195 (CE) Be Se soak thes May Falta he ‘ma une a tons Sis May 1997 (CE) ‘hrahb coun sau eit Raab 1a (AHL) Numbers andtime 241, ‘The et day of Hmong fee 38 ley Sle ih pb, the first ofthe moon. The Pesan loanword yabim (Cao means the is ofthe sent wag tle me all ple SS Atha Bl cme ‘lt pd yaa nos ea $y oe os rch, 90. 1311 Tong the tine Divisions ofthe day ‘Tre dey i 02 ong in wah Bh) or rig pai 92s aeroc! ad in vein Hsia 2400 Deind waved int ee or wate pay Accring tis ‘ck, 8 pb th) enon ep fm non 0 Spm aha jy (oth res feo pried om p16. “eeig tein a0 pm, wh locations coring te ses Syn beast abo pi len ae in adel exten ne wh he poson 15 Wi mah Bist an ih in hd 28 AUT) Sew ‘oi 5 tak Fe wl come ithe evening gh, SID eo vos aah) 5) gh He will come in he moming OS pooe odo meme He wil ome ding the ay ‘lock time Clock ime i expressed with he perfec participle of bal ems, to srk’, Iehich apres in romber wih the hor Nambrs which exes ine ae est ss matenlne nan 242. _ Urdu: An Essential Grammar ‘Stating te me ‘Wien clock imei sted, tis expressed ina sujet predicate sentence, with the immedi past tense ($31) of baja. The peste particpe bats masculine, ees with the sabject (be hui ume ant ese = 2 Oat SHE Se oid ‘svat mga mp i ba Now i's quarto cnc by my watch eer eral ek tajstat sone olook (one has se na SNe sv ek bjt Tes quar ps ne. In the fist example above, isthe singular subject of baja, which agrees hit the second example pa alo singular. sa nthe hi doesnot Inlec.(Se 1303 fr factors) Bhs singular; plzl mambers begin with, te setabtol See batt Now its ane thay. ne Bosal, Wstwoo'lck (vo have sue). ne Be Ba ake eye tin Novis shi, AS AWW TS pe al iT pe ‘ene pa na th a Weve cer in ln hor In the secon example shove, 5 isthe pla subject of ba hah wich i smascaie pl Inthe hid and four examples, ss sed wih the nome he ‘sn to express “six and a al? Bur ADM “al” Is used wih be wou ‘Ban, hour express "alan hor Numbers andima 243, Toting tne by minutes ‘To express minutes afer of Nefoe the Rou, he pases, having sick sdb min striking ae ued withthe Borowed word min, "nate oe Te ot tn ov a ib a apd in ie tj mi ds it Ssfiten minespastive $50; amines oie Using cick time acverbiaty ‘When time expressions ae sed vers of ime (qualifying am ation or ever) they appear nthe oblique cae. In the second example, Ek bale a ‘evebal pase; bale maseulieoigue single wot Bt Se te a or ‘nm dis soa (sub 8p al ‘Wedron tenatten clock ia the morning. wah pS! 50s 251 (ipa dances ‘Tre postman comes atone tock ne aerneon of aan St ae hoe sal Peete nee No posipostion used when ba i used in an adverbial expression of tine See voir a 8 He wilco atten och ‘Some icloms refering todvsions ofthe day eer oe bab eave asta (ch morning) Sma Ac nr ics wel Boh ee wa pathy mt sg 244 Urdu An Essential Grammar Numbers and ime 245 Ont Bho! trance Srancate Soudan setae dco ry bavig sen) (Goma ay angie) SY wei tre wore utd a ite tone pbrt ig tang pases) alg) eben ashes pai a toate Sout} am ‘er eit ming (one part nigh having remained) Gome night having renaine) MONEY } 1312 Contemporary currney In both Inia un Pakistan, the rupee pia 3 is vided it 10 pice (onsen) The wordpis can mean money” ora one-pice eon. Plaraized, iemeun an money ina physi sense” t oe eT {po io pai eae? How