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Arizona´s law SB1070 Or “Support our public order forces and safe

neighborhoods” is a law from Arizona state which represents the biggest and
most strict measure against illegal immigration from the last decade. It has
received a large amount of attention. National and internationally speaking,
and has created big controversy because it makes people without documents
criminals, and everyone who can resemble an immigrant only by physical look,
being American citizens or immigrants, legal or illegal.

This law was signed by Governor Jan Brewer in April 23, 2010. It´s scheduled to
be active in July 29, 2010. At July 28, 24 hours before it´s start of activity, Judge
Susan Bolton from Phoenix, ordered the suspension of it´s most controversial
parts, the ones that criminalize immigrants.

I disagree with this law because the fact that your aspect is different from
others isn´t reason enough to be arrested or be considered a dangerous person
for society. Considering that in Arizona a great part of the population is Latin,
most of them working for companies of that state, it´s necessary to make an
arrangement that helps both parts. In first place Latins make all that work that
American people don´t want to do, and was done first by black people but by
the development they don´t do anymore, but without it, this state wouldn´t
what it is, but by the other side Arizona gives a kind of work that if it existed in
their homelands, they wouldn´t need to search for it in other countries.

In conclusion it is necessary to establish the migratory reforms in each country

and give some flexibility, because every person who works there supports the
development of the state, so it is necessary to establish this kind of laws
paying attention to a lot of aspects and make clear that it´s not necessary to
vreak individual rights to reach the objective.

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