much money do you need? 2B we FS on Bul ‘a pai ina a tS Fe eum he money an pat tin heb WG amy hg ben so ae di od ‘ea pule moi pa bah map ripe kab Before that Thad pot many pce, but Thal never Ets ope: Rt, Ud Maa ‘An English decimal pout ora dag slant may be used indicted pein, although fractons of ropes are usually roanded of oto = 40/0- av ret pas piss Re 9550 1319. OWeurency hr enc ot yn ny cl We cee Cimisedof i ama n T E tps on hand scot ie GH.) Te po Bs Crap ay cna ber consid ofA pce 14 PERSIAN ELEMENTS IN URDU Urdu developed in close contact with Persian, which wa the lngunge of Miesvaion and education during the prod of Mosin rule in India, Even fer Urda began to replace Persian asthe language of pct nthe eighteenth entry, Pesan rete Ii offical tas fr apathr conay, and remsined rich sure of Itraryvocabalay in Uri. Elements of Pesan pranina have teen borrowed slong with he vorabuly, and a knowlsge of hr sential for reading terry Urdu, particu poet This chapter potent an overview of he more important Persia elements from the perspective ofthe sty of Und, but ds oof cure, tempt fo _escrhe Pesan prammat comprehensively ‘Note: where menting ofthe Persia loshwords hae changed the cent ‘Urdo meaning, rather than th orginal Persian one i piven. The Uri pronunciation, aber han he Pesan cre, sao sown THE ENCLITIC iafat (1401) taka irae, “ation i neni short vowel, pronounced in Uns a Short which joins two tous or aoe nan aestve Ths two grams functions Nout noun (pronoun) nthe ft fanton, shows «postsive selionship in which the fist oan (or pronoun belong othe eo OES 5 hukumate pista, The Goverment of Pais (role jhreman ny ding sowie of) “This ithe revere ofthe possessive wouter in Ur SS SOL SY _paksa kr haknat Pakistan's government Ob cee mein my dear ‘ten the posesive constuction with lt and he possessive wit have ferent conotaons. For example, bukina-e pin ir proper nou’ the ‘Government of Paks i fil eapactys wheres pit kia it Persian eloments in Urdu 247 ‘common noun and refers the sting government atthe time of speaking. Simi, lvean i used to adesscoe'sswerheat, whereas mE ama) ‘eased adres ny der end Noun iit acective le the second function, iit shows that he noun is moied by he ftowing el pig vst pine mnie, peat mini) fe ins vine pubic hal of adience AEDs vines private of aaiece Nore nt is my et writen in moe tents, expecially since madrn compe fonts often donot provide a systematic meas of wring i. When ‘write, tis writen as follows (@)assbseiptate( _)whenit follows «s (chy) orany consonant, (a5 (aman over tat 8) when follows 2 woud ending inthe long vowels ali. 3 (a, (€)25%~ (bara ove ebb) when it flows aia « (CDOTS, (@)s 200 (tis niter writen noe pronounced) when it fllows & word ndingin 2 (baty®, In the spoken language there a inceaing tendency omit tent in ronson, epecialy i worden in single consonaot allowing a short wel Mlb im, stdea oie: a as for nicer @ ae gly vikcsindh ‘honda vale (valley ofS) 0) ae Sys ary Sah {hens River it. vero Sinvndss) © dete jubedl ‘motion ofthe heart @ ge gy seu Sigh opiion 248 _ Urdu: An Essential Grammar WORD-FORMING AFFIXES. Persian has contd many word forming sulixes and prefixes to Ur. The folowing are some ofthe mow common affine, elaine repostions "Nor: Word with Persian nine il be found in ictonres under he sme fear as the word to which the sufix is added. Words and plses binning ‘wth prefixed prepositions mast however be loked up ander te pepoton 1402 Nominal sutines Suttees oming nouns “he asc sui nating with 8 afer words csig-a 6) deves sbtuat ots fom nuns an adc Compe Engh "esd "ship eS Oe eam nt) pies EE Saye Moen (oun) A ip ES; nda ve (sh) tage SE yada alive (a > Bang eer, "The sufies Ee, gar and ef! make agent nouns. The new aun shows & person who does, os involved with, he od no, Mio © Gees da hand datacom SAS gum sn > gig, sioner Sista © ate tts mage iar main (eit ll. opm - afin, pi adit New sous wih te suf -Bin ~via shows he “kept of hod noun, jer © Jer mB abe mds ot Ons GF Whe couch Renin, coach iver “Te safes fh thd and atin ~ ta form nuns of eatin Sig eA esl aD, ce or Bi prayer SUTST © 51 kt Altar akbar yo bar Sey Ky rg and git ty dese, 2 atime tc ge Persian elements in Urdu 240 “Te nti derives new nouns which show a plse characterize by the ol S19F El se gua, rue gnten ‘The diminutive fixes ea and for dimintives ofthe old noun oes gee cammac, ge spoon» came, easpoon Kes Ss dant hand ta nook on door ‘The si in ~ ial shows container (the six shoul be dnngusbes from di, present stem of nesta "o know’, ain sins, "cea ). Ts suffi ded net only to Perso Arabic words but alo indigenous Ure Ogee © lee ih ne that, oe ap SE SBE ete att, tape ‘Suthees forming both nouns and adjectives Posssio i shown by i, var var, ye ya and nd. i the ost produive i arming new derivations, nd sliced not only Pera Arabie ‘words but als to ndigenos Urdu words ae even Eglis Fane, Sg a sama untertening > ama, senile (LS LS ha mp Heater stamped envelope) pase Am ll ara, she HBr ences bile coef vigilant Seat © Gyr BB snes + and, senibl, inlige eslys — Sly2 dal, eth danlamand, wel ‘Sumres forming acjectves “The adjectival satin A makes dseipieadecves fom sous. BETH © OSG psa Pakistan piss, Pakisan ae Sone chat efor mehna ard-workng ‘The sli derives abate adjectives fom predict deve (536) ignpe Senge mjd present > mani, present 250 _ Urdu An Essential Gramma Predictive adjecive Bitar gt ae ale ge ‘asin aia se maid ‘The judge wa presenin he cou. ‘Atiouive ajocve SS wages ‘maga dat theerent siting) government ‘The sufi derive ver nd sce of ity om on and acne. (Compare English ly kgs = cusp deat end ation. tently SUMS elim, jst ind unjust anesy The sufies nk and gin ll oF ke new abetves of gly fom nouns, (Compe Eaglh “ous tl Shas jes emt danger aaa, dangerous SE2e 22 tam, same > tama, shametel cSape © 72 tam. shame fami, bash 1400 Proixes occurs sa pei to fous ad Pesan ve stems. Tim anmccefl( kim, desi) GLU i groan foots din < Alsesa, to knox) Jum ‘same predcive as pein in Ud 1B ay Hamat of be same cate (eat cate) sk ham musa oeligonists Ce maha, religion) 1404 Propositons Persian prepostions ate wl used refines in Urd (he exceptions ae a, ur ant, wich are less productive fan the ees). Most have thei va Persian elements in Urdu 251 15 rom, of by (authorship 5 oS tamara, east (kes few) Jy j!— apxad volar Ce mi si) 61 hej mallima igh by Allama Isl wth by 7b) basin stfety ( st participle are formed by suing pst stems, ad presen patil. 1 suliig ind th rt presen ses. ‘Occasonally spt stem occur a an Urb nn: SH silat sat (pst stem fst, ot) 2.7 Sim val past str of fda, 1 come) Both ps ant present stems cca in Urda in rowed compounds. Compounds with pst participles ate also frequent. In dictionaries, compounds we Liste ‘de theft element in the compound ‘COMPOUNDS (1407) Compounding ia very productive proces Persian Compounds can be made with two independent words (such ab nuns and adjectives), and alo with ‘dependent words and verb sts, and wih ver stems themselves The omen 254 _ Urdu: An Essential Grammar consti single word a Ur, abough the element re someties writen ‘i sterening spe, ‘Aafoctive + noun ‘The element are simpy juxtaposed. When an adjective i compounded witha folowing 2oun, theres ian adjective meaning posesing the hing cr et expres by the wo won SAAS hambex unfonate ha, ss bet foun) Sap sips Obstet, Neatl adh, good + alt appearance) late mull prosperous (a hapy + i, site) Sypos bad ply (bad bad + le, penance) JSS tang di ean, mise (mg sar + teat) ‘Noun + afeciva Anny Ca nga peand reat hig, rth panded) ‘Noun + noun ‘Th elements may joined with, an ce simpy juntos 3} heofah wound he lock i day + ab nih) jay mima ly newspaper (i, y+ ma eter) GUT ebrioa workshop ctor Qe, work + an, house) (Compounds with present stems as tho second eloment Here the poseat sem sequies te sose of present patil Au myth sucesl hm, dese + yb < yan, ban) Jick multe, reson me = Ale < xa, 0c) 218 St a gute, rtf, hasks + gue < gut, 0 pss) SL She ght sn wochmaker (ghar, watch + siz < stan to make) 254 pln esteained, bound pf, fc aad < basin, bind) Persian elements in Urdu 255 ‘Redupicaive compounds of proson stems lye sg xibamndh ones (Bresette of stant was) PS SF kab maak sgl (ka, present stom of adn, pall) Compounds with past stoms a tho socond element Salyss2 dara ppt (darn + at xt, Wish) Compounds with past patsples asthe second element sas gol! fda mari (a, mariage + a, become < fad “fun, toe, become) (3 oho lim ya educate (iin, faction + yt, ctuned «yt leap teresting dias tr, mire interesting FSS jet sap ft ter fer Fete Lake apecil dete mae spect Superative:adectvo + aia ABS Obata, wat ECS gt ih well alban, best ATO pF lames few Raman, fone eet Durr mo) eb, god beh bet very very goad FE Oe ata aa ta, west OPE 5S shay ft tn ase Gap glean ast, mot pei india 1409 Persian numbers eran crn! and orn! numbers occur in Und compounds adios. So pakone 3s two shes ea four Ee paifive a tats Sk hath seven Sy halite 3 mb ine daten ‘rains: yam, dav, vam cau, on fn ‘esto ne ie ‘pace the dhird wate approximately 3 pm. 196 pm) es yaa 15 ARABIC ELEMENTS IN URDU ‘As Unda borrows mich vocebulay from Arabic, elements of Arabic word formation ae presen Uda Tis caper presents an overview of se of he ‘more inporant Arabic elements in modem id. ‘Although many Arabic words oct in every Und, heavy Arebicined ‘Urdu is found mostly in ierary language, and is partcularly typical of dmininative langage or newspaper es. "The phonemic uatscspion ase in ther pr of hie grammar necesily replaced a this caper bya tanelieratonrepesenung be Arabic characters "Noms: where meanings ofthe Arabic loanword hve changed the crest ‘Urdu meaning, tather than the original Arbic one given. The Usd pronunciation, rae ha the Ari oo, lo shown, TRILITERAL ROOT STRUCTURE OF ARABIC WORDS The rauiexaL x01 the base structure ofthe Arabic word. Most Arabic words canis of tre root consonant, ota (afew const of foun) The ‘oel donot belong othe rou, but tothe grammatal str ofthe ngage, ‘Various derived ves, with their associated puis and Yer nouns, re formed by adding fines and vowel parts othe oo (1501. The derived prices and verbal nouns (rely the inte vers) have Been borrowed iat Urdu, and the Arabic grammatislpatierns ae evident esi in semantic ‘eluionhips between words vith he ae = Obes ~ smehnat tan mehan or variation sffeings OW eet qabul abil aghat ight nigh. seepiance capable popular prosperity reception oe ple pale lela Sm ‘Sim miami ain Sowledge scholar Kwwn——eetion teacher re ee erm angi fasim— enzzam nein am pony cere crpntaion peed sagen om 1501 Arable dtivad verb forms Arabic derives nieve forms fo simple ver! The simple ve desig {5 Fox I aod he remaining forms are numbered from Form Il Form X Form 1X doesnt ecu a Urd Each ver frm has iow eral not (VN), {cive parciple (AP) and passive participle (PP), Arabic verbal nouns and ‘ticles are common i Und, and he student wel iit rewarding ex the Frmation of vest aoun 0d pipes “The Arbic rot Jl (a), which means, is waonly wed as 2 ey 0 demonstrate the afi and vowel pattern in the dsved forms. The funtion, derivation and formation of Foams LU and X of ab are shown in ‘able 31 on p. 260 The verbal noun a psiciplestelonging to these forms tne shown in Table 32 on p. 261 Strong verbs (ers which do nt have the leter «36 (ry bas one of terrae) conform othe pate of Pats, Dictionary of Und, Classe! Hindi and English maybe consulted for ‘afomaton about he desvasions of Arabic voabuly. The aspects tinguished in the derived vets intensive, casniv, efeiv, passive) ae the radon es Abi, at Ur, whic as its o¥n Incas of forming causes or psives. Te Arabic aspects help shed ight nthe sec inks betwee elated words but ono sbi fra ditionsyy in ining the meaning fa brows Arabic word 2 Ce i en Pas Dy Ln, Cn! ind gh aa Aaa seers nuts _26 aig i is femme fas3 rong vets Foc tls do othe x ecb pate. The ive nd pene enctscten hive pe ia! frees, Te pei 1 {Foret Fs alle we. Ave ppc 3 q the ial yal, wile sive ptisipes contain shor = 33 z a4 1 ee 2 Verb cou nd partis nd a dove who: 2 fom Vim ean Na Ace Pa, Pa Pa aba iat \ Ja wu loqgiaail, 2y ioe a ay inated dd we ste i Pigprerri og ” ae ae gbegage ¢ . 2 28 $i22223 2 4 y ya et 4 ve a i wo Be eo § ot cee, oe | wy ae i PPiip i Ss Sa 214 EE £ EEEE E i a, fon 3 aoe oe B £2 Gf Fon sues vere) Bay fh 1. 7 Ge) rere Paeht G3s3 2a)E nm ania age AP PEPER, 2232 a4)4 anemone Pt EGGGlL gaia ad apenas sige peabiee 222 G45 cae ears bg eee cece uel! us elon ken PPT le 2652 _ Urs An Essental Gramma Fon (arene) Frm verbal nouns way feinn in Unt lal tal, education, is VN Hof az snow. fr tami organization, party it VN Of lamang, in (Le rai, teaches into AP of ge LE munaram, ogee, is PP of pd. Dot tates VN Hot 3p frm Compre te acive ad psi pris of Form op Spe agate, itr masawar lasted. Feri (cour, nearccn) Form lls tio oma te vos. pe hoy wa is VN pine SS maladies fe VIG ap ‘os muh ihe iol wars AP Lt age Fora V (casa) um IV has many examples in Urds. The verbal noun ad atv priciple ae ‘he pas of pech sual our. {PAL} lm slam. is WIV of gL tee oS mmustio, Musim, is APIV of oh ‘JL Iqbak prosperity coatesion, UNIV of stn, asept. Fos Vto Vi These we ess equaly found {6 tata coneon, elation, is VN Vo ang olin. ca tasavut mystic is UN V of pe tot dpe tale ene pn of JAE, tpn hr ‘eto co he ees ft eft areca eg Nc ob eet get + ah ‘Arable slemants in Urdu 269 gE mtg, conening AP VE gl Shes tttvan cooperton VN Vor Oe bp 245 Ing, ovolatn VN Vo tr. change This fom oes ete nei arangemen, VN VI of come CHEE antain,maigr maser of ceremonies AP VI Di ini secon choke, VI VI of 85 ent SEE mute coven leds FP VIF <8 THe ei dsgremen. VN VT of GE bel bind CHEE unalone AP VOTE le oun of Foe VIL (See alo “Weak vers fom of to del consonants and «5 ("1 ) takes place verbal mp 264) eA) tt, scarcer VN Vf eb, ascend, pear Sou at, union. VN Wot ny, 10 Bone. ULE muds, wish, si, PP VI 49a dese Fora X eee} nts VK of Jud. CJ matin coven awe PPX fe SIG52] eb ceo, woes VN Ke ete ep EL mtg 6 APOE Doubiedradeals Roots which have the same costo in the ssond sd thi place may Tose short vowel, less ne ofthe rails arte doubled i te patern ‘Some very commen Unda words contin doubled radicals. but ths nt sppuet un the ove ae flee, beaut in Ura fal double eorsonat inet pronounced, od wd is wl ao wien 4 Tesig hen ate a Th epg te 264 _ Urdu An Essential Grammar ote ease oe Se nat eter, ea Ge anak = Ge baa Example 9 mahigg peting hh is API of 3 be ja Compr i mahaalg cach sco AP Hof) (SB tae rach ini VN Lot) Wook vert Roots wich conan « 9 «¢ (yy) have inepueestiona pats (a) ina 5 v may be assimilated to 4 following i w or ina! © Bama (preset in Ura by | ali sus ened, bt ny be sie tothe Vowel inthe refit te (b) medial» (Vy) ae assisted wo following vowels (ofinal 5 5 (ry) is writen ass indived pups: native parcipes «s is ronousced 4, and in pstve pacpes i is pronounced A and may be writen is. The passive price are sometimes spel with | lf in Uk Exampies Bb ede AP 8 tk eingesion teen npn YN Vel 28 tiene VS att 1 im, ned, eased is APLC of 235, sand magpie, is VN Lote (rs smug, resting, is APIV (mu of 25 «3h, i pleased contetng is APL (BED of. aprve (G57 murs chosen, FP VI mata of (EL muda’, wis, elim, is P VI of «530k desi! 1 gL wt pout mae’ Arabi oloments a Urdu 285, NOUN DUALS AND PLURALS Arabic dstingises three amber: the singular, a and plat 1509. Dual form of Arabic nouns ‘he Abi ls ocing in rd la oa date va fate) pues 1504 Plural fms of Arable nouns Stic speskng. only Arabi foawords may ake Ausbic plural sfies. Many Arabic ona ave bth Abe and Ura paral ors such exes, we of ‘Arabic plural forme uly pial of formal or terry tye ‘Sound (regular plurals “The plc ulin i sed manly wth pails, alte muntazimin,niminiators (putes 5° band KE mutacin, bse fete bythe dm “The plural suits wed with nos including verbal pans. sas in {re normally the same gender ether singular. The plural nti sometimes ‘hed wth words of Persia cade og SAL © OL Mat a cumstances SHEL ELS Abgan > Mga, papers doeuents SRS Se Jangal Jona ores “The Uado mes of branes of earning ar forme with he suffix yt Land hepa n-ab, SASL sly (,lingis < OL tongue SLELe malty (f),eonomice < plas means of ielibood Broken (regula plurals Broken plurals re formed by changing the vowel pater of he sigue 2008 ‘There me numerous broken plural aes, of whih te more common are 256 _ Urdu: An Essonial Grammar listed below. Broken pra in Unda are ormally the same gear as hei sigue. ouaie “he rel srcture of words with doubled rails comes apparent fom ther broken plural a (3) speed and he vomets ae changed the ptr wk? Sel gS abt, es JL mbar news anh, newapper (The vowels ar changs. tthe pte ale ple “>, cess GA OS aga hag eh (©) Te vows ae tage othe pate a Fe nth nad, oaks (@)Te vowel re chnged othe pater i'l (Wa ica, tat he fl is generaly bot writen is rds). This pater espa of pails ofthe ater land ao some capes oF 1 pe “tn oar religous scolas ull UL ty tah gta, seer (6) The vowels te changed othe pater fa (erignlyf4'W in Arabi), ‘Thispatern may our with APT, ut pel hndles Sted fu-cnsonat rts which do not contain ig vows 205 AB rida > tan, nei (c VN Hof score) gL Ags masld > maid, moxqus (nn of place of sn) (0 The second atc is doubled, andthe vowels changed, tthe pater Tais yea of APIO, (SL © pS kin plies fils. cmmanlen * Died neuterenveneae means tor ‘Arable olomentsin Urdu 267 (@) 14) is niet and he vowel prem willbe aB4. This pater spicy andes derived fowr-consonat pater which contain ang second vowel ‘Verbal oun of Foe Il (afl) alvays conan fog 1a th second vows ashe © aya tame Sets ae ts a, ent (ha) spt and he vel chang he pers a. Ti i {Sram when he wort Wek sro eda ied snd he oun ‘sonora ig Us © 5 asa ae Si Sb tan > ater, ysis wth asiiaon of dosed) Ud noan wih Arabia rr ams do mt kt Ud bie a wii Sibl Foiss vans pnt ‘epemison i on pens ‘The sales presented a eto, Compa: Fa pie Supde its a Sapa ‘The scents pened pein [ARABIC PREPOSITIONS AND PARTICLES 1505 Prepesiions Nore: Te following re only afew Azaic prepositions. Prases begining with ‘Arab pepstons mos e looked up ude the preposition nico. Shiver Seg Mat percent She BM per year 258 Uru: An Essential Grammar Arabic elomentsn Urdu 269 sit SL ik completely (+a see 51597) Grail lta detailed (+ atta se $1507) othe stove example, he dfn aril lis iia tthe in tats cause tia ami Sn) lear. Seo $1807 Jl tor, tor A Al ata ah, Prise te 1 Go 1506. Noga parties 1470 ot, swthout (absolute negation) DEY i cube + Ma, weament) Sipe Yara answers, matchless + ava answer) alr, un, non “lesa noun in Arabic (stranger) and the words below would be analysed ws ‘ou no compounds in that langage In Urdu occ as a ou aly ‘he compound pstpostion bai ($331). le hn absent ue + i, present) (Lamu frig (a+ mld +fav sli) MISCELLANEOUS 1507 Tho dette article “The Arabic definite article, ab occur in some borrowed phrases and proper rae. The vowel win the article is asiilted fo the ial vowel ofthe preseing noun tora). SAL py (etynum bbs) yum wba the Day of Reckoning ule ‘ahé-l-hagg (<*abdu a-hagg) Servant ofthe Truth (Goa ya ‘ik (<* ial i the woe Bis a repostin (61505) completely Ihe deft aril ocus before a word bepnning with any ofthe following (dental or alveole) consonants: OS BL Bp yj Ssee (called Sas or“un ete in Arabic) the assim othe follwing lower pronunciation. Is writen a though were pronounced pelle ‘ahd-ur-ahmin (ibd ab-rahms) Servant the Compassionate (Gea) Ske ph ‘slimy Waikum (<* asl ‘stus) Peace boon eu. 1508 Noure of pace ‘Nouns of place have the paternal nd mai Jn maj, moigie(< J prostate ones ia prayer) 1509 Nouns of instrument ‘Noun of insruent have the pater mia and mila (te second i ae in Uae) che mia, key (< gb open) She man scales (< Oj weigh) 270 _ Urdu: An Essential Grammar 1510 Elawe ‘The live ompurtiveand sypelaiveof ae) has the pater ‘afak* 275) akbar bier. biggest — kablr big [257 ago. osualy. often & kat, bundane 1511 Sutives ‘Arsbic adverbs ending in - ave been borowed ino Ui Thee ae writen ‘with "(via which is usually weiten over |, but may be writen Ofer ‘The Arbie noun from which the adverb is derived may also fund in Urdu, sought seman connection between the two isnot lays obo. bi raked wi a Ts Obit en as Onsqu ene 7 16 7.283896 Obige imperil i — m8 oe ers vs nique ive - be aed Na —— te —— he tet oan 7 et atmos bts rotous alot fr PB nn aa “Once we oe 7 nse Onin nines. 2.208 ane 6 ~ 7.30 — 7 TN nna 86 cooecie nee, 86 Imerectve a 9, 118.176180, pete, 0 124.196, 1806 Sedat. ra 2's 6 etal 17697, 1862 (ede Note 190.185 Pesce —— ceed Pre, ——— ae Pave Sted —— 0 Pane of meaty — : 1 Patines cenerecese=—— i Ppt se ‘Se Rete pu ese Pastones a - ~ 9 7 — Sonn eeaionrearssestgessubesneeseoeenee-50 = ass —— presence ee | Perec ae — 0,126 Peeve rile SB L116, 1008 van — aad yaa. mers Soa 296 _ Urdu: An Essontial Grammar Indox 297 a i rele z a 46 inept en a rive = wa rene : : ines Propet, meng a sev te. a st Pete. “ ~ ‘91128 ‘erent is Pas = aw tana Fermin. Scan BBL Perman campus ed sueaien 26 ® Pesan ee “N67 bowing re 8 oo cmpounh ass ad. : : (Gementsisede Mest Rellesieposesive ah ~ umber “ 3 ateves == “ postin. : — 302 Revere. fe deine 80 Reve adverb = vero sens 8 fame a —— as. 199 stp be as othe Ps prses deca merry eave pone = Proms of Ae une — 2687 Reiive wot en rl mafia, Perisn. - 22 ‘sowed yt Powers ast flowed define wend = Ps oetacion wih ii 267 ——— Pein So. is46 Reaves once Positions as ete teen ~ oboceton wie 7380 ene pateme. - fepted n 814,133 eget fore erences es incr, - = : ta Regine pate ~ ~ 20 Rost wth stra edo : ‘eposton, Fea. ee ‘Pr stn i s Bb re) a — —_—--—— ‘sent pre, ‘Selamat pte a = nn 8 Penmpton a Sok ~ is Progen ‘sie sn ae. = 7 ca Prtoen Sehwadeetonson sl “roerarxive es Single paste —— - ry a a = ~ ae noni eens Shive vee a naar ea ‘nee — Sipalaie ne cae - aa 88 ‘nerepane - : ‘ti a - 7 oo ——— ‘Sines mare = ~ ne eel —_ arte a ise soseraseeeseen ek a 45,88, 10,1051 2s ‘55100 2040 ” ” 1618 eo 8 8,130 15,165, falowing paper pops peomaeae as inabetilpses once a ‘companion fagestnes er ating aj — 5 suing te sen me 734 15 ten oa 2827) rod — 29a i r =. —— coe BABE ae - eSB aa oS 76.88 Tm — 7 “ 0520.75, = ~ at - 251 — oe aes neces er ~ “or. 200308 315 oueeeeet - 216 “Tense vere ~ ie be - eerie whch etnies ‘Trai wi emanate vo — eee ” Indox_ 290 u — —— 82.56 pie wis cactus are oo or Ustuleise cantios ie ‘Unimnond aen, oS 378 nn — S236 tint as atm — 20 wet : = 52.54 rae = “so, 2 vie ——_ = 2, 38,212.214 va a i901 = aoe “45.02. 139,1978 = 1 Se ao ag, wk Vesor vn : c 1 ‘aida = oe a — ius at 190 a : as hat — 930 seat — - 137 = — os a an isos te es —————— Eecceseenensseees es obocuon with poses. rsa inns. mo ta = = 123 fof fr aed on 17,8, 96117, 163 Vera nas, Ari pererncessaies Sabi w. —_- isir.212204 ‘ees es - on. hs — a 255212214 ~ 157.212.214 26.18 8 O18, TT ~ 86,185

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